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Books > Business & Economics > Economics > Development economics
This booke xplores country case studies and work that details the exact transmission mechanisms through which financial development can enhance pro-poor development in order to derive best practices in this field. This is an important companion for professionals and policymakers, and also a vital reference source for students.
This volume explores the usefulness of the Asian model of agricultural development for Africa, where, even before the recent world food crisis, half the population lived on less than on dollar a day, and a staggering one in three people and one third of all children were undernourished. Africa has abundant natural resources; agriculture provides most of its jobs, a third of national income and a larger portion of total export earnings. However the levels of land and labor productivity rank among the worst in the world. The book explains Africa s productivity gap and proposes ways to close it, by examining recent experience in Africa and by drawing on lessons from Asia.
The impacts of climate change on economic development have the potential to be unevenly distributed around the globe. This book focuses on South East Asia with respect to the economics of climate change and the relationship between climate change and economic development. The book examines the region's vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, forecasts the environmental and economic outcomes for the region arising from its vulnerability and also the opportunities these factors provide for policy actions towards alleviating climate change vulnerability, particularly through adaptation.
Foreign finance for private sector development (PSD) has become
popular with the donor community and in multilateral development
policy fora, seen as an antidote for recipient economies' aid
dependency and a way of accomplishing growth, poverty reduction and
empowerment. This book analyzes the pattern of foreign finance for
PSD and examines multilateral and bilateral donors' practices in
PSD financing, giving special attention to microfinance and
microenterprises. It also models and explains private capital flows
from developed to developing countries and reverse flows in the
form of capital flight.
This book contains a collection of papers by Japanese and German authors dealing with the ongoing globalization process and notable fluctuations in the regional economic development in East Asia. The contributions discuss the stabilizing and destabilizing elements of the globalization process. The authors investigate the different options for economic policy to stabilize an ever more tightly interwoven world economy. In the center of the discussion are developments in East Asia and the European Union.
This book examines the impact of globalization on employment, income distribution and poverty reduction in developing countries using the five country studies of Ghana, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Nepal, and Vietnam. Market failures, possible displacement of previously sheltered economic activities, disparities in the initial levels of human capital and technological transfer associated with skill biased technological change may imply both an increasing within-country income inequality and an uneven process of job creation and poverty alleviation. This evidence paves the way for targeted economic and social policies both at national and international levels.
A PDF version of this book is available for free in open access via the OAPEN Library platform, www.oapen.org. This book examines the emergence of both financial markets and carbon markets, and provides an in-depth investigation on the fundamental determinants of financial development.
This book presents a deeper understanding of the on-going de facto economic integration in East Asia, looking at the extent of economic integration, what sort of integration has been accomplished, and comparing the level of integration reached and the path followed to that of the European Union.
Using cases on individual countries, Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa offers diverse theoretical and empirical evidence on a variety of issues facing policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders in the region.
This book discusses the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) - the UN Poverty Targets for 2015. Part one discusses the background to the MDGs, their value and omissions, what they mean for changing understandings of 'development' and Development Studies and whether the MDGs will be achieved. Part two focuses on each goal or set of goals: extreme poverty (income and hunger); education and health; gender equality and empowerment; environmental sustainability and global partnerships for development.
Despite its utmost importance, the issue of industrial development has been largely neglected in the literature for the last few decades. The authors have conducted comparative case studies between Chinese and Japanese industries.
The book explains the problem of insufficient capital accumulation and growth in a less developed country. In conventional analyses, such explanations are often found exogenised in terms of factors such as socio-cultural attitudes towards saving and investment, irrationality of peasant behaviour, technological aspects of externalities and demographic parameters. This book provides an alternative explanation in terms of distribution of income and assets. Focusing on the agricultural sector of a developing economy, it describes how this approach can be extended to cover the industrial sector as well. Further, it develops a model that is then used to analyse the specific problem of capital accumulation in agriculture.
This book presents a comprehensive study of adoption and diffusion of technology in developing countries in a historical perspective. Combining the development of growth trajectories of the Indian economy in general and its manufacturing industry in particular, the book highlights the effective marriage between qualitative and quantitative methods for a better understanding and explaining of many hidden dynamic behaviors of adoption and diffusion trend in manufacturing industry. The use of various econometric methods is aimed to equip readers to make a judgement of the current state of diffusion pattern of new technologies in India and simulate a desirable future pattern in view of the various pro-industrial growth policies.
This book provides insights into the evolving debate regarding the mobilization of domestic resources and the crucial role that financial development can and should play in this regard, exploring aspects of the financial development-domestic resource mobilization nexus, including country case studies.
This book analyzes the Philippine economy from the 1960s to the 1980s. During this period, the benefits of economic growth conspicuously failed to "trickle down". Despite rising per capita income, broad sectors of the Filipino population experienced deepening poverty.;Professor Boyce traces this outcome to the country's economic and political structure and focuses on three elements of the government's development strategy: the "green revolution" in rice agriculture, the primacy accorded to export agriculture and forestry, and massive external borrowing.;James Boyce is the author of "Agrarian Impasse in Bengal" and co-author of "A Quiet Violence: View from a Bangladesh Village".
