Books > Language & Literature > Literary & linguistic reference works > Dictionaries > General
by the German Language Institute (IDS) in Mannheim. The German
Language Institute is one of the most prominent research institutes
for research and documentation of the German language in the past
and present. The renowned publications series SIDS publishes the
results of research projects at the German Language Institute. The
series includes high-quality handbooks, e.g. Grammar of the German
Language (Strecker/Hoffmann/Zifonun), and fundamental monographs on
all areas of the grammar, pragmatics, lexicon and morphology of
German. SIDS is a standard series of German linguistics.
This latest edition has been updated with new and revised
definitions to keep it current and at the forefront of essential
information for those seeking a timely legal resource. It includes
recent modifications in federal and state law, making it a
quick-reference guide for law students, legal professionals, and
interested laypersons. The author defines more than 5,000 legal
terms, using nontechnical language that remains legally accurate.
Terms are documented with citations and apply to civil procedure,
commercial and contract law, constitutional law, criminal law,
property law, and torts. This title is also available in a larger
trim-size trade edition with bigger type.
Containing thousands of clear definitions, The Chambers Paperback
Dictionary is the ideal easy-to-use guide to finding the right word
and spelling every time. Clearly structured word entries include
information on pronunciation, related terms and associated set
phrases to give you extra help with choosing and using the right
word. New good writing supplement informs and entertains with tips
on effective style and structure, global English and memory prompts
for remembering tricky spellings.
Das Werk richtet sich an alle, die forschend, lehrend, lernend oder
praktisch mit den rechtlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen
Bereichen des international Business zu tun haben. Aus dem Inhalt:
Vertragsrecht und Vertragsgestaltung bei internationalen
Kaufvertragen. Internationale Produkthaftung. Eigentumsvorbehalt im
internationalen Handel. Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit.
Gerichtliche Durchsetzung von Anspruchen. Zahlungsrisiken und
Einflussfaktoren auf die Zahlungsbedingungen. Nichtdokumentare
Zahlungsbedingungen und Instrumente - Auslandsuberweisungen,
Auslandsscheks, Auslandswechsel, Bankakzepte. Zahlung und
Zahlungssicherung mit Dokumenteninkassi (Documentary Collections).
Zahlung und Zahlungssicherung mit Dokumentenakkreditiven
(Documentary Credits). (Zahlungs-)Sicherung mit Bankgarantien - mit
Mustertexten. Zahlungssicherung und Risikouberwalzung bei
langfristigen Zahlungszielen - mit Exkurs zum Exportfactoring.
Risikouberwalzung auf Ausfuhrkreditversicherungen bzw. auf den Bund
(Hermes-Deckungen). Anhang: Incoterms 2000."
The Arab uprisings that swept the Middle East and North Africa in
the period from 2011- 2012 left an indelible mark on the
socio-political landscape of the region. But that mark was not
consistent across the region: while some countries underwent
dramatic popular social and political changes, others teetered on
the brink, or were left with the status quo intact. Street
revolutions toppled despotic regimes in Tunisia, Libya, and
momentarily in Egypt, while mounting serious challenges to
authoritarian regimes in Syria and Yemen. Algeria's entrenched
bureaucratic-cum-military authoritarian system proved resilient
until the recent events of early 2019 which forced the resignation
of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika before the end of his term on 28
April 2019. As in Algeria, protestors in Sudan succeeded, after
months of demonstrations, in overthrowing the government of Omar
al-Bashir. Several Arab monarchies still appear stable and have
managed to weather the tempest of the Arab revolutions, albeit not
without fissures showing in the edifice of their states,
accompanied by some minor constitutional changes. Where Tunisians,
Egyptians, Yemenis, Syrians, and Libyans demanded regime changes in
their political systems, protesters in the Arab monarchies have
called on the kings and emirs to reform their political system from
the top down, indicating the sizeable monarchical advantage.
Historical Dictionary of the Arab Uprisings contains a chronology,
an introduction, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary
section has over 300 cross-referenced entries on the terms, persons
and events that shaped the Arab Spring uprisings. This book is an
excellent resource for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to
know more about the Arab Uprisings.
Das Werk richtet sich an alle, die sich mit der Ubersetzung von
Wirtschaftstexten aus der deutschen in die englische und aus der
englischen in die deutsche Sprache befassen, vornehmlich aber auch
an diejenigen, die sich auf die Fremdsprachenprufungen der
Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie der staatlichen und privaten
Prufungseinrichtungen, auf schulische und/oder wissenschaftliche
Prufungen in der englischen Wirtschafts- und Wirtschaftsfachsprache
(z.B. an Handelsschulen, Wirtschaftsgymnasien, Fachhochschulen und
Universitaten) vorbereiten mochten, oder ganz einfach Freude an der
Sprache und/oder am Ubersetzen von wirtschaftlich ausgerichtetem
Textmaterial haben. Ihnen allen wird mit dem Kompendium eine Hilfe
zur Selbstarbeit, den Lehrenden eine Handreichung und Grundlage zu
ihrer Arbeit geboten."
