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Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Interdisciplinary studies > Area / regional studies > General
This textbook does not focus on one major world religion, but uniquely looks more broadly to demonstrate the relevance and importance of ethics based in a variety of religious traditions. Each chapter includes a helpful pedagogy including a general overview, case studies, suggestions for further reading, questions for discussion, and a chronological structure, making this the ideal textbook for students approaching the topic for the first time. Explores controversial topics such as CRISPR, vegetarianism, nuclear weapons, women's leadership, and reparations for slavery, which are engaging topics for students and will instigate debate.
This book investigates the multifaceted nature of change in today's Nordic Arctic and the necessary research and policy development required to address the challenges and opportunities currently faced by this region. It focuses its attention on the recent efforts of the Nordic community to create specialized Centers of Excellence in Arctic Research in order to facilitate this process of scientific inquiry and policy articulation. The volume seeks to describe both the steps that lead to this decision and the manner in which this undertaking as evolved. The work highlights the research efforts of the four Centers and their investigations of a variety of issues including those related to ecosystem and wildlife management, the revitalization resource dependent communities, the emergence of new climate-born diseases and the development of adequate modeling techniques to assist northern communities in their efforts at adaptation and resilience building. Major discoveries and insights arising from these and other efforts are detailed and possible policy implications considered. The book also focuses attention on the challenges of creating and supporting multidisciplinary teams of researchers to investigate such concerns and the methods and means for facilitating their collaboration and the integration of their findings to form new and useful perspectives on the nature of change in the contemporary Arctic. It also provides helpful consideration and examples of how local and indigenous communities can be engaged in the co-production of knowledge regarding the region. The volume discusses how such research findings can be best communicated and shared between scientists, policymakers and northern residents. It considers the challenges of building common concern not just among different research disciplines but also between bureaucracies and the public. Only when this bridge-building effort is undertaken can true pathways to action be established.
Claiming Diaspora explores the thriving contemporary musical culture of Asian/Chinese America. Ranging from traditional operas to modern instrumental music, from ethnic media networks to popular music, from Asian American jazz to the work of recent avant-garde composers, author Su Zheng reveals the rich and diverse musical activities among Chinese Americans and tells of the struggles and creative searches by Chinese Americans to gain a foothold in the American cultural terrain. In doing so, she not only tells their stories, but also examines the transnational and racialized experiences of this musical culture, challenging us to take a fresh look at the increasingly plural and complex nature of American cultural identity. Until recently, two intersected models have dominated studies of Asian American cultural expressions. The notion of "claiming America" has been a fundamental political strategy for the Asian American movement; while the Americanization model for European immigrants has minimized the impact of the "old country" on immigrant life and cultural expression. In Claiming Diaspora, Zheng critically analyzes the controversies surrounding these two models. She unveils the fluid and evolving nature of music in Chinese America, discussing current cultural struggles, while acknowledging an unavoidable connection to a history of Asian exclusion in the U.S. Furthermore, Zheng breaks from traditional approaches which have portrayed the music of non-Western people as rooted and immobile to examine the concept of "diaspora" in the context of Asian American experiences and cultural theories of space, place, and displacement. She calls into question the contested meaning of "Asian American" and "Asian American cultural identity" in cultural productions, and builds a comprehensive picture of community and cultural transformation in Chinese and Asian America. Zheng taps unpublished historical sources of immigrant narrative songs, extensive fieldwork in New York City and China, in-depth interviews in which musicians narrate their life stories and music experiences, and her own longstanding involvement as community member, musician, presenter, and cultural broker. The book delineates the introduction of each music genre from its homeland and its subsequent development in New York, and explains how Chinese Americans express their cultural longings and belongings. Ultimately, Zheng reveals how Chinese American musical activities both reflect and contribute to local, national, and transnational cultural politics.
Southeast Asia is going through tremendous changes. The market-oriented economies of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand have been showing robust growth, particularly before the Asian financial crisis of 1997/98. The transitional economies of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam are also exhibiting signs of economic awakening and revival after years of internal political and social turmoil. Despite these encouraging signs, the region still has a long road ahead to achieve developed nation status. Southeast Asia: The Long Road Ahead is a serious and concise study on various important economic aspects of Southeast Asia. Existing economic studies on the region are mainly topical in nature. Most of the publications only attempt to offer a partial treatment of the issues and fail to examine these issues in a holistic manner. The objective of this book is to provide a more complete cross-country discussion on the economic issues and problems facing Southeast Asia. The book critically examines the multiple facets of changes and problems that have been and will be encountered by Southeast Asia.
