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The World Congress of In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, held in Jerusalem, Israel, 2-7 April, 1989, was the sixth in the sequence of these Congresses, but was the first to emphasize the major importance and the place of assisted reproductive technologies in the treatment of infertility. The eternal City of Jerusalem witnessed the gathering of more than 1500 participants from allover the world who shared and exchanged knowledge and up-to-date experience in this ever-evolving field. The high quality scientific contributions to the Congress culminated in the publication of this Proceedings. It embraces all-important aspects in the field of in vitro fertilization and alternate assisted reproduction. Papers on controversies and diversities of methods to stimulate the ovaries, imaging techniques, basic research and state-of-the-art papers on ovarian physiology, the role of GnRH and its analog, clinical aspects of IVF treatment and cryopreservation, up-to-date techniques in assisted reproductive technologies that are quickly developing in conjunction with IVF, were included. When should IVF be preferable to surgery? What are the ex pected up-to-date world results and what are the psychological, moral, ethical and religious implications? These are all the concerns of the treating team and are addressed here. Male factor infertility remains a frustrating problem, but advances in the understanding of sperm-egg interaction, sperm evaluation and preparation are reported. Micromanipulation emerges as a possible alternative to bring some relief to this problem, but it also promises to be central in promoting the field of prenatal genetic analysis."
In 1909 a short contribution entitled "Geriatrics" was published in the New York Medical Journal. According to this article, old age represents a distinct period oflife in which the physiologic changes caused by aging are accompanied by an increasing number of pathologic changes. We now know that the organs of the body age neither at the same rate nor to the same extent and that physiologic alterations are indeed superimposed by pathologic changes; as a result of the latter phenomenon the origins and course of illnesses in the elderly can present unusual characteristics. The frequency of concurrent disorders in the elderly entails the danger of polypragmatic pharmacotherapy, i. e., the use of various drugs to combat various disorders while neglecting the possibly adverse combined effects of these drugs. To obviate this danger, special knowledge in the field of geriatrics, the medical branch of gerontology, is necessary. Geriatrics is constantly increasing in importance owing to the near doubling of life expectancy over the past 130 years and to the improved diagnostic and therapeutic techniques made available by medical pro gress. The rapid recent development of experimental gerontology has played an essential role in enabling us to understand the special features of geriatrics. This progress has, however, been accompanied by such a vast increase in the volume of literature on the subject that specialists in the field can scarcely maintain an overall perspective of new publications."
The epididymis has great significance in the reproductive biology of the male and it is gaining recognition as an organ worthy of study in its own right - where the secretory and absorptive activities of one tissue (the epithelium) profoundly modify the function of another (the spermatozoon). Apart from cases of epididymal agenesis or physical blockage, however, it is not yet known to what extent mal functions of the epididymis contribute to "unexplained" male infer tility, but its importance as a target for antifertility agents in the male is now widely appreciated. This monograph evolved from two lectures on epididymal func tion given at the National Research Institute for Family Planning, Beijing and the Sichuan Provincial Family Planning Research Insti tute, Chengdu, China in 1983. In order to stress for this audience the central importance of the epididymis in fertilisation, and so highlight its potential for attack by antifertility agents, the talks attempted to put the epididymis in reproductive perspective by stressing the func tional development of the sperm cells during their sojourn in the epididymis, rather than merely listing the changes observed in them."
Volume 3 of this series is concerned with geriatric aspects of surgical specialties: gynecology, orthopedics, general surgery, otorhinolaryn gology, and ophthalmology. Closely associated with these specialties is anesthesiology. Dermatology has an intermediate position between surgical and nonsurgical fields. The peculiarities of physiological and pathological aging of otgans and the consequences for diagnosis and therapy - presented in the first two volumes - are of great significance, especially for surgical special ties. There are a large number of pre-, intra-, and postoperative problems in multimorbid geriatric patients, e. g., coronary insufficiency, brady arrhythmias, hypertonia, and hypotonia. While as recently as the tum of the century the age of 65 years was viewed as a contraindication for sur gery, today even older patients undergo operations on aortic aneurysms, bypass operations for coronary sclerosis, pulmonary resections, and abdominosacral resections of rectal carcinomas, for example. Pre requisite for successful surgery at an advanced age is good pre- and postoperative care of multimorbid patients. Physiological changes of the lungs with aging, the increased frequency in pneumonia and pulmonary just a few embolisms with age, and the decrease in receptors, to give examples, confront anesthetists with difficulties. The maxim "in old age a little less" is also applicable in this field. Only improved experimental gerontological research, possibly reaching even into anesthesia, will provide objective data for anesthesia in elderly patients. The skin is an organ that experiences characteristic qualitative and quantitative changes in old age."
