Books > Sport & Leisure > Transport: general interest > Road & motor vehicles: general interest
Models 706, 756, 806, 856, 1206, 1256, 1456, 2706, 2756, 2806,
2856, 21206, 21256, 21456
Haynes manuals are written specifically for the do-it-yourselfer,
yet are complete enough to be used by professional mechanics. Since
1960 Haynes has produced manuals written from hands-on experience
based on a vehicle teardown with hundreds of photos and
illustrations, making Haynes the world leader in automotive repair
Haynes Audi A4 repair manual contains step-by-step instructions
accompanied by hundreds of photographs to help you with any task
from basic repair to simple maintenance for your Audi A4. Repair
manuals from Haynes are written by expert personnel using only a
basic set of tools in an easy to follow style.
This Suzuki manual, illustrated with photographs and line drawings,
provides comprehensive advice on routine maintenance and fault
diagnosis, utilising common tools.'
Covers Sprite Mks.II, III, IV; Midget Mks.I, II, III up to and
including car no. Gan 5-153920 (1974 models)
Take the most direct route to the only training regimen designed
especially to prepare users to pass the new ASE transit bus
certification exam for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning -
on the first attempt! This total test preparation guide begins with
a brief history of ASE from its inception to the present, then
smoothly transitions into the information technicians need to take
and pass this ASE test. Sample questions reflecting those that are
actually featured on the ASE HVAC exam follow, along with
up-to-date task lists and an overview of transit bus HVAC systems.
Coverage concludes with a sample ASE exam and additional test
questions for further practice.
Researched and written in Japan, with the full co-operation of the
factory, here, in definitive detail, is the complete story of the
first generation of Mazda's MX-5 - the car that re-invented the
affordable lightweight roadster, a species that many thought was
extinct as the 1990s drew near. Immediately successful, the MX-5,
also known as the Miata or Eunos Roadster, spawned many imitators,
but remains the world's biggest selling sports car. The series has
now been in production for over 30 years, and new generations
continue to follow the concept of the original, much to the delight
of fans and enthusiasts all over the world.
Beyond the traditional purposes of moving people, goods, raw
materials, and mail from place to place lies a world of
unconventional uses of motor vehicles. Rolling grocery stores,
churches, classrooms and health clinics have taken traditionally
stationary services directly to those who need them. Companies have
built vehicles in the shapes of their products (the Oscar Mayer
Wienermobile being just one famous example) from the early years of
automobiles. This lively history gives a fascinating overview of
the many special purposes vehicles have served. The unconventional
uses of motor vehicles stretch one's imagination. The author here
divides them into eight types based on their purposes and uses.
Sales vehicles support a successful sales volume; advertising
vehicles retain present customers and attract new ones; education
and training vehicles provide skills updates for employees; charity
vehicles are used to serve various populations of the needy,
suffering, and distressed; religious vehicles promote a particular
faith; functional vehicles perform an on-the-spot function normally
done by a fixed-base facility; multimodal vehicles have the ability
to traverse land, water, and air; and government vehicles provide a
host of services to constituencies. Examples are provided for each
type of vehicle and examples from other nations besides the United
States are included as well.
Sportman 400 (2001-2005), Sportsman 450 (2006-2007), Sportsman 450
Browning Edition (2006), Sportsman 500 (1996-2010), Sportsman 500
RSE (2000-2002), Sportsman 500 DUSE (2001-2002), Sportsman 500 HO
(2001-2006, 2008-2010), Sportsman 500 X2 (2006-2010), Sp
Motorcycles entered military service in World War I, replacing the
mounted despatch rider and mechanizing machine-gun and stretcher
units. The conflict brought an enormous upsurge in the use of
motorcycles in Europe and America. This comprehensive new book
covers the lively history of the machines, highlighting the roles
of military motorcycles, and how they have evolved. An A-Z
directory focuses on 160 motorcycles, showing their diversity.
