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Books > Professional & Technical > Technology: general issues > Technical design > Computer aided design (CAD)
Simulation of computer architectures has made rapid progress recently. The primary application areas are hardware/software performance estimation and optimization as well as functional and timing verification. Recent, innovative technologies such as retargetable simulator generation, dynamic binary translation, or sampling simulation have enabled widespread use of processor and system-on-chip (SoC) simulation tools in the semiconductor and embedded system industries. Simultaneously, processor and SoC simulation is still a very active research area, e.g. what amounts to higher simulation speed, flexibility, and accuracy/speed trade-offs. This book presents and discusses the principle technologies and state-of-the-art in high-level hardware architecture simulation, both at the processor and the system-on-chip level.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM, commonly referred to as diabetes, is a metabolic disorder in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Lack of sufficient insulin causes presence of excess sugar levels in the blood. As a result the glucose levels in diabetic patients are more than normal ones. It has symptoms like frequent urination, increased hunger, increase thirst and high blood sugar. There are mainly three types of diabetes namely type-1, type-2 and gestational diabetes. Type-1 DM occurs due to immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the beta-cells and Type-2 DM occurs due to insulin resistance. Gestational DM occurs in women during pregnancy due to insulin blocking by pregnancy harmones. Among these three types of DM, type-2 DM is more prevalence, and impacting so many millions of people across the world. Classification and predictive systems are actually reliable in the health care sector to explore hidden patterns in the patients data. These systems aid, medical professionals to enhance their diagnosis, prognosis along with remedy organizing techniques. The less percentage of improvement in classifier predictive accuracy is very important for medical diagnosis purposes where mistakes can cause a lot of damage to patient's life. Hence, we need a more accurate classification system for prediction of type-2 DM. Although, most of the above classification algorithms are efficient, they failed to provide good accuracy with low computational cost. In this book, we proposed various classification algorithms using soft computing techniques like Neural Networks (NNs), Fuzzy Systems (FS) and Swarm Intelligence (SI). The experimental results demonstrate that these algorithms are able to produce high classification accuracy at less computational cost. The contributions presented in this book shall attempt to address the following objectives using soft computing approaches for identification of diabetes mellitus. Introuducing an optimized RBFN model called Opt-RBFN. Designing a cost effective rule miner called SM-RuleMiner for type-2 diabetes diagnosis. Generating more interpretable fuzzy rules for accurate diagnosis of type2 diabetes using RST-BatMiner. Developing accurate cascade ensemble frameworks called Diabetes-Network for type-2 diabetes diagnosis. Proposing a Multi-level ensemble framework called Dia-Net for improving the classification accuracy of type-2 diabetes diagnosis. Designing an Intelligent Diabetes Risk score Model called Intelli-DRM estimate the severity of Diabetes mellitus. This book serves as a reference book for scientific investigators who need to analyze disease data and/or numerical data, as well as researchers developing methodology in soft computing field. It may also be used as a textbook for a graduate and post graduate level course in machine learning or soft computing.
Based on the highly successful second edition, this extended edition of "SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features" teaches all verification features of the SystemVerilog language, providing hundreds of examples to clearly explain the concepts and basic fundamentals. It contains materials for both the full-time verification engineer and the student learning this valuable skill. In the third edition, authors Chris Spear and Greg Tumbush start with how to verify a design, and then use that context to demonstrate the language features, including the advantages and disadvantages of different styles, allowing readers to choose between alternatives. This textbook contains end-of-chapter exercises designed to enhance students' understanding of the material. Other features of this revision include: New sections on static variables, print specifiers, and DPI from the 2009 IEEE language standardDescriptions of UVM features such as factories, the test registry, and the configuration databaseExpanded code samples and explanations Numerous samples that have been tested on the major SystemVerilog simulators "SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the
Testbench Language Features, Third Edition "is suitable for use in
a one-semester SystemVerilog course on SystemVerilog at the
undergraduate or graduate level. Many of the improvements to this
new edition were compiled through feedback provided from hundreds
of readers.