The most meaningful reward to clinicians and researchers is the absence of recurrent malignancy in their patients. While in some patients the disease will be cured by resection alone, in other similarly staged cases the disease will recur despite adequate loco regional and systemic therapies. Hence, risk assessment is a complex issue with many related or unrelated prognostic factors determining outcome. The purpose of this volume is to review some of the most relevant prognostic factors of newly diagnosed breast cancer, focusing on fea tures determining the magnitude of risk. The ultimate value of establishing the significance of each prognostic factor in a given patient will be the resulting ability to plan individu alized therapies for patients at different risk of recurrence at the time of diagnosis. To secure the maximum benefit for high-risk patients, while avoiding undue toxicity in those with low-risk lesions, a well-integrated analysis of all known prognostic factors will be essential in the early postdiagnos tic period. In addition to well-established staging criteria such as axillary nodes, tumor size, receptors, scanning and radiographic examinations, the more sophisticated labora tory techniques, as discussed by several authors herein, will playa crucial role in risk assessment. Most of them, - ploidy determination, oncogenes, tumor markers, monoclonal anti bodies, growth factors, etc. -are presently available in only a minority of treatment centers.
For doctors and students who wish to learn ultrasonography concisely yet comprehensively. The authors present the subject both systematically and practically, and with the facility of quick reference in mind, making generous use of flow-charts, tables and teaching-points. All general aspects of diagnostic ultrasound are covered, concentrating on those disorders encountered in the daily routine of scanning, but also referring to rarer conditions which need to be considered in differential diagnosis.
Obstetric fistula is as old as mankind. While the incidence has diminished progressively with better health care in Western societies, the situation has changed little in many developing countries. Fistulae of pelvic organs, often monstrous defects, still are a major complication of child-birth causing misery to uncounted young women, and if they cannot find help in one of the very few hospitals with trained specialists, they became urological cripples losing everything: family, home and job. The magnitude of the problem is illustrated by some figures given by Reginald and Catherine Hamlin-about 700 fistula patients treated each year-a total of over 10,000 cases operated upon in their fistula hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethio pia. Most of these injuries could be prevented by better health care at the village level as some studies have shown conclusively. The incidence of fistula is an indicator of the standard of health and obstetrical care. The author of this book-Obstetric Fistula-is an internationally known Australian gynaecologist who for many years has been interested in all aspects of gynaecological urology, especially urinary stress inconti nence, other forms of involuntary loss of urine, and associated gynaeco logical conditions. He has devised a number of new operations to treat pelvic defects. Robert Zacharin's interest in obstetric fistula was a con sequence of his surgical activity in developing countries."
Urinary incontinence is a humiliating disability and a common problem in gynaecological clinics. In some centres specialised facilities are avail able for its investigation and treatment but in most hospitals the general gynaecologist has to manage this difficult condition. For both generalist and subspecialist it is timely to summarise advances in our knowledge of normal and abnormal micturition. Since 1973 the Royal College of Obstetrician's and Gynaecologists, through its Scientific Advisory Committee, has convened Study Groups on important growth areas in our specialty. The College invites an international panel of leading researchers to participate in a workshop, allowing time for in-depth discussion as well as the presentation of papers. It is hoped that this will produce not only an up-to-date sum mary of current knowledge but also a useful interaction between indi viduals and between specialties. This book is the result of the 21st Study Group, which was held in October 1989. The participants included urological and colorectal surgeons and a neurologist, as well as scientists and gynaecologists. The meeting began with sessions on basic science and advances in the investigation of the lower urinary tract, then covered voiding diffi culties, genuine stress incontinence and detrusor instability, before a final session on the relationship between urinary incontinence and ali mentary tract problems. The discussions formed an essential part of the meeting, and it is hoped that the lightly edited versions reproduced here will convey to the reader the stimulating atmosphere of the Study Group.
