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Books > Social sciences > Sociology, social studies > Social groups & communities > Religious groups

Religious Minority Students in Higher Education (Paperback): Yoruba T. Mutakabbir, Tariqah A. Nuriddin Religious Minority Students in Higher Education (Paperback)
Yoruba T. Mutakabbir, Tariqah A. Nuriddin
R1,026 Discovery Miles 10 260 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The most recent addition to the Key Issues on Diverse College Students series bridges theory to practice in order to help student affairs and higher education professionals understand the needs and experiences of religious minorities on college campuses. Religious Minority Students in Higher Education explores existing literature and research on religious minorities on American college campuses, discusses the challenges and needs of religious minorities on campus, and provides best practices and recommendations. Providing a foundational, nuanced approach to religious minorities in the American college context, this important resource will help educators at colleges and universities promote religious pluralism and tolerance to support student learning outcomes and campus inclusion among students of diverse religious backgrounds.

In Defense of Religious Moderation (Paperback): William Egginton In Defense of Religious Moderation (Paperback)
William Egginton
R864 Discovery Miles 8 640 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In his latest book, William Egginton laments the current debate over religion in America, in which religious fundamentalists have set the tone of political discourse-no one can get elected without advertising a personal relation to God, for example-and prominent atheists treat religious belief as the root of all evil. Neither of these positions, Egginton argues, adequately represents the attitudes of a majority of Americans who, while identifying as Christians, Jews, and Muslims, do not find fault with those who support different faiths and philosophies. In fact, Egginton goes so far as to question whether fundamentalists and atheists truly oppose each other, united as they are in their commitment to a "code of codes." In his view, being a religious fundamentalist does not require adhering to a particular religious creed. Fundamentalists-and stringent atheists-unconsciously believe that the methods we use to understand the world are all versions of an underlying master code. This code of codes represents an ultimate truth, explaining everything. Surprisingly, perhaps the most effective weapon against such thinking is religious moderation, a way of believing that questions the very possibility of a code of codes as the source of all human knowledge. The moderately religious, with their inherent skepticism toward a master code, are best suited to protect science, politics, and other diverse strains of knowledge from fundamentalist attack, and to promote a worldview based on the compatibility between religious faith and scientific method.

When Children Draw Gods - A Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Children's Representations of Supernatural... When Children Draw Gods - A Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Children's Representations of Supernatural Agents (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2023)
Pierre-Yves Brandt, Zhargalma Dandarova Robert, Christelle Cocco, Dominique Vinck, Frederic Darbellay
R1,348 Discovery Miles 13 480 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This open access book explores how children draw god. It looks at children's drawings collected in a large variety of cultural and religious traditions. Coverage demonstrates the richness of drawing as a method for studying representations of the divine. In the process, it also contributes to our understanding of this concept, its origins, and its development. This intercultural work brings together scholars from different disciplines and countries, including Switzerland, Japan, Russia, Iran, Brazil, and the Netherlands. It does more than share the results of their research and analysis. The volume also critically examines the contributions and limitations of this methodology. In addition, it also reflects on the new empirical and theoretical perspectives within the broader framework of the study of this concept. The concept of god is one of the most difficult to grasp. This volume offers new insights by focusing on the many different ways children depict god throughout the world. Readers will discover the importance of spatial imagery and color choices in drawings of god. They will also learn about how the divine's emotional expression correlates to age, gender, and religiosity as well as strategies used by children who are prohibited from representing their god.

Violence and Peace in Sacred Texts - Interreligious Perspectives (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2023): Maria Power, Helen Paynter Violence and Peace in Sacred Texts - Interreligious Perspectives (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2023)
Maria Power, Helen Paynter
R3,620 Discovery Miles 36 200 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This volume brings together 11 experts from a range of religious backgrounds, to consider how each tradition has interpreted matters of violence and peace in relation to its sacred text. The traditions covered are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. The role of religion in conflict, war, and the creation of peaceful settlements has attracted much academic attention, including considerations of the interpretation of violence in sacred texts. This collection breaks new ground by bringing multiple faiths into conversation with one another with specific regard to the handling of violence and peace in sacred texts. This combination of close attention to text and expansive scope of religious inclusion is the first of its kind.

