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Many of us have been able to stay home to keep safe in the COVID-19 pandemic. This book shows how this would not be possible without food workers continuing to work to farm and produce our food, deliver it by truck, sell it to us in stores, and make sure everything is clean.
In the last decade, a focus on memory in the human sciences has encouraged new approaches to the study of the past. As the humanities and social sciences have put into question their own claims to objectivity, authority, and universality, memory has appeared to offer a way of engaging with knowledge of the past as inevitably partial, subjective, and local. At the same time, memory and memorial practices have become sites of contestation, and the politics of memory are increasingly prominent. This inter-disciplinary volume demonstrates, from a range of perspectives, the complex cultural work and struggles over meaning that lie at the heart of what we call memory. The chapters in this volume offer a complex awareness of the workings of memory, and the ways in which different or changing histories may be explained. They explore the relation between individual and social memory, between real and imaginary, event and fantasy, history and myth. Contradictory accounts, or memories in direct contradiction to the historical record are not always the sign of a repressive authority attempting to cover something up. The tension between memory as a safeguard against attempts to silence dissenting voices, and memory's own implication in that silencing, runs throughout the book. Topics covered range from the Basque country to Cambodia, from Hungary to South Africa, from the Finnish Civil War to the cult Jim Jarmusch movie "Dead Man," from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to Australia. Part I, "Transforming Memory" is concerned primarily with the social and personal transmission of memory across time and generations. Part II, "Remembering Suffering: Trauma and History," brings the after-effects of catastrophe to the fore. Part III, "Patterning the National Past," the relation between nation and memory is the central issue. Part IV, "And Then Silence," reflects on the complex and multiple meaning of silence and oblivion, wherein amnesia is often used as a figure for the denial of shameful pasts.
Der Sturm auf das Kapitol bildet den Höhepunkt einer populistischen Konfrontations- und Mobilisierungsstrategie, die darauf ausgelegt war, Zustimmung durch eine Politik der Herab- und Feindsetzung zu akkumulieren. In der aktualisierten, 2. Auflage geht es weiterhin darum, aus kultur- und medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive das öffentliche Auftreten von Donald Trump zu untersuchen und zu zeigen, wie der 45. US-Präsident an der gesellschaftlichen Konfrontation unterschiedlicher politischer Gruppen partizipierte, diese kommunikativ weiter eskalierte und von der sich immer radikaler gestaltenden Polarisierung politisch zu profitieren hoffte. Allerdings weitet sich der Untersuchungsfokus und nimmt nunmehr auch die beiden letzten Jahre seiner Amtszeit mit in den Blick, in denen Trump durch immer schrillere Töne im Kontext von Black Live Matters und der Corona-Krise, durch die Anheizung von Verschwörungstheorien und durch radikale Diskreditierung von politischen Verfahren und Institutionen die US-amerikanische Gesellschaft bis an den Rand eines Bürgerkriegs getrieben hat. Diskutiert werden Trumps Mediengebrauch, seine mit Herabsetzungen, Beleidigungen und Unterstellungen arbeitenden Adressierungsstrategien und seine Politik der Affekte. Die Beiträge des Bandes rücken den „great disruptor“ in ein Spannungsfeld von Populärkultur, fragmentierter Öffentlichkeit und rhetorischer Feindsetzung.
"Listen. Listen carefully. Listen with your heart. Hear God calling to you. He wants your God-inspired dreams to come true. He wants you to help make His world all He knows it can be. He is for you. Cheering for you. And if God is for us, how can we do anything but believe that our best possible future is within our grasp?" Pastor and leadership expert Terry A. Smith has seen the transformation. From fear-based hesitation to faith-based confidence. From conventional, not-quite-fulfilling life to proactive, best, abundant life. It is possible for you. But Smith is not asking you to take his word for it. From the Old Testament to Jesus, from Augustine to John Calvin to Eugene Peterson, from Peter Drucker to Seth Godin, Smith has assembled a dazzling host of stories and ideas to support his proposition: We are each called to reach our full potential, to marshal all our resources and step out in faith. We can "Live Ten," and it will not just change us; it will change the world.
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the workshops held at the 34th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2023, held in Penang, Malaysia, in August 2023: The 7th International Workshop on Cyber-Security and Functional Safety in Cyber-Physical Systems, IWCFS 2023, and The 3rd International Workshop on AI System Engineering: Math, Modelling and Software, AISys2023. The 7 full papers and 3 short papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 20 submissions, and discuss a range of topics including: knowledge discovery, biological data, cyber security, cyber-physical system, machine learning, knowledge graphs, information retriever, data base, and artificial intelligence.
