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Die Autoren machen Sie Schritt fA1/4r Schritt und leicht verstAndlich mit der Buchhaltung vertraut. Von der KlArung der Begriffe, den Aufgaben und den gesetzlich Grundlagen A1/4ber die Buchungsvorbereitung und den ersten Buchungssatz bis zu Buchungen in der Praxis. Buchen Sie den Ein- und Verkauf von Waren und Leistungen, buchen Sie LAhne, GehAlter und Sozialversicherung, Anzahlungen, Kredite und Forderungen sowie Maschinen, Anlagen und nicht zu vergessen Steuern. So bleibt die Buchhaltung kein Buch mit sieben Siegeln.
This book/software package divulges the combined knowledge of a whole international community of Mathematica users - from the fields of economics, finance, investments, quantitative business and operations research. The 23 contributors - all experts in their fields - take full advantage of the latest updates of Mathematica in their presentations and equip both current and prospective users with tools for professional, research and educational projects. The real-world and self-contained models provided are applicable to an extensive range of contemporary problems. The DOS disk contains Notebooks and packages which are also available online from the TELOS site.
The research described in this book contributes to the scientific field of optimal control theory applied to dynamic models of the firm. In 1963, Jorgenson first wrote about the use of optimal control theory in order to analyze the dynamic investment behaviour of a hypothetical firm. A decade later, reports appeared of work on more realistic models of the firm carried out by, amongst others, Lesourne [1973) and Bensoussan et al. [1974). In The Netherlands, P. A. Verheyen, Professor of Management Science at Tilburg University, further instigated studies in this field which led to several publications, for example: Van Loon [1983], Van Schijndel [1988), Kort [1989]' Van Hilten [1991) and Van Hilten et al. [1993). Their investigations are char- acterized by an analytical approach to optimization problems (The Maximum Principle of Pontryagin combined with the path coupling procedure of Van Loon). Inherent to this approach, a good economic interpretation of solutions is obtained; however, analytical solving becomes practically unfeasible when simulation models become more complex, e. g. by stronger non-linearity, explic- itly time-dependent functions and larger numbers of state variables, control variables and subsidiary conditions. For example, the path coupling procedure is complicated for optimization problems where discontinuities in the costate variables occur. At Eindhoven University of Technology, P. M. E. M.
Das Studien- und Ubungsbuch "Kostenrechnung" bietet eine Auswahl typischer Aufgaben und Losungen, die sowohl zum Selbststudium als auch zur Unterstutzung von Lehrveranstaltungen geeignet sinf. 22 Autoren von 10 Universitaten, drei Fachhochschulen sowie aus der Praxis wurden gewonnen, um in 23 Kapiteln unterschiedliche Problemfelder zu bearbeiten."
This volume presents the proceedings of the First International Conference on Applications of Databases, ADB-94, held at Vadstena, Sweden in June 1994. ADB-94 provided a unique platform for the discussion of innovative applications of databases among database researchers, developers and application designers. The 28 refereed papers were carefully selected from more than 100 submissions. They report on DB applications, for example in air traffic, modelling, maps, environment, finance, engineering, electronic publishing, and digital libraries, and they are devoted to advanced database services, as for example image text and multimedia modelling, fuzzy set based querying, knowledge management, heterogeneous multidatabase management, and intelligent networks.
Young people are a vulnerable category of workers, finding themselves in a delicate phase of their working life: their first entry into the labour market. In many European countries, youngsters are unemployed or have difficulty finding and obtaining jobs. This situation has deteriorated particularly after the crises, recessions and stagnation that has impacted European economies in recent years. In addition to the cyclical or crisis impact, structural factors are also very important. Additionally, prolonged crises, as in some Eurozone countries, have transformed a significant part of cyclical unemployment in structural (long term) unemployment. Young People and the Labour Market: A Comparative Perspective explores the condition of young people in the labour market. The authors present new evidence from several countries, with a special focus on Europe, and offer a comparative perspective. They investigate questions such as which structural conditions and labour market institutions guarantee better youth performance, which education systems and school-to-work processes are more effective and in which countries is gender differentiation less of an issue. All of the aforementioned, as well as many other comparisons which the authors make, are significant in helping to facilitate the successful design of labour and education policies. As the first investigation by economists to explore the complexity of this topic, this book will be useful to both economists and sociologists who are interested in the role of young people in the labour market, and the problem of youth unemployment.
