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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Applied physics & special topics > Astrophysics
This volume presents the latest research results on solar prominences, including new developments on e.g. chirality, fine structure, magnetism, diagnostic tools and relevant solar plasma physics. In 1875 solar prominences, as seen out of the solar limb, were described by P.A. Secchi in his book Le Soleil as "gigantic pink or peach-flower coloured flames". The development of spectroscopy, coronagraphy and polarimetry brought tremendous observational advances in the twentieth century. The authors present and discuss exciting new challenges (resulting from observations made by space and ground-based telescopes in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century) concerning the diagnostics of prominences, their formation, their life time and their eruption along with their impact in the heliosphere (including the Earth). The book starts with a general introduction of the prominence "object" with some historical background on observations and instrumentation. In the next chapter, the various forms of prominences are described with a thorough attempt of classification. Their thermodynamic (and velocity) properties are then derived with emphasis on the methods (and their limits) used. This goes from the simplest optically thin case to the heavy radiative treatment of plasmas out of local thermodynamic equilibrium. The following chapters are devoted to the magnetic field measurements and indirect derivation. A new branch of diagnostic tools, the seismology, is presented along with some MHD basics. This allows to better understand the propagation of waves, the energy and force equilibria. Both small-scale and large-scale studies and their relationship are presented. The importance of the newly discovered cavities is stressed in the context of prominence destabilization. The issues of prominence formation and eruption, their connection with flares and Coronal Mass Ejections and their impact on the Earth are addressed on the basis of the latest results. Finally, an exciting new area of research is unveiled with the newly discovered evidence of similar manifestations in the Universe and their possible impact on the habitability of exoplanets. References to the basic physics (where necessary) are provided and the proposed web sites addresses will allow the reader to load exciting movies. The book is aimed at advanced students in astrophysics, post-graduates, solar physicists and more generally astrophysicists. Amateurs will enjoy the many new images which go with the text.
This book contains the lectures presented at the International Workshop on Relation between Laboratory and Space Plasmas held at Gakushi-Kaikan (University Alumni Association) Kanda in Tokyo, Japan on 14 - 15 April, 1980. Its aim was to bring together laboratory, fusion and space plasma physicists and to highlight the communality of basic plasma phenomena, similarities and differences observed in the laboratory and in space, thus exchanging information tnd views on new ideas to link both areas. Although similar type of conferences were held in Europe and recently in the States, this is the first time we have had in Japan for such an international meeting, which may be regarded as an extended version of our national Workshop held twice at the Institute of Plasma Physics of Japan (IPPJ) in 1976 and in 1977 (IPPJ Research Report No. 286 and No. 365). The Workshop consisted of seven regular sessions and one special session with approximately ninety participants from allover the world. Thirty-six papers, invited and contributed, were presented, nine from U. S. A., three from U. S. S. R., two of each from Germany, France, India, one of each from Sweden, Canada, Belgium and fifteen from Japan. The topics covered were: (1) The Critical Velocity (2) Beam Plasma Discharges and Interactions (3) Double Layers and Shocks (4) Instabilities in the Equatorial and Auroral Electrojets (5) Turbulent and Anomalous Plasmas (6) Plasma Irregularities (7) Solar Plasma Phenomena (8) Active Experiments in Space Plasmas and Their Simulation in the Laboratory.
John Dyson has contributed to the study of the hydrodynamic processes that govern a wide variety of astrophysical sources which he has helped explain. In this volume dedicated to him, introductory reviews to a number of the key processes and to the sources themselves are given by leading experts. The mechanisms in which the multi-component natures of media affect their dynamics receive particular attention, but the roles of hydromagnetic effects are also highlighted. The importance of cosmic ray moderation and mass transfer between different thermal phases for cosmic ray moderation and mass transfer between different thermal phases for the evolution of flows are amongst the topics treated. The main types of regions considered include those where starts form, the circumstellar environments of evolved stars, the larger scale interstellar structures caused by the mass loss of stars, and those where the lines of AGNs form.