The complexity of modern chip design requires extensive use of specialized software throughout the process. To achieve the best results, a user of this software needs a high-level understanding of the underlying mathematical models and algorithms. In addition, a developer of such software must have a keen understanding of relevant computer science aspects, including algorithmic performance bottlenecks and how various algorithms operate and interact. This book introduces and compares the fundamental algorithms that are used during the IC physical design phase, wherein a geometric chip layout is produced starting from an abstract circuit design. This updated second edition includes recent advancements in the state-of-the-art of physical design, and builds upon foundational coverage of essential and fundamental techniques. Numerous examples and tasks with solutions increase the clarity of presentation and facilitate deeper understanding. A comprehensive set of slides is available on the Internet for each chapter, simplifying use of the book in instructional settings. "This improved, second edition of the book will continue to serve the EDA and design community well. It is a foundational text and reference for the next generation of professionals who will be called on to continue the advancement of our chip design tools and design the most advanced micro-electronics." Dr. Leon Stok, Vice President, Electronic Design Automation, IBM Systems Group "This is the book I wish I had when I taught EDA in the past, and the one I'm using from now on." Dr. Louis K. Scheffer, Howard Hughes Medical Institute "I would happily use this book when teaching Physical Design. I know of no other work that's as comprehensive and up-to-date, with algorithmic focus and clear pseudocode for the key algorithms. The book is beautifully designed!" Prof. John P. Hayes, University of Michigan "The entire field of electronic design automation owes the authors a great debt for providing a single coherent source on physical design that is clear and tutorial in nature, while providing details on key state-of-the-art topics such as timing closure." Prof. Kurt Keutzer, University of California, Berkeley "An excellent balance of the basics and more advanced concepts, presented by top experts in the field." Prof. Sachin Sapatnekar, University of Minnesota
The "Tra?c and Granular Flow '07" conference was the seventh of a series of international conferences that started in 1995 in Julic .. h (Germany). Since then, the conference took place in Duisburg (1997), Stuttgart (1999), Nagoya (2001), Delft (2003) and Berlin (2005). The aim of TGF conferences is to facilitate the exchanges between various ?elds dealing with transport. When the conference was created, the ?elds that were represented were road tra?c and granular ?ow - hence the name of the series. Since then, the scope of the conference has been enlarged to include in particular collective motion in biology (molecular motors), a subject which turns out to have many connections with the two original ones. Transversal themes have emerged. For TGF07, a session was speci?cally devoted to the subject of networks. An important theme is also the one of self-propelled particles. It ranges from granular ?ows with anisotropic grains, to collective motion of animals, and to pedestrian tra?c. We were very happy to organize the 2007 occurrence of TGF in Orsay (France), at the University Paris-Sud. The conference was organized mainly by the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (LPT), with the help of the Labo- tory FAST (Fluides, Automatique et Syst' emes Thermiques) - these two la- ratories are both associated to the CNRS (Centre National pour la Recherche Scienti?que) - and of the GARIG Group at INRETS.
Computer-aided design (CAD) technology is essential for modern design and manufacture in the workshop. With software more practical, affordable and accessible than ever, there has never been a better time to learn how to get the most out of CAD. Whether you are new to using CAD or ready to try more advanced software, this practical guide gives a thorough introduction to the technology and how to greatly enhance design and manufacture in the workshop. Topics covered include: techniques for designing and making artefacts in the workshop (not restricted to any specific CAD software package); guidance on software selection and general functionality; an overview of the conventions of technical drawing and, finally, case studies demonstrating the application of different CAD techniques for a range of projects.
This textbook offers theoretical and practical knowledge of the finite element method. The book equips readers with the skills required to analyze engineering problems using ANSYS (R), a commercially available FEA program. Revised and updated, this new edition presents the most current ANSYS (R) commands and ANSYS (R) screen shots, as well as modeling steps for each example problem. This self-contained, introductory text minimizes the need for additional reference material by covering both the fundamental topics in finite element methods and advanced topics concerning modeling and analysis. It focuses on the use of ANSYS (R) through both the Graphics User Interface (GUI) and the ANSYS (R) Parametric Design Language (APDL). Extensive examples from a range of engineering disciplines are presented in a straightforward, step-by-step fashion. Key topics include: * An introduction to FEM * Fundamentals and analysis capabilities of ANSYS (R) * Fundamentals of discretization and approximation functions * Modeling techniques and mesh generation in ANSYS (R) * Weighted residuals and minimum potential energy * Development of macro files * Linear structural analysis * Heat transfer and moisture diffusion * Nonlinear structural problems * Advanced subjects such as submodeling, substructuring, interaction with external files, and modification of ANSYS (R)-GUI Electronic supplementary material for using ANSYS (R) can be found at http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4899-7550-8. This convenient online feature, which includes color figures, screen shots and input files for sample problems, allows for regeneration on the reader's own computer. Students, researchers, and practitioners alike will find this an essential guide to predicting and simulating the physical behavior of complex engineering systems."
