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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Mechanical engineering > Engines & power transmission
This book describes various forms of solar energy conversion techniques in a unified way. The physical framework used to describe the various conversions is endoreversible thermodynamics, a recently developed subset of irreversible thermodynamics . It thus studies situations which are not in equilibrium and in which therefore entropy is continuously created. Nevertheless the mathematics is simple, because the authors consider only stationary situations. Most undergraduate textbooks on thermodynamics emphasize equilibrium thermodynamics and reversible processes. No entropy is created and conversion efficiencies are maximal, equal to the Carnot efficiency. For irreversible conversion processes, the reader learns only that entropy production is positive and that conversion efficiency is lower than the Carnot efficiency. But how great the entropy creation is, and how low the efficiency, is usually not expressed. Endoreversible thermodynamics gives the opportunity to calculate explicit values for a broad class of these processes, including solar energy conversion, which is particularly suited to being described in this way. The book is intended for physicists and engineers interested in renewable energy and irreversible thermodynamics.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Learn the Latest Money-Saving Techniques for Troubleshooting and Repairing Any Briggs & Stratton Engine, New or Old! /p> Turn to the Fourth Edition of How to Repair Briggs & Stratton Engines for expert guidance on completing any Briggs & Stratton maintenance and repair job quickly and easily. This money-saving resource now includes the latest information on overhead valves (OHV), carburetion advances, new muffler designs, and cutting-edge alternators. Filled with proven techniques for fixing both brand-new and older model Briggs & Stratton engines, the Fourth Edition of this hands-on reference covers everything from ignition, fuel, and charging systems...to starters and engine mechanics. You will find step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting and repairing magnetos...carburetors... governors...alternators...main bearings...flywheels...coils...fuel pumps ...air filters...rewind and electric starters...and connecting rods. Using more than 190 detailed illustrations, the Fourth Edition of How to Repair Briggs & Stratton Engines features: All the expertise needed to perform maintenance and repair jobs on any Briggs & Stratton engine Comprehensive guidance on state-of-the-art small-engine technology New to this edition: updated material on overhead valve design (OHV); new coverage of Flo-Jet suction lift carburetion; and new information on alternators, torque limits, and bolt tightening sequences Inside this Updated Briggs & Stratton Repair Kit* Introduction * The Product Range * Troubleshooting * Ignition Systems * The Fuel System * Starters * Charging Systems * Engine Mechanics * The Overhead Valve Revolution
Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists provides a complete introduction to the principles of thermodynamics for degree level students on courses in mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, environmental and energy engineering and engineering science courses. The fifth edition of this classic text for applied courses has been completely revised and updated to take account of modern teaching methods and perspectives, with the emphasis placed on the application of theory to real processes and plant. New for this edition is a section on energy recovery, including pinch technology and a discussion of the thinning of the ozone layer due to the use of CFCs. Examples and problems using the refrigerant 134A replace the previous references to CFC R12. In addition, the discussion of energy sources, their uses and management, has been expanded and improved and there is now extensive coverage of the combined heat and power section. The material on turbines, compressors, nozzles and propulsion is presented in a more logical sequence but retains important information on the differences between gas and steam turbines. Finally the section on refrigeration gives more prominence to the heat pump and vapour absorption plant.
This book introduces the metal magnetic memory (MMM) technique, one of the nondestructive testing methods, and its applications in remanufacturing engineering. It discusses the advantages of MMM and how to evaluate the early damage degree of remanufacturing cores, as well as the repairing quality of remanufactured components. Various MMM signal characteristics are extracted to reflect the damage degree of remanufacturing cores, coatings and interfaces. All the theoretical models, analysis methods and testing results of MMM in this book provide guidance to control the quality of remanufactured parts and products. This book can help readers make the best use of the MMM technique in remanufacturing engineering.
This volume gathers the latest advances, innovations and applications in the field of condition monitoring, plant maintenance and reliability, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the 5th International Conference on Maintenance Engineering and the 2020 Annual Conference of the Centre for Efficiency and Performance Engineering Network (IncoME-V & CEPE Net-2020), held in Zhuhai, China on October 23-25, 2020. Topics include vibro-acoustics monitoring, condition-based maintenance, sensing and instrumentation, machine health monitoring, maintenance auditing and organization, non-destructive testing, reliability, asset management, condition monitoring, life-cycle cost optimisation, prognostics and health management, maintenance performance measurement, manufacturing process monitoring, and robot-based monitoring and diagnostics. The contributions, which were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process, share exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.
