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Books > Social sciences > Psychology > Child & developmental psychology
Clinicians working with traumatized youth face many challenges in supporting growth and development while addressing the many negative consequences of abuse and neglect. When working with youth in foster care, additional obstacles must be overcome: changing placements, overwhelmed substitute caregivers, caseworker turnover, complication with birth siblings and family, and communication difficulties with and within the child welfare system. Treating Trauma: Relationship-Based Psychotherapy with Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults presents a theoretically based and empirically supported framework for work with traumatized children, youth, and young adults who have spent time in foster care. It offers vivid examples of cases from the work of clinicians of A Home Within, a national non-profit focused on meeting the emotional needs of current and former foster youth. These nine case studies illustrate the vital role that relationships play in helping overcome the trauma of chronic, unexpected, and unexplained losses. They describe the work with clients, the collateral work, and also the therapists' personal experiences of treating this vulnerable population. This work also explores the impact of secondary trauma on those working in an around the foster care system and addresses ways that therapists and others vulnerable to vicarious trauma can protect themselves, as well as their clients. In particular, three chapters examine the power of peer consultation in sustaining therapeutic work with vulnerable and traumatized populations. Methods of integrating evidence-based approaches into treatment of youth with multiple mental health problems and unavailable parents are discussed and explored. Essential elements of effective mental health interventions with traumatized foster youth are presented and illustrated.
This open access book develops a theoretical concept of teaching that is relevant to early childhood education, and based on children's learning and development through play. It discusses theoretical premises and research on playing and learning, and proposes the development of play-responsive didaktik. It examines the processes and products of learning and development, teaching and its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development, as well as the 'what' of learning and didaktik. Next, it explores the actions, objects and meaning of play and provides insight into the diversity of beliefs about the practices of play. The book presents ideas on how combined research and development projects can be carried out, providing incentive and a model for practice development and research. The second part of the book consists of empirical studies on teacher's playing skills and examples of play with very young as well as older children.
Karl Koenig, the founder of Camphill, was a prolific lecturer and writer on a wide range of subjects from anthroposophy and Christology through social questions and curative education to science and history. The Karl Koenig Archive are working on a programme of publishing these works over the coming years. This is the fourth book to be published in the series. In this remarkable collection of Karl Koenig's letters and essays, Koenig considers and discusses the fundamentals of special needs education. He shows that there are three core aspects to a successful holistic education and healing approach: firstly, a positive social environment, which in the context of Camphill is achieved through small family units of carers and children; secondly, that carers' work is based on an insightful understanding of the nature and potential of each individual child and disability; and thirdly that medical treatment is imbued with courage to keep believing that the impossible is possible.
This edited volume highlights the rich and complex educational debates around Critical Disability Studies in Education (DSE), critical mental health, and crip theories. Chapter authors use the term Dis/ability to criticize aspects of education research and international development that do not center the experiences of dis/abled students and people with dis/abilities. Through case studies from around the Americas, chapters highlight how top-down approaches to disabilities further oppress rather than emancipate. The volume prioritizes the spaces of resistance where local initiatives speak back to the demands imposed by an ever-globalizing world shaped by colonialism and imperialism, undergird by intersectional ableism. Voices of disabled students and people with dis/abilities counter-narrate the personal, interpersonal, structural, and political ways in which biomedical and psychological models of disability have impacted their well-being throughout education and society in the Americas. Through a critical sentipensante approach that centers the "epistemologies of the south," this volume challenges global mental health and dis/ability hegemony in the Americas.
