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Books > Professional & Technical > Environmental engineering & technology > Sanitary & municipal engineering > Water supply & treatment
Integrated Water Resources Management and Security in the Middle East brings together diverse voices relating to the critical issue of water management in one of the world's most politically volatile areas: the Middle East. The book brings together Palestinian, Israeli, Jordanian and international expert opinions on creating a holistic and comprehensive view of water management challenges and strategies in an area of conflict and resource scarcity. The book takes security studies to the next level beyond military preparedness to address the security implications of the most fundamental of resources, that of water. Indeed, the book delves deeply into the underlying ideological underpinnings of various water regimes and possible opportunities for new decision-making models and regional cooperation. This book serves an important place in the scholarly literature on this topic for its breadth of participants and perspectives and its concrete steps forward.
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology attempts to provide concise, critical reviews of timely advances, philosophy and significant areas of accomplished or needed endeavor in the total field of xenobiotics, in any segment of the environment, as well as toxicological implications.
Most of the world s mountains are rich in water and, as such,
play a pivotal role in the global water cycle. They provide water
for diverse human uses and ecosystems. Growing water demands as
well as climate change will lead to ever-increasing pressure on
mountain waters. Overcoming water-use conflicts and maintaining the
ecological functioning of mountain waters presents a highly
challenging task and is indispensable for sustainable
This study presents for the first time an independent and authoritative analysis of water quality management in North and South America, and discusses the practices and future implications of the impacts of the current practices in the different countries of the hemisphere. Includes in-depth case studies analyzing water quality management practices at country and state levels, especially in terms of their effectiveness and overall impact.
This is the first interdisciplinary book on the mobilization of nutrients and pollutants in the water phase due to hydrodynamic processes. Coverage includes the formation of aggregates in turbulent water; flocks and biofilms from organic reactions; and the formation of new surfaces for re-adsorption of dissolved pollutants. The book gathers papers resulting from an International Symposium on Sediment Dynamics and Pollutant Mobility in River Basins in Hamburg, Germany, March, 2006.
This book takes stock of micro irrigation systems (MIS), the technological intervention in India's agricultural and water management sectors, over the past couple of decades. Based on empirical research from the major agriculturally dynamic states, viz., Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, the book provides a nuanced understanding and objective assessment of the implementation and adoption of MIS across these states. It addresses several of the questions related to adoption and impacts of MIS in India. On the adoption side, the key question that the book addresses is which segment of the farming community adopts MIS across states? The impacts analysed include those on physical, agronomic and economic aspects. At the macro level, the question being asked is about the future potential of MIS in terms of saving water from agriculture and making more water available for environment. The book also addresses the question of the positive/negative externalities and real social benefits and costs from the use of MIS, a major justification for heavy capital subsidies for its purchase by farmers. It also brings out certain critical concerns pertaining to MIS adoption, which need to be addressed through more empirical research based on longitudinal panel/ cross sectional data. The book would be of great use to researchers (agricultural water management, irrigation economics), students of water resource engineering, irrigation engineering and water resources management, as well as to policy makers and agricultural water management experts - national and international.
Urban Water Crisis and Management: Strategies for Sustainable Development, Sixth Edition presents solutions for the current challenges of urban water and management strategies. Through contributed chapters, a framework is laid out for a reduction of the use of groundwater (heavily overused as a solution) and the alternative options for the supply of water to cities, or for urban water. Sections discuss urban water, its problems and management approaches, address the root causes of the water crisis in urban areas, and cover the scientific and technical knowledge necessary to manage water resources. Significant gaps between developed and developing nations in the procedure of water management are also addressed, along with practical information regarding recycling and the reuse of wastewater which is useful as baseline data for the future.
This book deals in a concise format with the methods used to develop mathematical models for water and wastewater treatment. It provides a systematic approach to mass balances, transport and transformation processes, kinetics, stoichiometry, reactor hydraulics, residence time distribution, heterogeneous systems, and dynamic behaviour of reactors. In addition it includes an introduction into parameter identification, error analysis, error propagation, process control, time series analysis, stochastic modelling and probabilistic design. Written as a textbook, it contains many solved practical applications.