Deutschland 2020 - Wie Wir Morgen Leben - Prognosen Der Wissenschaft (German, Hardcover, 2nd 2., Erw. Aufl. 2006 ed.): Horst W.... Deutschland 2020 - Wie Wir Morgen Leben - Prognosen Der Wissenschaft (German, Hardcover, 2nd 2., Erw. Aufl. 2006 ed.)
Horst W. Opaschowski
R2,330 Discovery Miles 23 300 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Wohin driftet Deutschland? Was kommt wirklich auf uns zu? Wohlstandsverlust oder Leistungssteigerung, Konsumverzicht oder neue Lebenslust? Wie werden wir in Zukunft arbeiten und leben? Opaschowski wirft einen Blick in die Zukunft der nachsten Jahre. Anschaulich und engagiert.
Die Welt im Wandel - der Mensch im Mittelpunkt: Dies ist das Grundanliegen des Autors im Spannungsfeld von Vision und Verantwortung. "Deutschland 2020" ist ein wissenschaftlich abgesicherter Zukunftsreport und kein Trendbericht uber Kurzlebiges. Das Buch gibt verlassliche Antworten auf die Frage: Wie werden - ja, wie wollen wir in Zukunft leben?


This Tilting World (Paperback): Colette Fellous This Tilting World (Paperback)
Colette Fellous; Translated by Sophie Lewis; Foreword by Michele Roberts
R385 R320 Discovery Miles 3 200 Save R65 (17%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia: on the night after the terrorist attack killing thirty-eight tourists on the nearby beach of Sousse, a woman sits facing the sea, and attempts to take stock. Personal tragedies soon resurface, the unexpected deaths of a dear friend - a fellow writer who died just weeks ago at sea, having forsaken the work that had given his life meaning - and of her father, a quiet man who had left all that he held dear in Tunisia to emigrate to France in his later years. Through childhood memories and the prism of modern French classics, the story of Tunisia's Jewish community is pieced together. Shifting from Tunisia to Paris to a Flaubertian village in Normandy, Colette Fellous embarks on a Proustian lyrical journey, in which she gives voice to loved ones silenced by death and to those often unheard in life. Her love letter and adieu to her native country becomes an archive - or refuge - for stories of human resilience.

The Power of the Nath Yogis - Yogic Charisma, Political Influence and Social Authority (Hardcover): Daniela Bevilacqua, Eloisa... The Power of the Nath Yogis - Yogic Charisma, Political Influence and Social Authority (Hardcover)
Daniela Bevilacqua, Eloisa Stuparich
R4,291 Discovery Miles 42 910 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The volume collects a series of contributions that help reconstruct the recent history of the Nath tradition, highlighting important moments of self.reinterpretation in the sampradaya's interaction with different social milieus. The leitmotif tying together the selection of articles is the authors' explorations of the overlap between religious authority and political power. For example, in which ways do the Naths' hagiographical claim of possessing yogic charisma (often construed as supernatural powers, siddhis) translate into mundane expressions of socio-political power? And how does it morph into the authority to reinterpret and recreate particular traditions? The articles approach different aspects of the recent history of the Nath sampradaya, spanning from stories of yogis guiding kings in the petty principalities of the eighteenth century to gurus who sought prominence in the transnational environments of the twentieth century; examining some Nath lineages and institutions under the British Raj, in the history of Nepal, and in contemporary India.

