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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Mechanical engineering > Engines & power transmission > Steam engines
In Logomotive Ian Logan's photographs are assembled into chapters and picture essays recalling the great days of lines such as the Santa Fe, the Union Pacific, and the Kansas City Southern. Some of his journeys are presented as travelogues in which he meets the Fat Controller, gets to sound the horn, and wanders into freight yards to see the last generation of streamline locomotives rusting amid the weeds. Animal motifs, Native American allusions, advertising slogans, names of famous trains such as the Super Chief and the Wabash Cannonball provide the subject matter for other picture features.
This book addresses the behavior of inorganic material in combustion systems. The past decade has seen unprecedented improvements in understanding the rates and mecha nisms of inorganic transformations and in developing analytical tools to predict them. These tools range from improved fuel analysis procedures to predictive computer codes. While this progress has been met with great enthusiasm within the research community, the practices of the industrial community remain largely unchanged. The papers in this book were selected from those presented at an Engineering Foundation Conference of the same title. All have been peer reviewed. The intent of the conference was to illustrate the application of advanced technology to ash-related problems in boilers and, by so doing, engage the research and industrial communities in more productive dialog. Those attending the conference generally felt that we were successful on these counts. We also engaged the industrial community to a greater extent than ever before in the conference discussion and presentation. We hope these proceedings will facilitate a continued and improved interaction between industrial and research communities. Behavior of inorganic material has long been recognized as one of the major considerations affecting the design and operation of boilers that burn ash-producing fuels. The practical problems associated with the behavior are sometimes catastrophic and spec tacular, ranging from major slag falls that damage the bottom of furnaces to complete plugging of convection passes."
Hailed instantly as the definitive field reference, the first edition of Metallurgical Failures in Fossil Fired Boilers provided a comprehensive catalog of the types of metallurgical failures common to boilers. Using actual case histories of boiler shutdowns, the book documented, as no existing text did, the full range of causes of boiler tube failure - providing a blueprint for cutting maintenance costs and upgrading the efficiency and reliability of any power plant operation. Reflecting the heightened focus throughout the industry on boiler-tube failure analysis, this expanded Second Edition sheds light on the latest innovative insights and solutions highlighting the field. The new edition now features material on fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and stress calculations, essential requirements of boiler design. For added relevance, this edition includes important information on making material-condition and end-of-life assessments for plant equipment being used beyond its original design expectations. Also included is up-to-date information on the higher temperature ranges now experienced by boilers. An expanded listing of boiler equipment as well as new case studies examining an even wider, more current range of problems makes the book more useful than ever. Yet, the Second Edition retains the structure and practical tone of its successful forerunner. Readers will again find detailed and expert analysis of the full range of metallurgical failures common to boilers - from corrosion, high-temperature related phenomena, welding problems, fabrication defects, to changes in microstructure, oxidation, exfoliation, decarburization, and more. Specific real-world examples of each of the causesof failure are provided, along with full operating details of the particular unit at the time of rupture. In addition, the fundamentals of elementary metallurgy are clearly presented, enabling even non metallurgists to fully grasp the analyses of the examples given. Not only is the significance of metallurgy in boiler design made clear, the new updated edition also illustrates the key mechanical engineering aspects of the design process as well. Underscoring, with practical specifics, the importance of preventative design techniques, the Second Edition is an incomparable handbook to building more failure-resistant boiler and heat-transfer equipment. Basic to the maintenance and success of any power plant operation in the 1990s, Metallurgical Failures in Fossil Fired Boilers, Second Edition is destined to become the undisputed staple of the professional's library or drafting board.