Water scarcity affects hydrologic resources, systems connectivity, biodiversity, water quality, and river ecosystem functioning. It has direct impacts on economic sectors that use and depend on water, such as agriculture, tourism, industry, energy and transport. The Mediterranean Basin is one of the regions in the world most vulnerable to climate changes, as well as one of the most impacted by human water demand. This volume provides an in-depth view of the water quality and quantity implications of water scarcity. It highlights its possible causes and describes the effects in regions under Mediterranean climate. The topics covered include climate effects, water resources (use, storage and new sources), water quality (chemical and microbiological), and the effects on ecosystems suffering from water scarcity. This book is addressed to scientists and students, but also to managers involved in the necessary decision making process to face future periods of drought.
Completely up-to-date This Second Edition of Susumu Kawamura’s landmark volume offers comprehensive coverage of water treatment facility design, from the basic principles to the latest innovations. It covers a broad spectrum of water treatment process designs in detail and offers clear guidelines on how to choose the unit, process, and equipment that will maximize overall efficiency and minimize maintenance costs. This book also explores many important operational issues that affect today’s plant operators and facility designers. This new edition introduces several new subjects, including value engineering, watershed management, dissolved air flotation process, filtered reservoir (clearwell) design, and electrical system design. It provides expanded and updated coverage of objectives for finished water quality, instrumentation and control, disinfection process, ozonation, disinfection by-product control, the GAC process, and the membrane filtration process. Other important features of this Second Edition include:
Supplemented with hundreds of illustrations, charts, and tables, Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities, Second Edition is an indispensable, hands-on resource for civil engineers and managers, whether working on new facilities or redesigning and rebuilding existing facilities.
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology attempts to provide concise, critical reviews of timely advances, philosophy and significant areas of accomplished or needed endeavor in the total field of xenobiotics, in any segment of the environment, as well as toxicological implications.
Interweaving the human aspects of river control with analysis of hydro-physical data, including historical data over the last few centuries, this monograph is a comprehensive evaluation of the Damodar s lower reaches. While the Damodar River isn t an exceptional tropical river, nor does it feature classic examples of river control structures, it is unusual and worthy of study due to the fact that nowhere else in the tropical world have riverine sandbars been used as a resource base as well as for permanent settlements. Based on their knowledge of river stages, the inhabitants have fine-tuned their land use to flood events, applying a concept of flood zoning to the riverbed. Every available space has been utilized rationally and judiciously. This rare human-environmental study analyzes the remarkable way in which immigrants unfamiliar with the riverine environment have adapted to the altered hydrologic regime of the river. In doing so they have demonstrated a sophisticated understanding of the flood regime and the vagaries of an unpromising environment in their land use, cropping and settlement patterns. Spurred on by restricted social and economic mobility and sometimes political constraints, these self-settled refugees have learned to adapt to their environment and live with the floods. Bhattacharyya s text is particularly timely, as anthropogenic processes of this kind have not been adequately studied by geographers."
Volume 2: Risk Analysis. This 3-volume reference presents the latest findings in impact assessment of recycled hazardous waste materials on surface and ground waters. Topics covered include chemodynamics, toxicology, modeling and information systems. The book serves as a practical guide for the monitoring, design, management, or conduct of environmental impact assessment. Each volume contains the table of contents of all volumes.
There is increasing political and environmental pressure on industry to clean up the water which it uses in many processes, and to re-use this water where possible. This cleaning is done using specially-developed industrial membranes and this book covers the types and design of membranes, how they work and in which industries they are used. Special attention is paid to the textile, food/ beverage, pharmaceutical, oil and pulp and paper industries where such membranes are in regular use.
Volume 3: Engineering Modeling and Sustainability. This 3-volume reference presents the latest findings in impact assessment of recycled hazardous waste materials on surface and ground waters. Topics covered include chemodynamics, toxicology, modeling and information systems. The book serves as a practical guide for the monitoring, design, management, or conduct of environmental impact assessment. Each volume contains the table of contents of all volumes.
In developing countries, access to the adequate sanitation systems is still limited, and a new business model is required. This book demonstrates the benefits of resource-oriented agro-sanitation systems, including the concepts and technologies, and using selected case studies, e.g. from Burkina Faso and Indonesia, it illustrates the different applications of the system. It also discusses various aspects related to resource-oriented agro-sanitation system, including resource-recovery technologies for feces, urine and grey water, business models for installation, and agricultural issues related to uses of urine and compost. Promoting installation of sanitation systems, especially in developing countries, the book is intended for water and sanitation engineers, administrators, policy makers and regulators. It also provides multidisciplinary insights, making it a useful resource for students and researchers.