Culture and Sustainability - Exploring Stability and  Transformation with the Cultures Framework (Paperback, 1st ed. 2023):... Culture and Sustainability - Exploring Stability and Transformation with the Cultures Framework (Paperback, 1st ed. 2023)
Janet Stephenson
R1,392 Discovery Miles 13 920 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This Open access book brings a cultural lens, and a distinctive analytical framework, to the problem of transitioning to a sustainable, low-carbon future.  The world faces a seemingly impossible hurdle – to radically alter long-established social, economic and technological systems in order to live within the biophysical limits of the globe, while ensuring a just and enduring transition.  The overarching premise of this book is that this cannot be achieved without widespread cultural change.  ‘We need a change in culture’ is often used rhetorically, but what does this really mean? Stephenson starts by exploring culture’s elusiveness, describing its divergent interpretations before identifying core features of culture that are common across most definitions.  These characteristics form the core of the cultures framework, an extensively tested approach to studying the links between culture and sustainability outcomes. The framework makes culture an accessible concept which can be analytically applied to almost any sustainability problem. Using many examples from around the world, Stephenson illustrates how cultural stability, cultural flexibility and cultural transformation all have a part to play in the sustainability transition.  She guides the reader in the use of the cultures framework for policy development and to underpin research undertaken by individuals or by multi-disciplinary teams. Clearly and engagingly written, Culture and Sustainability is essential reading for academics, students, policy makers and indeed anyone interested in a sustainable future. 

Outsiders at Home - The Politics of American Islamophobia (Paperback): Nazita Lajevardi Outsiders at Home - The Politics of American Islamophobia (Paperback)
Nazita Lajevardi
R616 Discovery Miles 6 160 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Discrimination against Muslim Americans has soared over the last two decades with hostility growing especially acute since 2016 - in no small part due to targeted attacks by policymakers and media. Outsiders at Home offers the first systematic, empirically driven examination of status of Muslim Americans in US democracy, evaluating the topic from a variety of perspectives. To what extent do Muslim Americans face discrimination by legislators, the media, and the general public? What trends do we see over time, and how have conditions shifted? What, if anything, can be done to reverse course? How do Muslim Americans view their position, and what are the psychic and sociopolitical tolls? Answering each of these questions, Nazita Lajevardi shows that the rampant, mostly negative discussion of Muslims in media and national discourse has yielded devastating political and social consequences.

Gott oder Darwin? - Vernunftiges Reden uber Schoepfung und Evolution (German, Hardcover, 2008 ed.): Joachim Klose, Jochen Oehler Gott oder Darwin? - Vernunftiges Reden uber Schoepfung und Evolution (German, Hardcover, 2008 ed.)
Joachim Klose, Jochen Oehler
R2,308 Discovery Miles 23 080 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Gott oder Darwin?

Widersprechen sich die Bilder der Religionen und die Theorien der Naturwissenschaften oder sind sie komplementare Darstellungsweisen einer Wirklichkeit? Wahrend Naturwissenschaften beschreiben, wie sich die Welt entwickelt hat und kausal den Wirklichkeitsprozess erklaren, geben Religionen jeweils eine Antwort darauf, wozu die Welt geschaffen wurde, und beschreiben sie teleologisch.

Das Buch Gott oder Darwin?" spannt einen Bogen, der eine konstruktive Auseinandersetzung von Schopfung und Evolution ermoglichen soll. Die Beitrage namhafter Vertreter der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften belegen, dass Schopfung und Evolution keine Gegensatze sein mussen, aber verschiedene Intentionen verfolgen und Bilder pragen. Trotz dieser Unterschiedlichkeit verbindet sie die Erkenntnis, dass Grenzuberschreitungen zu Verzerrungen fuhren, die den jeweiligen Anspruchen nicht gerecht werden.

Evolution und Schopfung im konstruktiven Dialog"

The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land, 1190-1291 (Paperback): Nicholas Morton The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land, 1190-1291 (Paperback)
Nicholas Morton
R855 Discovery Miles 8 550 Ships in 9 - 15 working days

A detailed study of the Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land, covering both their military and administrative affairs. The Teutonic Order was founded in 1190 to provide medical care for crusaders in the kingdom of Jerusalem. In time, it assumed a military role and played an important part in the defence of the Christian territories in the EasternMediterranean and in the Baltic regions of Prussia and Livonia; in the Levant, it fought against the neighbouring Islamic powers, whilst managing their turbulent relations with their patrons in the papacy and the German Empire. Asthe Order grew, it colonised territories in Prussia and Livonia, forcing it to address how it distributed its resources between its geographically-spread communities. Similarly, the brethren also needed to develop an organisational framework that could support the conduct of war on frontiers that were divided by hundreds of miles. This book - the first comprehensive analysis of the Order in the Holy Land - explores the formative years of this powerful international institution and places its deeds in the Levant within the context of the wider Christian, pagan and Islamic world. It examines the challenges that shaped its identity and the masters who planned its policies. Dr NICHOLAS MORTON is Lecturer in History at Nottingham Trent University.