Band 3 dokumentiert die Strafverfahren gegen DDR-FunktionAre wegen
Amtsmissbrauchs und Korruption. In strafrechtlicher Hinsicht geht
es dabei um VermAgensdelikte, insbesondere um Untreue. Gegenstand
der Verfahren waren unter anderem die Prominentenwohnanlage in
Wandlitz, die TAtigkeit des Bereichs Kommerzielle Koordinierung und
die Ausstattung der Jagdgebiete fA1/4r hochrangige Politiker. Zu
den Angeklagten gehArten Erich Honecker, Erich Mielke, GA1/4nter
Mittag, Harry Tisch und Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski. Etwa die
HAlfte der Anklagen wurde noch von DDR-Staatsanwaltschaften
Es handelt sich um ein umfassendes wissenschaftliches Worterbuch
zum Phanomen des Gegensinns (= kontrastive Polysemie). Das Werk
umfasst 3 Bande. Jeder Artikel bietet neben den ublichen
grammatischen Angaben eine prazise Aufschlusselung des in einem
Wort enthaltenen Gegensinns (z. B. abdecken: 1. abraumen/entfernen,
2. zudecken/daruber legen ) mit reichem Belegmaterial. Die
jeweilige Art des Gegensinns (antonymisch, komplementar, reversibel
usw.) wird prazise beschrieben. Ein derartiges Worterbuch ist
bisher fur das Deutsche noch nicht vorgelegt worden."
As the most influential and powerful country on the entire
continent of Africa, an understanding of South Africa's past and
its present trends is crucial in appreciating where South Africans
are going to, and from where they have come. South Africa changed
dramatically in 1994 when apartheid was dismantled, and it became a
democratic state. Since 2000, when the previous edition appeared,
further big changes occurred, with the rise of new political
leaders and of a new black middle class. There were also serious
problems in governance, in public health, and the economy, but with
a remarkable popular resilience too. This third edition of
Historical Dictionary of South Africa contains a chronology, an
introduction, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section
has more than 600 cross-referenced entries on important
personalities as well as aspects of the country's politics,
economy, foreign relations, religion, and culture. This book is an
excellent resource for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to
know more about South Africa.
An illustrated abridgment of the most authoritative reference book on sign language, with well-written and easily understood instructions for the use of each sign. More than 5,000 signs and 8,000 illustrations. And now includes more than 500 new signs and 1,500 new illustrations.
Berlitz Phrasebook and Dictionary Thai Compact, clear, and packed
with key words and phrases to help conversation, this pocket-sized
Thai phrasebook and dictionary from Berlitz's trusted language
experts (with free app) is a trusty travel companion, and all you
need to make yourself understood - and to understand others - when
you're out and about in Thailand. * With its emphasis on
conversational usage, and up-to-date language on social media,
leisure, business - and more - this is the only phrase book you'll
need when exploring Thailand * Includes 3000-word bilingual
dictionary * Visually appealing colour-coding system means you can
find what you want, when you want, and fast * The simplified
Berlitz pronunciation system will ensure you're clearly understood
* Stunning colour photography enhances the expert content, and
makes this series the most visually attractive phrase book on the
market About Berlitz: Berlitz draws on years of travel and language
expertise to bring you a wide range of travel and language
products, including travel guides, maps, phrase books,
language-learning courses, dictionaries and kids' language
Der erste Band dokumentiert die WahlfAlschungsverfahren. Sie hatten
die systematische FAlschung der DDR-Kommunalwahlen im Mai 1989 zum
Gegenstand. StrafverfolgungsmaAnahmen wurden noch in der DDR
eingeleitet. Mittlerweile sind sAmtliche Verfahren abgeschlossen.
Die Dokumentation bildet die WahlfAlschungsaktivitAten in allen
DDR-Bezirken und auf allen politischen Ebenen ab und zeigt die
Probleme einer strafrechtlichen Reaktion auf. Auch vermitteln die
Urteilssachverhalte einen Eindruck davon, wie bedeutsam die
Aufdeckung der WahlfAlschung fA1/4r die politische Wende in der DDR
gewesen ist.
For over two centuries, political parties have competed in
encouraging, organizing, and directing political activity in the
United States. This volume compiles the key concepts, terms,
labels, and individuals central to identifying and comprehending
these key roles political parties have played in American political
life. The dictionary contains brief biographies of party leaders:
major party presidential tickets; noteworthy minor party
presidential nominees; congressional party leaders, including
Speakers of the House of Representatives presidents pro tempore of
the Senate, and floor leaders for both the majority and minority
parties in each chamber; and chairs of the national party
committees of the Democratic and Republican Parties. In addition to
party leaders it also address the institutional offices they occupy
and represent. This third edition of Historical Dictionary of
United States Political Parties contains a chronology, an
introduction, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The
dictionary section has over 500 cross-referenced entries on
concepts, terms, labels, and individuals central to identifying and
comprehending the key roles political parties have played in
American political life. This book is an excellent resource for
students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about United
States Political Parties.
This unique collection of data includes concise definitions and
explanations relating to all aspects of the European Union. It
explains the terminology surrounding the EU, and outlines the roles
and significance of its institutions, member countries, foreign
relations, programmes and policies, treaties and personalities. It
contains over 1,000 clear and succinct definitions and explains
acronyms and abbreviations, which are arranged alphabetically and
fully cross-referenced. Among the 1,000 entries you can find
explanations of and background details on: ACP states Article 50
Brexit competition policy Donald Tusk the European Maritime and
Fisheries Fund the euro Greece Jean-Claude Juncker Europol
migration and asylum policy the Schengen Agreement the Single
Supervisory Mechanism the single rulebook the Treaty of Lisbon
The Oxford American Large Print Dictionary is a brand new large
print dictionary, offering to visually impaired readers an
Oxford-quality dictionary in a large, clear font.
In addition to solid coverage of the core English vocabulary,
including new words and senses, with definitions that are concise
and easy-to-understand, theOxford American Large Print Dictionary
also includes thousands of difficult and literary words that are
most often looked up. It also includes short, accessible notes on
difficult spellings, confusable words, and tricky areas of usage.
The book's clear page layout, designed in association with
Lighthouse International, offers enlarged fonts, larger margins,
generous linespacing, and good quality paper, ensuring that there
is a minimum of glare and show-through.
All Oxford American dictionaries use an easy-to-use respelling
system to show how entries are pronounced. It uses simple, familiar
markings to represent common American English sounds.