Dieses Werk beschäftigt sich mit dem Alter sowie dem Älter- bzw. Altwerden aus Sicht der Psychotherapie und ihrer Akteure. Zur Sprache kommen Psychotherapeut:innen und Vertreter:innen der Psychologie, Medizin, Philosophie und Soziologie, welche die unterschiedlichsten Fakten und empirischen Befunde zu dieser Thematik ebenso diskutieren wie die Zumutungen und das Gelingen des Älterwerdens. Besonders die Herausforderungen, die auf Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten im Alter zukommen können, werden diskutiert. Abgerundet wird das Werk durch eine Sammlung essayistischer autobiographischer Darstellungen namhafter Kolleg:innen aus verschiedenen Ländern und unterschiedlichen therapeutischen Richtungen zu Fragen wie: Was hat sie überrascht? Was war für sie schwierig? Was raten sie? Stichworte und Namen aus dem Inhalt: Teil I: Soziologische Altersforschung  – Philosophische Aspekte des Alterns  – Seniore Psychotherapeut:innen  – Alter und neue Technik. Teil II: Statements zum Älterwerden u.a. von Marvin Goldfried, Lorna Smith Benjamin, Michael Geyer, Helga Hess, Gerd Rudolf, Ulrike und Gerd Lehmkuhl, Flora von Spreti und anderen. Die Herausgeber: Univ. Prof. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Bernhard Strauß, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Direktor des Instituts für Psychosoziale Medizin, Psychotherapie und Psychoonkologie. Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Spitzer, Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Direktor der Klinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie.
Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte des Tagungsbands zur ATZlive-Veranstaltung "Antriebe und Energiesysteme von morgen 2022" sind elektrifizierte Antriebsstränge, Wasserstoff in der Fahrzeugtechnik sowie Systems Engineering. Die Tagung ist eine unverzichtbare Plattform für den Wissens- und Gedankenaustausch von Motoren- und Fahrzeugherstellern, deren Zulieferer und Entwicklungspartner, Lehrende und Ingenieure von Universitäten und Hochschulen, Vertreter von Behörden und Verbänden sowie für Techniker, die in diesem Themengebiet aktiv sind. Der Inhalt Netzinfrastruktur.- Netzstabilisierung Smart Grid.- Ladeinfrastruktur.- Bidirektionales Laden. Die Zielgruppen Fahrzeug- und Motoreningenieure sowie Studierende, die aktuelles Fachwissen im Zusammenhang mit Fragestellungen ihres Arbeitsfeldes suchen - Professoren und Dozenten an Universitäten und Hochschulen mit Schwerpunkt Kraftfahrzeug- und Motorentechnik - Gutachter, Forscher und Entwicklungsingenieure in der Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie Der Veranstalter ATZlive steht für Spitzenqualität, hohes Niveau in Sachen Fachinformation und ist Bestandteil der Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature. Hier wird unter einem Dach das Know-how der renommiertesten Wirtschafts-, Wissenschafts- und Technikverlage Deutschlands vereint.
Kaum ein Bauprojekt wird ohne einen bzw. mehrere Nachträge abgeschlossen. Wie erstelle ich diese? Wie prüfe ich sie? Welche Anspruchsgrundlagen gibt es dazu? Was sind eigentlich tatsächlich erforderliche Kosten, wann sind sie maßgebend und wie werden sie ermittelt? Diese und zahlreiche weitere Fragen stellen sich nicht nur die erfahrenen Baupraktiker, sondern auch diejenigen, die am Beginn ihrer Karriere stehen oder die gar noch studieren. Praxisnah und umfassend werden die aus einem Bauvertrag – gleich ob nach VOB/B oder BGB – resultierenden Rechte und einschlägigen Regelungen von den Herausgebern und Mitautoren aus den unterschiedlichen Disziplinen der Bau-Juristerei und den Ingenieurwissenschaften dargestellt. Besonders anschaulich werden die Inhalte durch Ablaufdiagramme und Grafiken vermittelt. Beispiele und Praxistipps machen diese Publikation zu einem hilfreichen Nachschlagwerk für die tägliche Nutzung.
