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Books > Science & Mathematics > Astronomy, space & time > Solar system > General
The 19th ESLAB Symposium on 'The Sun and the Heliosphere in Three Dimensions' was held in Les Diablerets (Switzerland) on 4-6 June 1985. Organised almost exactly ten years after the Goddard Space Fl i ght Center Sympos i um dea 1 i ng with the Sun and the i nterp 1 anetary medium in three dimensions, the aim of this Symposium was not only to review the progress made in understanding the three-dimensional structure and dynamics of the heliosphere, but also to look ahead to the scientific return to be expected from the Ulysses mission. Scheduled for launch in May 1986, the scientific instrumentation on board Ulysses will shed light on the conditions and processes occurring away from the ecliptic plane, thereby adding literally a new dimension to our understanding of the only stellar plasmasphere to which we have direct access. The scientific programme of the Symposium was built around a series of invited review papers dealing with aspects of the corona and its influence on the interplanetary medium via transient ejecta, the solar wind, energetic solar particles and galactic cosmic rays, interplanetary dust and neutral gas. These invited talks were supplemented by a number of contributed and poster papers. With the exception of three contributed talks and Wibberenz' review of coronal and acceleration of energetic particles, all papers propagation presented at the Symposium are included in this volume.
Are there other planetary systems like ours? Other planets like ours? Is there life elsewhere in the Universe?' So asks Dr. Lew Allen Jr. in the Foreword. In December of 1992, theorists, observers, and instrument builders gathered at the California Institute of Technology to discuss the search for answers to these questions. The International Conference, entitled Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection' and supported through NASA's newly formed TOPS (Toward Other Planetary Systems) program, was the first of a series of conferences uniting researchers across disciplines and political boundaries to share thoughts and information on planetary systems. The conference was sponsored by NASA, hosted by JPL at Caltech, and endorsed by the 1992 International Space Year Association. These proceedings include discussions of topics ranging from stellar, disk, and planetary formation to new ways of searching for other stellar systems containing planets. The authors represent a wide range of nationalities, disciplines, and points of view. The second international conference took place in December of 1993.
From the reviews: .."...The book is a very good balance between theory and applications, of analysis and synthesis, keeping always the focus on the comprehension of the physics ruling our planetary system. In summary, this represents both an excellent textbook for students and a fundamental reference, and encyclopedic summary current knowledge, for researchers in the Solar System field." (Alessandro Rossi, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2005)
This symposium was held at the College de France in Paris from August 31 to Sep tember 4, 1970. The Organizing Committee consisted of V. Bumba, R. Howard (Chairman), K. O. Kiepenheuer, R. Michard, E. N. Parker, A. B. Severny, V. E. Stepanov, and T. Takakura. The Local Organizing Committee consisted of Miss G. Drouin (Secretary), R. Michard (Chairman), J. -C. Pecker, and J. Rayrole. We are indebted to the College de France for their kind hospitality. I wish to express my gratitude to members of the Organizing Committee for advice and assistance and to R. Michard and the Local Organizing Committee, who were responsible for the smooth running of the sessions, the distribution and collection of the discussion sheets, and for a delightful Wednesday afternoon excursion to Meudon. It is a pleasure to thank J. W. Evans, V. E. Stepanov, K. O. Kiepenheuer, R. G. Giovanelli, T. G. Cowling, V. Bumba, W. C. Livingston, and J. M. Wilcox who kindly served as session chairmen. I also wish to thank Miss Judy Harstine and John M. Adkins of the Hale Observatories, for invaluable assistance in editing the proceedings. This Symposium has been supported financially by the International Astronomical Union."
In the early part of the eighteenth century, Francesco Bianchini of
Verona turned his primitive telescope - a refractor of only a few
centimetres aperture but with an enormous focal length of around 20
metres - on the planet Venus. He recorded some of the first
telescopic observations of Venus, outstanding in terms of care and
accuracy. Bianchini determined the parallax of the planet,
estimated the period of rotation, and carefully mapped surface
features (although we now know that only Venus' atmospheric clouds
can be seen in visible light).
The Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium on Celestial Mechanics (sub titled "The Stability of Planetary Systems") was held in Ramsau, Styria, in the Austrian Alps, from March the 25th to the 31st, 1984. The dedication of the meeting to Alexander von Humboldt presented partici pants with the challenge that the discussions during the week should reflect the spirit of that great scientist of the last century, that the very many interesting ideas presented and developed during the sessions should be interpreted in the light of a broad v ew of astron omy and astrophysics. The topics of the meeting ranged from astrometric questions relating to the specification of inertial reference systems, motion of planets (including minor planets) and satellites, with the recurring topic of the search for criteria of stability of the systems, resonances, periodic orbits, and to the origin of the systems. Each session began with one or more invited review papers, followed by offered contributions and discussion. Three evening discussions were held, devoted respectively to inertial systems, to numerical integration techniques, and to cosmogonic problems and ring systems. On the evening of Wednesday, March 28th, a recital of chamber mus c was given by Bernhard Piberauer, on the violin, and Meinhard Prinz, on the piano."
Starting in 1995 numerical modeling of the Earth's dynamo has ourished with remarkable success. Direct numerical simulation of convection-driven MHD- ow in a rotating spherical shell show magnetic elds that resemble the geomagnetic eld in many respects: they are dominated by the axial dipole of approximately the right strength, they show spatial power spectra similar to that of Earth, and the magnetic eld morphology and the temporal var- tion of the eld resembles that of the geomagnetic eld (Christensen and Wicht 2007). Some models show stochastic dipole reversals whose details agree with what has been inferred from paleomagnetic data (Glatzmaier and Roberts 1995; Kutzner and Christensen 2002; Wicht 2005). While these models represent direct numerical simulations of the fundamental MHD equations without parameterized induction effects, they do not match actual pla- tary conditions in a number of respects. Speci cally, they rotate too slowly, are much less turbulent, and use a viscosity and thermal diffusivity that is far too large in comparison to magnetic diffusivity. Because of these discrepancies, the success of geodynamo models may seem surprising. In order to better understand the extent to which the models are applicable to planetary dynamos, scaling laws that relate basic properties of the dynamo to the fundamental control parameters play an important role. In recent years rst attempts have been made to derive such scaling laws from a set of numerical simulations that span the accessible parameter space (Christensen and Tilgner 2004; Christensen and Aubert 2006).
It is this editor's distinct pleasure to offer to the readership the text of the lectures presented at our recent NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy between August 6 and August 17, 1984. The invited lectures are printed in their entirety while the seminar contributions are presented as abstracts. Our Advanced Study Institutes were originated in 1972 and the reader, familiar with periodic phenomena, so important in Celestial Mechanics, will easily establish the fact that this Institute was our fifth one in the series. We dedicated the Institute to the subject of stability which itself is a humbling experience since it encompasses all fields of sciences and it is a basic element of human culture. The many definitions in existence and their practical applications could easily fill another volume. It is known in this field that it is easy to deliver lectures or write papers on stability as long as the definition of stability is carefully avoided. On the other hand, if one selects a definition, he might be criticized for using that definition and not another one. In this volume we carefully defined the specific concept of stability used in every lecture. If the reader wishes to introduce other definitions we feel that he should be entirely free and we encourage him to do so. It is also known that certain sta bility definitions and concepts are more applicable to certain given fields than to others."
Grappling with Gravity explores the physiological changes that will occur in humans and the plants and animals that accompany humans as we move to new worlds, be it to colony in the emptiness of space or settlements on the Moon, Mars, or other moons or planets. This book focuses on the biomedical aspects, while not ignoring other life-changing influences of space living. For example, what happens to people physiologically in the microgravity of space, where weight and the direction "up" become meaningless? Adapting to microgravity represents the greatest environmental challenge that life will have encountered since our ancestors moved from the seas to solid Earth. Away from Earth the human body will begin almost immediately to adapt and change, to be able to function in these strange environments. As a person adapts in space he or she will become less fit to live on Earth.
On the 6th, 7th' and 8th April 1983, a conference entitled "Magnetism, planetary rotation and convection in the Solar System" was held in the School of Physics at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The purpose of the meeting was to celebrate the 60th birthday of Prof. Stanley Keith Runcorn and his, and his students' and associates', several decades of scientific achievement. The social programme, which consisted of excursions in Northumberland and Durham with visits to ancient castles and churches, to Hexham Abbey and Durham Cathedral, and dinners in Newcastle and Durham, was greatly enjoyed by those attending the meeting and by their guests. The success ofthe scientific programme can be judged by this special edition of Geophysical Surveys which is derived mainly from the papers given at the meeting. The story starts in the late 1940s when the question of the origin of the magnetic field of the Earth and such other heavenly bodies as had at that time been discovered as having a magnetic field, was exercising the minds of several scientists; notably P. M. S. Blackett at Manchester, W. M. Elsasser at the University of Pennsylvania and E. C. Bullard at Cambridge. Two alternative mechanisms were proposed. In one the magnetic field was in some way connected with the distributed angular momentum of a rotating body; in the other, electric currents in conducting parts within the body were proposed as the source of magnetic field.
