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Books > Professional & Technical > Environmental engineering & technology > Sanitary & municipal engineering > Water supply & treatment
Riverbank filtration is a low cost, yet efficient water treatment technology. It has most potential to provide safe drinking water to large cities located along rivers or lakes. In particular, it is ideal for large population centres in developing countries, where the cost of building extensive treatment facilities is prohibitive. Water filtration can be successfully implemented using naturally occurring sand and gravel along the river/lake banks. The cost of water produced by this means is much lower than that of water treated in conventional treatment plants. Authored by a multi-disciplinary team of experts, this volume addresses the scientific basis of the filtration process, and also numerous topics of importance for the planning, technical realization, and security of such plants. Their application for the removal of relevant chemical pollutants and a variety of pathogens is analysed in detail.
This book highlights the relationship between the water sector and various other sectors in order to establish an improved understanding of the importance of water resources as an essential cross-cutting vector of socio-economic development. The book is both policy and practice oriented and is not constrained by existing definitions on water security. It includes actual experiences of policy, management, development and governance decisions taken within the water sector, and examples on how these have affected the energy and agricultural sectors as well as impacted the environment, and vice versa, as appropriate. It also discusses trade-offs, short and long-term implications, lessons learnt, and the way forward. The book includes case studies on cities, countries and regions such as Australia, China, Singapore, Central Asia, Morocco, Southern Africa, France, Latin America, Brazil and California.
Water quality modeling is a powerful tool to help in understanding the processes and factors that influence water quality in potable water distribution systems. This book will help you set up a realistic mathematical simulation of your distribution system and your water quality to let you determine the fate of contaminants as they travel through the distribution system. You'll see how to model a wide range of operational and design variables. Experiment with various scenarios to model and monitor TTHMs, disinfectant decay, chemical reactions, supply-and-demand over time, hydraulics, tank mixing, blended waters, and many other parameters. Whether you are new to water quality modeling or a long-time practitioner, you'll find a vast wealth of knowledge from an esteemed expert in the field and pioneering developer of EPANET, author Robert M. Clark.
Industrialized nations are facing a broad range of environmental restoration problems associated with contamination of surface-subsurface soils. Remedial action is assigned a high priority because of possibly dangerous drinking water contamination and non-compliance situations. Numerous technologies, both commercially available or in various stages of development, are examined. This book focuses on recent technological developments for environmental control and clean-up. The book acquaints scientists, government officials and managers with technical issues related to environmental restoration in case of contamination, including accidental pollution release.
During the past three decades, urban groundwater has emerged as one of the world's most pressing issues. Explosive population growth, most prevalent in cities, has placed an inordinate demand on groundwater supply, prompting concerns for its long-term sustainability at a time when the quality of available groundwater resources is being increasingly degraded by anthropogenic activity. Cities less reliant on groundwater for potable supply are equally obliged to manage subsurface water with cautious respect since rising groundwater levels can generate a myriad of problems such as unstable land slopes, flooded basements, tunnels and electrical utilities, and the release of polluted water to urban wetlands, springs and streams.Challenges in Urban Groundwater is premised on a growing recognition that most urban groundwater problems are not uniquely associated with any particular region or hydrogeological environment, and much can be learned by understanding the successes and failures of others. It showcases the best urban groundwater papers presented at the International Geological Congress held in Florence, Italy in 2004, and is supplemented by contributions solicited from other world experts active in urban groundwater research. Topics covered range from the urban water balance and rising groundwater levels to groundwater contamination and the role of aquifer modelling.
This book addresses a broad range of issues concerning microplastic pollution, including microplastic pollution in various environments (freshwater, marine, air and soil); the sources, fate and effects of microplastics; detection systems for microplastic pollution monitoring; green approaches for the synthesis of environmentally friendly polymers; recovery and recycling of marine plastics; wastewater treatment plants as a microplastic entrance route; nanoplastics as emerging pollutants; degradation of plastics in the marine environment; impacts of microplastics on marine life; microplastics: from marine pollution to the human food chain; mitigation of microplastic impacts and innovative solutions; sampling, extraction, purification and identification approaches for microplastics; adsorption and transport of pollutants on and in microplastics; and lastly, the socio-economic and environmental impacts: assessment and risk analysis. In addition to presenting cutting-edge information and highlighting current trends and issues, the book proposes concrete solutions to help face this significant environmental threat. It is chiefly intended for researchers and industry decision-makers; international, national and local institutions; and NGOs, providing them with comprehensive information on the origin of the problem; its effects on marine environments, with a particular focus on the Mediterranean Sea and coasts; and recent and ongoing research activities and projects aimed at finding technical solutions to mitigate the phenomenon.
