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Books > Business & Economics > Economics > Econometrics
Provides sound knowledge of optimal decision making in statistics and operations research problems. Serves a quick reference by exploring the research literature on the subject with commercial value-added research applications in statistics and operations research. Provides sound knowledge of optimisations and statistical techniques in modelling of real-world problems. Reviews recent developments and contributions in optimal decision-making problems using optimisation and statistical techniques. Provides an understanding of formulations of decision-making problems and their solution procedures. Describes latest developments in modelling of real-world problems and their solution approaches.
As one of the first texts to take a behavioral approach to macroeconomic expectations, this book introduces a new way of doing economics. Roetheli uses cognitive psychology in a bottom-up method of modeling macroeconomic expectations. His research is based on laboratory experiments and historical data, which he extends to real-world situations. Pattern extrapolation is shown to be the key to understanding expectations of inflation and income. The quantitative model of expectations is used to analyze the course of inflation and nominal interest rates in a range of countries and historical periods. The model of expected income is applied to the analysis of business cycle phenomena such as the great recession in the United States. Data and spreadsheets are provided for readers to do their own computations of macroeconomic expectations. This book offers new perspectives in many areas of macro and financial economics.
This book covers all the topics found in introductory descriptive statistics courses, including simple linear regression and time series analysis, the fundamentals of inferential statistics (probability theory, random sampling and estimation theory), and inferential statistics itself (confidence intervals, testing). Each chapter starts with the necessary theoretical background, which is followed by a variety of examples. The core examples are based on the content of the respective chapter, while the advanced examples, designed to deepen students' knowledge, also draw on information and material from previous chapters. The enhanced online version helps students grasp the complexity and the practical relevance of statistical analysis through interactive examples and is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students taking their first statistics courses, as well as for undergraduate students in non-mathematical fields, e.g. economics, the social sciences etc.
Since the financial crisis, the issue of the 'one percent' has become the centre of intense public debate, unavoidable even for members of the elite themselves. Moreover, inquiring into elites has taken centre-stage once again in both journalistic investigations and academic research. New Directions in Elite Studies attempts to move the social scientific study of elites beyond economic analysis, which has greatly improved our knowledge of inequality, but is restricted to income and wealth. In contrast, this book mobilizes a broad scope of research methods to uncover the social composition of the power elite - the 'field of power'. It reconstructs processes through which people gain access to positions in this particular social space, examines the various forms of capital they mobilize in the process - economic, but also cultural and social capital - and probes changes over time and variations across national contexts. Bringing together the most advanced research into elites by a European and multidisciplinary group of scholars, this book presents an agenda for the future study of elites. It will appeal to all those interested in the study of elites, inequality, class, power, and gender inequality.
This practical guide in Eviews is aimed at practitioners and students in business, economics, econometrics, and finance. It uses a step-by-step approach to equip readers with a toolkit that enables them to make the most of this widely used econometric analysis software. Statistical and econometrics concepts are explained visually with examples, problems, and solutions. Developed by economists, the Eviews statistical software package is used most commonly for time-series oriented econometric analysis. It allows users to quickly develop statistical relations from data and then use those relations to forecast future values of the data. The package provides convenient ways to enter or upload data series, create new series from existing ones, display and print series, carry out statistical analyses of relationships among series, and manipulate results and output. This highly hands-on resource includes more than 200 illustrative graphs and tables and tutorials throughout. Abdulkader Aljandali is Senior Lecturer at Coventry University in London. He is currently leading the Stochastic Finance Module taught as part of the Global Financial Trading MSc. His previously published work includes Exchange Rate Volatility in Emerging Markers, Quantitative Analysis, Multivariate Methods & Forecasting with IBM SPSS Statistics and Multivariate Methods and Forecasting with IBM (R) SPSS (R) Statistics. Dr Aljandali is an established member of the British Accounting and Finance Association and the Higher Education Academy. Motasam Tatahi is a specialist in the areas of Macroeconomics, Financial Economics, and Financial Econometrics at the European Business School, Regent's University London, where he serves as Principal Lecturer and Dissertation Coordinator for the MSc in Global Banking and Finance at The European Business School-London.
