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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Structure & properties of the Earth > Volcanology & seismology
Describes the basic structure, concepts, and application of deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis from a perspective useful to earth scientists, engineers, and decision-makers dealing with hazard evaluation. Draws on Reiter's long experience with government agencies concerned with
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 160.Understanding the inner workings of our planet and its relationship to processes closer to the surface remains a frontier in the geosciences. Manmade probes barely reach 10 km depth and volcanism rarely brings up samples from deeper than 150 km. These distances are dwarfed by Earth's dimensions, and our knowledge of the deeper realms is pieced together from a range of surface observables, meteorite and solar atmosphere analyses, experimental and theoretical mineral physics and rock mechanics, and computer simulations. A major unresolved issue concerns the nature of mantle convection, the slow (1-5 cm/year) solid-state stirring that helps cool the planet by transporting radiogenic and primordial heat from Earth's interior to its surface. Expanding our knowledge here requires input from a range of geoscience disciplines, including seismology, geodynamics, mineral physics, and mantle petrology and chemistry. At the same time, with better data sets and faster computers, seismologists are producing more detailed models of 3-D variations in the propagation speed of different types of seismic waves; new instrumentation and access to state-of-the-art community facilities such as synchrotrons have enabled mineral physicists to measure rock and mineral properties at ever larger pressures and temperatures; new generations of mass spectrometers are allowing geo-chemists to quantify minute concentrations of diagnostic isotopes; and with supercomputers geodynamicists are making increasingly realistic simulations of dynamic processes at conditions not attainable in analogue experiments. But many questions persist. What causes the lateral variations in seismic wavespeed that we can image with mounting accuracy? How reliable are extrapolations of laboratory measurements on simple materials over many orders of magnitude of pressure and temperature? What are the effects of volatiles and minor elements on rock and mineral properties under extreme physical conditions? Can ab initio calculations help us understand material behavior in conditions that are still out of reach of laboratory measurement? What was the early evolution of our planet and to what extent does it still influence present-day dynamics? And how well do we know such first-order issues as the average bulk composition of Earth?
The impact of natural disasters has become an important and ever-growing preoccupation for modern societies. Volcanic eruptions are particularly feared due to their devastating local, regional or global effects. Relevant scientific expertise that aims to evaluate the hazards of volcanic activity and monitor and predict eruptions has progressively developed since the start of the 20th century. The further development of fundamental knowledge and technological advances over this period have allowed scientific capabilities in this field to evolve. Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity groups a number of available techniques and approaches to render them easily accessible to teachers, researchers and students. This volume reviews the different monitoring methods. It first considers fluids and solid products, approaches that provide valuable information on pre-eruptive processes and eruption dynamics. It also focuses on the description of geophysical monitoring methods under development.
Geologically Active contains over 500 papers from 44 countries worldwide, which were presented at the 11th Congress of the IAEG, and includes the state-of-the-art on practise in engineering geology. Engineering geology now extends into a host of linked fields: disaster risk management and climate change, preservation of lifelines, geophysics, interpretation of satellite imagery, communication, instrumentation, mining, tunnelling, groundwater, rehabilitation and brown-field development, wine, recyclable materials, ethics, and education. Communication with non-specialists and developing green solutions has never been more important and the industry is evolving tools and emerging ideas to more appropriately achieve this. This volume brings together engineering, science and practice to focus on the very real effects of active geological processes on communities and infrastructure and their development. The theme of Geologically Active is developed through five chapters focussing on assessment and identification of natural hazards, the meeting of geological phenomena with people and infrastructure to create risk, approaches to hazard mitigation around the world, application of engineering geological techniques and practice, site investigation and geotechnical modelling, and engineering geology in the global economy, bridging the gap between scientists, engineers and non-practitioners in a changing world environment. Geologically Active encourages the transformation of science research into practice, offering a connection between scientific progress and community resilience, and will be invaluable to engineering and geological academics and consultants, government organizations, and power and mining companies.
Why do earthquakes happen? What properties control the dynamic rupture and what are the processes at play? Chapters in the present volume capture the current state of the art by displaying an overview of the existing knowledge on the physics of dynamic faulting and promote multidisciplinary contributions on the observational and experimental fault fabric and mechanics, the evolution of fault zone physical and chemical properties, dynamic rupture processes and physically, and observationally, consistent numerical modeling of fault zone during seismic rupture. This volume examines questions such as: * What are the dynamics processes recorded in fault gouge? * What can we learn on rupture dynamic from laboratory experiments? * How on-fault and off-fault properties affect seismic ruptures? How do they evolve trough time? * Insights from physically, and observationally, consistent numerical modeling Fault Zone Dynamic Processes: Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture is a valuable contribution for Earth s scientists, researchers and students interested in the earthquakes processes and properties of on-fault and off-fault zones. Its multidisciplinary content is relevant to a broad audience: structural geologist, experimentalists, rocks mechanicians, seismologist, geophysicists and modelers.
