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Books > Medicine > Surgery > Surgical techniques
This is the third edition of a comprehensive book covering all aspects of perioperative and peripartum anaesthesia. Previous editions have been very well received (see reviews of the first two editions below) and this book builds on their success to be an essential purchase for all trainee and practising anaesthetists, as well as providing a valuable resource for other hospital and particularly theatre-based personnel such as surgeons, obstetricians, operating department practitioners, theatre nurses, midwives, etc. The sections on medical disorders and anaesthestic problems, and on emergency conditions arising during anaesthesia or the immediate postoperative period have been expanded to include over 30 new entries and rare and unusual syndromes have been incorporated into these two main sections for ease of quick reference. The book also features a valuable list of abbreviations and a fully updated appendix containing useful addresses, telephone numbers and website details.
Patellofemoral instability (PFI) is the movement of the kneecap from its normal position of alignment. It may be caused by sudden injury or developmental wear and tear and will often lead to arthritis. This book is a concise guide to misalignment of the kneecap, its complications and management. Beginning with an introduction to the epidemiology of patellar dislocation, anterior knee pain and patho-anatomy, the next chapter examines imaging techniques including X-Rays, CT, MRI and bone scan. The following sections provide in depth coverage of both conservative and surgical management procedures. The manual is enhanced by clinical photographs and high quality diagrams to assist understanding. Key Points Concise guide to misalignment of the kneecap, complications and treatment Provides complete chapter on imaging techniques Covers both conservative and surgical management procedures Includes clinical photographs and high quality diagrams
This edition of the SAGES Manual of Hernia Surgery aligns with the current version of the new SAGES University MASTERS Program Hernia Surgery pathway. This manual serves as a curriculum for participants in the MASTERS Program as well as a modern text on hernia surgery for all learners. Hernia surgery is one of the fastest developing fields in general surgery today. There have been rapid advancements in hernia techniques in recent years, making most prior texts on the subject obsolete. These advancements involve significant evolution in both the techniques and strategies for hernia repairs, as well as the tools used to achieve these means. This text thoroughly addresses the multiple component separation techniques and options for locations of mesh repairs. It also discusses the revolution of hernia repair being facilitated by robotic surgery, which allows increased access to minimally invasive techniques for surgeons and thus increased access to minimally invasive surgical repairs for patients. This manual will be a valuable resource for interested surgeons to understand the variety of potential approaches to individual hernias, and to individually tailor the care of the hernia patient.
Back for a second edition, Current Surgical Guidelines has been fully updated to reflect changes in guidelines across the surgical sub-specialities since its first publication. Drawing together printed and digital guidelines from the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), and relevant US guidelines, this book acts as a valuable complete and comprehensive reference for those embarking on their surgical training, revising for exams, or for senior staff as an aide-memoire. Guidelines have been distilled into summary tables, and topics are formulated to answer most real-life clinical practice questions with contemporary facts and figures, decision recommendations, and treatment options. New chapters on hernias, skin malignancies, trauma, and medicolegal practice have been added to increase fresh challenges facing the contemporary surgical trainee.
Introducing the most essential all-in-one MIS tutorial and atlas for 21st-century practice A Doody's Core Title for 2022! If you are a laparoscopic surgeon who strives to be at the vanguard of clinical practice, your atlas has arrived. Overflowing with nearly 1,000 beautifully rendered, medically accurate illustrations, The Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations is the definitive laparoscopic surgery procedural primer and visual roadmap. This indispensable, one-stop resource delivers easy-to-follow procedural guidance that builds on the vital work of laparoscopic surgery pioneers at OHSU and other leading academic centers in the United States who have adapted common open operations to an MIS environment. Accompanying this skill-sharpening content are detailed illustrations that take you through each step to consider while performing current minimally invasive techniques. The Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations begins with a review of general surgical considerations and principles of access, while subsequent sections survey the full scope of surgical interventions. Mirroring the latest clinical perspectives, research, and technologies that drive procedure evolution, this is the one atlas that should be part of your surgical library. Nearly 1,000 state-of-the-art illustrations-all created by esteemed professors of medical illustration at Johns Hopkins University-are designed to help surgeons visualize the procedure as they step to the operating table Comprehensive coverage encompassing 62 must-know procedures, each of which is fully explained with high- yield text and accompanying illustrations Consistent format includes Indications, Preoperative Preparation, Anesthesia, Position, Incision and Exposure, Closure, and Postoperative Care Section on minimally invasive pediatric surgery examines the latest procedural approaches to this critical surgical area
Gastric and Oesophageal Surgery serves as a detailed, evidence- based guide to benign and malignant oesophageal and gastric surgery, covering in a practical and accessible manner the myriad surgical conditions that trainees and consultants in the area will face. Whilst its compact size allows it great portability as a 'pocket guide', its succinct writing style gives the reader excellent ease of reference and a thorough 'how-to' on all major surgical processes. A comprehensive, highly topical evidence base is supplemented by a wealth of expert advice, which is easily accessed as practical tips within clearly laid out chapters. This makes the book an ideal revision aid for the FRCS General Surgery exit examinations, although its breadth and depth of coverage will benefit new consultant surgeons as well as junior surgical trainees. Highly illustrated with over 110 line drawings and photographs, it is the ideal volume to refresh the memory and consolidate knowledge in clinic or before surgery.