As one of the most important natural resources, the management of water is becoming increasingly important as water resources are growing more scarce. This is especially the case for rural areas and developing countries, such as Africa. In sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries today, the demand for water resources is increasing. In this innovative study, the author examines these forms of traditional or customary institutions of water management in a manner that has never been done before. First, the author provides us with an understanding and appreciation of the differential impact of customary institutions on drinking- and irrigation-water management. Most sociological studies on rural water management in SSA have addressed water-management issues without adequately analyzing customary institutions and showing how they affect rural water management. Most studies in river-basin management focus on water for irrigation. Few studies have examined how the customary and statutory institutions influence water management for different water uses. This study looks at how the management of water for domestic use differs from the management of water for livestock and small-scale irrigation. The second unique contribution of this book is the analysis of the role of women and how customary and statutory institutions affect women's participation in water management. Few studies have looked at the role of women and their contribution to rural water management. Previous studies have focused only on the statutory institutions. Finally, the study offers a valuable comparison of the effectiveness of statutory and customary institutions in enforcement of their regulations, resolving natural-resource conflicts, and in ensuring access to water for different uses. Although many researchers recognize the importance of customary institutions, their analysis tends to focus more on the statutory institutions for water management. In this book, both formal and informal water-management institutions are considered for a more balanced understanding. The findings of this study will serve as the basis for formulating policies and programs that include customary institutions in the management of rural water resources in Tanzania. In Tanzania, lack of access to safe water for many rural populations is a major concern. Lack of safe water has implications for rural people and the country as a whole. Policy makers, nongovernmental organizations, planners, and water providers need to be informed so they can incorporate customary institutions into policies and strategies for management of rural water resources. This is an important book for African studies, environmental studies, and policy studies.
This book describes the water sector as it is structured in Italy, presenting innovative engineering, financial and managerial solutions implemented by the Italian water sector, through the experiences of its major stakeholders. The main themes addressed include water regulation, financing infrastructures, economic performance of the leading companies, abstraction, potabilization, distribution, treatment and purification technologies, energy production, and organizational restructuring. The last part of the work presents company profiles with important financial indicators, as well as future strategic postures. Written by leading Italian experts, the book reflects the remarkable advances that have been made in the field of water governance and environmental management. The book is especially valuable for researchers, water professionals, utility managers, as well as policy makers and foreign investors looking for opportunities. This work has been prepared as part of the research activities of the Observatory on Sustainable Water Industry, one of Agici's Research and Advisory units.
If you have responsibility for forecasting future water demand in your city, AWWA's newly revised Forecasting Urban Water Demand provides all the tools you need to accurately forecast drinking-water requirements for your city in the short-, mid-, and long-term. Forecasting Urban Water Demand examines the full range of influences on urban water demand-population, weather, climate, water prices/rates, and short- and long-term conservation programs. It describes how to use all water demand-forecasting techniques used by US water utilities:1. Annual per capita water demand forecasts 2. Annual water demand forecasts by major customer class 3. Peak day forecasts 4. Monthly system water demand forecasts 5. Daily water demand forecasts 6. Revenue forecasts linked with water demand forecastsThe book provides guidance for choosing the right forecasting methods, depending upon the uses for which you will use the forecast, such as sizing system capacity and raw water supply, rate setting, revenue forecasting, or planning distribution system improvements. Additionally, the book tells you what data you need to do forecasting, and shows you how to use such useful techniques as curve fitting, statistical regression analysis, and other powerful methodologies. You will be able to do a water demand forecast as sophisticated or as simple as you need, with the information in this book. An included CD contains a wealth of data that will help you to understand standard forecasting concepts and practice standard forecasting procedures.The CD contains * 20 years' of daily weather data (a typical data chart available from the National Climactic Data Center, useful for many demand-analysis applications) * 66 years' of daily water use data (a remarkable series of data, used for several important exercises in water demand analysis) * Demand curve chart (experiment with the relationship between price and demand) * 15 years' of data to analyze per capita water demand (understand such concepts as regression analysis) * 10 years' of monthly data on water use proportions and factors (predict seasonal variation of water use for a customer class or utility) * Sector water use data and forecast (example of historic data on residential and commercial/industrial water use and 25-year forecasts based on growth rates) * Types of water demand forecasts and applications (know which forecast application to use for short-, mid-, or long-term forecasts) NEW IN THE SECOND EDITION 1. Findings from the Water Demand Survey, a polling of more than 600 US water utility managers on their forecast practices, conservation programs, and current and anticipated trends per capita water use in their systems. 2. New chapters on long-term water conservation and short-term emergency conservation. 3. Expanded coverage of impacts of weather and climate change on water demand modeling. 4. Expanded information on price elacticity with example calculations.