The book describes the theoretical principles of nonstatistical methods of data analysis but without going deep into complex mathematics. The emphasis is laid on presentation of solved examples of real data either from authors' laboratories or from open literature. The examples cover wide range of applications such as quality assurance and quality control, critical analysis of experimental data, comparison of data samples from various sources, robust linear and nonlinear regression as well as various tasks from financial analysis. The examples are useful primarily for chemical engineers including analytical/quality laboratories in industry, designers of chemical and biological processes. Features: Exclusive title on Mathematical Gnostics with multidisciplinary applications, and specific focus on chemical engineering. Clarifies the role of data space metrics including the right way of aggregation of uncertain data. Brings a new look on the data probability, information, entropy and thermodynamics of data uncertainty. Enables design of probability distributions for all real data samples including smaller ones. Includes data for examples with solutions with exercises in R or Python. The book is aimed for Senior Undergraduate Students, Researchers, and Professionals in Chemical/Process Engineering, Engineering Physics, Stats, Mathematics, Materials, Geotechnical, Civil Engineering, Mining, Sales, Marketing and Service, and Finance.
Both parts of Volume 44 of Advances in Econometrics pay tribute to Fabio Canova for his major contributions to economics over the last four decades. Throughout his long and distinguished career, Canova's research has achieved both a prolific publication record and provided stellar research to the profession. His colleagues, co-authors and PhD students wish to express their deep gratitude to Fabio for his intellectual leadership and guidance, whilst showcasing the extensive advances in knowledge and theory made available by Canova for professionals in the field. Advances in Econometrics publishes original scholarly econometrics papers with the intention of expanding the use of developed and emerging econometric techniques by disseminating ideas on the theory and practice of econometrics throughout the empirical economic, business and social science literature. Annual volume themes, selected by the Series Editors, are their interpretation of important new methods and techniques emerging in economics, statistics and the social sciences.
This book has taken form over several years as a result of a number of courses taught at the University of Pennsylvania and at Columbia University and a series of lectures I have given at the International Monetary Fund. Indeed, I began writing down my notes systematically during the academic year 1972-1973 while at the University of California, Los Angeles. The diverse character of the audience, as well as my own conception of what an introductory and often terminal acquaintance with formal econometrics ought to encompass, have determined the style and content of this volume. The selection of topics and the level of discourse give sufficient variety so that the book can serve as the basis for several types of courses. As an example, a relatively elementary one-semester course can be based on Chapters one through five, omitting the appendices to these chapters and a few sections in some of the chapters so indicated. This would acquaint the student with the basic theory of the general linear model, some of the prob lems often encountered in empirical research, and some proposed solutions. For such a course, I should also recommend a brief excursion into Chapter seven (logit and pro bit analysis) in view of the increasing availability of data sets for which this type of analysis is more suitable than that based on the general linear model."
Arthur Vogt has devoted a great deal of his scientific efforts to
both person and work of Irving Fisher. This book, written with J
nos Barta, gives an excellent impression of Fisher's great
contributions to the theory of the price index on the one hand. On
the other hand, it continues Fisher's work on this subject along
the lines which several authors drew with respect to price index
theory since Fisher's death fifty years ago.
This important new book presents the theoretical, econometric and applied foundations of the economics of innovation as well as offering a new approach to the measurement of technical change. The author, a leading expert in innovation economics and management, critically reviews current schools of thought and presents his own contribution to measurement techniques. Measurements of technical change have focused on the characteristics of price and quantity whilst useful theories and reliable indicators of the quality of innovation in new products have been sorely lacking. The author examines the theoretical foundations of the measurement of technical change and extends the analysis to consider the econometric and empirical perspective in the process of innovation. He outlines the key contributions to innovation research by reviewing the English-language literature and providing a very useful guide to the most important contributions in other languages. In the measurement of the quality of innovation, the techniques used in the author's contribution to new 'technometrics' are presented and explained in detail and are applied to the most important topical problems in innovation and management. This significant addition to the literature will be invaluable to graduates, scholars and managers working in the area of technical change, technology and innovation management.