This book examines the complex impact of parenting stress and the effects of its transmission on young children's development and well-being (e.g., emotion self-regulation; executive functioning; maltreatment; future parenting practices). It analyzes current findings on acute and chronic psychological and socioeconomic stressors affecting parents, including those associated with poverty and cultural disparities, pregnancy and motherhood, and caring for children with developmental disabilities. Contributors explore how parental stress affects cognitive, affective, behavioral, and neurological development in children while pinpointing core adaptation, resilience, and coping skills parents need to reduce abusive and other negative behaviors and promote optimal outcomes in their children. These nuanced bidirectional perspectives on parent/child dynamics aim to inform clinical strategies and future research targeting parental stress and its cyclical impact on subsequent generations. Included in the coverage: Parental stress and child temperament. How social structure and culture shape parental strain and the well-being of parents and children. The stress of parenting children with developmental disabilities. Consequences and mechanisms of child maltreatment and the implications for parenting. How being mothered affects the development of mothering. Prenatal maternal stress and psychobiological development during childhood. Parenting Stress and Early Child Development is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians and related professionals, and graduate students in infancy and early childhood development, developmental psychology, pediatrics, family studies, and developmental neuroscience.
This publication promotes school based mental health services as a means for increasing access to care and for early intervention. There are 3 levels of intervention in school-based mental health: 1. Universal promotion/prevention: Implementing whole-school approaches (including training teachers and administrators) to ensure and foster wellness. 2. Targeted prevention: Providing prevention services for youth at-risk of developing mental health problems. 3. Indicated services: Providing assessment and direct care for youth with identified mental health needs. The approach of this Issue presents current evidence-based practice in schools and review of schools as a vital part of systems of care for youth. In addition to psychiatrists, this issue addresses collaboration with families, educators, administrators, social workers, counselors and psychologists. The Editors leading this issue are from Vanderbilt University and University of Maryland. Both Vanderbilt and Maryland have well-established clinical programs that provide a full continuum of mental health services, including "indicated services" to serve youth with mental health diagnoses (i.e., severe psychiatric disorders). Psychiatrists are part of the treatment team, and work directly in the school or provide consultation (often via telehealth technologies). Given that family engagement is a major part of making therapies work effectively, partnering with families is a critical part of the treatment process.
The Second Edition of the Handbook of Adolescent Behavioral Problems clarifies the current state of treatment and prevention through comprehensive examinations of mental disorders and dysfunctional behaviors as well as the varied forces affecting their development. New or revised chapters offer a basic framework for approaching mental health concerns in youth and provide the latest information on how conditions (e.g., bipolar disorder, suicidality, and OCD) and behaviors (e.g., sex offenses, gang activities, dating violence, and self-harm) manifest in adolescents. Each chapter offers diagnostic guidance, up-to-date findings on prevalence, biological/genetic aspects, risk and resilience factors, and a practical review of prevention and treatment methods. Best-practice recommendations clearly differentiate among what works, what might work, what doesn't work, and what needs further research across modalities, including pharmacotherapy. Key topics addressed include: Families and adolescent development. Adolescent mental health and the DSM-5. Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder. Autism spectrum disorder. Media and technology addiction. School failure versus school success. Bullying and cyberbullying. The Second Edition of the Handbook of Adolescent Behavior Problems is a must-have reference for researchers, clinicians, allied practitioners and professionals, and graduate students in school and clinical child psychology, education, pediatrics, psychiatry, social work, school counseling, and public health.
This book examines the research and theoretical bases for the creation of a risk-needs management instrument for violent adolescents and young adults. The proposed instrument includes risk indicators beginning pre-natally, pari-natally, at-birth, then through infancy, early childhood, middle childhood and, finally, adolescence. The main purpose of the instrument is to assist case managers responsible for providing positive interventions to families and children, at all childhood and adolescent life stages, in order to reduce the likelihood of violent behaviors. The case intervention strategy is based on the assumption that the earlier resources are provided, the more effective they will be. The data instrument will be structured so that the risk information is gathered cumulatively across age domains and can be used to match specific interventions with particular needs profiles of a family and child, adolescent or young adult. This book is of interest to researchers, policy-makers, and government and non-government agency workers who are involved with policies, programs and instruments focused on the prevention of youth and young adult violence. It can be used as an advanced text book in upper level undergraduate courses and graduate courses in psychology, criminology, social work and educational counseling which deal with the child and youth violence, especially its causes and preventive interventions.