Dry sulfurization processes offer the significant advantages of low capital and low operating costs when compared to wet desulfurization. They hold great potential for the economical reduction of sulfur emissions from power utilities that use high-sulfur coal. Dry Scrubbing Technologies for Flue Gas Desulfurization represents a body of research that was sponsored by the State of Ohio's Coal Development Office for the development of technologies that use coal in an economic, environmentally-sound manner. One of the project's major goals was the development of dry, calcium-based sorption processes for removing sulfur dioxide from the combustion gases produced by high-sulfur coal. Dry Scrubbing Technologies for Flue Gas Desulfurization highlights a number of fundamental research findings that have had a significant and lasting impact in terms of scientific understanding. For example, the experimental investigation of the upper-furnace sulfur capture obtained time-resolved kinetic data in less than 100 millisecond time-scales for the first time ever, thereby revealing the true nature of the ultra-fast and overlapping phenomena. This was accomplished through the development of a unique entrained flow reactor system. The authors also identify a number of important areas for future research, including reaction mechanisms, sorbent material, transport effects, modeling, and process development. Dry Scrubbing Technologies for Flue Gas Desulfurization will appeal to both chemical and environmental engineers who examine different ways touse coal in a more environmentally benign manner. It will make an essential reference for air pollution control researchers from coal, lime, cement, and utility industries; for government policy-makers and environmental regulatory agencies; and for those who teach graduate courses in environmental issues, pollution control technologies, and environmental policy.
Advanced Machining Processes of Metallic Materials: Theory, Modelling and Applications, Second Edition, explores the metal cutting processes with regard to theory and industrial practice. Structured into three parts, the first section provides information on the fundamentals of machining, while the second and third parts include an overview of the effects of the theoretical and experimental considerations in high-level machining technology and a summary of production outputs related to part quality. In particular, topics discussed include: modern tool materials, mechanical, thermal and tribological aspects of machining, computer simulation of various process phenomena, chip control, monitoring of the cutting state, progressive and hybrid machining operations, as well as practical ways for improving machinability and generation and modeling of surface integrity. This new edition addresses the present state and future development of machining technologies, and includes expanded coverage on machining operations, such as turning, milling, drilling, and broaching, as well as a new chapter on sustainable machining processes. In addition, the book provides a comprehensive description of metal cutting theory and experimental and modeling techniques, along with basic machining processes and their effective use in a wide range of manufacturing applications. The research covered here has contributed to a more generalized vision of machining technology, including not only traditional manufacturing tasks, but also potential (emerging) new applications, such as micro and nanotechnology.
Following the publication of his first book (in 1981) dealing with these fascinating small-scale standing steam engines, the author Tubal Cain has designed and built several more - both as presents for the younger generation of his family and also entirely for his own satisfaction. These are now described in this second volume: Kitten - a small overtype engine. Otto - a simple steam turbine. Henry - a powerful 19th century oscillating steam plant. Wencelas - a steam engine of the most superior design. The scale model working steam engines range from a delightful little turbine - simplicity itself in design, but very interesting to build - to a larger engine in the style of the magnificent 'Steam Engines of the Highest Class' which were offered by the better class of toymakers before the First World War. As in the first book, the methods of construction are fully and clearly detailed, all being written with the beginner in mind. These steam engines have an enduring fascination for all marine and model engineers, as proved by the Model Engineer Exhibition which still attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.
The contents of this book originates from 35 years of teaching Steam Generators to graduate students at the Politecnico of Milan, Italy and from 45 years of professional activity in this area. This book has been written for practising designers, users, and engineers of steam generators in order to guide them through practical problems and help avoiding technical mistakes. Also the academic scientists and university students who are interested in problems of power generation can find useful information. The first part of the book presents the different types of generators which are installed either in industrial plants like power plants. In particular boilers for energy of regenerative sources are included. Information about the optimized solutions, the energetic saving, and the mistakes to be avoided is given to the designer. In the second section both, the thermodynamic calculation and the fluid dynamics are developed according to rigorous scientific criteria. In this section, the author presents several of his original studies. Finally, optimizing criteria are illustrated and computer calculations are shown according to the calculation criteria that are indicated in the book. An appendix includes an in-depth analysis of a few topics discussed in previous chapters and a study about finned tubes.
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Fifth Edition includes emerging trends and developments in food processing. The book has been fully updated to provide comprehensive, up-to-date technical information. For each food processing unit operation, theory and principles are first described, followed by equipment used commercially and its operating conditions, the effects of the operation on micro-organisms, and the nutritional and sensory qualities of the foods concerned. Part I describes basic concepts; Part II describes operations that take place at ambient temperature; Part III describes processing using heat; Part IV describes processing by removing heat; and Part V describes post-processing operations. This book continues to be the most comprehensive reference in the field, covering all processing unit operations in a single volume. The title brings key terms and definitions, sample problems, recommended further readings and illustrated processes.