In few areas of medicine is progress more spectacular than in the field of prenatal diagnosis. New clinical techniques such as chorion villus sampling, detailed ultrasound scanning and cordocentesis are being evaluated by obstetricians, and refinement of biochemical testing is widening the scope of maternal serum screening. In the laboratory, dramatic advances in molecular biology are occurring: families at risk of genetic disease can be investigated with gene probes, and preimplantation diagnosis of the embryo is now becom ing a reality. These technical advances have important ethical and practical implications, among which will be a further increase in public expectations of the standards required of antenatal services. Clini cians will need a high degree of skill to inform healthy women about the options for screening normal pregnancies, and to counsel high-risk women about the benefits and limitations of prenatal diagnosis. Obstetricians, scientists and health service managers will face the difficult task of deciding how prenatal diagnosis can be made available to women in a caring and cost-effective way. Recognising the rapid progress in this field, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists made prenatal diagnosis the subject of its 23rd Study Group. An international panel of leading researchers, whose expertise ranged from molecular biology to philosophy, was invited to participate in a three day workshop, with time for in-depth discussion as well as the presentation of papers.
Since the pioneering work of Donald and his first Lancet paper in 1958, the use of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynaecology has evolved rap idly. The introduction of grey scale techniques enhanced our ability to identify different tissues on the basis of their texture. However, it was the introduction of the linear array real-time scanner in the mid seven ties that changed ultrasound from being an "eccentric art form" to a readily available and usable technique. This led to the first reports of the diagnosis of neural tube defects using ultrasound by Campbell, as well as the establishment of fetal biometry. In the midst of this activity the parallel development of the transvaginal probe by Kratochwill went almost unnoticed by most gynaecologists. Yet the application of this technique has since had a major impact on many areas of gyna ecological practice, and on infertility in particular. Since the demon stration of transvaginal follicle aspiration, the vaginal route has become standard for most invasive ultrasound guided gynaecological procedures. The relatively new technical advance of transvaginal colour Doppler may potentially have just as great an impact. The introduction and use of transvaginal colour flow imaging has facili tated the study of vascular changes within the pelvis.
March 23 and 24, 1983 saw the fIrst international symposium held under the auspices of the Wilhelm Vaillant Foundation for the Advancement of Pro- phylactic Medicine in the I. Frauenklinik der Ludwig Maximilians Univer- sitiit Miinchen. This symposium was concerned with Advances in Early Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer and brought together patholo- gists, gynecologists,and radiologists from Denmark, England,France, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, the German Democratic Republic, and the Federal Republic of Germany. The fIrst session dealt with problems concerned with the biology, patho- genesis, and histopathology of early carcinoma of the breast, with special reference to the clinical aspects. The second session was taken up with topi- cal developments in the early diagnosis of breast carcinoma and indicated the present limitations of early diagnosis. In the third session the latest results of the experiences by groups working on the treatment of early carci- noma of the breast in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, the United States of America, and the Federal Republic of Germany were discussed. The main emphasis lay on conservative treatment methods with complete or partial preservation of the breast. These vary quite widely. Some of the conclusions presented on the basis of long-term clinical studies must be regarded as signifIcant breakthroughs, and at the stage these have reached they must no longer be overlooked. The symposium has highlighted numerous unsolved problems and made it clear that conflicting opinions abound.
A variety of new techniques that promise to revolutionize the clinical management of early pregnancy are fully detailed in this state-of-the-art book. Leading international researchers describe fast-moving topics such as embryo manipulation and the diagnosis of congenital abnormalities. The technology of assisted reproduction has made it possible to study living embryonic material for the first time, which has led to rapid advances in our understanding of the human embryo's early development. For example, study of the embryo in the test tube has pointed to early pregnancy loss as a possible cause of later infertility. Even more important, diagnostic tests using sophisticated techniques of molecular biology can be run on single cells before the embryo is replaced in the uterus. Another area of advance is the diagnosis of congenital abnormalities in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Great improvements have been made in the techniques of chorion villus biopsy and ultrasound imaging. A spectrum of simple biochemical tests performed on the mother's blood can greatly improve the detection of Down syndrome and other chromosome defects. Together with other developments in the fields of molecular biology and endocrinology, these new diagnostic techniques are the beginning of a new age in clinical human genetics and embryology.