The Amish (Paperback): Donald B Kraybill, Karen M. Johnson-Weiner, Steven M. Nolt The Amish (Paperback)
Donald B Kraybill, Karen M. Johnson-Weiner, Steven M. Nolt
R737 Discovery Miles 7 370 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Companion to the acclaimed PBS American Experience documentary. Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Choice ACRL The Amish have always struggled with the modern world. Known for their simple clothing, plain lifestyle, and horse-and-buggy mode of transportation, Amish communities continually face outside pressures to modify their cultural patterns, social organization, and religious world view. An intimate portrait of Amish life, The Amish explores not only the emerging diversity and evolving identities within this distinctive American ethnic community, but also its transformation and geographic expansion. Donald B. Kraybill, Karen M. Johnson-Weiner, and Steven M. Nolt spent twenty-five years researching Amish history, religion, and culture. Drawing on archival material, direct observations, and oral history, the authors provide an authoritative and sensitive understanding of Amish society. Amish people do not evangelize, yet their numbers in North America have grown from a small community of some 6,000 people in the early 1900s to a thriving population of more than 320,000 today. The largest populations are found in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana, with additional communities in twenty-eight other states and three Canadian provinces. The authors argue that the intensely private and insular Amish have devised creative ways to negotiate with modernity that have enabled them to thrive in America. The transformation of the Amish in the American imagination from "backward bumpkins" to media icons poses provocative questions. What does the Amish story reveal about the American character, popular culture, and mainstream values? Richly illustrated, The Amish is the definitive portrayal of the Amish in America in the twenty-first century.

Tibetan Buddhism in Diaspora - Cultural re-signification in practice and institutions (Hardcover): Ana Lopes Tibetan Buddhism in Diaspora - Cultural re-signification in practice and institutions (Hardcover)
Ana Lopes
R4,810 Discovery Miles 48 100 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The imperialist ambitions of China - which invaded Tibet in the late 1940s - have sparked the spectacular spread of Tibetan Buddhism worldwide, and especially in western countries. This work is a study on the malleability of a particular Buddhist tradition; on its adaptability in new contexts. The book analyses the nature of the Tibetan Buddhism in the Diaspora. It examines how the re-signification of Tibetan Buddhist practices and organizational structures in the present refers back to the dismantlement of the Tibetan state headed by the Dalai Lama and the fragmentation of Tibetan Buddhist religious organizations in general. It includes extensive multi-sited fieldwork conducted in the United States, Brazil, Europe, and Asia and a detailed analysis of contemporary documents relating to the global spread of Tibetan Buddhism. The author demonstrates that there is a "de-institutionalized" and "de-territorialized" project of political power and religious organization, which, among several other consequences, engenders the gradual "autonomization" of lamas and lineages inside the religious field of Tibetan Buddhism. Thus, a spectre of these previous institutions continues to exist outside their original contexts, and they are continually activated in ever-new settings. Using a combination of two different academic traditions - namely, the Brazilian anthropological tradition and the American Buddhist studies tradition - it investigates the "process of cultural re-signification" of Tibetan Buddhism in the context of its Diaspora. Thus, it will be a valuable resource to students and scholars of Asian Religion, Asian Studies and Buddhism.