This volume provides an overview of methods for plant species, mainly species with high economic value, to achieve in vitro propagation through somatic embryogenesis. Chapters guide readers through somatic embryogenesis protocols, somatic embryos in plants, and new methodologies that are used out to solve in vitro recalcitrance of many species to this morphogenetic route. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, includes tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols.  Authoritative and cutting-edge, Somatic Embryogenesis: Methods and Protocols aims to guide future researcher to achieve success in obtaining and regenerating somatic embryos.  Chapter 6 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
This book outlines the state of play in maritime security in the Gulf and provides a historical perspective to current issues while also surveying different mechanisms for Gulf maritime security, both at the collective and individual state levels. The book addresses a number of questions related to maritime security in the Gulf States, such as what are the main threats facing maritime security? Do the Arab Gulf States have the necessary naval capabilities to confront these maritime security threats? What are the efforts that the Arab Gulf States have made in order to maintain their maritime security? What are the regional frameworks through which the Arab Gulf States can address maritime security threats? And what are the obstacles hindering the Arab Gulf States’ efforts to maintain maritime security? This book would be a valuable read for Gulf Cooperation Council States, the ministries of defense in the Arabian Gulf countries, security institutions, the Arabian Gulf countries’ military academies, thinks tanks and universities in the six Gulf States, Western think thanks concerned with the Arabian Gulf region, and scholars specializing in Arabian Gulf countries.
This book is related to a parametric study of the soil–structural interface shearing behavior based on the numerical simulations of interface shear test with DEM, which is conducted from the role of soil properties, particle properties and structural properties. To aid readers in easily understanding the generation, implementation of models and controlling modes, for each part, the relevant code is provided in the text, and the whole source code of model is given in Appendix to share with readers for practice. The book is intended for graduate-level teaching and research in soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, as well as in other related engineering specialties. This book is also of use to industry practitioners due to the inclusion of real-world applications, opening the door to advanced courses on modeling within the industrial engineering and operations research fields. Â
This book furnishes a comprehensive treatment of differential graded Lie algebras, L-infinity algebras, and their use in deformation theory. We believe it is the first textbook devoted to this subject, although the first chapters are also covered in other sources with a different perspective. Deformation theory is an important subject in algebra and algebraic geometry, with an origin that dates back to Kodaira, Spencer, Kuranishi, Gerstenhaber, and Grothendieck. In the last 30 years, a new approach, based on ideas from rational homotopy theory, has made it possible not only to solve long-standing open problems, but also to clarify the general theory and to relate apparently different features. This approach works over a field of characteristic 0, and the central role is played by the notions of differential graded Lie algebra, L-infinity algebra, and Maurer–Cartan equations. The book is written keeping in mind graduate students with a basic knowledge of homological algebra and complex algebraic geometry as utilized, for instance, in the book by K. Kodaira, Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures. Although the main applications in this book concern deformation theory of complex manifolds, vector bundles, and holomorphic maps, the underlying algebraic theory also applies to a wider class of deformation problems, and it is a prerequisite for anyone interested in derived deformation theory. Researchers in algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, deformation theory, and noncommutative geometry are the major targets for the book.Â
Self-Portrait, with Parents and Footnotes is a story of movement. Moving from city to city characterized the author's growing up-from Poland to Belgium and from the East Coast to the West Coast of the United States. The book also moves between past and present. The authors' parents, Jews from Eastern Europe, lived through the Spanish Civil War, the Second World War, the post-war Communist world, and much migration in between. How were these events transmitted to their child, and what questions do they give rise to today? The book moves between straightforward story-telling and reflections on memory, on politics and religion, and on literature. It seeks the genesis of intellectual interests in personal story.
This edited collection showcases innovative, up and coming researchers’ work in the field of sex work studies across labour/work and relationships. This research is pushing the boundaries of the subject, asking new questions, carving new methodological terrain, and contributing new ideas and empirical findings to the existing literature. Drawing on sociology, criminology, media studies, social and health policy, law and socio-legal studies, the chapters reflect a range of new topics in the sex work studies literature such as religious readings, porn workers and their interactions with fans; romantic relationships, and humour at work. Studies are drawn from Europe, South America, Turkey, Ireland, New Zealand and the USA. This book speaks to academics across the social sciences and humanities who are interested in sex work studies.
Wells' classic tale tells the story of the unnamed time traveller, who travels thousands of years into the future, where he encounters the strange, child-like people, the Eloi, and the terrifying underground race, the Morlocks. Classics Illustrated tells this wonderful tale in colourful comic strip form, offering an excellent introduction for younger readers. This edition also includes a biography of H. G. Wells, theme discussions and study questions, which can be used both in the classroom and at home to further engage the reader in the work at hand.