This volume provides a topical and up-to-date introduction to the principal Western financial markets and institutions, particularly those in the USA, Europe and Japan. The scope is comprehensive and topics covered include: commercial and investment banking, money and insurance, options, futures and other derivative products. A glossary of financial terms is also provided, and a final chapter surveys the key trends and issues in the market today.;A second edition is available: "An Introduction to Global Financial Markets" (hardback: 0-333-69584-4; paperback: 0-333-69394-9).
The recent introduction of two European index options on the FTSE Eurotrack 100 and the Eurotop 100 is evidence of a demand from investors to hedge pan-European risk. The FTSE Eurotrack 100 was designed to closely resemble the longer established and widely quoted Morgan Stanley European index. The Eurotrack 100 covers a hundred companies in eleven countries in continental Europe. The index is denominated in DM and' a breakdown by value into the different countries covered is given in figure 1. Capitalisation weights for Figure 1 FT-SE Eurotrack 100 Index Norway mark Germany Italy Switzerland France Netherlands Another recently introduced European index is the Eurotop 100 index denominated in EeUs, this index contains twenty two UK companies which represent 27% by value of this index. The attraction of investments in these indices is that they provide a basis for weighted exposure to Europe, investors can then build on this 240 basis by investment in individual countries. The multinational context of the universe of shares defined by this index raises some new questions for the selection of portfolios, whether the portfolios are chosen for absolute performance or to track the index. Various possible objectives of portfolio selection will be discussed, in all cases the crucial role of the covariance matrix of returns is clear. The extra source of risk present in a multinational portfolio is the combination of country risk coupled with foreign exchange risk. Two models of the return covariance matrix are proposed and examined.
Discusses the basic conventions of foreign exchange and the profits and losses that result from fluctuations in rates. The wide range of financial products developed to facilitate foreign exchange management are also considered. The text is aimed at those involved in the treasury function and provides a reference source for brokers, dealers and traders and those involved in forex trading, hedging, research and strategic planning.
Stress tests are used in risk management by banks in order to determine how certain crisis scenarios would affect the value of their portfolios, and by public authorities for financial stability purposes. Until the first half of 2007, interest in stress-testing was largely restricted to practitioners. Since then, the global financial system has been hit by deep turbulences, including the fallout from sub-prime mortgage lending. Many observers have pointed out that the severity of the crisis has been largely due to its unexpected nature and have claimed that a more extensive use of stress-testing methodologies would have helped to alleviate the repercussions of the crisis. This book analyses the theoretical underpinnings, as well as the practical aspects, of applying such methodologies. Building on the experience gained by the economists of many national and international financial authorities, it provides an updated toolkit for both practitioners and academics.
This volume contains a series of sometimes controversial reflections on money and the conduct of monetary policy by eight distinguished economic analysts and practitioners.
This is an excerpt from the 4-volume dictionary of economics, a reference book which aims to define the subject of economics today. 1300 subject entries in the complete work cover the broad themes of economic theory. This extract concentrates on finance.
This study offers a systematic analysis of basic questions relating to equitable income taxation. Of course, a definite solution, resting on scientific arguments, cannot be expected for this important field of government activity. However, what is possible, is an exhaustive dis cussion of various aspects of equitable income taxation, thus preparing the ground for reasonable political decisions. I hope that the present book will contribute to this continuing discus sion, presenting results from modern social-choice theory and optimum taxation theory in order to gain further insights into the problem of income taxation. On a fundamental level, social-choice theory is applied in order to in vestigate the normative foundation of different tax rules. Arrow's im possibility theorem forms the starting point of the analysis; as was shown by recent contributions to social-choice theory, this impossibi lity result can be overcome if various degrees of interpersonal utility comparisons are admitted. Using this approach, one can work out the general norms of equity behind familiar tax rules. As a special point, the traditional principle of equal proportional sacrifice will be given a social-choice theoretic foundation in this book. The second level on which tax rules can be discussed, concerns their respective consequences in concrete taxation models. TWo such models are specified in this study, the first one takes gross income of the taxpayers as given, it is contrasted with the second, more complex mod el, where the individual labour-leisure decision is taken into account.