In many centers of excellence in Urology, robotic prostatectomy has become the first choice for the surgical treatment of localized prostate cancer owing to benefits such as reduced pain and minimization of impotence and incontinence. This atlas, specifically designed for use by surgeons, provides a beautifully illustrated, step-by-step guide to all aspects of the procedure. The various techniques that can be employed to achieve excellent oncological and functional results are carefully depicted in appropriate detail; for example, nerve-sparing techniques, bladder neck reconstruction, and approaches aimed at the early restoration of continence are clearly described. Special situations, such as prior prostate surgery, a large prostate, and salvage prostatectomy, are also fully covered. The information contained in this atlas will be of great value in enabling surgeons to improve their results and to take full advantage of the benefits of robotic prostatectomy compared with open prostatectomy.
In questo volume dedicato al polso, viene sottolineata l'importanza di un'attenta valutazione delle problematiche legate a questa complessa articolazione, che per anni e stata trascurata come entita funzionale e che presenta ancora oggi aspetti sconosciuti. Luigi Pederzini, in collaborazione con i piu prestigiosi Autori italiani estranieri, ha messo a fuoco le varie patologie del polso, chiarendo l'importante ruolo dell'artroscopia nel trattamento delle lesioni. Il volume rappresenta un prezioso strumento di approfondimento e consente agli specialisti di analizzare la tecnica artroscopica con maggiore competenza.
The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Urological Surgery returns fully updated for a second edition to guide the reader step-by-step through all types of urological operations. Including both background information on key urological problems and alternative surgical options, this Handbook is designed to guide the trainee through all aspects of urological surgery, from gaining clear and accurate consent to examining risks and complications of procedures. With each chapter written by subspecialty experts, this Handbook is packed with tips and tricks that offer practical and theatre-based advice gleaned over years of theatre experience to aid the reader. It also includes helpful pointers on aspects of surgery including patient positioning, indications and contraindications, types of incisions, and choice of ideal instrument, alongside aftercare and follow-up for the patient. Fully updated in accordance with new European guidelines and NICE clinical guidance, with extra topics on technological developments including robotic assisted surgery and a brand new chapter on female urology and incontinence, the Oxford Specialist Handbook of Urological Surgery is an essential resource for all urological trainees and junior doctors.
Airway management is a crucial skill to master and the first priority in the assessment of a critically ill or injured patient. Failure to secure an adequate airway can quickly lead to death or disability. Though primarily the remit of the anaesthesiologist, airway management also presents challenges to the surgeon, for example in obese patients or during surgery for thyroid cancer, particularly where reconstruction of the airway is involved. Management of the Difficult Airway: A Handbook for Surgeons is the first book designed to help surgeons with the issues they face maintaining a clear airway and preventing obstruction. It provides practical guidance not just on emergency situations, but also on complex, planned interventions where it is the surgeon who oversees the management of the airway, for example during surgery for congenital airway anomalies. Early chapters cover anatomy, imaging, indications and specific techniques; later ones cover airway situations in specific groups, for example patients requiring surgical reconstruction of the airway resulting from cancer. Management of the Difficult Airway provides a comprehensive, timely review of the core knowledge and clinical skills necessary for successful airway management in the surgical environment. Key Points Provides a 'go-to' skills manual for surgeons focussing on difficult airway management in surgical patients Covers surgical airway management issues in adult and paediatric patients Multidisciplinary author team combines the expertise of ENT and other surgeons, radiologists and anaesthesiologists
Second in a new four-volume series, Operative Techniques in Gynecologic Surgery: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques along with a thorough understanding of how to select the best procedure, how to avoid complications, and what outcomes to expect. Easy to follow, up to date, and highly visual, this step-by-step reference covers the most common operations in gynecology and is ideal for residents and physicians in daily practice. Key Features: Succinct text, bulleted points, and quick-reference tables allow you to review information quickly and understand best practices and potential problems for each procedure. Hundreds of full-color intraoperative photographs and illustrations, as well as numerous high-quality videos, capture procedures step by step and help you immediately apply your knowledge. Each clinical problem is discussed in the same templated format: general principles, anatomy and differential diagnosis, imaging