This volume gathers the latest advances, innovations and applications in the field of cable robots, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the 5th International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CableCon 2021), held as virtual event on July 7-9, 2021. It covers the theory and applications of cable-driven parallel robots, including their classification, kinematics and singularity analysis, workspace, statics and dynamics, cable modeling and technologies, control and calibration, design methodologies, hardware development, experimental evaluation and prototypes, as well as application reports and new application concepts. The contributions, which were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process, share exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.
This volume gathers the latest advances, innovations and applications in the field of vibration and technology of machinery, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the XV International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC), held in Curitiba, Brazil on November 10-15, 2019. Topics include concepts and methods in dynamics, dynamics of mechanical and structural systems, dynamics and control, condition monitoring, machinery and structural dynamics, rotor dynamics, experimental techniques, finite element model updating, industrial case studies, vibration control and energy harvesting, and MEMS. The contributions, which were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process, share exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.
This book presents a selection of preliminary sizing procedures for turbomachinery. Applicable to both conventional and non-conventional fluids, these procedures enable users to optimize the kinematics, thermodynamics and geometry of the turbomachinery (in the preliminary design phase) using geometric correlations and losses models; to accurately predict the efficiency of turbomachinery - in most cases, in excellent agreement with CFD calculations; and to consistently analyze all turbomachines (axial and radial turbines, axial and centrifugal compressors, centrifugal pumps). The book is intended for bachelor's and master's students in industrial, mechanical and energy engineering, as well as researchers and professionals in the energy systems and turbomachinery sectors, guiding them step by step through the first sizing of turbomachines and the verification of the technological feasibility of turbomachines designed for new conversion systems operating with unconventional fluids.
This book offers insights relevant to modern history and epistemology of physics, mathematics and, indeed, to all the sciences and engineering disciplines emerging of 19th century. This research volume is the first of a set of three Springer books on Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot's (1753-1823) remarkable work: Essay on Machines in General (Essai sur les machines en general [1783] 1786). The other two forthcoming volumes are: Principes fondamentaux de l'equilibre et du mouvement (1803) and Geometrie de position (1803). Lazare Carnot - l'organisateur de la victoire - in Essai sur le machine en general (1786) assumed that the generalization of machines was a necessity for society and its economic development. Subsequently, his new coming science applied to machines attracted considerable interest for technician, as well, already in the 1780's. With no lack in rigour, Carnot used geometric and trigonometric rather than algebraic arguments, and usually went on to explain in words what the formulae contained. His main physical- mathematical concepts were the Geometric motion and Moment of activity-concept of Work . In particular, he found the invariants of the transmission of motion (by stating the principle of the moment of the quantity of motion) and theorized the condition of the maximum efficiency of mechanical machines (i.e., principle of continuity in the transmission of power). While the core theme remains the theories and historical studies of the text, the book contains an extensive Introduction and an accurate critical English Translation - including the parallel text edition and substantive critical/explicative notes - of Essai sur les machines en general (1786). The authors offer much-needed insight into the relation between mechanics, mathematics and engineering from a conceptual, empirical and methodological, and universalis point of view. As a cutting-edge writing by leading authorities on the history of physics and mathematics, and epistemological aspects, it appeals to historians, epistemologist-philosophers and scientists (physicists, mathematicians and applied sciences and technology).
This book describes the unsteady phenomena needed to understand supersonic combustion. Following an initial chapter that introduces readers to the basic concepts in and classical studies on unsteady supersonic combustion, the book highlights recent studies on unsteady phenomena, which offer insights on e.g. interactions between acoustic waves and flames, flow dominating instability, ignition instability, flame flashback, and near-blowout-limit combustion. In turn, the book discusses in detail the fundamental mechanisms of these phenomena, and puts forward practical suggestions for future scramjet design.
This book gathers contributions by researchers from several countries on all major areas of robotic research, development and innovation, as well as new applications and current trends. The topics covered include: novel designs and applications of robotic systems, intelligent cooperating and service robots, advanced robot control, human-robot interfaces, robot vision systems, mobile robots, humanoid and walking robots, bio-inspired and swarm robotic systems, aerial, underwater and spatial robots, robots for ambient assisted living, medical robots and bionic prostheses, cognitive robots, cloud robotics, ethical and social issues in robotics, etc. Given its scope, the book offers a source of information and inspiration for researchers seeking to improve their work and gather new ideas for future developments. The contents reflect the outcomes of the activities of RAAD (International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region) in 2020.