Orthodox Identities in Western Europe - Migration, Settlement and Innovation (Hardcover, New Ed): Maria Hammerli, Jean-Francois... Orthodox Identities in Western Europe - Migration, Settlement and Innovation (Hardcover, New Ed)
Maria Hammerli, Jean-Francois Mayer
R4,531 Discovery Miles 45 310 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The Orthodox migration in the West matters, despite its unobtrusive presence. And it matters in a way that has not yet been explored in social and religious studies: in terms of size, geographical scope, theological input and social impact. This book explores the adjustment of Orthodox migrants and their churches to Western social and religious contexts in different scenarios. This variety is consistent with Orthodox internal diversity regarding ethnicity, migration circumstances, Church-State relations and in line with the specificities of the receiving country in terms of religious landscape, degree of secularisation, legal treatment of immigrant religious institutions or socio-economic configurations. Exploring how Orthodox identities develop when displaced from traditional ground where they are socially and culturally embedded, this book offers fresh insights into Orthodox identities in secular, religiously pluralistic social contexts.

Education about Religions and Worldviews - Promoting Intercultural and Interreligious Understanding in Secular Societies... Education about Religions and Worldviews - Promoting Intercultural and Interreligious Understanding in Secular Societies (Paperback)
Anna Halafoff, Elisabeth Arweck, Donald Boisvert
R1,379 Discovery Miles 13 790 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This volume presents the findings of a number of empirical and theoretical studies on education about religions and worldviews (ERW) conducted in the Western societies of Britain, Ireland, Canada, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, Australia and Canada. Educational programmes about diverse religions and worldviews began to be investigated and implemented as strategies to encourage interreligious understanding and social cohesion, particularly following the 2005 London bombings when a fear of youth radicalisation and home-grown terrorism became prevalent. In addition, as a growing number of people in Western societies, and young people especially, declare themselves to have no religious affiliation, state actors are currently grappling with the reality that we are living in increasingly multifaith and non-religious societies and government education systems have become places of contestation as a result of these changes. This volume examines ERW research and policies in a number of diverse places in the hope of identifying common themes, overlapping insights and best practices that can inform research and policy for religious literacy and interreligious understanding in other contexts. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Intercultural Studies.

Stepchildren of the Shtetl - The Destitute, Disabled, and Mad of Jewish Eastern Europe, 1800-1939 (Hardcover): Natan M Meir Stepchildren of the Shtetl - The Destitute, Disabled, and Mad of Jewish Eastern Europe, 1800-1939 (Hardcover)
Natan M Meir
R3,664 Discovery Miles 36 640 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Memoirs of Jewish life in the east European shtetl often recall the hekdesh (town poorhouse) and its residents: beggars, madmen and madwomen, disabled people, and poor orphans. Stepchildren of the Shtetl tells the story of these marginalized figures from the dawn of modernity to the eve of the Holocaust. Combining archival research with analysis of literary, cultural, and religious texts, Natan M. Meir recovers the lived experience of Jewish society's outcasts and reveals the central role that they came to play in the drama of modernization. Those on the margins were often made to bear the burden of the nation as a whole, whether as scapegoats in moments of crisis or as symbols of degeneration, ripe for transformation by reformers, philanthropists, and nationalists. Shining a light into the darkest corners of Jewish society in eastern Europe-from the often squalid poorhouse of the shtetl to the slums and insane asylums of Warsaw and Odessa, from the conscription of poor orphans during the reign of Nicholas I to the cholera wedding, a magical ritual in which an epidemic was halted by marrying outcasts to each other in the town cemetery-Stepchildren of the Shtetl reconsiders the place of the lowliest members of an already stigmatized minority.

Historisch-Genetische Theorie Der Kultur - Instabile Welten - Zur Prozessualen Logik Im Kulturellen Wandel (German, Hardcover,... Historisch-Genetische Theorie Der Kultur - Instabile Welten - Zur Prozessualen Logik Im Kulturellen Wandel (German, Hardcover, 4th 4. Aufl. 2017 ed.)
Gunter Dux
R1,961 Discovery Miles 19 610 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Preacher Woman - A Critical Look at Sexism without Sexists (Hardcover): Katie Lauve-Moon Preacher Woman - A Critical Look at Sexism without Sexists (Hardcover)
Katie Lauve-Moon
R2,832 Discovery Miles 28 320 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