and other diagnostics, preoperative planning, surgical management, procedures and techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, and complications. Coverage includes fertility operations (vaginal, cervical, uterine, tubal, ovarian, and peritoneal), assisted reproductive technological procedures, and office procedures including imaging of reproductive organs and assessment of the endometrial cavity. Perfect for a quick preoperative review of the steps of a procedure. Volume editors and contributors are thought leaders in their respective subspecialties and are known for their surgical expertise. Look for other volumes in the Operative Techniques in Gynecology series: Gynecology Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery Gynecologic Oncology Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time - providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
On-call in ENT surgery is aimed at junior trainees working in ENT surgery. The book is written as a 'survival guide' covering common presentations from primary and the emergency department. It covers initial and further management of these cases and simple surgical procedures. The practical advice, pictures and detailed procedural tips make this an ideal accompaniment to any junior doctor covering ENT emergencies.
The prevalence of obesity is increasing day-by-day and is the epidemic of the 21st century. In a recent analysis by WHO, it was found that 1.9 billion people aged 18 years or more were overweight, out of which 600 million were obese. The world obesity population has doubled over the last two decades. Obesity is associated with many diseases. Some of them are diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, asthma, degenerative bone disease, obstructive sleep apnea, which cause debilitating problems in the obese and add to the cost of health care. Increased body mass index (BMI), abdominal fat and weight gain are important risk factors associated with the development of type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM). About 90% of people with T2DM are obese. Bariatric surgery is now a well-established procedure for treating morbid obesity and its associated comorbidities. Sleeve gastrectomy is becoming the most popular procedure to date owing to its technical simplicity and less malnutrition. This book reviews surgical techniques, clinical outcomes and potential complications of sleeve gastrectomy.
Take your surgical skills to the next level with Vascular Surgery: Arterial Procedures , a volume in the Master Techniques in Surgery Series! This clinical reference provides the richly illustrated guidance you need to perfect a full range of arterial techniques in vascular surgery, avoid and manage complications, and achieve optimal outcomes.Key Features See exactly how to perform every essential arterial procedure , whether endovascular, open, or combined, thanks to a wealth of exquisite, step-by-step illustrations. Gain insights from international authorities , gleaning each expert's preferred techniques in rich detail. Efficiently review background, indications and contraindications, preoperative planning, surgical techniques, postoperative management, and results and complications for each procedure, as well as selected references for further reading. Don't miss Vascular Surgery: Hybrid, Venous, Dialysis Access, Thoracic Outlet, and Lower Extremity Procedures , the companion volume by Drs. Darling & Ozaki. Expand your repertoire with other volumes in the Master Techniques in Surgery Series! Overseen by Josef E. Fischer, MD , editor of the classic two-volume reference Mastery of Surgery , these titles cover a wide range of common and advanced procedures in the major subspecialties of general surgery, including breast surgery, colon and rectal surgery, esophageal surgery, gastric surgery, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, hernia, and thoracic surgery. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition , which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages , references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The best way to prepare for the American Board of Anesthesiology's new ADVANCED Examination Anesthesiology Core Review: Part Two-ADVANCED Exam prepares you for the second of two new staged anesthesiology board certification exams. This is the first board review book tailored for the new ADVANCED examination.The book is divided into sections that match the blueprint provided by the American Board of Anesthesiology: Basic Science, Clinical Sciences, Organ-Based Sciences,Clinical Subspecialties, and Special Problems or Issues in Anesthesiology. Anesthesiology Core Review: Part Two-ADVANCED Exam is the single best way to take the stress out of this make-or-break exam. Short 2-4 page chapters provide critical information in an easily digestible and memorable format. Each chapter succinctly summarizes key concepts, covering the nearly 200 must-know topics found on the board exam outline. The pages are heavily illustrated to help you visualize key concepts, with space conveniently provided throughout the book to add notes from other study resources. Together with the first volume (Anesthesiology Core Review Part One-BASIC), this book provides an excellent, comprehensive resource for initial board certification. |
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