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Books > Medicine > Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences > Physiology > Biomechanics, human kinetics
Now in a fully revised and updated fourth edition, Science and Soccer is still the most comprehensive and accessible introduction to the physiology, biomechanics and psychology behind the world's most popular sport. Offering important guidance on how science translates into practice, the book examines every key facet of the sport, with a particular focus on the development of expert performers. The topics covered include: • anatomy, physiology, psychology; sociology and biomechanics; • principles of training; • nutrition; • physical and mental preparation; • playing surfaces and equipment; injury • decision-making and skill acquisition; • coaching and coach education; • performance analysis; • talent identification and youth development. Science and Soccer: Developing Elite Performers is a unique resource for students and academics working in sports science. It is essential reading for all professional support staff working in the game, including coaches at all levels, physiotherapists, conditioning specialists, performance analysts, club doctors and sport psychologists.
Low back pain affects most of us at some time, and exercise is key to both its prevention and treatment. Critically appraising work from several approaches to produce an integrated, practical approach suitable for day-to-day clinicians and personal trainers, this essential guide looks at the science and practice of designing and teaching the best exercise programmes for this common condition. Learn: vital client assessment skills, which exercises to use and why, the most effective teaching methods, how to structure and progress a full backpain management programme. Aimed at student therapists and clinical exercise teachers, as well as trainers planning exercise programmes for subjects recovering from low back pain, Back Rehabilitation is essential reading for Therapists and Exercise academics and professionals of all types.
Origins and Principles of Clinical Biomechanics in Human Locomotion discusses key concepts of how biomechanics links to the development of pathology through mechanical laws, anatomy, physiology and health. It provides fundamental principles and practical data, and guidance of how to apply these in the clinical biomechanics field. Coverage includes: major joint movement, muscle action around joints, physiology and patho-physiology of bone, muscle and neurologic disorders. This reference is ideal for teaching students in biomechanics, orthopedics and physiotherapy. It should also be of interest to product development engineers, rehabilitation engineers, those working in prosthetics and orthotics, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. The authors explore the simple laws of motion as applied to anatomy and physiology, in order to help readers understand human pathology within the human lower limb and mobility. They then go on to look at materials science concerns within this field, such as engineering stresses and strains, principles and types of material properties and the shaping of structural properties. Readers will also find within this book information on tissue science, force generation, biological sciences, evolution in biomechanics, human gait, functional units of the lower limb and foot, and finally pathomechanical principles; all as applied to clinical biomechanics.
Clinical Biomechanics in Human Locomotion: Gait and Pathomechanical Principles explores the clinical management of gait-disturbing or gait-induced pathologies and biomechanical variances during gait between individuals. The book discusses what is required to make terrestrial human locomotion safe and what causes pathology within a context of high locomotive and morphological variability. The interaction of genetics, epigenetics, developmental biology and physiology under the influence of locomotive biomechanics and metabolic energetics drives evolution. Such biological pressures on survival are essential in understanding the locomotive biomechanics of modern humans. In addition, lifestyle, including gait speed adaptability established during the growth influences of anatomical development is also considered.
3D Printing in Podiatric Medicine compiles an interdisciplinary range of scientific literature, laboratory developments, industrial implications and futuristic avenues in this field. The book provides recent developments and research breakthroughs in 3D printing in podiatric medicine, such as functionalized feedstock systems, smart products, process characteristics, modeling and optimization of printed systems and products, and industrial applications. It covers best practices for 3D printing methods to capture, document and validate challenges at the early stage of the design process. The book's content then goes into mitigating design strategies to address these challenges without compromising the cost, safety and quality of the device. This book supports new and emerging specializations and provides a comprehensive collection of technical notes, research designs, design methods and processes and case studies.