This book presents the proceedings of the 5th IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics, MEDER 2021, held in Poitiers, France, 23-25 June 2021. It gathers contributions by researchers from several countries on all major areas of robotic research, development and innovation, as well as new applications and current trends. The topics covered include: theoretical and computational kinematics, mechanism design, experimental mechanics, mechanics of robots, control issues of mechanical systems, machine intelligence, innovative mechanisms and applications, linkages and manipulators, micro-mechanisms, dynamics of machinery and multi-body systems. Given its scope, the book offers a source of information and inspiration for researchers seeking to improve their work and gather new ideas for future developments.
This book is the first monograph focusing on ellipsoidal heads, which are commonly used as an end closure of pressure vessels in chemical, petroleum, nuclear, marine, aerospace and food processing industries. It provides a comprehensive coverage of stress, failure, design and fabrication of ellipsoidal heads. This book investigates in detail buckling/plastic collapse behaviors of ellipsoidal heads using nonlinear finite element methods and experiments. Buckling/plastic collapse experiments are performed on 37 ellipsoidal heads which cover various geometric parameters, material and fabrication methods. In particular, modern measurement technologies, such as 3D laser scanning, are used in the experiments of these ellipsoidal heads including large heads with a diameter up to 5 metres. Moreover, this book presents new formulas for accurate prediction of buckling/plastic collapse pressures of ellipsoidal heads. Using elastic-plastic theory, this book proposes a new failure mechanism-based method for design of ellipsoidal heads. Compared to other methods in current codes and standards based on elastic or perfectly plastic theory, the new design method can fully develop the head's load-carrying capacity, which reduces head thickness and thus cost. Also, this book studies control on fabrication quality of ellipsoidal heads, including shape deviation, forming strain and forming temperature. It is useful as a technical reference for researchers and engineers in the fields of engineering mechanics, engineering design, manufacturing engineering and industrial engineering.
This book introduces the engineering application of the discrete element method (DEM), especially the simulation analysis of the typical equipment (scraper conveyor, coal silos, subsoiler) in the coal and agricultural machinery. In this book, the DEM is applied to build rigid and loose coupling model, and the kinematic effect of the bulk materials, the mechanical effect of the interaction between the bulk materials, and the mechanical equipment in the operation process of the relevant equipment are studied. On this basis, the optimization design strategy of the relevant structure is proposed. This book effectively promotes the application of DEM in engineering, analyzes the operation state, failure mechanism, and operation effect of related equipment in operation, and provides theoretical basis for the optimal design of equipment. The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in mechanical engineering, researchers investigating coal and agricultural machinery, and engineers working on designing related equipments.
This volume gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of intelligent systems such as robots, cyber-physical and embedded systems, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the International Conference on Intelligent Technologies in Robotics (ITR), held in Moscow, Russia on October 21-23, 2019. It covers highly diverse topics, including robotics, design and machining, control and dynamics, bio-inspired systems, Internet of Thing, Big Data, RFID technology, blockchain, trusted software, cyber-physical systems (CFS) security, development of CFS in manufacturing, protection of information in CFS, cybersecurity of CFS. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists, demonstrating that intelligent systems will drive the technological and societal change in the coming decades.
This book develops and substantiates methods for structural mathematical modeling in the context of protecting machines and equipment from vibration effects. It analyzes problems concerning the dynamic interactions of elements in mechanical oscillatory systems, constructing suitable mathematical models, estimating their dynamic properties, and adapting structural mathematical models to the equivalent forms. In turn, it develops a methodological basis for identifying the lever linkages and taking into account the peculiarities of their influence on the dynamic properties of systems. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for specialists in the fields of dynamics and strength of machines, vibration protection systems for equipment, and maintenance of the dynamic quality of vibrating machines, as well as students in related degree programs.
This book presents the development of SLAM-based mobile robot control systems as an integrated approach that combines the localization, mapping and motion control fields, and reviews several techniques that represent the basics of the mathematical description of wheeled robots, their navigation and path planning approaches, localization and map creating techniques. It examines SLAM paradigms and Bayesian recursive state and map estimation techniques, which include Kalman and particle filtering, and enable the development of a SLAM-based integrated system for the inspection task performed. The system's development is divided into two phases: a single-robot approach and multirobot inspection system. The book describes an original approach to 2D SLAM in multi-floor buildings that covers each 2D level map, as well as continuous 3D pose tracking, and views the multirobot inspection system as a group of homogeneous mobile robots. The last part of the book is dedicated to multirobot map creation and the development of path planning solutions, which allow the robots' homogeneous behavior and configuration to be used to develop a multirobot system without theoretical limitations on the number of robots used.
