Books > Science & Mathematics > Astronomy, space & time > Time (chronology)
Estudios de los Mayas/La Nueva Edad "La lectura de este libro es
una experiencia impactante y electrizante; cada pagina nos permite
comprender perspicazmente los misterios mas profundos de la
historia humana y de la evolucion de la consciencia mundial."
--Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., Centro para la Paz Mundial El calendario
profetico Maya no esta ajustado al movimiento de los cuerpos
planetarios, mas bien funciona como un mapa metafisico de la
evolucion de la consciencia y registra como fluye el tiempo
espiritual, brindando una nueva ciencia del tiempo. El calendario
esta asociado a nueve ciclos de creacion, cada uno de los cuales
representa uno de los nueve niveles de consciencia o Submundo
presentes en la piramide cosmica de los mayas. Al utilizar
investigaciones empiricas, Carl Johan Calleman muestra como esta
estructura piramidal del desarrollo de la consciencia puede
explicar temas tan dispares como el origen comun de las religiones
del mundo y el reclamo de nuestros dias de que parece que el tiempo
se mueve mas rapido. Los lectores aprenderan que en realidad el
tiempo se esta acelerando a medida que hacemos una transicion entre
el materialista Submundo Planetario que nos rige hoy, hacia una
frecuencia nueva y mas elevada de la consciencia --el Submundo
Galactico---- lo cual nos prepara para el ultimo nivel universal de
esclarecimiento de la consciencia. El Calendario Maya y la
Transformacion de la Consciencia da a conocer el calendario Maya
como un recurso espiritual que permite una comprension mayor de la
naturaleza de la evolucion de la consciencia a traves de toda la
historia humana, y como este brinda los pasos concretos que podemos
tomar para alinearnos con este desarrollo haciael esclarecimiento.
CARL JOHAN CALLEMAN posee un doctorado en biologia fisica y ha
servido como experto en cancer a la Organizacion Mundial de la
Salud (World Health Organization). En 1979 comenzo sus estudios
sobre el calendario Maya y ahora imparte conferencias por todo el
mundo; tambien es autor de Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our
Time: The Mayan Calendar. Calleman vive en Suecia.
The development of increasingly precise measurements is an
essential part of what Samuel L. Macey identifies as the West's
wide-ranging effort to rationalize human activity--to simplify and
standardize the way we work and communicate with one another. In
"The Dynamics of Progress," Macey examines the history of such
rationalizations as they have manifested themselves. He identifies
a symbiotic relationship among these different types of
rationalization, demonstrating that without the rationalizing of
time, weights and measures, numbers, and language, the scientific,
technological, and industrial advances of the past three hundred
years would have been inconceivable.
In addition to discussing rationalization in its various forms,
Macey also addresses reactions against it, and closes with some
observations on the future. Increasing demands for material goods
have the potential for spreading wealth, but such demands strain
the earth's limited resources. How we address the challenge posed
by this depletion of resources, Macey suggests, will be the
ultimate test of our rationalizing powers.
Exploring the personications of time by which Western
civilization has ordered its attitudes toward both earthly
existence and eternity, "Patriarchs of Time" traces the lineage of
time's gods from the deities of ancient Mesopotamia and Persia
through the pantheons of Greece and Rome, the Christian Father
Time, and the brief reign of the Newtonian Watchmaker God to the
consumerist Santa Claus who holds sway over the year's end
celebrations of our own day. Each of these patriarchs, Samuel L.
Macey shows, has embodied dualisms that re ect the dilemma in the
Western mind between the joys and woes of our brief time on earth
and the promise of eternal life or eternal punishment in the
Santa Claus is today, effectively, the sole inheritor of Saturn's
old midwinter festival, but Macey suggests that it remains to be
seen whether he will fully manifest the dualism that has always
characterized the West's patriarchs of time, and whether our
present consumerist saturnalia will regain the spiritual message of
hope and eternal life that has always been a part of time's