This book systematically presents the technical aspects of supercritical water oxidation and supercritical water gasification for energy and environmental applications, which include reactor design, construction materials, corrosion, salt precipitation, etc. The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the properties of supercritical water, and the industrial applications, reaction mechanisms and reaction kinetics of supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) and supercritical water gasification (SCWG). The reactions occurring in supercritical water are complex, and studying their reaction mechanisms is of great importance for the development of supercritical water processing technologies. Accordingly, the book explains the oxidative mechanisms and kinetics of organic matter in supercritical water in detail. However, the harsh reaction conditions in supercritical water can easily create severe reactor corrosion and salt deposition problems. Therefore, the book also comprehensively reports on the mechanism analysis, state of research, and development trends regarding these two problems. Lastly, the book summarizes the development of supercritical water processing technologies, including studies on SCWO and SCWG, as well as near-zero-emission systems of pollutants based on SCWO technology. In short, the book provides a wealth of valuable information for all readers who are interested in using SCWO for organic waste treatment, and in using SCWG for hydrogen production with wet biomass.
This book focuses in the current situation of water resources, water supply and sanitation, and population movement in Latin America. It identifies new phenomena and challenges that will put more pressure on water resources in the near future and that will create important socioeconomic constraints in population and their governments. This volume offers an evaluation of water resources availability and consumption, water supply and sanitation shortages, management models and population growth and territory occupation trends in eighteen Latin American countries. Also a set of recommendations, policy proposals and projects is outlined.
Watersheds, supplying crucial ecosystem services to humans, seem to be a logical territorial unit to integrate societal benefits and environmental needs in order to evaluate the sustainability of natural resource use patterns. Based on this belief the book is an attempt to initiate a comprehensive environmental security assessment in the basin of the Azov Sea, shared by Russia and Ukraine. Though the region provides a variety of essential services and plays a strategic role in national and international development plans, it has been excluded from most regional environmental discussions. At the same time there is an alarming degradation rate of basin freshwater ecosystems that has occurred due to overutilization of certain prioritized services (e.g. transportation). The collapse of neglected services (e.g. fishery and freshwater supply) poses serious threats to the national economies as well as the local population, and to mitigate these threats priority in water management should be given to securing sustainability of the regional freshwater ecosystems. In addition to the review of the current status of Azov ecosystem services, the authors analyze likely future availability and challenges. The relevant experience derived from basin management of the Black Sea and other similar basins is also discussed.
Water, Power and Citizenship investigates the interrelationship between water politics and institutions and the development of citizenship rights from a historical-sociological perspective. The evolution of water's manifold social character and values, as a source of power, as a public good, as a commodity, or as a universal right is examined in the light of ever changing and mutually binding social and ecological processes. The Basin of Mexico's rich water history becomes the vantage point to cast light on one of the most crucial challenges facing the international community - that of eliminating water inequality and injustice.
The management of water supply and quality in lakes, rivers, and reservoirs has proceeded largely on the basis of local rather than global considerations. High-quality freshwater resources are now in critically short supply, not only because of local problems such as over-irrigation and eutrophication, but also as a result of large-scale impacts such as climate effects on the hydrosphere. This book explores the dichotomy of global strategies (international and generic) versus local strategies (site-specific) for lake, river, and reservoir management, and presents a series of contrasting perspectives on topics that include monitoring, modeling, water treatment, eutrophication, and restoration. The final chapter integrates these perspectives and identifies strengths, weaknesses, and complementary aspects of the two approaches to help refine future strategies for the sustainable use of the world's freshwater resources.
Pesticides Remediation Technologies from Water and Wastewater focuses on environmental aspects and health effects of pesticides, the use of conventional and AOPs technologies, and adsorption processes and nanomaterials for the removal of pesticides from water and wastewater. The deterioration of water quality is of great concern due to its effects on aquatic organisms, humans and the ecosystem. Among the pollutants, pesticides are a major concern in villages and farm land. This edited book bridges the gap between old and new knowledge about the categorization of pesticides, the presence of them in water, wastewater, soil and foods, and new methods to detect them from water matrices. This edited book provides the necessary basic knowledge to new researchers who want to learn about pesticides and the ways to eliminate them in aqueous matrices. Moreover, it is also a helpful resource for mature researchers in this field, providing them with new trends in water and wastewater treatment processes, preparation and application of novel adsorbent materials. |
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