When organizations are committed to gender equality, what gets in the way of their achieving it? How and why do well-intentioned people end up reinforcing sexism? Katie Lauve-Moon examines these questions by focusing on religious congregations that separated from their mainline denomination in order to support women's equal leadership. In Preacher Woman, Lauve-Moon concentrates on congregations affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). Women are enrolling in Baptist seminaries at almost equal rates as men and CBF identifies the equal leadership of women as a core component of its collective identity, yet only five percent of CBF congregations employ women as solo senior pastors. Preacher Woman explores how congregations can be committed to ideas of gender parity while still falling short in practice. Lauve-Moon investigates how institutional sexism is upheld through both unconscious and conscious biases. In doing so, she demonstrates that addressing issues of sexism and gender inequality within organizations must extend beyond good intentions and inclusive policies.

Revealing the Sacred in Asian and Pacific America (Paperback): Jane Iwamura, Paul Spickard Revealing the Sacred in Asian and Pacific America (Paperback)
Jane Iwamura, Paul Spickard
R1,439 Discovery Miles 14 390 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Asian and Pacific Islander Americans constitute the fastest-growing racial group in the United States. They are also one of the most religiously diverse. Through them Asian traditions such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Confucianism, and Buddhism have been introduced into every major American city and across a wide swath of Middle America. The contributors to this volume provide an essential inter-disciplinary resource for the study of Asian and Pacific Islander American religion.

Disunity in Christ - Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep Us Apart (Paperback): Christena Cleveland Disunity in Christ - Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep Us Apart (Paperback)
Christena Cleveland
R530 R454 Discovery Miles 4 540 Save R76 (14%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Winner of a 2013 Leadership Journal Book Award ("Our Very Short List" in "The Leader's Outer Life" category) Despite Jesus' prayer that all Christians "be one," divisions have been epidemic in the body of Christ from the beginning to the present. We cluster in theological groups, gender groups, age groups, ethnic groups, educational and economic groups. We criticize freely those who disagree with us, don't look like us, don't act like us and don't even like what we like. Though we may think we know why this happens, Christena Cleveland says we probably don't. In this eye-opening book, learn the hidden reasons behind conflict and divisions. Learn: Why I think all my friends are unique but those in other groups are all the same Why little differences often become big sources of conflict Why categorizing others is often automatic and helpful but can also have sinister side effects Why we are so often victims of groupthink and how we can avoid it Why women think men are judging them more negatively than men actually are, and vice versa Why choices of language can actually affect unity With a personal touch and the trained eye of a social psychologist, Cleveland brings to bear the latest studies and research on the unseen dynamics at work that tend to separate us from others. Learn why Christians who have a heart for unity have such a hard time actually uniting. The author provides real insight for ministry leaders who have attempted to build bridges across boundaries. Here are the tools we need to understand how we can overcome the hidden forces that divide us.

The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber (Hardcover): Edith Hanke, Lawrence A. Scaff, Sam Whimster The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber (Hardcover)
Edith Hanke, Lawrence A. Scaff, Sam Whimster
R4,313 Discovery Miles 43 130 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Active at the time when the social sciences were founded, Max Weber's social theory contributed significantly to a wide range of fields and disciplines. Considering his prominence, it makes sense to take stock of the Weberian heritage and to explore the ways in which Weber's work and ideas have contributed to our understanding of the modern world. Using his work as a point of departure, The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber investigates the Weberian legacy today, identifying the enduring problems and themes associated with his thought that have contemporary significance: the nature of modern capitalism, neo-liberal global economic policy, nationalism, religion and secularization, threats to legality, the culture of modernity, bureaucratic rule and leadership, politics and ethics, the value of science, power and inequality. These problems are global in scope, and the Weberian approach has been used to address them in very different societies. Thus, the Handbook also features chapters on Europe, Turkey, Islam, Judaism, China, India, and international politics. The Handbook emphasizes the use and application of Weber's ideas. It offers a journey through the intellectual terrain that scholars continue to explore using the tools and perspectives of Weberian analysis. The essays explore how Weber's concepts, hypotheses, and perspectives have been applied in practice, and how they can be applied in the future in social inquiry, not only in Europe and North America, but globally. The volume is divided into six parts exploring, in turn: Capitalism in a Globalized World, Society and Social Structure, Politics and the State, Religion, Culture, and Science and Knowledge.