Audouin Dollfus Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon, 92195 Meudon, FRfu CE The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and, in particular, its Department of Scientific Affairs headed by Dr. C. Sinclair, actively supports new fields of science. The recent exploration of the outer parts of the Solar System by spacecraft focused the attention of a large community of scientists on the problem of ices, which playa major role in the accretionary processes in space except for the close neighborhood of the Sun and of other stars. NATO responded to this new interest by agreeing to sponsor an Advanced Research Workshop "Ices in the Solar System," provided a proper organizing body could be set up. It was a pleasure to organize such a workshop jointly with Profes sor Roman Smoluchowski who had earlier organized similar conferences. I knew from the experience of others who managed such meetings in the past that there would be much work, but the opportunity of cooperating with Smoluchowski was very attractive and convinced me to agree. If well organized, the whole project promised to be more than rewarding for a large community of scientists, both in the short run and in the long run, by clarifying certain outstanding questions in astrophysics. It became clear that a well-organized international conference would attract top scientists and help unravel many fundamental problems."
Plant hormone research is the favorite topic of physiologists. Past three decades have witnessed that this subject has received much attention. The inquisitive nature of human mind has pumped much in literature on this subject and this volume is the product of such minds. In the following pages various hormonal-controlled physiological processes like, flowering, seed dormancy and germination, enzyme secretion, senes cence, ion transport, fruit ripening, root growth and development, thig momorphogenesis and tendril thigmonasty have been included. The volume also contains a review paper on 'Growth Regulating Activity of Penicillin in Higher Plants' and has been presented for the first time. The vast contents of each review paper have been written by erudite scholars who have admirably carried out their evangelic task to make the text up TO date. This volume, I am sure, would stimulate the appetite of researchers of peripheral disciplines of botany and agricultural sciences and they will continue to enjoy the fun and adventures of plant hormone research. Save one. my most outstanding debts are due to the rich array of the contributors and other plant physiologists specially to Prof. Thomas Gaspar (Belgium), Prof. E. E. Goldschmidt (Isreal), Prof. H. Greppin (Switzerland), Dr. K. Gurumurti (India), Prof. M. A. Hall (U. K. ), Prof. H. Harada (Japan), Dr. M. Kaminek (Czechoslovakia), Dr. J. L. Karm oker (BangIa Desh), Prof. Peter B. Kaufman (U. S. A. ), Dr. V. I. Kefeli . / (U. S. S. R. ), Dr. M. Kutaoek (Czechoslovakia), Prof. S."
In this volume we compare modem observations of solar flares with results from recent theoretical research and simulation studies on current-carrying loops and their interaction. These topics have undergone rapid developments in the course of recent years. Observational results by X-ray monitoring and imaging spacecraft in the seventies and by dedicated imaging instrumentation in the satellites Solar Max imum Mission and Hinotori, launched 1980 and 1981, have shown the importance of X-ray imaging for understanding the ignition processes of solar flares. Such observations, in tum, stimulated theoretical studies, centered around the flux-tube concept. The classical idea that flares originate by interaction of current-carrying loops was developed and proved to be promising. Concepts on reconnection and coalescence of flux tubes were developed, and their consequences studied. The Yohkoh spacecraft, launched 1991, showed the overwhelming importance of coro nal flux tubes and their many possible ways of interaction. Subsequent and parallel theoretical studies and simulations, differentiating between the topology of interact ing fluxtubes, demonstrated that the mutual positioning and the way of interaction are important for the subsequent processes of energy release in flares and the many associated phenomena such as the expUlsion of jets and the emission of X -ray and microwave radiation. The new developments now enable researchers to understand and classify flares in a physically significant way. Various processes of accelera tion are active in and after flares on greatly varying timescales; these can now be distinguished and explained.