A joint effort of three continents, this book is about rational utilization of the fossil fuels for generation of heat or power. It provides a synthesis of two scientific traditions: the high-performance, but often proprietary, Western designs, and the elaborate national standards based on less advanced Eastern designs; it presents both in the same Western format. It is intended for engineers and advanced undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in steam power plants, burners, or furnaces. The text uses a format of practice based on theory: each chapter begins with an explanation of a process, with basic theory developed from first principles; then empirical relationships are presented and, finally, design methods are explained by worked out examples. It will thus provide researchers with a resource for applications of theory to practice. Plant operators will find solutions to and explanations of many of their daily operational problems. Designers will find this book ready with required data, design methods and equations. Finally, consultants will find it very useful for design evaluation.
This book deals with two key aspects of the history of steam engines, a cornerstone of the Industrial Revolution, specifically the road that led to its discovery and the process of diffusion of the early steam engines. The first part of the volume outlines the technological and scientific developments which took place between the 16th and 18th centuries, proving critical for the invention of this strategic technology. The most important question addressed is why did England come up with this innovation first as opposed to other countries (e.g., France, Italy), which were more advanced in terms of knowledge pertinent to it. The second part of the volume traces the process of diffusion of the early steam engines, the Newcomen model, through to 1773, the year prior to the first commercial application of the second generation of steam engines (the Watt model). The process of diffusion is quantified on the basis of a novel method before proceeding with a discussion of the main determinants of this process. Kitsikopoulos pulls together a large amount of relevant evidence found in primary sources and more technically oriented literature which is often ignored by economic historians. This book will be of interest to economic historians and historians of technology.
Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Land-Based Gas Turbines provides a toolkit for practitioners seeking to make technoeconomic decisions on life extension of power turbine equipment. The work describes essential degradation modes affecting critical components and proven methods of restoration. Sections discuss key elements of life extensions for aging units and components, together with critical reviews of available methodologies. Coverage includes advanced nondestructive testing methods essential for effective life extension programs, including lessons learned from firsthand experience working with multiple machine designs, classes and operating conditions. The final sections cover a body of solutions intended to refocus ORM processes on overcoming the shortfalls caused by volatilities and system restructuring.
In this second volume of his two-book set on turbine steam path, William P. Saunders, P.Eng., continues his expert analysis of repair and maintenance to steam turbines. This volume focuses on repair and maintenance to steam turbines, to keep them operating with high levels of availability and improved efficiency. Also provided are details on estimating financial penalties associated with leakage from damaged turbines, which can reduce the cost of power. A full analysis of damaged components is included as well. The reader of this book will be able to: Identify the type and severity of any damage Suggest possible causes of damage Indicate the most appropriate corrective actions available. Volume 2 incorporates photographs, tables, equations, and examples to provide an excellent simplification of this complicated topic. Along with Volume 1, this set is sure to be an invaluable resource readers will turn to many times during their careers.
This practical, instructional book describes the construction of a model of the Lampitt portable steam engine, which dates back to 1862, and which provided rotative power to drive threshing machines, circular saws, feed mills and other farm machinery. The construction of every component is described in precise detail and the text is supported by many helpful step-by-step photographs. In addition, useful advice is provided about obtaining materials and about the tools that are required to equip a model-engineering workshop. Accordingly, the information provided in this fascinating book will enable the reader to construct not only the Lampitt engine but also many other engineering models in the future. When the reader has finished building 'the Lampitt' he will, in effect, have completed an engineering apprenticeship, and will have a model engine of which he can be proud and which fully reveals the skills that he has learned.
