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In an increasingly interconnected and global business environment, it is crucial that businesses recognise how a better understanding of cultural differences can help to foster greater business success. This book will help you to develop essential cross-cultural insights for when business and marketing goes global through a range of frameworks and learning features. The authors explore the roles of culture, communication, language, interactions, decision-making, market entry and business planning when working across geographical regions. They recognise the rich diversity in international markets and local consumer knowledge and marketing practices. Readers are encouraged to engage in cultural self-reflection to help better design and implement business strategies in local markets. Throughout, the book links to the x-culture learning project, which is an experiential multicultural exercise and form of student assessment where collaborative virtual teams are formed and together solve real world international business problems. This is an essential textbook for university and college students of international and cross-cultural marketing as well as international and intercultural business. It will also be of interest to business and marketing practitioners working in global contexts.
In an increasingly interconnected global business environment, it is crucial that marketers recognise how a better understanding of cultural differences can help improve performance. "Marketing Across Cultures" examines how multinational companies can appreciate and adapt to international diversity. By comparing national marketing systems with local commercial customs, Usunier and Lee use a cross-cultural approach that provides essential information on how marketing strategies can be implemented in different national contexts. Full of up-to-date examples, numerous illustrations and using clear language, this text will guide students through key cultural marketing issues.
Today there is hardly any company that can claim that it is not
involved in international business (IB). A huge body of literature
is available on international business, but there are very few
publications on the most important aspect of IB, namely
During the twentieth century, religion has gone on the market place. Churches and religious groups are forced to 'sell god' in order to be attractive to 'religious consumers'. More and more, religions are seen as 'brands' that have to be recognizable to their members and the general public. What does this do to religion? How do religious groups and believers react? What is the consequence for society as a whole? This book brings together some of the best international specialists from marketing, sociology and economics in order to answer these and similar questions. The interdisciplinary book treats new developments in three fields that have hitherto evolved rather independently: the commoditization of religion, the link between religion and consumer behavior, and the economics of religion. By combining and cross-fertilizing these three fields, the book shows just what happens when religions become brands.
During the twentieth century, religion has gone on the market place. Churches and religious groups are forced to 'sell god' in order to be attractive to 'religious consumers'. More and more, religions are seen as 'brands' that have to be recognizable to their members and the general public. What does this do to religion? How do religious groups and believers react? What is the consequence for society as a whole? This book brings together some of the best international specialists from marketing, sociology and economics in order to answer these and similar questions. The interdisciplinary book treats new developments in three fields that have hitherto evolved rather independently: the commoditization of religion, the link between religion and consumer behavior, and the economics of religion. By combining and cross-fertilizing these three fields, the book shows just what happens when religions become brands.
Negotiations occupy a prominent place in the world of business, especially when it comes to international deals. In an increasingly global business environment, understanding and managing cultural differences is key to successful negotiations. This book highlights two basic components of negotiations: the Deal and the Relationship. Countries and cultures place different value and priority on these components both in the negotiation process and in the outcome. Intercultural Business Negotiations provides a guiding framework that is both refined and contextualized and provides managers with the key skills necessary to navigate difficult negotiations where partners may differ in terms of culture, communication style, time orientation, as well as personal and professional backgrounds. The book systematically examines both dispositional and situational aspects of negotiations in interaction with cultural factors. Intercultural Business Negotiations is an accessible resource for managers, leaders, and those interested in or studying business negotiations globally. It is accompanied by an author run companion website containing negotiation simulations, instructions for players, and teaching notes for instructors.
The spread of HIV/AIDS affects businesses in all sectors, all industries and all countries. For companies and organizations everywhere, the question is no longer whether to take action on HIV/AIDS but which actions to take. Complete with an impressive collection of complex background and research on HIV/AIDS and a foreword by Dr. Peter Piot, former Executive Director of UNAIDS, this volume collects case studies of managers worldwide faced with challenging HIV/AIDS-related management decisions. AIDS and Business will fascinate the general reader seeking an understanding of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and to the advanced reader looking to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the impact of the disease. The case studies in this volume, set in nine countries, detail the issues facing businesses operating in areas where HIV/AIDS prevalence is growing. The topics discussed include understanding the role of social and cultural factors in the spread of HIV, the different organizations and institutions fighting the epidemic, designing an HIV communications campaign, HIV testing, ethical issues, marketing ethics and CSR, condoms marketing, and designing an HIV workplace program. Useful as a resource on HIV/AIDS and business, a set of case studies, or a training tool, this book contains a unique range of tools for learning to understand the epidemic, designed from a grounded and practical business perspective.
Negotiations occupy a prominent place in the world of business, especially when it comes to international deals. In an increasingly global business environment, understanding and managing cultural differences is key to successful negotiations. This book highlights two basic components of negotiations: the Deal and the Relationship. Countries and cultures place different value and priority on these components both in the negotiation process and in the outcome. Intercultural Business Negotiations provides a guiding framework that is both refined and contextualized and provides managers with the key skills necessary to navigate difficult negotiations where partners may differ in terms of culture, communication style, time orientation, as well as personal and professional backgrounds. The book systematically examines both dispositional and situational aspects of negotiations in interaction with cultural factors. Intercultural Business Negotiations is an accessible resource for managers, leaders, and those interested in or studying business negotiations globally. It is accompanied by an author run companion website containing negotiation simulations, instructions for players, and teaching notes for instructors.