This book collects the state-of-art and new trends in image analysis and biomechanics. It covers a wide field of scientific and cultural topics, ranging from remodeling of bone tissue under the mechanical stimulus up to optimizing the performance of sports equipment, through the patient-specific modeling in orthopedics, microtomography and its application in oral and implant research, computational modeling in the field of hip prostheses, image based model development and analysis of the human knee joint, kinematics of the hip joint, micro-scale analysis of compositional and mechanical properties of dentin, automated techniques for cervical cell image analysis, and biomedical imaging and computational modeling in cardiovascular disease. The book will be of interest to researchers, Ph.D students, and graduate students with multidisciplinary interests related to image analysis and understanding, medical imaging, biomechanics, simulation and modeling, experimental analysis
Assembles a collection of experts to provide a current account of different approaches (e.g., traditional, comparative and experimental) being applied to study mobility. Moreover, the book aims to stimulate new theoretical perspectives that adopt a holistic view of the interaction among intrinsic (i.e. skeletal) and extrinsic (i.e. environmental) factors that influence differential expression of mobility. Since the environment undoubtedly impacts mobility of a wide variety of animals, insights into human mobility, as a concept, can be improved by extending approaches to investigating comparable environmental influences on mobility in animals in general. The book teases apart environmental effects that transcend typical categories (e.g., coastal versus inland, mountainous versus level, arboreal versus terrestrial). Such an approach, when coupled with a new emphasis on mobility as types of activities rather than activity levels, offers a fresh, insightful perspective on mobility and how it might affect the musculoskeletal system.
What a journey writing this text has been. The lengthy voyage started well before the idea hatched of authoring a text that contained the word "thermodynamics"! I was informed by my good friend and sometimes colleague Dr. Jose Antonio that by including that word in the title, nutritionists and exercise physiologists might avoid the subject. But almost every step of my expedition was taken on a rather solid foundation of thermodynamics and as such the topic could not possibly be omitted from the title or the text of a book about bioenergetics and energy expenditure. I am not a physicist. In fact I ?rst went to college to become a football coach. That vocational choice began to deteriorate when taking the mandatory anatomy and physiology courses required of all physical education majors. This information was exciting; my interest in physical education began to wane. During sophomore year, I answered an advertisement in the school newspaper requesting research subjects.
This book contains a collection of papers that were presented at the IUTAM Symposium on "Computer Models in Biomechanics: From Nano to Macro" held at Stanford University, California, USA, from August 29 to September 2, 2011. It contains state-of-the-art papers on: - Protein and Cell Mechanics: coarse-grained model for unfolded proteins, collagen-proteoglycan structural interactions in the cornea, simulations of cell behavior on substrates - Muscle Mechanics: modeling approaches for Ca2+-regulated smooth muscle contraction, smooth muscle modeling using continuum thermodynamical frameworks, cross-bridge model describing the mechanoenergetics of actomyosin interaction, multiscale skeletal muscle modeling - Cardiovascular Mechanics: multiscale modeling of arterial adaptations by incorporating molecular mechanisms, cardiovascular tissue damage, dissection properties of aortic aneurysms, intracranial aneurysms, electromechanics of the heart, hemodynamic alterations associated with arterial remodeling following aortic coarctation, patient-specific surgery planning for the Fontan procedure - Multiphasic Models: solutes in hydrated biological tissues, reformulation of mixture theory-based poroelasticity for interstitial tissue growth, tumor therapies of brain tissue, remodeling of microcirculation in liver lobes, reactions, mass transport and mechanics of tumor growth, water transport modeling in the brain, crack modeling of swelling porous media - Morphogenesis, Biological Tissues and Organs: mechanisms of brain morphogenesis, micromechanical modeling of anterior cruciate ligaments, mechanical characterization of the human liver, in vivo validation of predictive models for bone remodeling and mechanobiology, bridging scales in respiratory mechanics
This book provides a conceptual and computational framework to study how the nervous system exploits the anatomical properties of limbs to produce mechanical function. The study of the neural control of limbs has historically emphasized the use of optimization to find solutions to the muscle redundancy problem. That is, how does the nervous system select a specific muscle coordination pattern when the many muscles of a limb allow for multiple solutions? I revisit this problem from the emerging perspective of neuromechanics that emphasizes finding and implementing families of feasible solutions, instead of a single and unique optimal solution. Those families of feasible solutions emerge naturally from the interactions among the feasible neural commands, anatomy of the limb, and constraints of the task. Such alternative perspective to the neural control of limb function is not only biologically plausible, but sheds light on the most central tenets and debates in the fields of neural control, robotics, rehabilitation, and brain-body co-evolutionary adaptations. This perspective developed from courses I taught to engineers and life scientists at Cornell University and the University of Southern California, and is made possible by combining fundamental concepts from mechanics, anatomy, mathematics, robotics and neuroscience with advances in the field of computational geometry. Fundamentals of Neuromechanics is intended for neuroscientists, roboticists, engineers, physicians, evolutionary biologists, athletes, and physical and occupational therapists seeking to advance their understanding of neuromechanics. Therefore, the tone is decidedly pedagogical, engaging, integrative, and practical to make it accessible to people coming from a broad spectrum of disciplines. I attempt to tread the line between making the mathematical exposition accessible to life scientists, and convey the wonder and complexity of neuroscience to engineers and computational scientists. While no one approach can hope to definitively resolve the important questions in these related fields, I hope to provide you with the fundamental background and tools to allow you to contribute to the emerging field of neuromechanics.