Detailed specification boxes are featured for every motorcycle
described. This expertly written book, with its wealth of rare and
previously unseen photographs, provides enthusiasts and historians
with key information about these diverse and multi-tasking
vehicles. The story of the military motorcycle, from the early
years of the 20th century to the present day * An illustrated A-Z
of over 160 vehicles, including makes such as Harley-Davidson from
the USA, Royal Enfield from the UK, BMW from Germany, and other
famous manufacturers from around the world, such as Husqvarna,
Henderson and Kawasaki * Specification panels provide at-a-glance
information about each motorcycle's official name, country of
origin, date, crew, weight, dimensions, powerplant and performance
* Features over 550 photographs, which illustrate each type and
include rare and unseen images from archives, museums and private
collections * A glossary explains key terms and abbreviations
Complete coverage for your Honda VFR750 and 700 V-Fours covering
700cc (1986 thru 1987) and 750cc (1986 thru 1997): --Routine
Maintenance and servicing --Tune-up procedures --Engine, clutch and
transmission repair --Cooling system --Fuel and exhaust --Ignition
and electrical systems --Brakes, wheels and tires --Steering,
suspension and final drive --Frame and bodywork --Wiring diagrams
--Reference Section With a Haynes manual, you can do it yourself
]from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book
based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best ways
to do a job and that makes it quicker, easier and cheaper for you.
Our books have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that
show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, you can save
big with Haynes! Step-by-step procedures --Easy-to-follow photos
--Complete troubleshooting section --Valuable short cuts --Color
spark plug diagnosis
Jaguar E-Type 4.2 Series 1 Spare Parts Catalog.
The original muscle car, the Royal Bobcat GTO was the baby of a
burgeoning Detroit subculture, one not sanctioned by the big
automakers of the early 1960s. In a post - World War II America
hungry for chrome, flash and speed, Royal Pontiac in Royal Oak,
Michigan, modified and sold its souped-up versions of GTOs to
customers, and in the process created a demand for custom street
racers in America. Founded by Ace Wilson, the Royal name became
synonymous with speed. This book outlines the history of the Royal
Bobcat GTO, from the people - including Milt Schornack, the
mechanic who raced for Royal Pontiac and was responsible for the
custom Bobcats - to the fabled midnight test runs on northern
Detroit's famous Woodward Avenue. Fourteen chapters, illustrated
with 25 photographs of vintage GTOs, the infamous Car & Driver
road test photos against a Ferrari GTO, and more, chronicle the
history of a car that changed the focus of the Detroit auto
industry for the next decade. Former editor-in-chief of Hot Rod
Magazine Ro McGonegal contributes a foreword.
Germany is most often credited with the birth of the internal
combustion engine. France gave rise to the first credible motor
industry. The United States added a little Yankee ingenuity and
came up with its own version of both. While the American automobile
industry got off to a bumpy start, by 1908, U.S. automobile
production had surpassed that of European manufacturers. When the
outbreak of World War I all but halted European production of
passenger cars, American auto makers took advantage of the
opportunity to establish a toehold in Europe. During the war and
for two decades after, American automobiles, which were considered
reliable and cheap, were a common sight on the streets of many
European cities and towns. This book contains a unique and
unprecedented collection of period photographs, recording American
automobiles - and their owners - in various locations throughout
Europe between the years of 1900 and 1940. Captions include the
make and model of each car; information on the setting of the
photograph; and remarks on interesting details, unusual accessories
or distinguishing features of each car. Argo, Jewitt, Durant and
Reo automobiles are represented here along with household names
such as Buick, Chevrolet and Ford.
Each Haynes manual provides specific and detailed instructions for
performing everything from basic maintenance and troubleshooting to
a complete overhaul of the machine, in this case the KTM EXC Enduro
& SX Motocross, model years 2000 through 2017.
Do-it-yourselfers will find this service and repair manual more
comprehensive than the factory manual, making it an indispensable
part of their tool box. A typical Haynes manual covers: general
information; troubleshooting; lubrication and routine maintenance;
engine top end; engine lower end; primary drive, clutch and
external shift mechanism; transmission and internal shift
mechanism; engine management system; electrical system; wheels,
tires and drivebelt; front suspension and steering; rear
suspension; brakes; body, and color wiring diagrams. An index makes
the manual easy to navigate.
Many words have been written about the Honda FireBlade, about its
history, performance, lineage and specification, but few tell you
what to look for when buying one second-hand. That's what this book
is about - it aims to be a straightforward, practical guide to
buying a used Fireblade. It won't list all the correct colour
combinations for each year, or analyse the bike's design
philosophy, or consider its background as a standard-setting sports
bike - there are excellent books listed at the end of this one
which do all of that. But hopefully it will help you avoid buying a
dud. Point by point, it takes the reader through everything that
needs looking at when buying one of these Hondas, plus spares
prices, which is the best model to buy for your needs, and a look
at auctions, restorations and paperwork. A unique points scoring
system allows a thorough assessment of the potential purchase and
puts it the Firebalde into the correct price category for its