This reference summarizes and overviews current research on adolescence in 31 countries from around the world. The volume begins with a discussion of interdisciplinary and international perspectives on adolescence, with special attention to psychological and sociological approaches. Each of the chapters that follow considers adolescence in a particular country, and the chapters are arranged alphabetically for ease of use. To foster comparative research, each chapter shares a common format, with sections on the historical and sociodemographic background of adolescence since 1945, sociocultural patterns of rites of passage, psychological and social problem behaviors, and policy matters. Each chapter concludes with a list of current references, and the volume ends with a selected bibliography and an appendix of key researchers.
This book is a comprehensive overview of the clinical and scientific aspects of Autism from the leading experts in the field. The clinical section covers everything from epidemiological features to epigenetic regulation to behavioral therapies and much in between. The basic science section presents the latest knowledge on the underlying causes of the disorder including the role of various neurotransmitters, neurexins and neuroligins, reelin, and other proteins. Chapters also explore the cognition and motor control in autism and the connection between oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction and autism. The thorough description of these underlying causes may help researchers and clinicians find more effective treatments and therapies for the 1 in 68 American children who have been diagnosed with Autism.
This book shares with English readers Chinese theoretical and practical explorations of moral education curriculum for primary schools within the basic education curriculum reform project since 2001.The book expounds this moral education curriculum reform and focuses on three main ideas: The curriculum's aim is to enrich children's experiences and reflect their own lives; the curriculum's content is originated from children's lives; the curriculum's structure is developed from children's learning approach in their morality and social study. In this book, light is also shed on how to construct moral education textbooks, direct moral instruction, and moral teacher identity in the perspective of moral learning; how to knit law education and Chinese traditional culture education in moral curriculum. This is the first comprehensive book focusing on Chinese moral education curriculum reform. It will appeal to researchers, research students, and writers of moral education textbooks. It is also suitable for teacher training programs to help future teachers learn about moral education curriculum and help them effectively design and organize it for children's morality study.
This book examines the use of "Communities That Care" (CTC) interventions in European countries. It reports results obtained by using the CTC Youth Survey in five European countries covering different parts of Europe - Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, and Cyprus. The main aim of the book is to compare (a) the prevalence of delinquency and substance use, (b) the prevalence of key risk and protective factors, and (c) the strength of relationships between risk and protective factors and delinquency and substance use, in these five European countries. The chapters in this book compare similarities and differences between the countries, possible explanations of these, and the implications of the results for theories and for intervention policy and practice. Additionally, it provides evidence about the replicability over time and place of the strength of relationships between (i) risk and protective factors and (ii) delinquency and substance use. In turn, this increases confidence in the generalizability of criminological theories over time and place. It will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in criminology and criminal justice, particularly those with an interest in developmental and life-course criminology, juvenile delinquency, and substance use, as well as crime prevention and intervention.
"Unleashing Our Unknown SelveS" begins with a critique of central paradigms in contemporary social science and ends with a provocative new theory of psychosexual development. Dr. Morrow brilliantly demonstrates why men are just as damaged as women by our present patriarchal sex/gender system. . . . I highly recommend it] as a primary text for graduate courses in human development, psychology of gender, and cultural studies. Joseph L. White, Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Comparative Culture, University of California, Irvine Described as a hopeful book, "Unleashing Our Unknown SelveS" presents a new theory of psychosexual development and, concurrently, of psychosocial evolution. France Morrow claims that the sexual division of nature was a primordial organizing principle for all cultures. However, evolving qualities and psychological characteristics have been assigned by culture to women and men. Real biological differences have, over millennia, been incorporated, absorbed, or superceded by cultural differences. The resultant schism between femininity and masculinity represents the deepest cleavage in the human species, crippling both men and women through the cultural subordination of women. Morrow believes that to be truly whole, both sexes must be allowed to release the repressed qualities of the opposite sex. France MorroW's interdisciplinary focus finds hope in the explanatory power of a theory which systematically explores the crippling of both sexes by the cultural invisibility of women. The book's chapters explore, among other subjects, the structure of gender evolution, Sigmund Freud's impact on the future of femininity and masculinity, and the internal repression of the majority self. MorroW's study affirms the dependence of human survival on the integrating of our feminine selves with our masculine selves. Her work is particularly directed to courses in developmental and social psychology, gender studies, sociology, and women's studies.