Chittaranjan Ray, Ph. D. , P. E. University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, Hawaii, United States Jurgen Schubert, M. Sc. Stadtwerke Dusseldorf AG Dusseldorf, Germany Ronald B. Linsky National Water Research Institute Fountain Valley, California, United States Gina Melin National Water Research Institute Fountain Valley, California, United States 1. What is Riverbank Filtration? The purpose ofthis book is to show that riverbank filtration (RBF) isa low-cost and efficient alternative water treatment for drinking-water applications. There are two immediate benefits to the increased use of RBF: Minimized need for adding chemicals like disinfectants and coagulants to surface water to control pathogens. Decreased costs to the community without increased risk to human health. Butwhat,exactly, isRBF? In humid regions, river water naturally percolates through the ground into aquifers (which are layers of sand and gravel that contain water underground) during high-flow conditions. In arid regions, most rivers lose flow, and the percolating water passes through soil and aquifer material until it reaches the water table. During these percolation processes, potential contaminants present in river water are filtered and attenuated. If there are no other contaminants present in the aquifer or ifthe respective contaminants are present at lower concentrations, the quality of water in the aquifer can be ofhigher quality than that found in theriver. In RBF, production wells - which are placed near the banks ofrivers -pump large quantities ofwater.
Transboundary rivers and lakes are often the remaining new sources of water that can be developed for human uses. These water sources were not used in the past because of the many complexities involved. Written and edited by the world 's leading water and legal experts, this unique and authoritative book analyses the magnitudes of the transboundary water problems in different parts of the world. It also examines difficulties and constraints faced to resolve these problems.
The unit process approach, common in the field of chemical engineering, was introduced about 1962 to the field of environmental engineering. An understanding of unit processes is the foundation for continued learning and for designing treatment systems. The time is ripe for a new textbook that delineates the role of unit process principles in environmental engineering. Suitable for a two-semester course, Water Treatment Unit Processes: Physical and Chemical provides the grounding in the underlying principles of each unit process that students need in order to link theory to practice. Bridging the gap between scientific principles and engineering practice, the book covers approaches that are common to all unit processes as well as principles that characterize each unit process. Integrating theory into algorithms for practice, Professor Hendricks emphasizes the fundamentals, using simple explanations and avoiding models that are too complex mathematically, allowing students to assimilate principles without getting sidelined by excess calculations. Applications of unit processes principles are illustrated by example problems in each chapter. Student problems are provided at the end of each chapter; the solutions manual can be downloaded from the CRC Press Web site. Excel spreadsheets are integrated into the text as tables designated by a "CD" prefix. Certain spreadsheets illustrate the idea of "scenarios" that emphasize the idea that design solutions depend upon assumptions and the interactions between design variables. The spreadsheets can be downloaded from the CRC web site. The book has been designed so that each unit process topic is self-contained, with sidebars and examples throughout the text. Each chapter has subheadings, so that students can scan the pages and identify important topics with little effort. Problems, references, and a glossary are found at the end of each chapter. Most chapters contain downloadable Excel spreadsheets integrated into the text and appendices with additional information. Appendices at the end of the book provide useful reference material on various topics that support the text. This design allows students at different levels to easily navigate through the book and professors to assign pertinent sections in the order they prefer. The book gives your students an understanding of the broader aspects of one of the core areas of the environmental engineering curriculum and knowledge important for the design of treatment systems.
This book focuses on environmental aspects of Boka Kotorska Bay in Montenegro (South Adriatic Sea), an area that has been shaped by seasonal tourism, and explores the use and limitations of its natural resources. The individual chapters highlight its geographic and oceanographic characteristics, climate, history and development, biology, fisheries, agriculture, coastal zones, shipping, marine tourism and pollution. Above all, the environmental impact of tourism on marine, coastal and shoreline areas and the resulting conflicts are discussed in detail. The volume is intended for specialists working in various fields of environmental sciences and ecology, water resources and management, land reclamation and agriculture, and regional climate change.
Advanced Technologies in Wastewater Treatment: Oily Wastewaters focuses on characteristics and innovative treatment technologies of oily wastewater from various resources. Primary and physical treatment methods such as absorption, adsorption, followed by common techniques like coagulation and fluctuation are discussed in detail. Applications of other advanced methods for the treatment of oily wastewaters like utilization of membranes and stripping gases are covered as well. Finally, novel technologies applied in purification of oily wastewaters such as photocatalytic degradation and biological processes are reviewed and future outlooks and prospects are also illustrated.