The dynamics of body metabolism are changed in the disease process and interact with physical activity. The alteration of metabolism and its consequences raise the need for simple and reliable methods for assessment of body composition. The chapters aim to investigate various interacting components converging on metabolic changes in lung and muscle tissues taking into consideration the drug effects. The effects of exercise and nutritional status are dealt with at a great extent.
This book is written to help and enable students in how to observe biological specimens in terms of viscosity, mass, elasticity and work producing elements. The observations are related to underlying chemical reactions by means of strain (fractional length change) sensitivity of the reactions, and a theory is developed how to connect these. Their mathematical derivation is complex when three or more states are involved, but a method is presented here to demonstrate how to simplify this complex problem. Basic mathematical solutions that are useful for this book, are presented (Fourier and Laplace transforms, differential equations, matrix operations) together with Fortran programs in the Appendix.
This collection of contributions on the subject of the neural mechanisms of sensorimotor control resulted from a conference held in Cairns, Australia, September 3-6, 2001. While the three of us were attending the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Congress in St Petersburg, Russia, in 1997, we discussed the implications of the next Congress being awarded to New Zealand. We agreed to organise a satellite to this congress in an area of mutual interest -the neuroscience of movement and sensation. Australia has a long-standing and enviable reputation in the field of neural mechanisms of sensorimotor control. Arguably this reached its peak with the award of a Nobel Prize to Sir John Eccles in 1963 for his work on synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. Since that time, the subject of neuroscience has progressed considerably. One advance is the exploitation of knowledge acquired from animal experiments to studies on conscious human subjects. In this development, Australians have achieved international prominence, particularly in the areas of kinaesthesia and movement control. This bias is evident in the choice of subject matter for the conference and, subsequently, this book. It was also decided to assign a whole section to muscle mechanics, a subject that is often left out altogether from conferences on motor control. Cairns is a lovely city and September is a good time to visit it.
Human Orthopaedic Biomechanics: Fundamentals, Devices and Applications covers a wide range of biomechanical topics and fields, ranging from theoretical issues, mechanobiology, design of implants, joint biomechanics, regulatory issues and practical applications. The book teaches the fundamentals of physiological loading and constraint conditions at various parts of the musculoskeletal system. It is an ideal resource for teaching and education in courses on orthopedic biomechanics, and for engineering students engaged in these courses. In addition, all bioengineers who have an interest in orthopedic biomechanics will find this title useful as a reference, particularly early career researchers and industry professionals. Finally, any orthopedic surgeons looking to deepen their knowledge of biomechanical aspects will benefit from the accessible writing style in this title.
In rowing, races are often won in spite of, not because of, technique, and many misconceptions still preoccupy both rowers and coaches. This book explains the facts about rowing technique and will help you to find the right way to achieve your best performance. In this new edition, comprehensively updated to take account of the most recent developments in the sport The Biomechanics of Rowing offers a unique insight into the technical and tactical aspects of rowing, based on over twenty-five years experience of working with the best rowers and coaches all around the globe, a careful analysis of millions of data samples, and comprehensive biomechanical modelling with the aim of finding an optimal balance of variables. Topics covered include measurement; performance analysis; technique; ergometer rowing and, finally, rowing equipment and rigging.