The main objective of the authors is to deliver specifications and underlying concepts for future computer-aided tools for the design and the control of flexible manufacturing systems for mechanical and electro-mechanical assemblies. This book presents an integrated computer-aided method which supports a concurrent engineering approach for assembled products. This integrated method is divided in several modules which analyse the ease of assembly of a design, the assembly order, the design of an assembly workshop, and the simulation of the workshop taking into account scheduling and flow control. Automatic, semi-automatic and manual utilisations are presented for each module. Communication between design and manufacturing has been emphasised. The environment in this book is a real concurrent engineering one and for the first time the concurrent engineering steps are integrated in a CAD system. The method has been implemented in one of the worlds most used CAD systems: CATIA.
Large-Scale 3D Data Integration: Challenges and Opportunities examines the fundamental aspects of 3D geo-information, focusing on the latest developments in 3D GIS (geographic information) and AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) systems. This book addresses policy makers, designers and engineers, and individuals that need to overcome obstacles in integrating modeling perspectives and data. Organized into four major parts, the book begins by presenting a historical overview of the issues involved in integrating GIS and AEC. Part II then focuses on the data issue from several viewpoints: data collection; database structures and representation; database management; and visualization. Part III covers the areas of semantics, ontology, and standardization from a theoretical perspective and details many of the best examples of this approach in developing real-world applications. The book concludes with contributions that focus on recent advances in virtual geographic environments and alternative modeling schemes for the potential AEC/GIS interface.
If controversies were to arise, there would be no more need of disputation between two philosophers than between two accountants. For it would su?ce to take their pencils in their hands, and say to each other: 'Let us calculate'. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) Dissertio de Arte Combinatoria (Leipzig, 1666) GottfriedWilhelm Leibniz, oneofthe greatestmathematicians, discussedcalculi ofthoughts. Onlymuchlater, did it becomeevidentthat newtools arenecessary for developing such calculi, e. g., due to the necessity of reasoning under unc- tainty about objects and (vague) concepts. Fuzzy set theory (Lot? A. Zadeh, 1965) and rough set theory (Zdzisla w Pawlak, 1982) represent two di?erent - proaches to vagueness. Fuzzy set theory addresses gradualness of knowledge, expressed by the fuzzy membership, whereas rough set theory addresses gra- larity of knowledge, expressed by the indiscernibility relation. Granular comp- ing (Zadeh,1973,1998)iscurrentlyregardedasa uni?edframeworkfor theories, methodologies and techniques for modeling calculi of thoughts, based on objects called granules. The book "Rough-Granular Computing in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining" written by ProfessorJaroslawStepaniuk is dedicated to methods based on a combination of the following three closely related and rapidly growing - eas: granular computing, rough sets, and knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD). In the book, the KDD foundations based on the rough set approach and granular computing are discussed together with illustrative applications. In searching for relevant patterns or in inducing (constructing) classi?ers in KDD, di?erent kinds of granulesaremodeled. In this modeling process, granulescalled approximation spaces play a special rule.
When used together effectively, computer-aided design (CAD) and geospatial information systems (GIS) have a solid track record for streamlining decision making and reducing inefficiencies in the design, planning, and execution of critical operations and projects. And a growing number of engineering tasks in numerous fields-including design, architecture, construction, and asset management-now require the knowledge of many interrelated yet disconnected CAD/GIS tools and task-specific software. A multidisciplinary resource delineating existing and emerging solutions for CAD/GIS integration issues, CAD and GIS Integration provides a clear understanding of the state of the art in this area of growing importance. It brings together in-depth descriptions of existing and emerging techniques, methodologies, and technologies to examine approaches that enable data and operations interoperability between CAD/GIS. Starting with a review of fundamental concepts and theories, the book: Addresses contemporary issues and challenges Provides a collection of helpful methodologies, techniques, and technologies for integrating CAD and GIS Presents balanced coverage of CAD and GIS technologies and applications Highlights emerging trends in CAD/GIS integration Explores the state-of-the-art in the application of CAD and GIS technologies, data, and operations for decision making From early developments to current trends and future directions, this concise resource allows you to get up to speed quickly on what it takes to get the most of these two dynamic technologies. Numerous example applications of effective CAD/GIS integration provide the understanding needed to improve designs, make better decisions, and reduce or even eliminate costly errors in your next project.
Conversations are a large part of how we work together as a team. Designers are no different, but there are not many resources out there that concentrate on these necessary soft-skills. This book will provide practical and actionable insights to help your team give and receive constructive criticism. For managers, this book discusses proven tools to set a foundation for your team to stay focused on overall goals, and how to handle negative critiques. As an added bonus, the book also includes a Critique Cheat Sheet so you can quickly reference strategies and tools from top industry experts.