The Annual Report objectively reflects the year's developments in terms of politics, the economy, society, culture, the environment, innovation and reform, and describes the problems, challenges and countermeasures in both traditional and new special economic zones. It provides an analysis of China's special economic zones, including a review of the year's developments in the form of experimental zones. It also presents new special economic zones and focuses on analyzing the transformation of these zones; the use of resources; sustainable, economic and social development; social security and technical innovation in the context of current developments. It also offers a comparative analysis and makes policy and development suggestions for each issue.
One of the early set of reforms that South Africa embarked on after emerging from apartheid was in the water sector, following a remarkable, consultative process. The policy and legal reforms were comprehensive and covered almost all aspects of water management including revolutionary changes in defining and allocating rights to water, radical reforms in water management and supply institutions, the introduction of the protection of environmental flows, and major shifts in charging for water use and in the provision of free basic water. Over ten years of implementation of these policy and legislative changes mean that valu-able lessons have already been learned and useful experiences gained in the challenge of effective water resources management and water services provision in a middle income country.
This volume offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art portrait of entrepreneurship and small business management issues in former Yugoslavian countries. Further, it provides a wealth of theoretical and empirical evidence on the role of entrepreneurship in transition economies and emerging markets. Country-based studies identify the processes in each country that attract financial investors and yield new business and employment opportunities. In addition, the studies highlight institutional constraints and political factors that hinder the development of entrepreneurship in these countries, and offer recommendations for policymakers on how to improve the general business environment. This book will appeal to entrepreneurship researchers, as well as public policymakers in transition economies and emerging markets.
Every year, every Alaskan gets paid. They receive a small dividend financed by returns on a fund created from the state's resource revenues - what the authors have called the 'Alaska model.' This timely book examines how the model can be adapted for use elsewhere, examining issues of implementation and showing that this model can be employed even in resource-poor areas in the industrialized and in the industrializing world.
For many decades post-colonial leaders in developing countries have tried various development plans based on orthodox development thinking and theorizing. Yet the developing world has failed to achieve sustained human-centered development. Many of the development plans have failed or been abandoned. Why does the developing world run the risk of falling behind their previously attained standards of living? This book takes a detailed look at the key paradigms of orthodox development thinking, discusses the various theories about economic growth, and concludes that the myths of orthodox development thinking regarding the origins of and obstacles to economic growth and human factor decay are the cause of economic underdevelopment in developing countries. The book goes on to argue that developing countries need to establish and maintain efficient and effective human factor development programs in order to set the stage for human-centered development and to experience positive economic growth and a development turnaround.
Jan Pronk The role of institutions in economic development has been debated at length. It is a major chapter in the history of economic thought. It was also a key - sue in comparisons of the effectiveness of Eastern and Western economic systems. Understanding the variety of social and cultural institutions has - ways been crucial in analysing development processes in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. Less attention has been given to institutions in studies of the economic performance of Western countries. This may be because economic policies in the West were mostly oriented to the short and medium terms rather than to the long-term perspective. In the short run ins- tutions are given, in the long run they lend themselves for change. From the outset, economic institutions (e.g. markets, enterprises) and their underlying values (e.g. efficiency, economicfreedom) received much - tention. Similar attention was given to political institutions (the state, government, the law) and values (democracy, accountability, human rights). Thought also turned to social institutions (entrepreneurship, the middle class, the family household, land-tenure systems) and social values (tradition, gender and age relations, justice). Studies soon followed of cultural insti- tions (religion, ethnicity) and values (material consumerism or the bond between man and nature). Without the insight gained by studying insti- tions, economics would have become a dull discipline.
An in-depth analysis of the fundamental role that decentralization plays in developing countries, using detailed statistical data to examine the actual fiscal structure between tiers of government, and the effects of decentralization at the local, national and international levels.
Contains four sets of refereed essays. One group includes papers on Harrod and Robertson; Adam Smith; Keynes; Mendeleev; Veblen; and J. M. Clark. The second group has six papers on the historiography of "institutional economics" during the inter-war period. The third group has two papers on a conference on the status of the status quo. The fourth group has thirteen essays each reviewing one or more recent works.
The increasing globalization of financial markets has resulted in a substantial increase in net private capital flows to developing countries, primarily the emerging economies of Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Until recently, investors have ignored opportunities in Africa. African markets caught investors' attention in 1994 with Kenya's 179% U.S. dollar returns leading world equity markets, along with six of the world's top ten markets being in Africa. With low levels of correlation between African and developed world markets, the African exchanges represent ideal portfolio diversification opportunities. Moreover, rates of return for African investments are among the highest returns in the world, yet African nations have not attracted the foreign direct investment that is required to change their economies. Dr. Clark's research examines the nature and evolution of Africa's emerging securities markets and their role in regional economic development. He shows that the continent's trading systems represent many different trading arrangements without standardized rules and procedures. African countries continue to implement reforms to strengthen the development of financial markets, but without the appropriate market microstructure and custodial arrangements international investors will not provide African projects with the equity capital required for further development. The government's role in the regulation of developing equity markets, therefore, is a critical element to the success of the reform process. Clark argues that freeing the economies to international competition will reap significant dividends for the continent's emerging economies. As the markets evolve, structural impediments will reduce, leading to increased efficiencies and lower capital costs. |
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