This ground-breaking book brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplines to discuss the control and coordination of processes involved in perceptually guided actions. The research area of motor control has become an increasingly multidisciplinary undertaking. Understanding the acquisition and performance of voluntary movements in biological and artificial systems requires the integration of knowledge from a variety of disciplines from neurophysiology to biomechanics.
Exercise Genomics encompasses the translation of exercise genomics into preventive medicine by presenting a broad overview of the rapidly expanding research examining the role of genetics and genomics within the areas of exercise performance and health-related physical activity. Leading researchers from a number of the key exercise genomics research groups around the world have been brought together to provide updates and analysis on the key discoveries of the past decade, as well as lend insights and opinion about the future of exercise genomics, especially within the contexts of translational and personalized medicine. Clinicians, researchers and health/fitness professionals will gain up-to-date background on the key findings and critical unanswered questions across several areas of exercise genomics, including performance, body composition, metabolism, and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Importantly, basic information on genomics, research methods, and statistics are presented within the context of exercise science to provide students and professionals with the foundation from which to fully engage with the more detailed chapters covering specific traits. Exercise Genomics will be of great value to health/fitness professionals and graduate students in kinesiology, public health and sports medicine desiring to learn more about the translation of exercise genomics into preventive medicine.
One of the greatest challenges facing the computational engineering community is to extend the success of computational mechanics to fields outside traditional engineering, in particular to biology, the biomedical sciences and medicine. The Computational Biomechanics for Medicine series provides an opportunity for specialists in computational biomechanics to present their latest methodologies and advancements. This 5th edition comprises nine of the latest developments in both fundamental science and patient-specific applications, from researchers in Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, France, Ireland and China. Some of the interesting topics discussed are: cellular mechanics; tumor growth and modeling; medical image analysis and both patient-specific fluid dynamics and solid mechanics simulations.
Sports vision is a relatively new but fast expanding area of multi-disciplinary eye care involving not only optometrists but also dispensing opticians, ophthalmologists, athletes, sports organisations and coaches. This book deals with optimising safe and efficient vision in sport. Sports vision will be essential reading for everyone involved in sport wishing to optimise vision particularly optometrists but also ophthalmologists, athletes and trainers. 'For practitioners wishing to develop an active interest in the subject this book acts as a valuable guide to how they need to develop both their optometric and dispensing skills.' - Journal of British Contact Lens Assoc., January 1996 '..excellent.' - The Optician, March 1996 * NEW IN PAPERBACK * * * Visual training, injuries and prevention, setting up a practice, legal considerations and many other aspects of sports vision are covered in detail.
The theory of blood circulation is one of the oldest in science, and remains a vigorous field of study with many features that have been described in physical and mathematical terms. In Biomechanics: Circulation, Fung presents a treatment of the fundamental biomechanics of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, using a mathematical approach to illuminate problems in experiemental design, data collection, modeling, observations, and theory. This second edition includes extensive changes incorporating major advances in hemodynamics that have occurred during the past decade. There are new chapters on coronary blood flow and skeletal muscle microcirculation. As in the first edition, Biomechanics: Circulation emphasizes the coupling of fluids and solids in the cardiovascular pulmonary systems, and consistently brings both morphology and rheology to bear on the analysis of blood flow. Numerous exercises are proposed to encourage the reader to formulate and solve problems. Together with his other two treatises on biomechanics (Biomechanics: Mechanical Properties of Living Tissue and Biomechanics: Motion, Flow, Stress and Growth), this book confirms that "although it is clear that Fung has made substantial contributions as a researcher...it can equally well be said that he is an exceptional teacher" (Quart. Rev. Biol.). Y.C. Fung is professor emeritus in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of California at San Diego.