This volume details state-of-the- art methods on computer-aided antibody design. Chapters guide readers through information on antibody sequences and structures, modeling antibody structures and dynamics, prediction and optimization of biological and biophysical properties of antibodies, prediction of antibody-antigen interactions, and computer-aided antibody affinity maturation and beyond. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, includes tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Computer-Aided Antibody Design aims to be a useful and practical guide to new researchers and experts looking to expand their knowledge. Chapter 2 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Marking a distinct departure from the perspectives of frame theory and discrete transforms, this book provides a comprehensive mathematical and algorithmic introduction to wavelet theory. As such, it can be used as either a textbook or reference guide. As a textbook for graduate mathematics students and beginning researchers, it offers detailed information on the basic theory of framelets and wavelets, complemented by self-contained elementary proofs, illustrative examples/figures, and supplementary exercises. Further, as an advanced reference guide for experienced researchers and practitioners in mathematics, physics, and engineering, the book addresses in detail a wide range of basic and advanced topics (such as multiwavelets/multiframelets in Sobolev spaces and directional framelets) in wavelet theory, together with systematic mathematical analysis, concrete algorithms, and recent developments in and applications of framelets and wavelets. Lastly, the book can also be used to teach on or study selected special topics in approximation theory, Fourier analysis, applied harmonic analysis, functional analysis, and wavelet-based signal/image processing.
The numerous publications on spline theory during recent decades show the importance of its development on modern applied mathematics. The purpose of this text is to give an approach to the theory of spline functions, from the introduction of the phrase "spline" by I.J. Schoenbergin 1946 to the newest theories of spline-wavelets or spline-fractals, emphasizing the significance of the relationship between the general theory and its applications. In addition, this volume provides material on spline function theory, as well as an examination of basic methods in spline functions. The authors have complemented the work with a reference section to stimulate further study.
Reuse in Electronic Design From Information Modelling to
Intellectual Properties Peter Conradi Berlin, Germany Reuse of
existing IC intellectual property blocks is currently the hot topic
in electronic design automation. By cutting development time and
improving designer productivity, reuse offers a faster time to
market and consequently increased profitability. Conradi
encompasses the fundamentals of physical system modelling, design
methodologies and basic design architectures plus reuse strategies
and tasks. Features include:
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to seven commonly used image understanding techniques in modern information technology. Readers of various levels can find suitable techniques to solve their practical problems and discover the latest development in these specific domains. The techniques covered include camera model and calibration, stereo vision, generalized matching, scene analysis and semantic interpretation, multi-sensor image information fusion, content-based visual information retrieval, and understanding spatial-temporal behavior. The book provides aspects from the essential concepts overview and basic principles to detailed introduction, explanation of the current methods and their practical techniques. It also presents discussions on the research trends and latest results in conjunction with new development of technical methods. This is an excellent read for those who do not have a subject background in image technology but need to use these techniques to complete specific tasks. These essential information will also be useful for their further study in the relevant fields.
Diffractive optical elements (DOEs) are becoming more and more widely used in a braod range of fields, including telecommunications, optical computing, consumer electronics, laser material processing and the biomedical sciences, to manipulate light through micro-optical systems. In order to get the most out of such DOEs, knowledge of the design process, fabrication, packaging in a particular system, and operation is required. Digital Diffractive Optics discusses in detail the design and simulation of DOEs, before considering the main fabrication techniques. The increasingly important CAD/CAM tool requirements for the production of DOEs are covered, and a chapter is devoted to the crucial area of systematic fabrication error compensation. Finally, the integration and use of DOEs in a number of different systems, including various opto-electronic and opto-mechanical systems, are discussed. Digital Diffractive Optics will be of great interest to all those involved in the fields of optical engineering and photonics. It presents a clear view of the whole process, from design to fabrication and application, without overstressing the, often complex, mathematics, and will thus be accessible to postgraduate students and those entering the field, as well as more experienced engineers and scientists.
This edited volume, with contributions from the Computer Aided Engineering for Batteries (CAEBAT) program, provides firsthand insights into nuances of implementing battery models in actual geometries. It discusses practical examples and gaps in our understanding, while reviewing in depth the theoretical background and algorithms. Over the last ten years, several world-class academics, automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), battery cell manufacturers and software developers worked together under an effort initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy to develop mature, validated modeling tools to simulate design, performance, safety and life of automotive batteries. Until recently, battery modeling was a niche focus area with a relatively small number of experts. This book opens up the research topic for a broader audience from industry and academia alike. It is a valuable resource for anyone who works on battery engineering but has limited hands-on experience with coding.