The first biography of a pioneering scientist who made significant contributions to our understanding of dark matter and championed the advancement of women in science. One of the great lingering mysteries of the universe is dark matter. Scientists are not sure what it is, but most believe it's out there, and in abundance. The astronomer who finally convinced many of them was Vera Rubin. When Rubin died in 2016, she was regarded as one of the most influential astronomers of her era. Her research on the rotation of spiral galaxies was groundbreaking, and her observations contributed significantly to the confirmation of dark matter, a most notable achievement. In Vera Rubin: A Life, prolific science writers Jacqueline Mitton and Simon Mitton provide a detailed, accessible overview of Rubin's work, showing how she leveraged immense curiosity, profound intelligence, and novel technologies to help transform our understanding of the cosmos. But Rubin's impact was not limited to her contributions to scientific knowledge. She also helped to transform scientific practice by promoting the careers of women researchers. Not content to be an inspiration, Rubin was a mentor and a champion. She advocated for hiring women faculty, inviting women speakers to major conferences, and honoring women with awards that were historically the exclusive province of men. Rubin's papers and correspondence yield vivid insights into her life and work, as she faced down gender discrimination and met the demands of family and research throughout a long and influential career. Deftly written, with both scientific experts and general readers in mind, Vera Rubin is a portrait of a woman with insatiable curiosity about the universe who never stopped asking questions and encouraging other women to do the same.
This volume has grown out of lectures addressing primarily graduate students and researchers working in related areas in both astrophysics and space sciences. All contributions are self-contained and do not require prior in-depth knowledge of solar physics. The result is a unique textbook that fulfills the needs of those wishing to have a pedagogic exposition of solar physics bringing them up-to-date in a field full of vitality and with exciting research.
The raw numbers of high-energy-density physics are amazing: shock waves at hundreds of km/s (approaching a million km per hour), temperatures of millions of degrees, and pressures that exceed 100 million atmospheres. This title surveys the production of high-energy-density conditions, the fundamental plasma and hydrodynamic models that can describe them and the problem of scaling from the laboratory to the cosmos. Connections to astrophysics are discussed throughout. The book is intended to support coursework in high-energy-density physics, to meet the needs of new researchers in this field, and also to serve as a useful reference on the fundamentals. Specifically the book has been designed to enable academics in physics, astrophysics, applied physics and engineering departments to provide in a single-course, an introduction to fluid mechanics and radiative transfer, with dramatic applications in the field of high-energy-density systems. This second edition includes pedagogic improvements to the presentation throughout and additional material on equations of state, heat waves, and ionization fronts, as well as problem sets accompanied by solutions.
Presents the experimental results while explaining the underlying physics on the basis of simple reasoning and agumentation. Assumes only basic knowledge of of fundamental physics and mathematics as usually required for introductory college courses in science or engineering curricula. Derives more specifics of selected topics as each phenomenon considered, epmasizing an intuitive over a rigorous mathematical approach. Directed at a broad group of readers and students.
Line intensity mapping (LIM) is an observational technique that probes the large-scale structure of the Universe by collecting light from a wide field of the sky. This book demonstrates a novel analysis method for LIM using machine learning (ML) technologies. The author develops a conditional generative adversarial network that separates designated emission signals from sources at different epochs. It thus provides, for the first time, an efficient way to extract signals from LIM data with foreground noise. The method is complementary to conventional statistical methods such as cross-correlation analysis. When applied to three-dimensional LIM data with wavelength information, high reproducibility is achieved under realistic conditions. The book further investigates how the trained machine extracts the signals, and discusses the limitation of the ML methods. Lastly an application of the LIM data to a study of cosmic reionization is presented. This book benefits students and researchers who are interested in using machine learning to multi-dimensional data not only in astronomy but also in general applications.