The Saints of Santa Ana - Faith and Ethnicity in a Mexican Majority City (Hardcover): Jonathan E. Calvillo The Saints of Santa Ana - Faith and Ethnicity in a Mexican Majority City (Hardcover)
Jonathan E. Calvillo
R2,948 Discovery Miles 29 480 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Catholicism has long been the dominant religion among ethnic Mexicans in the U.S. Recent shifts, however, have challenged the traditional association between Mexican ethnicity and Catholicism. Evangelical Protestantism has emerged as a notable alternative of ethnic identity expression for ethnic Mexicans. This book takes readers into the thriving Mexican-majority neighborhoods of Santa Ana, California, a city once dubbed the hardest place to live in the U.S. There, Jonathan E. Calvillo explores how religious practices permeate the fabric of everyday social interactions for Mexican immigrants. How does faith shape these immigrants' sense of ethnic identity? To answer this question, The Saints of Santa Ana compares the experiences of Catholic and Evangelical Mexican immigrants-the two largest religious groupings in the city. Drawing on five years of participant observation and in-depth interviews, this book argues that religious affiliations set Catholics and Evangelicals along diverging trajectories with regard to ethnic identity. In particular, Calvillo argues, Catholics and Evangelicals have differing perspectives on collective memory and ethnic community. The Saints of Santa Ana offers a rich portrait of a fascinating American community.

The Sikh Diaspora - The Search For Statehood (Hardcover): Darsham Singh Tatla The Sikh Diaspora - The Search For Statehood (Hardcover)
Darsham Singh Tatla
R4,779 Discovery Miles 47 790 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book offers an overview of the Sikh diaspora, exploring the relationship between home and host states and between migrant and indigenous communities. The book considers the implications of history and politics of the Sikh diaspora for nationality, citizenship and sovereignity. The text should serve as a supplementary text for undergraduates and postgraduates on courses in race, ethnicity and international migration within sociology, politics, international relations, Asian history, and human geography. In particular, it should serve as a core text for Sikh/Punjab courses within Asian studies.

The Changing Leadership Roles of Dedes in the Alevi Movement - Ethnographic Studies on Alevi Associations in Turkey and Germany... The Changing Leadership Roles of Dedes in the Alevi Movement - Ethnographic Studies on Alevi Associations in Turkey and Germany from the 1990s to the Present (Paperback)
Deniz Cosan Eke
R1,324 Discovery Miles 13 240 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

What is the function of clerical leadership in Alevism based on sociocultural and political understandings? To answer that complex question, Deniz Cosan Eke examines the political, cultural, and religious debates surrounding Alevis and the Alevi movement in relation to the ideas and claims of the Turkish state, Alevi communities in Turkey, and migrant Alevi communities in Germany. The book, which focuses on the emergence of collective emotions in religious rituals, the struggle of religious groups in migration processes, and the leadership role of clergy in social movements, is of great interest to a wide readership.

Everyday Life in the Postmodern World - An Introduction to Cultural Studies (Paperback, 1st ed. 2022): Arthur Asa Berger Everyday Life in the Postmodern World - An Introduction to Cultural Studies (Paperback, 1st ed. 2022)
Arthur Asa Berger
R1,585 Discovery Miles 15 850 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This introductory textbook familiarizes students with ideas of key thinkers and perspectives related to postmodern thought and everyday life. The book is unique in that it offers selections from key passages of works of important thinkers as well as from some of the author's own publications that serve as examples of how to interpret various aspects of culture. The book draws in readers with its engaging and conversational style and use of cases, illustrations and photographs, including fun discussions on everyday life under pandemic restrictions. This is a must read for students taking courses in sociology, cultural anthropology, culture and media studies, linguistics, social philosophy, and for specific courses on postmodernism.

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