Military organizations around the world are normally huge producers and consumers of data. Accordingly, they stand to gain from the many benefits associated with data analytics. However, for leaders in defense organizations-either government or industry-accessible use cases are not always available. This book presents a diverse collection of cases that explore the realm of possibilities in military data analytics. These use cases explore such topics as: Context for maritime situation awareness Data analytics for electric power and energy applications Environmental data analytics in military operations Data analytics and training effectiveness evaluation Harnessing single board computers for military data analytics Analytics for military training in virtual reality environments A chapter on using single board computers explores their application in a variety of domains, including wireless sensor networks, unmanned vehicles, and cluster computing. The investigation into a process for extracting and codifying expert knowledge provides a practical and useful model for soldiers that can support diagnostics, decision making, analysis of alternatives, and myriad other analytical processes. Data analytics is seen as having a role in military learning, and a chapter in the book describes the ongoing work with the United States Army Research Laboratory to apply data analytics techniques to the design of courses, evaluation of individual and group performances, and the ability to tailor the learning experience to achieve optimal learning outcomes in a minimum amount of time. Another chapter discusses how virtual reality and analytics are transforming training of military personnel. Virtual reality and analytics are also transforming monitoring, decision making, readiness, and operations. Military Applications of Data Analytics brings together a collection of technical and application-oriented use cases. It enables decision makers and technologists to make connections between data analytics and such fields as virtual reality and cognitive science that are driving military organizations around the world forward.
The emergence of new firm-level data, including the European Community Innovation Survey (CIS), has led to a surge of studies on innovation and firm behaviour. This book documents progress in four interrelated fields: investigation of the use of new indicators of innovation output; investigation of determinants of innovative behavior; the role of spillovers, the public knowledge infrastructure and research and development collaboration; and the impact of innovation on firm performance. Written by an international group of contributors, the studies are based on agriculture and the manufacturing and service industries in Europe and Canada and provide new insights into the driving forces behind innovation.
Dynamic Programming in Economics is an outgrowth of a course intended for students in the first year PhD program and for researchers in Macroeconomics Dynamics. It can be used by students and researchers in Mathematics as well as in Economics. The purpose of Dynamic Programming in Economics is twofold: (a) to provide a rigorous, but not too complicated, treatment of optimal growth models in infinite discrete time horizon, (b) to train the reader to the use of optimal growth models and hence to help him to go further in his research. We are convinced that there is a place for a book which stays somewhere between the "minimum tool kit" and specialized monographs leading to the frontiers of research on optimal growth.
* Starts from the basics, focusing less on proofs and the high-level math underlying regressions, and adopts an engaging tone to provide a text which is entirely accessible to students who don't have a stats background * New chapter on integrity and ethics in regression analysis * Each chapter offers boxed examples, stories, exercises and clear summaries, all of which are designed to support student learning * Optional appendix of statistical tools, providing a primer to readers who need it * Code in R and Stata, and data sets and exercises in Stata and CSV, to allow students to practice running their own regressions * Author-created videos on YouTube * PPT lecture slides and test bank for instructors
Metrology is the study of measurement science. Although classical economists have emphasized the importance of measurement per se, the majority of economics-based writings on the topic have taken the form of government reports related to the activities of specific national metrology laboratories. This book is the first systematic study of measurement activity at a national metrology laboratory, and the laboratory studied is the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The primary objective of the book is to emphasize for academic and policy audiences the economic importance of measurement not only as an area of study but also as a tool for sustaining technological advancement as an element of economic growth. Toward this goal, the book offers an overview of the economic benefits and consequences of measurement standards; an argument for public sector support of measurement standards; a historical perspective of the measurement activities at NIST; an empirical analysis of one particular measurement activity at NIST, namely calibration testing; and a roadmap for future research on the economics of metrology.
This is the first book to investigate individual's pessimistic and optimistic prospects for the future and their economic consequences based on sound mathematical foundations. The book focuses on fundamental uncertainty called Knightian uncertainty, where the probability distribution governing uncertainty is unknown, and it provides the reader with methods to formulate how pessimism and optimism act in an economy in a strict and unified way. After presenting decision-theoretic foundations for prudent behaviors under Knightian uncertainty, the book applies these ideas to economic models that include portfolio inertia, indeterminacy of equilibria in the Arrow-Debreu economy and in a stochastic overlapping-generations economy, learning, dynamic asset-pricing models, search, real options, and liquidity preferences. The book then proceeds to characterizations of pessimistic ( -contaminated) and optimistic ( -exuberant) behaviors under Knightian uncertainty and people's inherent pessimism (surprise aversion) and optimism (surprise loving). Those characterizations are shown to be useful in understanding several observed behaviors in the global financial crisis and in its aftermath. The book is highly recommended not only to researchers who wish to understand the mechanism of how pessimism and optimism affect economic phenomena, but also to policy makers contemplating effective economic policies whose success delicately hinges upon people's mindsets in the market. Kiyohiko Nishimura is Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Project Research Fellow of the Center for Advanced Research in Finance at The University of Tokyo. Hiroyuki Ozaki is Professor of Economics at Keio University.