A billion lives depend on the wayers of the Himalayas; sixty million live in this mountain range, while the rest live in its foothills, on the plains of the Indian subcontinent. For them, the Himalayas are a providential water tower. Despite their astonishing diversity, all these peoples share the common belief that this is a 'Sacred Land' and this mountain range is, above all, the 'Abode of Snow' where pure water springs, rivers gush and lakes are crystal-clear. In this mosaic of peoples, languages, religions and lands, water plays a vital part in the geographical distribution of the various ethnic groups, their social organization and the way they see themselves. With its stunning photographs and embedded videos, this volume offers an anthropological insight into the various bonds formed between man and water in the Himalayas. In doing so, it also stresses both the importance of this water tower of Asia, which provides for a thousand million people, and the scope of the current economic and ecologic issues that are at stake.
This volume examines Jewish literature produced from c. 700 B.C.E. to c. 200 C.E. from a socio-theological perspective. In this context, it offers a scholarly attempt to understand how the ancient Jewish psyche dealt with times of extreme turmoil and how Jewish theology altered to meet the challenges experienced. The volume explores various early Jewish literature, including both the canonical and apocryphal scripture. Here, reference is often made to a divine epiphany (a moment of unexpected and prodigious revelation or insight) as a response to abuse, suffering and passion. Many of the chapters deal with these issues in relation to the Antiochan crisis of 169 to 164 B.C.E. in Judea, one of the more notable periods of oppression. This watershed event appears to have served as a catalyst for the new apocalyptic texts which were produced up until c. 200 C.E, and which reflect a new theological dynamic in Judaism – one that informed subsequent Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. Passion, Persecution and Epiphany in Early Jewish Literature will be of interest to anyone working on the Bible (both Masoretic and LXX) and early Jewish literature, as well as students of Jewish history and the Levant in the classical period.
A correspondent who has spent thirty years in Israel presents a rich, wide-ranging portrait of the Israeli people at a critical juncture in their country’s history. Despite Israel’s determined staying power in a hostile environment, its military might, and the innovation it fosters in businesses globally, the country is more divided than ever. The old guard — socialist secular elites and idealists — are a dying breed, and the state’s democratic foundations are being challenged. A dynamic and exuberant country of nine million, Israel now largely comprises native-born Hebrew speakers, and yet any permanent sense of security and normalcy is elusive. In The Land of Hope and Fear, we meet Israelis — Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, Eastern and Western, liberals and zealots — plagued by perennial conflict and existential threats. Its citizens remain deeply polarised politically, socially, and ideologically, even as they undergo generational change and redefine what it is to be an Israeli. Who are these people, and to what do they aspire? In moving narratives and with on-the-ground reporting, Isabel Kershner reveals the core of what holds Israel together and the forces that threaten its future through the lens of real people, laying bare the question, Who is an Israeli?
After coming to the United States, Thomas Mann was appointed Consultant in Germanic Languages and Literatures at the Library of Congress, which has one of the largest German collections in the world. Part of his responsibilities was to present an annual lecture at the Library of Congress. This collection consists of the lectures he held there, and deals with the following topics: The Theme of the Joseph Novels; The War and the Future; Germany and the Germans; Nietzsche's Philosophy in the Light of Contemporary Events; and, Goethe and Democracy. In America, Thomas Mann was looked on as an authority figure, and was even referred to as the « Kaiser of the German emigres, and as a latter-day Goethe. As the most influential and respected German in America, his lectures no doubt contributed to the American image of Germany, as well as of German culture in general, and are of great interest and significance as they relate to the history of German-American relations.
This book provides insights into important trends and future scenarios in the global tourism and travel industry. It analyses today's challenges in the aviation and hospitality industry, in destination management, and in marketing and distribution management. New empirical data on general travel behaviour and the latest consumer trends are also presented. The contributors to this book are well-known individuals from important tourism, travel and consulting firms (e.g. BCD Travel, Oger Tours, Booz and Company, GfK, IPK International) and researchers from universities in Switzerland, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany. In addition institutes specializing in future research highlight important travel trends. Corporate social responsibility is one of the top themes to-be and therefore a focus of this book, offering insights into the concept of CSR, empirical data on consumer requests, corporate strategy issues and financial investment implications."