This book provides an understanding of the concepts and objectives of expert systems. It is a practical guide, intended to help the practitioner in identifying potential application in his/her own practice, and to understand the limitations of the technology. This should provide the auditor with a ground basis to direct, stimulate and control development efforts in his own practice. At the same time, it should give students in auditing a good grasp of the possibilities and limitations of the technology.
As the sport business continues to evolve, so too, does Sport Finance and Management. The first version of this book took an in-depth look at changes in the sport industry, including interconnecting financial issues between teams and their associated businesses, the nature of fan loyalty influences, and the impact of sponsorship on team revenues. This second edition updates each of these elements, introduces relevant case study examples in new chapters, and examines the impact of changes in facility design, media opportunities, and league and conference policies on the economic success of teams, the salaries earned by professional players, and the finances of collegiate athletics.
Fur Studenten und junge Praktiker, die sich erstmals in das anspruchsvolle Gebiet der Exportfinanzierung einarbeiten wollen."
For the three decades that we have had monetary policy as we know it today, there have been two major schools of monetary thought - the neoclassical Keynesians and the monetarists. In this book Stephen Rousseas presents a critical overview of some of the central themes of Post Keynesian monetary economics. As Rousseas sees it, Post Keynesian monetary economics rejects the neoclassical and monetarist apporaches in large part by reversing the causal arrow of the quantity theory of money. The money supply is seen as a function of nominal income rather than the other way around; in other words, this is an endogenous theory of the money supply. Rousseas argues that the problem of financial innovations needs to be incorporated into the theory of an endogenous money supply - and he attempts to do this. Further, in a discussion of the policy implications of Post Keynesian monetary economics, he argues that an incomes policy by itself cannot be made to work without recourse to selective credit controls.
Praise for INTERMARKET ANALYSIS "John Murphy has done it again. He dissects the global relationships between equities, bonds, currencies, and commodities like no one else can, and lays out an irrefutable case for intermarket analysis in plain English. This book is a must-read for all serious traders." -Louis B. Mendelsohn, creator of VantagePoint Intermarket Analysis software "John Murphy's Intermarket Analysis should be on the desk of every trader and investor if they want to be positioned in the right markets at the right time." -Thom Hartle, President, Market Analytics, Inc. (www.thomhartle.com) "This book is full of valuable information. As a daily practitioner of intermarket analysis, I thought I knew most aspects of this invaluable subject, but this book gave me several new ideas. I thoroughly recommend it for beginners and professionals." -Martin Pring, President of Pring.com and editor of the Intermarket Review Newsletter "Mr. Murphy's Intermarket Analysis is truly the most efficient and unambiguous way to define economic and fundamental relationships as they unfold in the market. It cuts through all of the conflicting economic news/views expressed each day to provide a clear picture of the 'here and now' in the global marketplace." -Dennis Hynes, Managing Director, R. W. Pressprich "Master Murphy is back with the quintessential look at intermarket analysis. The complex relationships among financial instruments have never been more important, and this book brings it all into focus. This is an essential read for all investors." -Andrew Bekoff, Technical Strategist, VDM NYSE Specialists "John Murphy is a legend in technical analysis, and a master at explaining precisely how the major markets impact each other. This updated version provides even more lessons from the past, plus fresh insights on current market trends." -Price Headley, BigTrends.com, author of Big Trends in Trading
The present 'Introductory Lectures on Arbitrage-based Financial Asset Pricing' are a first attempt to give a comprehensive presentation of Arbitrage Theory in a discrete time framework (by the way: all the re sults given in these lectures apply to a continuous time framework but, probably, in continuous time we could achieve stronger results - of course at the price of stronger assumptions). It has been turned out in the last few years that capital market theory as derived and evolved from the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) in the middle sixties, can, to an astonishing extent, be based on arbitrage arguments only, rather than on mean-variance preferences of investors. On the other hand, ar bitrage arguments provided access to a wider range of results which could not be obtained by standard CAPM-methods, e. g. the valuation of contingent claims (derivative assets) Dr the_ investigation of futures prices. To some extent the presentation will loosely follow historical lines. A selected set of capital asset pricing models will be derived according to their historical progress and their increasing complexity as well. It will be seen that they all share common structural properties. After having made this observation the presentation will become an axiomatical one: it will be stated in precise terms what arbitrage is about and what the consequences are if markets do not allow for risk-free arbitrage opportunities. The presentation will partly be accompanied by an illus trating example: two-state option pricing.