Volcanic eruptions are the clear and dramatic expression of dynamic processes in planet Earth. The author, one of the most profound specialists in the field of volcanology, explains in a concise and easy to understand manner the basics and most recent findings in the field. Based on over 300 color figures and the model of plate tectonics the book offers an insight in the generation of magmas and the occurrence and origin of volcanoes. The analysis and description of volcanic structures is followed by process oriented chapters discussing the role of magmatic gases as well as explosive mechanisms and sedimentation of volcanic material. The final chapters deal with the forecast of eruptions and their influence on climate. Students and scientists of a broad range of fields will use this book as an interesting and attractive source of information.
Your interest is bound to be held by the contents of this work and the amazing characters, their achievements and the other topics dealt with herein. A search team was formed to find any remains of the Ark of Noah. They recorded on tape, the amazing account by an elderly Armenian living in the USA who had climbed onto the petrified hulk of the Holy Ark, when his uncle took him up Mount Ararat as a boy. His recorded account was subjected to the P.S.E Test (Lie Test)and it passed. Read the amazing account of the incredible Count St Germain, philosopher, alchemist and linguist, who could manufacture diamonds and transmute gold and was friend of Louis XV. Voltaire said to him He is a man who knows everything and never dies. He discovered the elixir of youth. Various nobles and dignitaries met him over the decades and he always looked the same. Read about N.D.E's (near death experiences) ghosts, spirits and the paranormal, the Atlantis myth, the story of Noah and more. The title given to this work will now be obvious to all.
Whenever a volcano threatens to erupt, scientists and adventurers from around the world flock to the site in response to the irresistible allure of one of nature's most dangerous and unpredictable phenomena. In a unique book probing the science and mystery of these fiery features, the authors chronicle not only their geologic behavior but also their profound effect on human life. From Mount Vesuvius to Mount St. Helens, the book covers the surprisingly large variety of volcanoes, the subtle to conspicuous signs preceding their eruptions, and their far-reaching atmospheric consequences. Here scientific facts take on a very human dimension, as the authors draw upon actual encounters with volcanoes, often through firsthand accounts of those who have witnessed eruptions and miraculously survived the aftermath. The book begins with a description of the lethal May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens--complete with an explanation of how safety officials and scientists tried to predict events, and how unsuspecting campers and loggers miles away struggled against terrifying blasts of ash, stone, and heat. The story moves quickly to the ways volcanoes have enhanced our lives, creating mineral-rich land, clean thermal energy, and haunting landscapes that in turn benefit agriculture, recreation, mining, and commerce. Religion and psychology embroider the account, as the authors explore the impact of volcanoes on the human psyche through tales of the capricious volcano gods and attempts to appease them, ranging from simple homage to horrific ritual sacrifice. "Volcanoes" concludes by assisting readers in experiencing these geological phenomena for themselves. An unprecedented "tourist guide to volcanoes" outlines over forty sites throughout the world. Not only will travelers find information on where to go and how to get there, they will also learn what precautions to take at each volcano. Tourists, amateur naturalists, and armchair travelers alike will find their scientific curiosity whetted by this informative and entertaining book.
This volume covers near-source monitoring of seismogenic process, in situ probing of active faults, and techniques for seismogenic process monitoring. It is the outcome of multi-disciplinary investigations conducted over a large range of size scales.
Unless they research the subject for themselves, many people do not realise that the origins and development of the human entity are largely an unresolved mystery. Before the Author's own research, he was among them. He found that he also had been subtly indoctrinated with such remarks 'cousins' and 'relatives' with regard to the apes and assumed like most others, that all the facts where in. When you read the work, you will find that this is simply not true. So begins 'The Human Enigma', a truly epic enquiry into the origins of our world and the creatures that walk upon. In particular, it examines the human brain as a uniquely wonderful creation which can be viewed as a gift from God (or was it the gods?) besides Darwinian evolution and Biblical creation. This book explores the fanatic proposition that mankind's rapid development with regard to the human brain may have been influenced by extra terrestrial sources. This work refers to, and draws together the previous work of respected scientists and looks at the future scenarios that the latest genetic and environmental sciences are pointing towards.
Popular culture is flourishing again, with a renewed interest in the ET and UFO phenomena. We are inundated with films, TV programmes and books, plus many conspiracy theories, dealing with the phenomena. Governments and security agencies are denying any interest in the issue, yet releasing masses of documents (mostly unreadable) after being compelled to, by the Freedom of Information Act. Such speculation and documentation in ancient writings suggests that an unearthly presence has been in Earth-space for many generations. The question of this situation must reach a culminating point sometime in the near future. This book is concerned with the cultural shock and social disorientation that would obviously occur with a sudden appearance en-mass of an alien race finally revealing themselves to humanity and how the people of Earth would react.
Time Series Analysis in Seismology: Practical Applications provides technical assistance and coverage of available methods to professionals working in the field of seismology. Beginning with a thorough review of open problems in geophysics, including tectonic plate dynamics, localization of solitons, and forecasting, the book goes on to describe the various types of time series or punctual processes obtained from those systems. Additionally, the book describes a variety of methods and techniques relating to seismology and includes a discussion of future developments and improvements. Time Series Analysis in Seismology offers a concise presentation of the most recent advances in the analysis of geophysical data, particularly with regard to seismology, making it a valuable tool for researchers and students working in seismology and geophysics. |
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