A thorough overview of elementary education in the United States, spanning its history, foundations, curriculum models, technology, assessment, and special programs. Elementary Education: A Reference Handbook takes readers on an all-inclusive journey through the history and current status of elementary education in America. The handbook first examines the historical, philosophical, social, and cultural foundations of elementary education. It then delves into the fascinating topic of how children learn, including racial identity formation, culturally differing cognitive thinking styles, and language developments. A critical investigation of issues relating to the curriculum reveals its purpose, types, and models, weighing the impact of technology and providing a historical review of key subjects, from language arts to physical education. Are the results of standardized testing and high-stakes testing realistic and fair? This handbook explores these and other key questions in a detailed discussion of assessment and evaluation methods. Covers foundations, key events, contributors to elementary education, theories of learning, curriculum models, instructional practices, best practices, school reform, trends, and issues in elementary education Provides a chronology of elementary and public education from Plessy v. Ferguson through the No Child Left Behind Act
The richness and vibrancy of Vietnamese spirituality are vividly portrayed in these twelve essays that shed light on the remarkable reflorescence of religion in this communist country. Ancestor worship, mediumship, sacrifices, and communal rituals have not only survived Vietnam's reintegration into the capitalist world; they are intrinsic to the dramatic reshaping of its contemporary social and cultural life. Transnational Buddhism and Christianity challenge the political status quo as they answer conflicting aspirations for enlightenment, justice, national development and cultural identity. Making conceptual contributions to anthropology and comparative religion, this book provides insights from post-revolutionary Vietnam into the diverse passages to re-enchantment in the modern world.
This new edition is fully up to date to give a comprehensive look at Korea from 1876 to the present day Provides a comparative look at both North and South Korea Fares well against competitors due to its length (comparatively short), writing style (suitable for undergrads) and coverage (covers modern period of both North and South Korea)
Most of us are fascinated by the conventional storybook account of Christopher Columbus' heroic discovery of America in 1492. Yet, should the credit for discovering America go to a man who insisted it was but a few islands off the shores of China? In "Terra Cognita," Eviatar Zerubavel argues that physical encounters are only one part of the complex, multifaceted process of discovery. Such encounters must be complemented by an understanding of the true identity of what is being discovered. The small group of islands claimed by Columbus to have been discovered off the shores of Asia was a far cry from what we now call America. The discovery of the New World was not achieved in a single day but was a slow process--mental as well as physical--that lasted almost three hundred years. By celebrating 1492 as a year of discovery, we inevitably distort the reality of history. In vividly documenting how a slowly emerging New World gradually forced itself into Europe's consciousness, Zerubavel shows that Columbus did not discover America on October 12, 1492. Supplemented by fascinating old maps and a new preface written for this paperback edition, "Terra Cognita" will be of interest to historians, geographers, cognitive scientists, sociologists, and students of culture.
This unique Handbook examines the impacts on, and responses to, economic geography explicitly from the perspective of the behavior, mechanics, systems and experiences of different firms in various types of industries. The industry studies approach allows the authors to explain why the economic geography of these different industries exhibits such particular and diverse characteristics. The sectors and industries covered include:- traditional heavy industry and engineering - creative and cultural industries - knowledge sectors - natural resource-based and environmental sectors - knowledge, networks and communications issues. The Handbook of Industry Studies and Economic Geography will strongly appeal to students, scholars and researchers interested in all aspects of industrial location and economic geography. Contributors include: Y. Aoyama, D. Bailey, F. Bellusi, G. Bentley, M. Bokhorst, F. Bruinsma, K. Buzard, G. Carlino, M.C. Carroll, J. Cooper, L. de Propris, P. Doeringer, E.L. Echeverri-Carroll, C. Forman, P. Foster, A. Gadwa Nicodemus, F. Giarratani, N. Green Leigh, G. Gruver, G.J.D. Hewings, H. Izushi, R. Jackson, T. Klier, S. MacNeill, R. Madhavan, S. Manning, A. Markusen, C. Martinez, H. Mayer, P. McCann, R. Mudambi, R. Ortega-Argiles, L. Oxley, R. Rama, N. Reid, A. Reynolds-Feighan, J. Rubenstein, H. Shangqin, S. Sheppard, D. Terkla
Bolt uses the relationship between China and Southeast Asia's ethnic Chinese as a case study, and he focuses on the potential role of a diaspora in the economic and political development of its homeland as well as the role of the state in dealing with transnational economic actors. He examines China's post-1978 policy of attracting ethnic Chinese investment in light of historical relations between China and its diaspora community, demonstrating that China has, through various measures, consistently aimed at tapping the resources of Asia's ethnic Chinese. He then analyzes the contributions that ethnic Chinese have made to China's development, showing that such contributions have been tremendously important both in terms of the accumulation of capital and the transfer of business skills. Bolt probes how ethnic Chinese intervention in China's economy has affected the politics of the Chinese state. He concludes by looking at the international implications of Chinese development being spurred largely by a Chinese diaspora community, and he demonstrates how China's efforts to attract ethnic Chinese investments have complicated China's relations with Southeast Asia and led to discussions of a Greater China. An important analysis for scholars, researchers, and policy makers involved with contemporary Southeast Asian and Chinese political, military, and economic issues.