The many papers by Soviet authors have been translated into English by A. P. Kirillov, N. A. Nikiforova, E. A. Voronov, and others. Some of the papers were trans lated by the authors themselves. The discussion records have been prepared at the Institute for Theoretical Astronomy by V. K. Abalakin, N. A. Belyaev, A. P. Kirillov, V. A. Shor, E. A. Voronov, N. S. Yakhontova, and others. The three papers published in French have been carefully checked by B. Milet. The final editing has been done at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and we thank J. H. Clark, P. D. Gregory, J. E. Kervick, and G. Warren for retyping much of the material. Our special thanks are due to the D. Reidel Publishing Company for the excellent care they have taken in printing these proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 45. G. A. CHEBOT AREV E. I. KAZIMIRCHAK-POLONSKA Y A B. G. MARSDEN INTRODUCTION The idea to organize a Symposium on 'The Motion, Evolution of Orbits, and Origin of Comets' dates back to the IAU thirteenth General Assembly, held in 1967 in Prague. Owing to the impossibility of completing during the General Assembly the discussion on the problem of orbital evolution of comets Professor G. A. Chebotarev, then the newly elected President of IAU Commission 20, initiated the organization of the international symposium in Leningrad where the full scope of cometary problems might be considered from the viewpoint of celestial mechanics."
The widespread tendency in solar physics to divide the solar atmosphere into separate layers and to distinguish phenomena of solar activity from phenomena of the quiet Sun emphasizes the wide ranging diversity of physical conditions and events occurring in the solar atmosphere. This diversity spans the range from a neutral, essentially quiescent atmosphere to a highly ionized, violently convective atmosphere; from a domain in which magnetic field effects are unimportant to a domain in which the magnetic pressure exceeds the gas pressure, and from a domain in which the particle motions are Maxwellian to a domain in which an appreciable fraction of the particles is accelerated to relativistic energies. It is now widely recognized that the chromosphere and corona have a common origin in the mechanical energy flux generated in the hydrogen convection zone lying beneath the photosphere. Furthermore, magnetic field phenomena appear to be as vital to the structure of th~ quiet Sun as to the active Sun. For these reasons it appears desirable to present a unified treatment of the entire solar atmosphere, both active and quiet, in a single volume. On the other hand, such a treatise must be very long if it is to avoid being superficial, and it is very difficult for a single author to write authoritatively on such a wide range of topics.
At the XV. General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Sydney 1973, Commission 10 for Solar Activity requested the incoming Organising Committee to establish a small group to recommend a standard nomenclature for solar features and to prepare an illustrated text which would clear the jungle of terms for the benefit of solar physicists as well as of theoreticians and research workers in related fields. The challenge was taken up by the president of Commission 10, Prof. K. O. Kiepenheuer, and his persuasive advocacy has led eventually to the present book. In the course of the work, the declared aim but not the basic purpose was revised. Rather than prepare a list of standard terms, we have preferred to collect together all the terms that appear in current English-language literature. Synonyms and partially overlapping terms are all recorded for the most part without prejudice. Each has been defined as exactly as possible with the hope that in the future they may be used and understood without ambiguity. It would be a step on the road to standardisation if these terms were not re-used for new phenomena. New observations and new theories will lead to reappraisals and redefinitions so the Glossary is intended more as a guide to the present situation than as a rule-book.
A favourable reception of the first edition of this book - due no doubt to the nature of its subject - which went out of print in 2 years, gave its author a welcome oppor tunity to update at present its contents. This was all the more necessary, as seldom in the annals of science has our knowledge of the physics and astronomy of the Moon made greater progress than during this time. The real heroes of this advance have, of course, been the spacecraft - 33 of which have now been sent out since 1959 to reconnoiter our satellite at a close range. The hard-landers among them just about delivered their message by the time when the first edition of this book went to the press; but it was the soft-landers and orbiters, which followed in their wake between 1966-67, that became really the principal contributors to lunar research. By now that it may be both timely and their programmes have likewise been completed; so opportune to take stock of the present state of our subject now - on the eve of the next stage of lunar exploration by manned landings on the surface of our satellit- which can be expected to take place in the very near future. * The aim of the second edition of this book will be to provide the requisite infor mation, brought up to date in an organized manner."
These are the Proceedings of Colloquium No. 153 of the International Astro nomical Union, held at Makuhari near Tokyo on May 22 - 26, 1995, and hosted by the National Astronomical Observatory. This meeting was intended to be an interdisciplinary meeting between re searchers of solar and stellar activity, in order for them to exchange the newest information in each field. While each of these areas has seen remarkable advances in recent years, and while the researchers in each field have felt that information from the other's domain would be extremely useful in their own work, there have not been very many opportunities for intensive exchanges of information between these closely related fields. We therefore expected much from this meeting in pro viding stellar researchers with new results of research on the counterparts of their targets of research, spatially and temporarily resolved, as observed on the Sun. Likewise we hoped to provide solar researchers with new results on gigantic ver sions of their targets of research under the very different physical circumstances on other active stars. It was our greatest pleasure that we had wide attendance of experts and active researchers of both research fields from all over the world. This led to extremely interesting talks and very lively discussions, thereby stimulating the exchange of ideas across the fields.