* Provides simple, conceptual descriptions of everyday technologies * Includes clear examples and diagrams that demonstrate the principles and techniques, not just a "how-to" punch list * Covers advanced topics for readers who want to dive into the deep end of the technology pool * Avoids jargon-where terminology does appear, the text will provide clear, concise definitions
This volume comprises select peer-reviewed contributions from the International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE) 2019. The contents focus on latest research in production and manufacturing engineering including case studies with analytical models and latest numerical approaches. The topics covered include micro, nano, and non-conventional machining, additive manufacturing, casting and forming, joining processes, vibrations and acoustics, materials and processing, product design and development, industrial automation, CAD/CAM and robotics, and sustainability in manufacturing. The book can be useful for students, researchers, and professionals working in manufacturing and production engineering, and other allied fields.
Everyone needs a refresher sometimes. The 8th edition of the AutoCAD Pocket Reference provides easy access to everyday information needed by AutoCAD users, including concepts, how-to, and fundamental commands. The pictures, explanations, and index are unparalleled by other references, as are the price and size. This 8th edition has been improved with the inclusion of both inch and metric measurements throughout to appeal to a more global audience. And now, with the inclusion of special CAD-tips throughout, this is the perfect cheat sheet reference, written by two of the foremost AutoCAD expert teachers. ALL NEW CAD TIPS WOVEN THROUGHOUT FOR VISUAL ENGAGEMENT! For the first time, this time-saving resource includes CAD Tips throughout the book to further engage readers and provide valuable insider information from a longtime expert in the field. NEW AND IMPROVED FEATURES: All exercises will now include metric equivalents alongside the original imperial measurements.Drawing Compare and Shared Views making working with clients and 3rd parties infinitely easier. New CAD Tips scattered throughout the book, providing shortcuts and suggestions from our expert author. Additional new features being released by AutoCAD to beta testers.
SDN-Supported Edge-Cloud Interplay for Next Generation Internet of Things is an invaluable resource coveringa wide range of research directions in the field of edge-cloud computing, SDN, and IoT. The integration of SDN in edge-cloud interplay is a promising framework for enhancing the QoS for complex IoT-driven applications. The interplay between cloud and edge solves some of the major challenges that arise in traditional IoT architecture. This book is a starting point for those involved in this research domain and explores a range of significant issues including network congestion, traffic management, latency, QoS, scalability, security, and controller placement problems. Features: The book covers emerging trends, issues and solutions in the direction of Edge-cloud interplay It highlights the research advances in on SDN, edge, and IoT architecture for smart cities, and software-defined internet of vehicles It includes detailed discussion has made of performance evaluations of SDN controllers, scalable software-defined edge computing, and AI for edge computing Applications areas include machine learning and deep learning in SDN-supported edge-cloud systems Different use cases covered include smart health care, smart city, internet of drones, etc This book is designed for scientific communities including graduate students, academicians, and industry professionals who are interested in exploring technologies related to the internet of things such as cloud, SDN, edge, internet of drones, etc.
This book intends to expound the complete concept of Web in Theory, Web in Research and Web in Practice with the help of worked out examples for better understanding. Planned as a comprehensive reading for beginners and a reference for advanced learners, the book includes latest developments and approaches related to the World Wide Web.
Since the early 1980s, CAD frameworks have received a great deal of attention, both in the research community and in the commercial arena. It is generally agreed that CAD framework technology promises much: advanced CAD frameworks can turn collections of individual tools into effective and user-friendly design environments. But how can this promise be fulfilled? CAD Frameworks: Principles and Architecture describes the design and construction of CAD frameworks. It presents principles for building integrated design environments and shows how a CAD framework can be based on these principles. It derives the architecture of a CAD framework in a systematic way, using well-defined primitives for representation. This architecture defines how the many different framework sub-topics, ranging from concurrency control to design flow management, relate to each other and come together into an overall system. The origin of this work is the research and development performed in the context of the Nelsis CAD Framework, which has been a working system for well over eight years, gaining functionality while evolving from one release to the next. The principles and concepts presented in this book have been field-tested in the Nelsis CAD Framework. CAD Frameworks: Principles and Architecture is primarily intended for EDA professionals, both in industry and in academia, but is also valuable outside the domain of electronic design. Many of the principles and concepts presented are also applicable to other design-oriented application domains, such as mechanical design or computer-aided software engineering (CASE). It is thus a valuable reference for all those involved in computer-aided design. |
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