It will be a long time before the quality of this profusely illustrated book is overtaken and the present spate of books on the subject of obstetric ultrasound may, as a result, suffer a numerical set-back - especially with translation into English which will "deliver the milk on everyone's doorstep". Two of the authors studied in our department in Glasgow and worked like If there are any rewards for teaching, then we humble Scots who demons. have had the privilege have had more than our share as a result of the pride with which we regard our pupils. In my own old age and looking back over the last thirty years, the innumer able difficulties, set-backs and disappointments have been more than compen sated for by those who have turned the subject from a laughable eccentricity (as I have at one time experienced) into a science of increasing exactitude. This transformation has come about, not by any efforts of mine, but by the enthusiasm and ingenuity of those who would probably have achieved as much on their own if given the encouragement which I ultimately received in Glasgow University life. Limbo must be the expected lot of most of us ordinary mortals but the work lives on. And so, in this reminiscent and philosophical mood I beg leave to quote a little poem which I wrote at an age when young men do that sort of thing.
Important contributions about the treatment modalities of breast cancer are presented in this book. The risks and limitations of breast conserving therapy of mammary carcinoma are dealt with. Newest findings show that this form of therapy has the same outcome as conservative treatment modalities. The book also considers controversial issues such as the treatment of mastopathy, precancerous, and non-invasive lesions of the breast. New, but not yet approved, regimes for the prevention of mammary carcinoma and open questions concerning adequate operative treatment are discussed. Latest results presented here show that all modern palliative chemotherapy has a certain but limited effect on outcome and that early detection and preventive therapy (surgical and hormonal) will be of great importance for improved chances of survival of breast cancer.
The first edition of "Testosterone: Action, Deficiency, Substitu tion" was published in 1990. Since then our understanding of the hormone that turns males into men has tremendously increased. Therefore, the editors felt that a second extended edition of the book is warranted in order to summarize established and recent findings in the field and to present the reader with an up-to-date is reflected by the textbook. The increased mass of knowledge growth of the volume from 14 to 20 chapters. In the updated edition the biochemistry and metabolism of androgens have been complemented by extensive information on the molecular biology of the androgen receptor and its disorders. The key role of testosterone in spermatogenesis is now better de fined. We have a more complete understanding of the psychotro pic effects of testosterone and know so much about the different target organs and functions that individual chapters deal with testosterone and the prostate, lipids and the cardiovascular sys tem, hair, bones and muscles. The general chapter on pharmacol ogy and clinical uses of testosterone, in particular in male hypo gonadism, is extended by pharmacokinetic studies on testoster one preparations and individual substitution modalities using testosterone esters as well as implants and advanced trans dermal applications. The physiologic basis and possible clinical applica tions of testosterone in non-gonadal diseases, in male senes cence, in hormonal male contraception and in transsexuals are discussed. The last chapter describes the role of "investigative" steroid biochemistry applied to tracking anabolic steroid abuse."
Starting in 1986, the European School of Oncology has expanded its activities in postgraduate teaching, which consisted mainly of traditional disease-orientated courses, by promoting new educational initiatives. One of these is the cloister seminars, short meetings intended for highly qualified oncologists and dealing with specific, controversial aspects of clinical practice and research. Another is the institution of permanent study groups, also called task forces, where a limited number of leading experts are invited to meet once a year with the aim of defining the state of the art and possibly reaching a consensus on developments and treatment in specific fields of oncology. This series of ESO Monographs was designed with the specific purpose of disseminating the results of the most interesting of the seminars and study groups, and providing concise and updated reviews of the subjects discussed. It was decided to keep the layout very simple in order to keep costs to a minimum and make the monographs available in the shortest possible time, thus overcoming a common problem in medical literature: that of the material being outdated even before publication. Umberto Veronesi Chairman, Scientific Committee European School of Oncology Table of Contents How to Read this Monograph F.CAvALLI ......... . 1 Experimental Strategies for Studying the Development of Breast Cancer with Special Reference to Steroid Hormones, Growth Factors and Oncogenes R.J.B. KING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 5 . . .
In the past decade fetal heart rate monitoring has become a generally ac cepted method for fetal surveillance during pregnancy and labor. Although its importance has been doubted recently, I personally feel that this method has become an important obstetric tool. It has not only improved our knowledge about fetal behavior and fetal condition throughout gesta tion, but it has especially improved fetal surveillance during labor; the most dangerous period of human life has never been as safe as nowadays. The only people who can question the advantage of fetal heart rate moni toring are those who did not experience the period before fetal heart rate monitoring was generally introduced. The first paper on the history of fetal heart rate monitoring takes us back to the beginning of fetal surveillance and provides an introduction to the different aspects of fetal observation which are covered later in this volume. Common practices of fetal surveillance in different countries are discussed, and the paths that future developments will take are suggested. An outline of the physiological aspects of fetal heart rate regulation is fol lowed by discussion of the pathophysiology with which the obstetrician is very often confronted."