This volume gathers the proceedings of the Joint International Conference of the XIII International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions (MTM) and the XXIV International Conference on Robotics (Robotics), held in Timisoara, Romania. It addresses the applications of mechanisms and transmissions in several modern technical fields such as mechatronics, biomechanics, machines, micromachines, robotics and apparatus. In doing so, it combines theoretical findings and experimental testing. The book presents peer-reviewed papers written by researchers specialized in mechanism analysis and synthesis, dynamics of mechanisms and machines, mechanical transmissions, biomechanics, precision mechanics, mechatronics, micromechanisms and microactuators, computational and experimental methods, CAD in mechanism and machine design, mechanical design of robot architecture, parallel robots, mobile robots, micro and nano robots, sensors and actuators in robotics, intelligent control systems, biomedical engineering, teleoperation, haptics, and virtual reality.
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of multibody and mechatronic systems. Topics addressed include the analysis and synthesis of mechanisms; dynamics of multibody systems; design algorithms for mechatronic systems; robots and micromachines; experimental validations; theory of mechatronic simulation; mechatronic systems for rehabilitation and assistive technologies; mechatronic systems for energy harvesting; virtual reality integration in multibody and mechatronic systems; multibody design in robotic systems; and control of mechatronic systems. The contents reflect the outcomes of the 7th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics (7th MuSMe) in 2020, within the framework of the FEIbIM Commission for Robotics and Mechanisms and IFToMM Technical Committees for Multibody Dynamics and for Robotics and Mechatronics.
This book describes the theoretical framework of parallel manipulators and presents examples of their application. The theoretical part begins with the theory of parallel manipulator synthesis. Working on this basis, various topology designs of one-loop and multiloop parallel manipulators are then obtained. The next section describes the zero parameters method for the analysis of mechanism (manipulator) structure with closed kinematic circuits, and includes examples of its application, highlighting its advantages compared to traditional methods. The book then presents the redundant parameters method for determining the position of special parallel manipulator links, and discusses its application in solving the direct problem of link position for multiloop manipulators. It also addresses one-loop and multiloop manipulators, and includes a solution for the direct and inverse link position problems of kinematics. In closing, the book presents a range of potential applications for parallel manipulator. These examples are intended to promote the development and implementation of new engineering solutions, e.g. in seismic protection systems, renewable energy and other areas. The book includes a wealth of material that can be used for teaching undergraduate, graduate and PhD students majoring in robotics, automation and related fields, and can also be used by researchers to solve problems in connection with introducing robotics technologies.
This book investigates the time-dependent behavior of fiber-reinforced ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs) at elevated temperatures. The author combines the time-dependent damage mechanisms of interface and fiber oxidation and fracture with the micromechanical approach to establish the relationships between the first matrix cracking stress, matrix multiple cracking evolution, tensile strength, tensile stress-strain curves and tensile fatigue of fiber-reinforced CMCs and time. Then, using damage models of energy balance, the fracture mechanics approach, critical matrix strain energy criterion, Global Load Sharing criterion, and hysteresis loops he determines the first matrix cracking stress, interface debonded length, matrix cracking density, fibers failure probability, tensile strength, tensile stress-strain curves and fatigue hysteresis loops. Lastly, he predicts the time-dependent mechanical behavior of different fiber-reinforced CMCs, i.e., C/SiC and SiC/SiC, using the developed approaches, in order to reduce the failure risk during the operation of aero engines. The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in the mechanical behavior of CMCs, researchers investigating the damage evolution of CMCs at elevated temperatures, and designers responsible for hot-section CMC components in aero engines.
This book gathers the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Composite Materials (MEACM), held in Beijing, China on October 24-25, 2020. The conference brought together researchers from several countries and covered all major areas of mechanical engineering and applied composite materials, new applications and current trends. The topics covered include: structure and design, mechanical manufacturing and automation, robotics and mechatronics, mechanical behavior of nanomaterials, nanocomposites, and composite mechanics. Given its scope, the book offers a source of information and inspiration for researchers seeking to improve their work and gather new ideas for future developments.
This book comprises state-of-the-art advances in energy, combustion, power, propulsion, environment, focusing on the production and utilization of fossil fuels, alternative fuels and biofuels. It is written by internationally renowned experts who provide the latest fundamental and applied research innovations on cleaner energy production as well as utilization for a wide range of devices extending from micro scale energy conversion to hypersonic propulsion using hydrocarbon fuels. The tailored technical tracks and contributions are portrayed in the respective field to highlight different but complementary views on fuels, combustion, power and propulsion and air toxins with special focus on current and future R&D needs and activities. This book will serve as a useful reference for practicing engineers, research engineers and managers in industry and research labs, academic institutions, graduate students, and final year undergraduate students in mechanical, chemical, aerospace, energy, and environmental engineering. |
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