For both experienced psychologists and graduate students, this book
moves quickly through the essentials of WISC-IV interpretation and
onto an insightful analysis of the major cognitive domains assessed
by WISC-IV. It is the intention of the editors to raise the
standard of practice from a simplistic 'test-label-place' model to
a clinical model of assessing to understand and intervene. In the
first chapter, the reader is presented with a comprehensive array
of societal and home environment factors for which there is
empirical evidence indicating their impact on the development of
children s cognitive abilities, and ultimately their scores on
intelligence tests. Subsequent chapters address issues related to
the assessment of cognitive abilities that compose 'g', with
special emphasis on the clinical correlates of working memory and
processing speed from both neuropsychological and cognitive
information processing perspectives. Each new chapter builds on
material presented in previous chapters and progresses the reader
purposefully through deeper levels of understanding of WISC-IV and
cognitive assessment in general. Two chapters explicate the
processing approach to interpretation that is the corner stone of
the WISC-IV Integrated. A further chapter addresses the
interpretation of WISC-IV findings within the context of other
instruments as part of a full psychological evaluation. The final
chapter provides an extensive case example of how to write
psychological evaluation reports from a child-centered rather than
a score-centered perspective that can have transforming impact on
parents and teachers approach to the child. Overall, these four
authors are the architects of a masterful new book on advanced
WISC-IV interpretation from a clinical perspective, Together with
the complimentary book, WISC-IV Clinical Assessment and
Intervention, Second Edition these books provide the complete
spectrum of information needed by all psychologists who use the
WISC-IV in clinical practice.
This book examines infant and early childhood mental health and the importance of early emotional and social development for later developmental trajectories. It incorporates research and clinical perspectives and brings research findings to bear in evaluating intervention strategies. By incorporating empirical developmental literature that is directly relevant to infant mental health and clinical practice, the book addresses the multiple forces which shape young children's mental health. These forces include child factors, parental and familial variables, childrearing practices, and environmental influences. In addition, the book explores parent-child relationships, family networks, and social supports as protective factors, as well as risk factors such as poverty, exposure to violence, and substance abuse, which influence and change developmental processes. It shows that, by examining socio-emotional development in a cultural context, human development in the twenty-first century can be conceptualized through differences, similarities and diversity perspectives, focusing on the rights of every individual child.
Discovering the Life Span by Robert S. Feldman helps students truly connect to the material. Written in an engaging and accessible style and organised in a modular format, this title allows instructors to cover the entire life span without having to sacrifice content throughout their course. Students will get a better sense of the entire process of development and understand how the domains of development work together. Discovering the Life Span is a meaningful learning experience that prepares readers to apply content to their personal and future professional lives. Samples Preview sample pages from Discovering the Life Span, Global Edition Download the detailed table of contents
This book offers the autobiographical reflections of prominent women school psychologists who are at or near completion of their careers. It demonstrates the varied and diverse journeys of these women in their own words. The volume examines the ways in which leading women in the field have evolved from primarily frontline service providers to full contributors at all levels of the profession. Chapters offer insights into school psychology movers and shakers and explores how many found a home in academia, where they became trainers of the next generation. In addition, chapters examine the opportunities and restraints that these women leaders confronted across the years. The book celebrates the success of these women and encourages both women and men to pursue roles in the profession. Women Leaders in School Psychology is an informative read for graduate students and scientist-practitioners as well as researchers, professors and other professionals in child and school psychology, educational policy and politics, family studies, social work, public health, clinical and developmental psychology and all related psychology, mental health, and education disciplines.