Get practical insights on the psychology of white-collar criminals--and how to outsmart them Understand how the psychologies of fraudsters and their victims interact as well as what makes auditors/investigators/regulators let down their guard. Learn about the psychology of fraud victims, including boards of directors and senior management, and what makes them want to believe fraudsters, and therefore making them particularly vulnerable to deception. Just as IT experts gave us computer forensics, we now have a uniquely qualified team immersed in psychology, sociology, psychiatry as well as accounting and auditing, introducing the emerging field of behavioral forensics to address the phenomenon of fraud. Ever wonder what makes a white-collar criminal tick? Why does she or he do what they do? For the first time ever, see the mind of the fraudster laid bare, including their sometimes twisted rationalizations; think like a crook to catch a crook "The A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics" takes you there, with expert advice from a diverse but highly specialized authoring team of professionals (three out of the four are Certified Fraud Examiners): a former accounting firm partner who has a PhD in psychology, a former FBI special agent who has been with investigative practices of two of the Big Four firms, an industrial psychiatrist who has worked closely with the C-level suite of large and small companies, and an accounting professor who has interviewed numerous convicted felons. Along with a fascinating exploration of what makes people fall for the common and not-so-common swindles, the book provides a sweeping characterization of the ecology of fraud using "The A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics" paradigm: the bad Apple (rogue executive), the bad Bushel (groups that collude and behave like gangs), and the bad Crop (representing organization-wide or even societally-sanctioned cultures that are toxic and corrosive). The book will make you take a longer look when hiring new employees and offers a deeper more complex understanding of what happens in organizations and in their people. The A.B.C. model will also help those inside and outside organizations inoculate against fraud and make you reflect on instilling the core values of your organization among your people and create a culture of excellence and integrity that acts as a prophylactic against fraud. Ultimately, you will discover that, used wisely, behavioral methods trump solely economic incentives. With business fraud on the rise globally, "The A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics" is the must-have book for investigators, auditors, the C-suite and risk management professionals, the boards of directors, regulators, and HR professionals.Examines the psychology of fraud in a practical way, relating it to aspects of fraud prevention, deterrence, detection, and remediationHelps you understand that trust violation--the essence of fraud--is a betrayal of behavioral assumptions about "trusted" peopleExplains how good people go bad and how otherwise honest people cross the lineUnderscores the importance of creating a culture of excellence and integrity that inoculates an organization from fraud risk (i.e., honest behavior pays, while dishonesty is frowned upon)Provides key takeaways on what to look for when hiring new employees and in your current employees, as well as creating and maintaining a culture of control consciousnessIncludes narrative accounts of interviews with convicted white-collar criminals, as well as interpretive insights and analysis of their rationalizationsFurnishes ideas about how to enhance professional skepticism, how to resist fraudsters, how to see through their schemes, how to infuse internal controls with the people/behavioral element, and make them more effective in addressing behavioral/integrity risksProvides a solid foundation for training programs across the fraud risk management life cycle all the way from the discovery of fraud to its investigation as well as remediation (so the same fraud doesn't happen again)Enables auditors/investigators to engage in self-reflection and avoid cognitive and emotional biases and traps that lead to professional judgment errors (e.g., overconfidence, confirmation, self-deception, groupthink, halo effect, availability, speed-accuracy trade-off, etc.) Ever since the accounting scandals surrounding Enron and WorldCom surfaced, leading to the passage of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, as well as the continuing fall out from the Wall Street financial crisis precipitating the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, fraud has been a leading concern for executives globally. If you thought you knew everything there was to know about financial fraud, think again. Get the real scoop with "The A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics."
This book provides an introduction to R programming and a summary of financial mathematics. It is not always easy for graduate students to grasp an overview of the theory of finance in an abstract form. For newcomers to the finance industry, it is not always obvious how to apply the abstract theory to the real financial data they encounter. Introducing finance theory alongside numerical applications makes it easier to grasp the subject. Popular programming languages like C++, which are used in many financial applications are meant for general-purpose requirements. They are good for implementing large-scale distributed systems for simultaneously valuing many financial contracts, but they are not as suitable for small-scale ad-hoc analysis or exploration of financial data. The R programming language overcomes this problem. R can be used for numerical applications including statistical analysis, time series analysis, numerical methods for pricing financial contracts, etc. This book provides an overview of financial mathematics with numerous examples numerically illustrated using the R programming language. |
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