For centuries, Africa's Upper Guinea Coast region has been the site of regional and global interactions, with societies from different parts of the African continent and beyond engaging in economic trade, cultural exchange, and various forms of conflict. This book provides a wide-ranging look at how such encounters have continued into the present day, identifying the disruptions and continuities in religion, language, economics, and various other social phenomena that have resulted. These accounts show a region that, while still grappling with the legacies of colonialism and the slave trade, is both shaped by and an important actor within ever-denser global networks, exhibiting consistent transformation and creative adaptation.
European integration can no longer be understood as a west European experiment mainly focused on functional and economic policy cooperation. The issues addressed include security and defense, as well as core concerns of European society. This volume explores three interlocking dimensions of integration; functional, territorial, and affiliational. Each dimension influences how countries across the continent engage with European integration. This first volume in the One Europe or Several? series identifies the agenda of research program, funded by the British Economic and Social Research Council.
Contemporary scholars place the rural-urban divide at the center of individual identity in China. This interdisciplinary collection traces the development and distinctions between urban and rural life and the effect on the Chinese sense of identity from the 16th century to the present day. It provides a daunting example of the influence that political ideology may exert on an individual's sense of place.
A cross-disciplinary anthology on contemporary Kashmir by academics from Jammu and Kashmir, the first such volume to appear. The book offers a panorama of key cultural concerns of Jammu and Kashmir today, incorporating analysis of military, cultural, religious, and social aspects of the society and polity.
Of the enormous number of books published on the Arab-Israeli conflict, most focus on its history or the political dimensions of the current peace process. None, however, has provided an in-depth look at the relationship between those who shape the events and the Western journalists who cover them. In this bold new study, Mohammed A. el-Nawawy explores the ways in which government officials try to manipulate the news media, how the reporters contend with such interference, the professional and newsmaking roles of the journalists, and how their demographic and educational backgrounds influence their coverage of this crucial time and place. Through interviews with 168 Western correspondents--94 in Israel and 74 in Egypt--who, together, represent more than 88 percent of the whole population of foreign correspondents in the Middle East, the author provides an invaluable source of information on the day-to-day activities of reporters in the region, as well as their interactions with government officials.
Microregionalism and World Order is a pioneering work on the least understood aspect of regionalism. Leading specialists analyze the form microregionalism takes in different parts of the world, including the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Africa. By illustrating the complex relationship among the political, economic, and social dimensions of microregionalism, the book seeks to contribute to the theoretical debate on regionalism as well as to provide new empirical insights.
The second edition of this book presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of population trends and patterns in Singapore since its foundation in 1819 to the present day. Separate chapters are devoted to population growth and distribution, changing population structure, mortality trends and differentials, marriage trends and patterns, divorce trends and patterns, family planning, abortion and sterilization, incentive and disincentive measures, fertility trends and differentials, immigration policies and programmes, migration, labour force and future population trends. The strength of the book lies in the author's deep familiarity with the subject acquired through some personal involvement in the compilation of demographic statistics as well as the formulation of population policies for the country.
This book is a significant gathering of ideas on the subject of modern Chinese literature and culture of the past several years. The essays represent a wide spectrum of new approaches and new areas of subject matter that are changing the landscape of knowledge of modern and contemporary Chinese culture: women's literature, theatre (performance), film, graphic arts, popular literature, as well as literature of the Chinese diaspora. These phenomena and the approaches to them manifest four interconnected trajectories for new scholarship in the field: the rewriting of literary history, the emergence of visual culture, and the quotidian apocalypse--the displacement of revolutionary romanticism and realism as central paradigms for cultural expression by the perspective of private, everyday experience. |
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