This thesis focuses on understanding the growth and formation mechanism of supermassive black holes (SMBHs), an issue it addresses by investigating the dense interstellar medium that is assumed to be a crucial component of the fuel for SMBHs. The thesis also offers unique guidance on using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in active galactic nuclei (AGN) research. The author presents the three major findings regarding SMBH formation and growth: (1) The development of a new diagnostic method for the energy sources in galaxies based on submillimeter spectroscopy, which allows identification of accreting SMBHs even in obscured environments, (2) the discovery that the circumnuclear dense gas disk (CND), with a typical size of a few tens of parsecs, which plays a crucial role in governing the growth of SMBHs, and (3) the discovery that the mass transfer budget from the CND to the central SMBHs can be quantitatively understood with a theoretical model incorporating the circumnuclear starburst as a driver of mass transfer. The thesis skillfully reviews these three findings, which have greatly improved our understanding of the growth mechanism of SMBHs.
Dwarf galaxy research constitutes an extremely vibrant field of
astrophysical research, with many long-standing questions still
unsettled and new ones constantly arising. The intriguing diversity
of the dwarf galaxy population, observed with advanced ground-based
and space-borne observatories over a wide spectral window providing
an unprecedented level of detail, poses new challenges for both
observers and theoreticians.
This book highlights selected topics of standard and modern theory of accretion onto black holes and magnetized neutron stars. The structure of stationary standard discs and non-stationary viscous processes in accretion discs are discussed to the highest degree of accuracy analytic theory can provide, including relativistic effects in flat and warped discs around black holes. A special chapter is dedicated to a new theory of subsonic settling accretion onto a rotating magnetized neutron star. The book also describes supercritical accretion in quasars and its manifestation in lensing events. Several chapters cover the underlying physics of viscosity in astrophysical discs with some important aspects of turbulent viscosity generation. The book is aimed at specialists as well as graduate students interested in the field of theoretical astrophysics.
Features Discusses fluid theory illustrated by the investigation of Langmuir sheaths Explores charged particle motion illustrated by the investigation of charged particle trapping in the earth's magnetosphere Examines the MHD and WKB theories
Thisbookpresentsmaterialwhichismorealgorithmicallyorientedthanmost alternatives.Italsodealswithtopicsthatareatorbeyondthestateoftheart. Examples include practical and applicable wavelet and other multiresolution transform analysis. New areas are broached like the ridgelet and curvelet transforms. The reader will ?nd in this book an engineering approach to the interpretation of scienti?c data. Compared to the 1st Edition, various additions have been made throu- out, and the topics covered have been updated. The background or en- ronment of this book's topics include continuing interest in e-science and the virtual observatory, which are based on web based and increasingly web service based science and engineering. Additional colleagues whom we would like to acknowledge in this 2nd edition include: Bedros Afeyan, Nabila Aghanim, Emmanuel Cand' es, David Donoho, Jalal Fadili, and Sandrine Pires, We would like to particularly - knowledge Olivier Forni who contributed to the discussion on compression of hyperspectral data, Yassir Moudden on multiwavelength data analysis and Vicent Mart' ?nez on the genus function. The cover image to this 2nd edition is from the Deep Impact project. It was taken approximately 8 minutes after impact on 4 July 2005 with the CLEAR6 ?lter and deconvolved using the Richardson-Lucy method. We thank Don Lindler, Ivo Busko, Mike A'Hearn and the Deep Impact team for the processing of this image and for providing it to us.
For the first time in human history, developments in many branches of science provide us with an opportunity of formula ting a comprehensive picture of the universe from its beginning to the present time. It is an awesome reflection that the carbon in our bodies is the very carbon which was generated during the birth of a star. There is a perceptible continuum through the billions of years which can be revealed by the study of chemistry. Studies in nucleosynthesis have related the origin of the elements to the life history of the stars. The chemical elements we find on earth, HYdrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen, were created in astronomical processes that took place in the past, and these elements are not spread throughout space in the form of stars and galaxies. Radioastronomers have discovered a vast array of organic molecules in the interstellar medium which have a bearing on prebiological chemical processes. Many of the molecules found so far contain the four elements, C, N, 0, H. Except for the chem ically unreactive He, these four elements are the most abundant in the galaxy. The origin of polyatomic interstellar molecules is an unresolved problem. While we can explain the formation of some diatomic molecules as due to two atom collisions, it is much more difficult to form polyatomic molecules by collisions between diatomic molecules and atoms. There may be other produc tion mechanisms at work such as reactions taking place on the surface of interstellar dust grains."