Develop a Complete and Thorough Understanding of Industrial Steam Systems Industrial Steam Systems: Fundamentals and Best Design Practices is a complete, concise user's guide for plant designers, operators, and other industry professionals involved with such systems. Focused on the proper safety design and setup of industrial steam systems, this text aligns essential principles with applicable regulations and codes. Incorporating design and operation guidelines from the latest available literature, it describes the industrial steam system equipment and its operation, outlines the requirements of a functioning boiler room, and explains how to design and engineer an industrial steam system properly. From Beginner to Advanced-All within a Single Volume Industrial steam systems are one of the main utility support systems used for almost all manufacturing. This text describes the design and operation of industrial steam systems in simple steps that are extremely beneficial for engineers, architects, and operators. The book help readers with the information needed for the steam systems professional engineering test and boiler operator's certificate. The text includes a sample project, executed in detail, to explain the system. It also presents relevant examples throughout the text to aid in faster learning. This author covers: Industrial steam system fundamentals and elementary information System setup and required equipment Applicable codes and regulations Equipment operation principals Best design practices for system setup, piping and instrumentation, equipment and pipe sizing, and equipment selection Execution of a sample project Industrial Steam Systems: Fundamentals and Best Design Practices presents an overview of the design, installation, and operation of industrial steam systems. Understanding the system setup, controls, and equipment, and their effect on each other enables readers to learn how to troubleshoot, maintain, and operate an industrial steam system that provides high quality steam efficiently.
Incorporates Worked-Out Real-World Problems Steam Generators and Waste Heat Boilers: For Process and Plant Engineers focuses on the thermal design and performance aspects of steam generators, HRSGs and fire tube, water tube waste heat boilers including air heaters, and condensing economizers. Over 120 real-life problems are fully worked out which will help plant engineers in evaluating new boilers or making modifications to existing boiler components without assistance from boiler suppliers. The book examines recent trends and developments in boiler design and technology and presents novel ideas for improving boiler efficiency and lowering gas pressure drop. It helps plant engineers understand and evaluate the performance of steam generators and waste heat boilers at any load. Learn How to Independently Evaluate the Thermal Performance of Boilers and Their Components This book begins with basic combustion and boiler efficiency calculations. It then moves on to estimation of furnace exit gas temperature (FEGT), furnace duty, view factors, heat flux, and boiler circulation calculations. It also describes trends in large steam generator designs such as multiple-module; elevated drum design types of boilers such as D, O, and A; and forced circulation steam generators. It illustrates various options to improve boiler efficiency and lower operating costs. The author addresses the importance of flue gas analysis, fire tube versus water tube boilers used in chemical plants, and refineries. In addition, he describes cogeneration systems; heat recovery in sulfur plants, hydrogen plants, and cement plants; and the effect of fouling factor on performance. The book also explains HRSG simulation process and illustrates calculations for complete performance evaluation of boilers and their components. Helps plant engineers make independent evaluations of thermal performance of boilers before purchasing them Provides numerous examples on boiler thermal performance calculations that help plant engineers develop programming codes with ease Follows the metric and SI system, and British units are shown in parentheses wherever possible Includes calculation procedures for the basic sizing and performance evaluation of a complete steam generator or waste heat boiler system and their components with appendices outlining simplified procedures for estimation of heat transfer coefficients Steam Generators and Waste Heat Boilers: For Process and Plant Engineers serves as a source book for plant engineers, consultants, and boiler designers.
Advanced Metrology: Freeform Surfaces provides the perfect guide for engineering designers and manufacturers interested in exploring the benefits of this technology. The inclusion of industrial case studies and examples will help readers to implement these techniques which are being developed across different industries as they offer improvements to the functional performance of products and reduce weight and cost.
In mid-1964, Keith Widdowson got wind that the Western Region was hell-bent on being the first to eliminate the steam locomotive on its tracks by December 1965. The 17-year-old hurriedly homed in on train services still in the hands of GWR steam power, aiming to catch runs with the last examples before their premature annihilation. The Great Western Steam Retreat recalls Widdowson's teenage exploits, soundtracked by hits from the Beatles, the Kinks and the Rolling Stones, throughout the Western Region and former Great Western Railway lines. He documents the extreme disorder that resulted from that decision, paying tribute to the train crews who managed to meet demanding timings in the face of declining cleanliness, the poor quality of coal and the major problem of recruiting both footplate and shed staff. This book completes the author's Steam Chase series and provides a snapshot into the comradery that characterised the final years of steam alongside the long-gone journeys that can never be recreated.