Panel Data Econometrics: Theory introduces econometric modelling. Written by experts from diverse disciplines, the volume uses longitudinal datasets to illuminate applications for a variety of fields, such as banking, financial markets, tourism and transportation, auctions, and experimental economics. Contributors emphasize techniques and applications, and they accompany their explanations with case studies, empirical exercises and supplementary code in R. They also address panel data analysis in the context of productivity and efficiency analysis, where some of the most interesting applications and advancements have recently been made.
Panel Data Econometrics: Empirical Applications introduces econometric modelling. Written by experts from diverse disciplines, the volume uses longitudinal datasets to illuminate applications for a variety of fields, such as banking, financial markets, tourism and transportation, auctions, and experimental economics. Contributors emphasize techniques and applications, and they accompany their explanations with case studies, empirical exercises and supplementary code in R. They also address panel data analysis in the context of productivity and efficiency analysis, where some of the most interesting applications and advancements have recently been made.
A variety of different social, natural and technological systems can be described by the same mathematical framework. This holds from Internet to the Food Webs and to the connections between different company boards given by common directors. In all these situations a graph of the elements and their connections displays a universal feature of some few elements with many connections and many with few. This book reports the experimental evidence of these Scale-free networks'' and provides to students and researchers a corpus of theoretical results and algorithms to analyse and understand these features. The contents of this book and their exposition makes it a clear textbook for the beginners and a reference book for the experts.
Digital Asset Valuation and Cyber Risk Measurement: Principles of Cybernomics is a book about the future of risk and the future of value. It examines the indispensable role of economic modeling in the future of digitization, thus providing industry professionals with the tools they need to optimize the management of financial risks associated with this megatrend. The book addresses three problem areas: the valuation of digital assets, measurement of risk exposures of digital valuables, and economic modeling for the management of such risks. Employing a pair of novel cyber risk measurement units, bitmort and hekla, the book covers areas of value, risk, control, and return, each of which are viewed from the perspective of entity (e.g., individual, organization, business), portfolio (e.g., industry sector, nation-state), and global ramifications. Establishing adequate, holistic, and statistically robust data points on the entity, portfolio, and global levels for the development of a cybernomics databank is essential for the resilience of our shared digital future. This book also argues existing economic value theories no longer apply to the digital era due to the unique characteristics of digital assets. It introduces six laws of digital theory of value, with the aim to adapt economic value theories to the digital and machine era.
Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has become a standard approach for analyzing complex inter-relationships between observed and latent variables. Researchers appreciate the many advantages of PLS-SEM such as the possibility to estimate very complex models and the method's flexibility in terms of data requirements and measurement specification. This practical open access guide provides a step-by-step treatment of the major choices in analyzing PLS path models using R, a free software environment for statistical computing, which runs on Windows, macOS, and UNIX computer platforms. Adopting the R software's SEMinR package, which brings a friendly syntax to creating and estimating structural equation models, each chapter offers a concise overview of relevant topics and metrics, followed by an in-depth description of a case study. Simple instructions give readers the "how-tos" of using SEMinR to obtain solutions and document their results. Rules of thumb in every chapter provide guidance on best practices in the application and interpretation of PLS-SEM.
The second book in a set of ten on quantitative finance for practitioners Presents the theory needed to better understand applications Supplements previous training in mathematics Built from the author's four decades of experience in industry, research, and teaching
Dependence Modeling with Copulas covers the substantial advances that have taken place in the field during the last 15 years, including vine copula modeling of high-dimensional data. Vine copula models are constructed from a sequence of bivariate copulas. The book develops generalizations of vine copula models, including common and structured factor models that extend from the Gaussian assumption to copulas. It also discusses other multivariate constructions and parametric copula families that have different tail properties and presents extensive material on dependence and tail properties to assist in copula model selection. The author shows how numerical methods and algorithms for inference and simulation are important in high-dimensional copula applications. He presents the algorithms as pseudocode, illustrating their implementation for high-dimensional copula models. He also incorporates results to determine dependence and tail properties of multivariate distributions for future constructions of copula models.
Presents recent developments of probabilistic assessment of systems dependability based on stochastic models, including graph theory, finite state automaton and language theory, for both dynamic and hybrid contexts. |
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