"Infrared Solar Physics" contains the proceedings of the 154th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union. Aimed at active workers and graduate students in solar physics, this volume provides a comprehensive view of a rapidly expanding discipline that gives us a new perspective on the sun. Measurements across the wide infrared spectral range can probe the solar atmosphere from below the visible surface through the outer reaches of the corona. Taking full advantage of revolutionary advances in detector technology, infrared observations from the ground, aircraft and space have led to a better understanding of solar magnetic fields, atmospheric structure and activity, and elemental abundances. The infrared has also provided new interpretive challenges, such as the appearance of the 12mm emission lines of magnesium. These and other developments are discussed by leading contributors, who also give their perspectives on the future of this field of study.
The thesis tackles two distinct problems of great interest in gravitational mechanics - one relativistic and one Newtonian. The relativistic one is concerned with the "first law of binary mechanics", a remarkably simple variational relation that plays a crucial role in the modern understanding of the gravitational two-body problem, thereby contributing to the effort to detect gravitational-wave signals from binary systems of black holes and neutron stars. The work reported in the thesis provides a mathematically elegant extension of previous results to compact objects that carry spin angular momentum and quadrupolar deformations, which more accurately represent astrophysical bodies than mere point particles. The Newtonian problem is concerned with the isochrone problem of celestial mechanics, namely the determination of the set of radial potentials whose bounded orbits have a radial period independent of the angular momentum. The thesis solves this problem completely in a geometrical way and explores its consequence on a variety of levels, in particular with a complete characterisation of isochrone orbits. The thesis is exceptional in the breadth of its scope and achievements. It is clearly and eloquently written, makes excellent use of images, provides careful explanations of the concepts and calculations, and it conveys the author's personality in a way that is rare in scientific writing, while never sacrificing academic rigor.
This thesis offers the first laboratory validation of microscopic simulations of radio emission from particle showers, including a detailed description of the simulation study. It presents a potential future avenue for resolving the mass composition of cosmic rays via radio detection of air showers. Particle showers are created from cascading interactions when high-energy particles collide with matter, e.g. with air in the case of cosmic radiation, or with a particle detector in the case of experiments at CERN. These showers can consist of billions of particles, mostly electrons, positrons and photons. They emit radio waves when the absorbing medium is in a magnetic field, and this radio emission can be used as a novel means of detecting and drawing inferences on the shower and the primary particle. The new method is currently being established in cosmic ray research, where large antenna arrays may soon replace or complement traditional particle detectors. In thi s study, a complete microscopic simulation of a radio-emission experiment conducted at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Stanford/USA, is performed, and the underlying physical models are validated. The model is subsequently applied to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project, which is a large interferometer for radio astronomy. It is demonstrated that the SKA, with some modifications, might also be used for cosmic ray research based on radio detection of high-energy particles from the cosmos.
NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) was launched on August 25, 1997, carrying six high-resolution spectrometers that measure the abundances of the elements, isotopes, and ionic charge states of energetic nuclei in space. Data from these instruments is being used to measure and compare the composition of the solar corona, the nearby interstellar medium, and cosmic-ray sources in the Galaxy, and to study particle acceleration processes in a variety of environments. ACE also includes three instruments that monitor solar wind and energetic particle activity near the inner Lagrangian point, "1.5 million kilometers sunward of Earth, and provide continuous, real-time data to NOAA for use in forecasting space weather. Eleven of the articles in this volume review scientific progress and outline questions that ACE will address in solar, space-plasma, and cosmic-ray physics. Other articles describe the ACE spacecraft, the real-time solar-wind system, and the instruments used to measure energetic particle composition.
Features * Provides a self-contained introduction to General Relativity and to its standar applications. * Presents readers with all the tools necessary for further learning and research in the field. * Accessible to readers with just foundational knowledge of linear algebra and Lagrangian mechanics.