Andrew Grant Forsyth's photographs show the changing locomotive scene throughout Scotland after the nationalisation of the railways in 1948. Forsyth visited Scotland almost every year, and between 1948 and 1966 he was fortunate to be able to photograph the graceful-looking ex-Great North of Scotland 4-4-0s, the ex-North British Railway 'Glen' and 'Scott' 4-4-0s, the Caledonian 4-4-0s and numerous 0-6-0 and tank locomotive classes remaining from both those companies. Also reproduced are many examples of the London and North Eastern Railway express locomotive fleet, together with locomotives of former London Midland and Scottish Railway and examples of the post-nationalisation Standard locomotives of British Railways. Scottish Steam 1948-1966 is a stunning collection of Andrew Grant Forsyth's photographs, providing a unique insight into a shifting time.
This book presents the most recent trends and concepts in power engineering, especially with regard to prosumer and civic energy generation. In so doing, it draws widely on his experience gained during the development of steam microturbines for use in small combined heat and power stations based on the organic Rankine cycle (CHP-ORC). Major issues concerning the dynamic properties of mechanical systems, in particular rotating systems, are discussed, and the results obtained when using unconventional bearing systems, presented. Modeling and analysis of radial-flow and axial-flow microturbines are addressed in detail, covering rotor analysis with different bearing systems, simulation modal analysis, and stress analysis. Furthermore, experimental studies of the dynamic properties of microturbine elements are extensively described. Interest in distributed generation and CHP-ORC is growing rapidly, and the potential market for such systems promises to be very large. This book will be of value for engineers and scientists involved in the design, modeling, operation, and diagnostics of various types of turbomachinery, especially steam microturbines.
Maintaining a question-and-answer format, this second edition provides simplified means of solving nearly 200 practical problems that confront engineers involved in the planning, design, operation and maintenance of steam plant systems. Calculations pertaining to emissions, boiler efficiency, circulation and heat transfer equipment design and performance are provided. Solutions to 70 new problems are featured in this edition.
We think of the Stephensons and Brunel as the fathers of the railways, and their Liverpool and Manchester and Great Western Railways as the prototypes of the modern systems. But who were the railways' grandfathers and great-grandfathers? The rapid evolution of the railways after 1830 depended on the juggernauts of steam locomotion being able to draw upon centuries of experience in using and developing railways, and of harnessing the power of steam. Giants the Stephensons and others may have been, but they stood upon the foundations built by many other considerable - if lesser-known - talents. This is the story of those early pioneers of steam.
There are more than 400 miniature railways in Britain. Some are hidden away and privately owned, others are parkland attractions, and some - such as the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch - are large commercial enterprises. They come in an array of gauges (from 5 inches up to 15 inches and sometimes beyond), but their most definitive characteristic is that they can carry passengers, whether sitting astride the rolling stock or inside enclosed carriages. In this colourfully illustrated guide, David Henshaw offers a concise history of miniature railways from the nineteenth century to the modern day, including a whistle-stop tour of the most notable examples open to the public - including the Ravenglass & Eskdale and Eastleigh Lakeside railways - exploring their layouts, engineering and rolling stock.
Responsible for the generation of most of the world's electricity, and with applications to sea and land transport, the steam turbine may be regarded as a pivotal invention in the creation of a technologically advanced modern society. Charles Parsons (1854-1931) built the first practical steam turbine in 1884, and he remained at the forefront of its development for nearly fifty years, as he saw his invention become first the prime means by which thermal energy could be turned into electricity, and then the power behind pioneering cruise liners and warships. Alexander Richardson (1864-1928), an engineer and politician, had access to the inventor's papers when writing this account of the turbine's history. Published in 1911, and featuring more than 170 illustrative plates, it provides a valuable insight into the development of a technology that revolutionised power generation, marine transport and naval warfare.
Ron Buckley's photographs show the changing locomotive scene taking place from the later 1930s throughout the East Midlands and East Anglia, illustrating pre-grouping locomotive classes still working across Lincoln, Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, Nottingham, Leicester, Northampton, Bedford, Hertford, Buckingham and Essex. During later LNER days, locomotives of the Great Eastern and Great Northern Railways continued working the many secondary routes and branch lines while the main East Coast saw from 1935 the appearance of Nigel Gresley's streamlined class A4 locomotives working the high speed passenger traffic between Edinburgh and London. The LMS influence saw many former London and North Western and Midland Railway locomotives handling both passenger and goods traffic especially the product of the many collieries in Nottinghamshire. |
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