HRT and Osteoporosis is a response to the increasing awareness among both the medical profession and the general public that ovarian failure is an important cause of osteoporosis and that much of the bone loss after the menopause can be prevented by oestrogen treatment. There is now an urgent need on the part of women, their doctors and those responsible for public health policy for practical guidance on such questions as the safety and acceptability of long-term treatment with sex hormones, the economic costs and benefits of such treatment, and the role of specialists and GPs in promoting and monitoring hormone replacement therapy. All these issues and more are considered here. The book comprehensively reviews current knowledge of the subject and gives recommendations for clinical practice and future research.
This book is the product of long years of close collaboration between two physicians, a pediatric endocrinologist and a pediatric surgeon, who are interested in the complex field of human malformations. Their efforts have set a new standard in the treatment of children with intersexual or mal formed female genitalia. It is impossible to convey the details of complex surgical procedures without the help of meticulous illustrations. It is fortunate that happened to meet an academically trained artist, Mrs. Siri Mills, M.A., while visiting in the United States. Her excellent knowledge of anatomy, her remarkable skills as an artist and technical illustrator, and her readiness to include all details of interest to the surgeon have found their fruitful expression in the illustrations of this book. We express our thanks to Springer-Verlag and especially to Prof. Diet rich Goetze, at whose suggestion this book was written, for their amiable compliance with all our wishes, and particularly for their willingness to retain Mrs. Mills as our illustrator. Munich, May 1985 WALDEMAR HECKER Contents In trod ucti on 1 Part 1: Endocrinologic Diagnosis in Pediatric Patients with Genital Anomalies General Rules . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Endocrinology of Antenatal Sex Differentiation 6 Male Differentiation 6 Female Differentiation 7 Specific Endocrinologic Diagnosis and Therapy 8 Virilization of the Female External Genitalia 8 Congenital Adrenogenital Syndrome with a Defect of 21-Hydr- ylase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Intersexual Genitals Due to Deficient Androgenization of the Male 11 Defects of Testosterone Biosynthesis 11 Androgen Receptor Defects . . ."
The progess in biological sciences and its applications in obstetrics in the last twenty years have formed the base for feto-placental semeiotics. In this way, it has been possible to diagnose placental insufficiency even in patients whose clinical conditions gave all the indications of a perfectly normal feto-placental condition. On the other hand, observations have shown that in certain conditions some deficiencies can im prove until normality is reached again. On the basis of the above one feels justified to talk about the therapy of feto-placental insufficiency. Until now this therapy has been aimed at the obstetrical pathology of the mother. Our aim is to illustrate the various steps which should be taken to execute an efficient therapy of the conditions relating to the pathology of the fetus, realizing full well that fetal pharmacology is only now being taken into consideration. The various steps to be taken, the length of therapy, and all the other correlated factors are still the object of individual ex periences, and we are fortunate to have amongst us researchers in this field who have accepted our invitation and can supply us with their personal experiences which can also be compared. The first international symposium on the therapy of feto-placental insufficiency has been organized in conjunction with the Samil-Pabyrn Foundation whom I would lik to thank, and especially so its president, Mrs. INGE SAXON-MILLS."
ENTERING ON A CREATIVE AND ENTERPRISING PROJECT, DRS. DIZEREGA and Rodgers have taken an innovative look at the peritoneum. They have provided an interesting, informative, and stimulating text about an organ that is rarely considered independently-usually being thought of only as a part of other organs or organ systems. The peritoneum is an active membrane that serves as both a secretory organ and a structure that modulates diffusion and osmosis. Both of these important functions are described in great detail. The text is divided in classic fashion. The authors first examine the peritoneal anatomy from both macro and cellular viewpoints, during which exploration it becomes clear that what appears simply to be a lacy covering over abdominal organs actually is a complex structure. Fur thermore, during the discussion on its embryologic development the au thors make comprehensible the complexity confronting the student of the peritoneum. The authors then proceed to the practicalities associated with this im portant organ. To surgeons, for example, the key to the peritoneum is understanding the organ's repair mechanism, as it is adhesions formed on the peritoneal surfaces that interfere with the surgeon's hope of success."