Exciting results are blooming, thanks to a convergence between unprecedented asteroseismic data obtained by the satellites CoRoT and KEPLER, and state-of-the-art models of the internal structure of red giants and of galactic evolution. The pulsation properties now available for thousands of red giants promise to add valuable and independent constraints to current models of structure and evolution of our galaxy. Such a close connection between these domains opens a new very promising gate in our understanding of stars and galaxies. In this book international leaders in the field offer a wide perspective of the recent advancements in: Asteroseismology of red giants Models of the atmosphere, internal structure, and evolution of red giants Stellar population synthesis and models of the Milky Way
This book includes nine chapters written by internationally recognized experts, covering all aspects of millisecond pulsars in one concise and cohesive volume. These aspects include pulsations powered by stellar spin, accretion and thermonuclear burning of accreted matter, their physics and utility, stellar evolution and the extreme physics of super-dense stellar cores. The book includes substantial background material as well as recent theoretical and multi-wavelength observational results. The volume will thus be useful for professional astronomers and graduate students alike. What is the behavior of the strong nuclear interaction, and what are the matter constituents at ultrahigh densities in neutron star cores? How do old neutron stars in binaries evolve? How does their magnetosphere interact with the surrounding plasma to accelerate particles and emit radiation observed at all wavelengths? These are just a few of the questions that millisecond pulsars are helping us answer and will settle in the near future with the next generation of instruments. Such quickly rotating, highly magnetized neutron stars are remarkable natural laboratories that allow us to investigate the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions under extreme conditions that cannot be reproduced in terrestrial laboratories.
This book provides an accessible, yet thorough, introduction to special and general relativity, crafted and class-tested over many years of teaching. Suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this book provides clear descriptions of how to approach the mathematics and physics involved. It is also contains the latest exciting developments in the field, including dark energy, gravitational waves, and frame dragging. The table of contents has been carefully developed in consultation with a large number of instructors teaching courses worldwide, to ensure its wide applicability to modules on relativity and gravitation. Features: A clear, accessible writing style, presenting a sophisticated approach to the subject, that remains suitable for advanced undergraduate students and above Class-tested over many years To be accompanied by a partner volume on 'Advanced Topics' for students to further extend their learning
These are the proceedings of the Symposium 3 of JENAM 2011 on new scientific challenges posed by the Sun. The topics covered are 1. The unusual sunspot minimum, which poses challenges to the solar dynamo theory 2. The Sun's Terra-Hertz emission, which opens a new observational window 3. Corona wave activity 4. Space weather agents - initiation, propagation, and forecasting In 21 in-depth contributions, the reader will be presented with the latest findings."
This volume presents the results of the workshop discussions on the jet phenomenon on different astrophysical scales and covers interdisciplinary areas such as steady state winds, time-dependent winds/jets, jet energetics and jet/wind propagation.
This special issue of Space Science Reviews contains selected papers on electromagnetic man-made and natural environmental interactions. Originally these papers were pre sented at the Fifth International Wrocfaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Wroclaw (Poland), 17-19 September, 1980, a biennial gathering of scientists and engineers. At that time, the symposium organizers selected a few persons of recognized authority and invited them to organize special sessions. Session organizers were given a free hand in the choice of topics and speakers. As a result, several impressive papers originated and a number of interesting people came to Wroclaw to discuss the recent results of their research. Professor Hiroshi Kikuchi from the Nihon University (J apan) was among them, serving as one of the most effective invited session chairmen/organizers at the symposium. The papers presented here were read at Prof. Kikuchi's session. At the symposium they received considerable attention not only because of the fascinating personalities and temperaments of the authors, but mainly because of the timeliness and soundness of their content. Their topic links both scientific and engineering fields in making attempts to resolve these kinds of specific hybrid problems. The problems discussed appear to be of interest not only to the EMC* community but also to a broader forum of persons interested in the areas of electrical and space science, and engineering in general. This opinion was confirmed during the URSI** symposium in Washington, D. C." |
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