In an increasingly interconnected and global business environment, it is crucial that businesses recognise how a better understanding of cultural differences can help to foster greater business success. This book will help you to develop essential cross-cultural insights for when business and marketing goes global through a range of frameworks and learning features. The authors explore the roles of culture, communication, language, interactions, decision-making, market entry and business planning when working across geographical regions. They recognise the rich diversity in international markets and local consumer knowledge and marketing practices. Readers are encouraged to engage in cultural self-reflection to help better design and implement business strategies in local markets. Throughout, the book links to the x-culture learning project, which is an experiential multicultural exercise and form of student assessment where collaborative virtual teams are formed and together solve real world international business problems. This is an essential textbook for university and college students of international and cross-cultural marketing as well as international and intercultural business. It will also be of interest to business and marketing practitioners working in global contexts.
Today there is hardly any company that can claim that it is not involved in international business (IB). A huge body of literature is available on international business, but there are very few publications on the most important aspect of IB, namely negotiations. The purpose of this book is to enhance our understanding about the impact of culture and communication on international business negotiations. Consequently to explore the problems faced by Western managers while doing business abroad and provide some guidelines for international business negotiations. The book is divided in four parts. The first part explains the nature of international business negotiations. The second part deals with culture and its aspect on international business and negotiations. Part three discusses negotiations for different type of businesses and finally, part four provides insightful examples from different parts of the world and provides concrete guidelines to handle cross-cultural negotiations. It focuses on the most important aspect of international business: negotiations!
Die Kultur ist nicht beliebt Bereits im friihen 19. lahrhundert erklarte David Ricardo in seinem Gesetz des "kompa rativen Vorteils," warum es flir Lander vorteilhaft ist, sich am internationalen Handel zu beteiligen. Damals, wie heute, wurde jedoch eine wichtige EinfluBgroBe nicht in die Betrachtung miteinbezogen - die Kultur. Ricardo hatte in seinem Modell zwei Lander, Portugal und England, und zwei Produkte, Wein und Tuch, vor Augen. Eine dem Modell zugrunde liegende Hypothese besagt, daB die Produkte und die Geschmacker in beiden Landern identisch sind. In Wirklichkeit aber waren die Geschmacker von Englandern und Portugiesen auch vor knapp zweihundert lahren schon fein genug, urn die Tiicher der eigenen Produktion wiederzuerkennen und ganz genau zwischen englischem und portugiesischem Stoff unterscheiden zu konnen. Ebenso hatten die Portugiesen beim Wein ganz andere Vorlieben als die Englander. Auch in der Folgezeit der Wirtschaftsge schichte wurde die Kultur hOchstens in den Notfallen beriicksichtigt, in den en sie zur Durchsetzung protektionistischer MaBnahmen verhalf. Insgesamt entstand die Tendenz, die EinfluBgroBe "Kultur" auBen vor zu lassen. Die Vertreter der Globalisierung der Markte, mit Theodore Levitt als bekanntestem Anfiihrer, nehmen bis heute diese Haltung ein. Die Kultur hat als erklarende Variable unter anderem deshalb einen so schweren Stand, weil ihre Erfassung groBe Probleme bereitet. Die Ergebnisse und Auswirkungen kultu reller Unterschiede sind nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Aber die Beschreibung, Katego risierung und Analyse dessen, was Kultur ausmacht, ist nicht einfach."
Successfully combining cross-cultural management and business research methods, this team of international authors provide much-needed coverage of the implications that should be considered when undertaking research across different cultures. Through the implementation of methodological pluralism, the book investigates the various cultural influences that affect business theories and practices across the world, particularly the specific management styles, behavioural standards and consumer attitudes that exist in developing nations. Examples and theoretical understanding as well as vignettes, diagrams and figures are used to illustrate these key considerations, including: Language and the role of the dominant culture Design and implementation Methodological issues Strategies for improving its relevance within international business. Ideal for students, researchers and practitioners looking to do business research in an international or cross-cultural context.
The spread of HIV/AIDS affects businesses in all sectors, all industries and all countries. For companies and organizations everywhere, the question is no longer whether to take action on HIV/AIDS but which actions to take. Complete with an impressive collection of complex background and research on HIV/AIDS and a foreword by Dr. Peter Piot, former Executive Director of UNAIDS, this volume collects case studies of managers worldwide faced with challenging HIV/AIDS-related management decisions. AIDS and Business will fascinate the general reader seeking an understanding of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and to the advanced reader looking to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the impact of the disease. The case studies in this volume, set in nine countries, detail the issues facing businesses operating in areas where HIV/AIDS prevalence is growing. The topics discussed include understanding the role of social and cultural factors in the spread of HIV, the different organizations and institutions fighting the epidemic, designing an HIV communications campaign, HIV testing, ethical issues, marketing ethics and CSR, condoms marketing, and designing an HIV workplace program. Useful as a resource on HIV/AIDS and business, a set of case studies, or a training tool, this book contains a unique range of tools for learning to understand the epidemic, designed from a grounded and practical business perspective.
Successfully combining cross-cultural management and business research methods, this team of international authors provide much-needed coverage of the implications that should be considered when undertaking research across different cultures. Through the implementation of methodological pluralism, the book investigates the various cultural influences that affect business theories and practices across the world, particularly the specific management styles, behavioural standards and consumer attitudes that exist in developing nations. Examples and theoretical understanding as well as vignettes, diagrams and figures are used to illustrate these key considerations, including: Language and the role of the dominant culture Design and implementation Methodological issues Strategies for improving its relevance within international business. Ideal for students, researchers and practitioners looking to do business research in an international or cross-cultural context.
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