Many of the studies discussed in this book were addition to discussions of a variety of hormonal, presented at the First Pan American Congress of biochemical, immunological, physical, and me Andrology, which was held in Caracas, Venezuela, chanical approaches. It is our hope that the efforts in March 1979. An international group of in of the contributors will help to intensify research vestigators have contributed reviews designed to and development of improved methods for safely be informative to medical, graduate, and post regulating male fertility. graduate students, as well as clinicians and in vestigators working in the area of male reproduc G. R. CUNNINGHAM tion. Current physiological concepts that may W. B. SCHILL provide insight for new initiatives are examined in E. S. E. HAFEZ TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface v Contributors IX Foreword by C. SCHIRREN XI 1. PHYSIOLOGY OF MALE REPRODUCTION 1. Hormonal regulation of testicular function 5 P. FRANCHIMONT 2. Inhibin: new gonadal hormone 15 P. FRANCHIMONT, A. DEMOULIN, J. VERSTRAELEN-PROYARD, M. T. HAZEE-HAGELSTEIN, and J. P. BOURGUIGNON 3. Morphological features of the epididymis: possible significance in male contraception 25 T. D. GLOVER 4. Regulatory physiology of male accessory organs 35 E. S. E. HAFEZ and G. R. CUNNINGHAM 5. Methods for evaluating contraceptive techniques 41 T. Z. HOMONNAI and F. G. PAZ II. HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION 6. Inhibition of male reproductive processes with an LH-RH agonist 55 A. CORBIN and F. J. BEX 7."
The majority of scientists interested in fertilization and early developmental processes will undoubtably have encountered the works of Alberto Monroy at some time in their careers. Alberto's contribution to this field spans oogenesis to embryogenesis, where he used physiological, biochemical and morphological tools to answer a number of basic problems in cell biology. This multi-disciplinary approach, together with his remarkable intellectual flexibility and humour has had an enormous impact on this field and all those fortunate enough to have worked with him. The chapters in this book have been divided into four sections. The initial presentations revolve around late events of gameteogenesis, that lead to a physiologically mature gamete. Probably the most exciting area for research at the moment is the identification of the cytoplasmic mechanisms responsible for the meiotic arrest of oocytes and the factors responsible for initiating their maturation (Chapters 3 and 4). Less is known about the physiological changes in the male gamete in preparation for fertilization and this may be identified as a major area for future research. Although comparable data for the plant kingdom is presently restricted to studies on marine algae, new techniques for isolating angiosperm gametes (Chapters 1 and 17) promise rapid advances in this field. The second section looks at the events and molecules involved in gamete recognition, binding and fusion. One of the most controversial topics is when does sperm-egg fusion actually occur (Chapter 14).
Key questions involved in the treatment of disseminated breast cancer are discussed in this well-presented overview. It is the result of an initiative taken by the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research to reveal the most recent developments in experimental and clinical research. The topics discussed include: the comparison of in vitro cultures of epithelial cells with breast cancer cells, the effect of steroids and their antagonists, the involvement of suppressor genes in tumour progression, the modulation of transforming growth factors by estrogen, and prognostic factors such as cERB-2 and EGF-R in breast cancer.
Technical improvements over the past twenty years have made endos copy the procedure of choice for examination of the hollow organs of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal tracts. The development of electro surgical techniques, laser technology, injection therapy, and a wide variety of other modalities now allow the endoscopist to treat many problems that in the past required open surgery. The simultaneous development of transcutaneous abdominal sonography has had an equally dramatic impact on the practice of gastrointestinal and geni tourinary surgery. The marriage of these proven technologies, known as endoscopic sonography, provides an exciting new modality that promises to further revolutionize the diagnosis and management of many intraabdominal diseases. Endoscopic sonography opens new frontiers by overcoming the primary limitations of its parent technologies. Fiberoptic endoscopy is limited by the inability to see beyond the luminal surface, this is particularly important when considering neoplastic disease because depth of wall invasion is a key factor in determining treatment. The limiting factor in transcutaneous sonography is the distance between the transducer and the target organ. With endoscopic sonography, the transducer is placed in close proximity to the target organ. This allows the use of high frequency waves (greater than 5 MHz), which provide better tissue resolution and eliminates the image distortion caused by overlying structures. |
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