Leading researchers in the area of the origin and evolution of life in the universe contributed to Chemical Evolution: Physics of the Origin and Evolution of Life. This volume provides a review of this interdisciplinary field. In 35 chapters many aspects of the origin of life are discussed by 90 authors, with particular emphasis on the early paleontological record: physical, chemical, biological, and informational aspects of life's origin, instrumentation in exobiology and system exploration; the search for habitable planets and extraterrestrial intelligent radio signals. This book contains the proceedings of the Fourth Trieste Conference on Chemical Evolution that took place in September 1995, in which scientists from a wide geographical distribution joined in a Memorial to Cyril Ponnamperuma, who was a pioneer in the field of chemical evolution, the origin of life, and exobiology, and also initiated the Trieste Conferences on Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life. This fourth Conference was therefore dedicated to his memory. Audience: Graduate students and researchers in the many areas of basic, earth, and life sciences that contribute to the study of chemical evolution and the origin of life.
TECTONlCS AND PHYSICS Geology, although rooted in the laws of physics, rarely has been taught in a manner designed to stress the relations between the laws and theorems of physics and the postulates of geology. The same is true of geophysics, whose specialties (seismology, gravimetIy, magnetics, magnetotellurics) deal only with the laws that govern them, and not with those that govern geology's postulates. The branch of geology and geophysics called tectonophysics is not a formalized discipline or subdiscipline, and, therefore, has no formal laws or theorems of its own. Although many recent books claim to be textbooks in tectonophysics, they are not; they are books designed to explain one hypothesis, just as the present book is designed to explain one hypothesis. The textbook that comes closest to being a textbook of tectonophysics is Peter 1. Wyllie's (1971) book, The Dynamic Earth. Teachers, students, and practitioners of geology since the very beginning of earth science teaching have avoided the development of a rigorous (but not rigid) scientific approach to tectonics, largely because we earth scientists have not fully understood the origin of the features with which we are dealing. This fact is not at all surprising when one considers that the database for hypotheses and theories of tectonics, particularly before 1960, has been limited to a small part of the exposed land area on the Earth's surface.
This volume of lecture notes brings together the knowledge on pulsations of the Sun and the stars, with a particular emphasis on recent observations and modelling, and on the influence of pulsations of other physical processes. The book begins with an extensive introduction to helioseismology. The solar cycle and gravity modes are discussed before the focus is widened from helioseismology to asteroseismology which is detailed in a series of specific chapters. Based on courses given at a graduate school, these tutorial lecture notes will be of interest and useful to a rather broad audience of scientists and students.
From 17 to 21 April 1967 a Study Week was held in the hotel 'De Bilderberg' near Arnhem, Holland, with the purpose to establish a new, and if possible, generally acceptable working model for the quiet parts of the solar photosphere and low chromosphere. The organizers of the conference hoped that even if this latter goal appeared too far to be reached, such a meeting would still be useful, if only for enumerating the crucial problems in solar photospheric research, and for defining future subjects of research. About twenty solar physicists from outside the Netherlands participated in the Study Week, while some others, though prevented from actively attending, sub mitted their comments before the meeting. The two above-mentioned goals were reached: a working model could be estab lished; yet it became clear that not everyone would agree about this model, and it became obvious too that future research is strongly needed, in particular in the field of line formation (coherence, or non-coherence; local thermal equilibrium), while also the motion field of the photosphere and chromosphere is insufficiently known, and its influence on the formation of spectral lines hardly understood."
Information collected by recent space probes sent to explore the Moon by the USA, the European Space Agency, Japan, China and India has changed our knowledge and understanding of the Moon, particularly its geology, since the Apollo missions. This book presents those findings in a way that will be welcomed by amateur astronomers, students, educators and anyone interested in the Moon. Enhanced by many colour photos, it combines newly acquired scientific understanding with detailed descriptions and labelled photographic maps of the lunar surface. Guided by observation methods explained in the book and 17 Study Areas presented and carefully explained in the last chapter, amateur astronomers can observe these features from Earth using telescopes and binoculars. Readers who consult the photographic maps will gain a better understanding about the Moon's topography and geology. The book is rounded out by a helpful glossary. |
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