With this new 6th Edition, Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance continues to provide an authoritative resource for mastering exercise physiology. This engaging, accessible and approachable resource integrates theoretical and research-based basic exercise physiology with real-world application to prepare students for exciting positions in exercise science, fitness, physical education, athletic training, rehabilitation, coaching, and/or allied health professions. Updated throughout, the text uses sound pedagogical principles to explain scientific research that is the foundation of exercise physiology and incorporates multiple features to help students apply their knowledge to improve human health, fitness, and performance. Content in this edition is organized by independent units (Metabolic, Cardiovascular-Respiratory, Neuromuscular-Skeletal, and Neuroendocrine-Immune), offering maximum teaching flexibility for faculty and ensuring a consistent, efficient, and effective learning experience for students. New Literature Search exercises reinforce the scientific basis of each discipline and boost students' information literacy. Current research incorporated throughout the text keeps students up to date with emerging topics and the latest approaches to exercise physiology. Focus on Application and Focus on Research boxes strengthen students' ability to recognize the impact of research on practice and apply basic concepts to relevant scenarios. Clinically Relevant boxes familiarize students with information, situations, or case studies they may encounter during internships or professional practice. Check Your Comprehension boxes reinforce the ability to work through problems, interpret circumstances, analyze information, and deduce answers as you move through each chapter. Example boxes enhance problem-solving and calculation skills. Definition boxes help students master key terminology. Summaries highlight essential chapter takeaways at a glance. Links to Online Resources help students make the most of their study time and ensure understanding.
This book has been written to provide research workers with an introd- tion to several optical techniques for new applications. It is intended to be comprehensible to people from a wide range of backgrounds - no prior optical or physics knowledge has been assumed. However, sufficient technical details have been included to enable the reader to understand the basics of the techniques and to be able to read further from the ref- ences if necessary. The book should be as useful to postgraduate students and experienced researchers as those entering the bioengineering field, irrespective of whether they have a technical or clinical background. It has been prepared with an awareness of the inherent difficulties in und- standing aspects of optics which, in the past, have precluded practical application. The contents address a broad range of optical measurement techniques which have been used in biomechanics, techniques characterized as n- contacting and non-destructive. Theoretical outlines and practical advice on gaining entry to the fields of expertise are complemented by biomec- nical case studies and key literature references. The aim is to present each technique, to appraise its advantages and capabilities and thereby to allow informed selection of an appropriate method for a particular app- cation. It is anticipated that research workers will be assisted in est- lishing new methodologies and gain first-hand experience of the techniques.
The Computational Biomechanics for Medicine titles provide an opportunity for specialists in computational biomechanics to present their latest methodologies and advancements. This volume comprises eighteen of the newest approaches and applications of computational biomechanics, from researchers in Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Switzerland, Scotland, France and Russia. Some of the interesting topics discussed are: tailored computational models; traumatic brain injury; soft-tissue mechanics; medical image analysis; and clinically-relevant simulations. One of the greatest challenges facing the computational engineering community is to extend the success of computational mechanics to fields outside traditional engineering, in particular to biology, the biomedical sciences, and medicine. We hope the research presented within this book series will contribute to overcoming this grand challenge.
When working with sports men and women, the biomechanist is faced with two apparently incompatible goals: reducing injury risk and improving sports performance. Now in a fully updated and revised edition, Sports Biomechanics introduces the fundamental principles that underpin our understanding of the biomechanics of both sports injury and performance, and explains how contemporary biomechanical science can be used to meet both of those goals simultaneously. The first four chapters of this book look closely at sports injury, including topics such as the properties of biological materials, mechanisms of injury occurrence, risk reduction, and the estimation of forces in biological structures. The last four chapters concentrate on the biomechanical enhancement of sports performance including analytical techniques, statistical and mathematical modelling of sports movements, and the use of feedback to enhance sports performance. Drawing on the very latest empirical and epidemiological data, and including clear concise summaries, self test questions and guides to further reading in every chapter, this book is essential reading for all advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students with an interest in biomechanics, sports injury, sports medicine, physical therapy or performance analysis. Visit the companion website at www.routledge.com/cw/bartlett
This is an edited collection of peer-reviewed papers presented at the Ninth International Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. Defined as the relationship between human body structure and function, kinanthropometry is an area of growing interest, and these proceedings will be of use to students, academics and professionals in the areas of ergonomics, sports science, nutrition, health, and other allied fields. The assembled works represent the latest research findings across kinanthropometry, moving the discipline forward and promoting good practice and the exchange of expertise. |
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