In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird Schulleitungshandeln im Kontext einer nationalen Reformumsetzung (Neue-Mittelschul-Reform) betrachtet. Dabei fokussiert die Arbeit auf den Ansatz der responsiven FĂĽhrung. Dieser Zugang hilft, die unterschiedlichen Antwortgeschehen abzubilden, die Schulleiter/-innen entwickeln, wenn sie in ihren Entscheidungen bzw. Schulentwicklungsprozessen auf fremde AnsprĂĽche (z.B. Reformen) reagieren. Insbesondere wird in dem vorliegenden Buch die institutionelle schulische Umwelt mit ihren Anspruchsgruppen in den Blick genommen. Die Analyse stĂĽtzt sich dabei auf qualitative Befunde, die im Rahmen des Projekts Modellregion Bildung Zillertal entstanden sind.Â
This book provides a friendly introduction to the paradigm and proposes a broad panorama of killing applications of the Infinity Computer in optimization: radically new numerical algorithms, great theoretical insights, efficient software implementations, and interesting practical case studies. This is the first book presenting to the readers interested in optimization the advantages of a recently introduced supercomputing paradigm that allows to numerically work with different infinities and infinitesimals on the Infinity Computer patented in several countries. One of the editors of the book is the creator of the Infinity Computer, and another editor was the first who has started to use it in optimization. Their results were awarded by numerous scientific prizes. This engaging book opens new horizons for researchers, engineers, professors, and students with interests in supercomputing paradigms, optimization, decision making, game theory, and foundations of mathematics and computer science. “Mathematicians have never been comfortable handling infinities… But an entirely new type of mathematics looks set to by-pass the problem… Today, Yaroslav Sergeyev, a mathematician at the University of Calabria in Italy solves this problem… ” MIT Technology Review “These ideas and future hardware prototypes may be productive in all fields of science where infinite and infinitesimal numbers (derivatives, integrals, series, fractals) are used.” A. Adamatzky, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Unconventional Computing. “I am sure that the new approach … will have a very deep impact both on Mathematics and Computer Science.” D. Trigiante, Computational Management Science. “Within the grossone framework, it becomes feasible to deal computationally with infinite quantities, in a way that is both new (in the sense that previously intractable problems become amenable to computation) and natural”. R. Gangle, G. Caterina, F. Tohmé, Soft Computing. “The computational features offered by the Infinity Computer allow us to dynamically change the accuracy of representation and floating-point operations during the flow of a computation. When suitably implemented, this possibility turns out to be particularly advantageous when solving ill-conditioned problems. In fact, compared with a standard multi-precision arithmetic, here the accuracy is improved only when needed, thus not affecting that much the overall computational effort.” P. Amodio, L. Brugnano, F. Iavernaro & F. Mazzia, Soft Computing
The Mastering Ministry Series covers the various challenges of a ministry encounters and teaches how to deal with them-one subject at a time. Mastering Ministry is a perfect "survival guide" for today's pastor addressing relevant topics such as worship, preaching, controversies, evangelism, church management, pastoral care, fundraising and personal growth.
This book explores the deep meaning—the nature or essence—of the economy and its fundamental components. As a monograph on the philosophy of the economy and economics, it deduces the metaphysical nature of these two, going step by step from more general to more specific realities to finally arrive at the adequate features of the economic sciences and their methods. It builds on a largely Aristotelian approach, but also draws extensively from modern scholarship in the area. Usefully and pertinently, the book covers both general aspects of the economy and particular historically specific features. Among the important topics covered in the book are the meanings of the economy, the nature and role of economic agents, the nature of the macroeconomy, the nature and role of money, and so on. The book concludes with chapters on the nature of economics itself and its methodologies.
This volume presents a review of global progress made towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6): Clean Water and Sanitation, part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It builds on the latest data and statistics provided by the UN Â and other international organizations through chapters written by a wide variety of authors, including representatives of government ministries and departments, members of international organizations specializing in this area, academics and senior professionals. The book details how SDG 6 is being approached in a number of geographic regions, with each chapter describing developments in a particular region or country. Supporting case studies presented in the book illustrate progress, achievements and challenges that remain in the effort to reach SDG 6 by 2030. The book is intended for academics/researchers, scientists, policymakers, practitioners, and all stakeholders working at the global, regional, national and local levels who support or are engaged with the implementation of SDG 6. |
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