The current volumes, 5/I and 5/O in the Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series, cover the analytical, toxicological and environmental issues of unregulated contaminants including surfactants, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP), and gasoline additives, among priority pollutants identified by US and European environmental authorities. These books synthesize the results of up-to-date research to offer a balanced view of this rapidly developing and complex subject.
In the 20th century, water management focused on the local scale of interest. In the 21st century we will be facing changes in quantity and quality of our water cycle. Triggering forces behind these new challenges are industrialisation, population growth and the delayed awareness that we are to expect a global change. The magnitude and distribution of global changes are not exactly predictable, because we live in an always changing environment, are faced with severe and interfering processes, which all are not yet sufficiently understood. Therefore, to shoulder this task, hydrology should embrace more integrative and interdisciplinary approaches than already existing and has to achieve more flexibility in assessments and decisions. To better approach this challenge, catchments related solutions are more important than local solutions, to satisfy the water demand of agriculture, ecosystems, industry and the private sector. And we should keep in mind that the environment has a "sustainable memory" and our knowledge about attenuation capacities and resilience of the environment is still low.
The world's population is expected to reach the eight billion mark very soon. As a result, there is a need for increased industrial and agricultural production to ensure human wellbeing. This in turn generates huge amounts of waste. Current waste treatment solutions are effective, but usually require huge capital investment, are labour intensive and potentially lead to hazardous by-products. This book presents the latest non-biological approaches to address issues related to the abundance of waste, offering insights into best practices in various regions around the globe. It highlights techniques such as chemical extraction, pyrolysis and ultrasonics, and a number of chapters include individual case studies to further enhance readers' understanding. This comprehensive reference resource is intended for graduate students, researchers and scientists, and is also a valuable addition to all agriculture and biotechnology libraries.
This book presents up-to-date information on the status of water resources in India. It presents an assessment of the surface water and groundwater condition to help stakeholders take the necessary actions to control pollution and make the country's water resources sustainable. The book addresses various topics, including forest-water interactions for governing water quality at catchment scales, water quality status, rainwater harvesting methods, acid-mine drainage, water pollution, management strategies, drinking water quality, and treatment of industrial wastewater. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable tool for policy planners who wish to improve the current situation and move toward sustainable water resources in India.
There are approximately 50,000 small water supplies in the UK alone, and thousands more worldwide. Dealing with the idiosyncratic characteristics of small water supplies requires specialist knowledge, and this book provides invaluable guidance for professionals. Based on the extensive practical experience of the author, this
book covers how small independent supplies differ from public water
supplies, and outlines the health dangers they pose, along with
detailed instruction in water sampling and risk assessment
techniques. Clapham describes the different types of water supplies
including their construction and treatment systems, and discusses
common problems encountered. A wide range of case studies bring the
theory to life, and both UK and European legislation is discussed.
There is also a sizeable section dealing with small water supplies
in developing countries.
The objective of this book is to summarize and critically assess the current status, development trends and needs of three basic defensive elements that safeguard the quality and environmental safety of soil and water/sediments: early warning monitoring, protection and remediation measures, with particular regard to the viability of methods and technologies, i.e. easiness-to-use, reliability, cost-effectiveness, high efficiency and non-destructive character of remediation that is of particular importance considering the scale of application. The primary aim of the book is to contribute to the improving maintenance of ecosystems, and specifically to summarize and add to information on how best to protect our soils and aquifers, prevent migration and mobilization of pollutants and how to enhance their degradation and/or immobilization. Mechanism of action is considered the first priority, but optimization of technical construction/application details are of no lesser importance. In the permeable reactive barriers, and other preventive/remediation measures, a number of novel integrated physicochemical and biochemical methods are presented. The remediation solutions for soil pollution are focused on non-destructive methods such as phyto- and ecoremediation that would preserve soil properties during and after decontamination. The contributors to the book are internationally recognized experts, which present both state-of-the art and novel approaches in the above fields that makes the book unique with respect to the scope.
