Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Encyclopaedias & reference works > Reference works > General
Volume Immunodeficiency Diseases in Springer's gold-standard
reference work on medical immunology focuses on infectious
diseases. In tandem with its three counterpart volumes it offers
the most wide-ranging and authoritative repository of knowledge on
infectious diseases, with readily accessed contributions by the
world's leading authorities on the subject. The encyclopedia covers
the material from all angles, with more than 1000 pages of essays
on the genetics, physiology, metabolism, pathogenesis and applied
microbiology of all known infectious diseases, and includes access
to an e-reference work that will include ongoing updates reflecting
the latest advances in the field. An outstanding new resource of
immense value to a wide range of medical researchers and
practitioners, the encyclopedia features a user-friendly
subdivision of diseases according to their affective locus in the
human body. The sections cover integumentary, skeletal,
respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive transmissible
pathogens. This high-profile encyclopedia will be an essential
addition to academic libraries worldwide.
Knowledge Management as a popular management movement is about 25
years old and unsurprisingly it has inspired many theories,
practices and methods. So much so, that it is sometimes difficult
to define what it stands for. The Handbook of Research on Knowledge
Management is an interesting and innovative volume that has
appealing features to add to the discussion. It is consistently
interesting, has a very wide diversity of contributing scholars and
practitioners and has several useful and informative chapters on
actual knowledge practices and situations. It also offers
historical reflections as well as its own contingency theory of how
to best go about working with knowledge. All in all this Handbook
is a fine and original contribution to the literature.' - Laurence
Prusak, founder and Executive Director of the Institute for
Knowledge ManagementThis innovative Handbook widens our
understanding of knowledge management, a field that has risen to
prominence in recent decades. It collects contemporary insights
from more than 30 contributors into the rich tapestry of knowledge
management practices across a broad landscape of cultures and
socio-political contexts. The contributors offer authoritative
analyses to inform practical applications of knowledge management,
along with provoking reinterpretations of its developmental
potential to guide future innovation and research in this field.
The starting point for discussion centers around establishing a
common definition for knowledge management, a concept that has
remained nebulous since its inception. Expert contributions examine
the relevance of this common definition within various contexts,
such as Buddhist organizations, law firms, the army and indigenous
organizations. The contributors explore how knowledge management
could be effectively applied in these very diverse contexts. Some
contributors analyze the universality of Ikujiro Nonaka s concept
of knowledge management. Other contributors suggest alternative
definitions of knowledge management. While previous literature has
primarily focused on how knowledge management is practiced
currently, this Handbook sets out alternative visions and
conceptualizations of knowledge management in diverse settings and
is, thus, focused on how knowledge management ideally should be
practiced in various contexts. This Handbook of Research on
Knowledge Management will appeal as a point of reference for
academics and students of business and management, business
administration, sociology and organizational behavior.
Practitioners, managers and business-owners alike will also find
this an invaluable resource. Contributors: C. Abrahamson
Loefstroem, A. Ahmad, E. Antonacopoulou, D.A. Blackman, O. Chang,
D. Coldwell, D.J. Delgado-Hernandez, J.S. Edwards, C. Filstad, A.
Fried, T. Garavan, M. Glisby, P. Gottschalk, S. Harris, N. Holden,
J. Hong, S.-W. Hsu, C. Mak, R. McDermott, D. McDowall, A. Mitra, K.
Moon, E. Murphy, P.S. Myers, G. Neumann, P. Ngulube, F. O'Brien, A.
OErtenblad, X. Ruan, A. Rynne, S.D Sarre, R. Snell, C. Stilwell, S.
Talbot, E. Tandi Lwoga, E. Tome, J. Van Beveren
Territory continues to be an essential part of modern political
discussion, evidenced in the recent decentralization of state
structures and rise of sub-state nationalist and regionalist
parties. With extensive empirical evidence alongside contemporary
theory, this multidisciplinary Handbook makes the case for an
outright rejection of state-centric views on territorial politics.
Original research by political scientists, geographers,
sociologists, lawyers, historians and public policy specialists
demonstrates how territory continues to have an impact across
institutional and political structures, as well as on culture,
identity and citizenship. Over four sections, contributions cover
institutions and ideas; elections and political parties; public
policy concerns; and geographical perspectives, including conflict
resolution and gendered approaches to territorial politics. With
perspectives from European, North American, South Asian, Middle
Eastern and Australasian case studies, Klaus Detterbeck and Eve
Hepburn provide a state-of-the-art international Handbook of
Territorial Politics. Incorporating public policy, comparative
politics, multilevel governance and political geography, this
Handbook provides scholars and students with a compelling
compendium on territorial politics that will prove invaluable.
Contributors include: I. Adam, J. Agnew, P. Anderson, N. Aroney, N.
Behnke, D. Beland, N. Bolleyer, C. Colino, L. de Winter, K.
Detterbeck, J. Erk, K. Fahey, M. Gomez, S.L. Greer, E. Hepburn, M.
Keating, S. Keil, A. Lecours, P. Lynch, A. Mantegna, L. Moreno, S.
Piattoni, L. Piccoli, A.H. Schakel, C. Sharman, K. Stolz, W.
Swenden, M. Tatham, S. Vergari, J. Vickers, S. Walti, C.S. Weissert