Add variety to your child's bedtime routine with the latest book from the author of The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep, the global bestseller that parents have been raving about! Features all-new child-tested, parent-approved techniques to reclaim bedtime and provide a sweet and tender end to each day. Your child joins Ellen the Elephant on a journey through a magical forest that leads to sleep. Along the way, children meet different fantastical characters and have calming experiences that will help your child to relax and slip into slumber quickly. The story works perfectly for either naptime or bedtime. Children will love switching between stories about both Roger the Rabbit (The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep) and Ellen the Elephant (The Little Elephant Who Wants to Fall Asleep), and parents will appreciate the diverse ways each character will help their loved ones fall asleep quickly and easily. Includes never-before-seen material that will make a difference at bedtime, including insightful sleep tips and answers to frequently asked questions to help guide families to an even more satisfying nighttime routine! Advance Praise from Parents "Even better than The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep." "It's nice to have an alternative for a bit of variety." "You only have to read a few pages and you have a sleeping child!" "A must-have book in our home!" Praise for The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep: Translated into 43 languages Global sales currently exceed 1.5 million copies "Tired parents of planet earth - this is what you've been waiting for... If you don't already have a copy, you need to order one quick sharp" - Metro "The most peaceful bedtime we have had in months" - Daily Mail "A book whose powerfully soporific effects my son is helpless to resist" - New York Times
This timely resource analyzes home visits as a primary intervention for at-risk families with infants and young children and details innovative programs for home service delivery. Focusing on family violence, mental illness and alcohol and substance abuse as major challenges to child development, the book presents practical strategies for home visitors to address and prevent problems while fostering an improved environment for raising children. Contributors offer a realistic framework for planning, developing, and training an effective home visitation workforce and tailoring interventions to fit individual family dynamics. And the book's international focus provides a variety of perspectives on evidence-based programs that support families raising children in distressed neighborhoods. Among the featured topics: Home visitation as a primary prevention tool for violence. Developmental parenting home visiting to prevent violence. Supporting the paraprofessional home visitor. Engagement and retention in home visiting child abuse prevention programs. Addressing psychosocial risk factors among families in home visiting programs. Home visitation programs in the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Home Visitation Programs: Preventing Violence and Promoting Healthy Early Child Development is an essential resource for researchers, graduate students and professionals in child and school psychology, social work, educational policy, family advocacy and public health.
Volume 44 of "Advances in Child Development and Behavior" includes chapters that highlight some the most recent research in the area of embodiment and epigenesis. A wide array of topics are discussed in detail, including cytoplasmic inheritance redux, emergence, self organization and developmental science, and the evolution of intelligent developmental systems. Each chapter provides in-depth discussions, and this volume
serves as an invaluable resource for developmental or educational
psychology researchers, scholars, and students. Chapters that highlight some of the most recent research in the area. A wide array of topics are discussed in detail
This book takes a radically new approach to the well-worn topic of children's relationship with the media, avoiding the "risks and benefits" paradigm while examining very young children's interactions with film and television. Bazalgette proposes a refocus on the learning processes that children must go through in order to understand what they are watching on televisions, phones, or iPads. To demonstrate this, she offers unique insight from research done with her twin grandchildren starting from just before they were two years old, with analysis drawn from the field of embodied cognition to help identify minute behaviours and expressions as signals of emotions and thought processes. The book makes the case that all inquiry into early childhood movie-viewing should be based on the premise that learning-usually self-driven-is taking place throughout.
Applies Successful Aging to Adult Development Journey of Adulthood, 8/e by Barbara R. Bjorklund discusses the aspects of "successful aging," covering growth and development from emerging adulthood to old age. The author combines new and classic research as well as first person experience of adult development. This title helps students understand the development of adults as they leave adolescence and move through their adult years until the end of life. Comprised of both large longitudinal studies and major theories of adult development as well as smaller studies of diverse groups, students will see the influences of gender, culture, ethnicity, race, and socioeconomics background on this journey. Note: this is the standalone book, if you want the book/access code order the ISBN below: 0133775666 / 9780133775662 Journey of Adulthood Plus NEW MySearchLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package 8/e Package consists of: 0205239927 / 9780205239924 MySearchLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card 0205970753 / 9780205970759 Journey of Adulthood ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. |
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