In the countries of the Middle East and Northern Africa, reclaimed wastewater is recognized as a non-conventional water resource. However, substandial amounts are still discharged into water courses without further treatment. The objective of this research was to analyse the technological, regulatory, institutional, financial and socio-cultural opportunities, seen as incentives; and the constraints, perceived as disincentives, which influence the adoption of wastewater treatment and reuse. Fieldwork was carried out in Jordan and Tunisia, countries which have made great strides in raising the proportion of re-used wastewater. Unexpectedly, farmers and customers proved well-prepared to use reclaimed water in irrigation, and to buy crops raised in the irrigated fields. Abu-Madi stresses the need for raising the price of freshwater, reflecting its true scarcity, thus creating a stronger incentive to utilise reclaimed wastewater.
This book provides a critical, carefully researched, up-to-date summary of membranes for membrane bioreactors. It presents a comprehensive and self-contained outline of the fundamentals of membrane bioreactors, especially their relevance as an advanced water treatment technology. This outline helps to bring the technology to the readers' attention, and positions the critical topic of membrane fouling as one of the key impediments to its more widescale adoption. The target readership includes researchers and industrial practitioners with an interest in membrane bioreactors.
The book is the first pioneering study to assess the impacts of the megaconferences on water policies, programmes and projects at global, regional and national levels. The results are bleak. The evaluation indicated that except for the UN Water Conference, held in Argentina in 1977, the impacts of the subsequent megaconferences have been at best marginal in terms of knowledge generation and synthesis, poverty alleviation, and/or environmental conservation.
This book presents the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Wastewater Reuse - Risk Assessment, Decision-Making and Environmental Security, held in Istanbul in October, 2006. The papers survey the current state of water management in the world and especially the Middle East and Mediterranean regions, and address some of the most difficult international conflicts. Wastewater, a by-product of agricultural, industrial or domestic water use, can be an environmental hazard causing damage to soil and to water resources. However, as demonstrated in many of the papers, it can also be a benefit if exploited correctly. Papers presented cover in great detail and depth the risk assessment, decision-making approaches and environmental security. Information about design, installation, management of wastewater treatment facilities, and use for saline water is provided by experts from the EU, UNESCO, World Bank, United States, Canada and other contributing agencies.
This book contains two parts. The first part deals with some aspects of irrigation, encompassing farm irrigation systems, landscape gardening, energy assessment for drip irrigation, and micro-sprinklers. The second part is on water resources planning and management. It discusses water crisis, challenges in river health management, water supply systems, salt water intrusion, lake management, water supply demand assessment, integrated water resources management, among other topics. The book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology, environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural resources planning and management. Graduate students and those wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and their development and management may find the book to be of value.
This book contains the lectures given in the International Course "Improving efficiency and reliability in water supply systems," hosted and sponsored by the Menendez Pelayo International University (U.I.M.P.) and co-sponsored by Aguas de Valencia, the British Council and the EC Cornett and Erasmus programmes. The short course took place in Valencia (Spain) in November 1994, with an attendance of more than one hundred delegates. We must not only acknowedge and thank Dr. Joaquin Azagra, as UIMP Director, but also his collaborators D. Luis Moreno and Lidia Lopez for their support in the preparation of the Course and during the course taking place. UIMP sponsorship allowed us to assemble in Valencia an eminent cadre of lecturers coming from all over the world, that covered in an ordered and precise fashion some of the more relevant aspects on efficiency and reliability in water supply systems. We are very thankful to all these leading lecturers for their invaluable cooperation. The publication of this book and the Spanish edition as well, have been made possible thanks to the sponsorship of both Polytechnic University of Valencia througout its Chancellor, Justo Nieto, and Aguas de Valencia throughout its General Director Alvaro Aguirre. We must also thank Kluwer Academic Publishers and especially their Publisher Petra van Steenbergen for her assistance, careful presentation and production of the book.
This book treats the problem of transient hydraulic computation, for hydroelectric plants and pumping stations, with an emphasis on numerical methods. The topics covered include: the waterhammer in hydraulic systems under pressure; experimental results concerning the waterhammer; protection of pumping stations with reference to the waterhammer; hydraulic resonance in hydroelectric power plant and pumping stations; mass oscillation in hydraulic surge systems; hydraulic stability of systems endowed with surge tanks; experimental results in the study of mass oscillations; hydroelectric power plants and pumping stations designed in complex hydraulic schemes; and computation of unsteady motions in the intermediate domain between rapid and slow motions. This book is not a standard monograph based on previously published material, but is primarily grounded on the theoretical and applied results obtained by authors during more than 20 years of practice. It considers the problems of hydraulic computation as encountered in the design of a significant number of hydroelectric power plants and pumping stations in Romania. |
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