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Books > Professional & Technical > Environmental engineering & technology > Sanitary & municipal engineering > Water supply & treatment > General
This book, the second volume in the series, continues to raise contextual issues and presents perspectives regarding multifaceted challenges in management and governance of water in India. This volume attempts to broad base and expand the dialogue started in the first volume and would touch upon issues that need immediate discussion but have been left unattended like politics and management of groundwater, efficient utilization of water in agriculture (irrigation) and improving water use efficiency and building resilience. As in the first volume, this book presents a set of suggestions and recommendations in each chapter that can help frame policy guidelines in the country.
This book is a multidisciplinary manuscript bringing together contributions on water issues from natural and social scientists focused on water management and structures in a challenging environmental situation such as Dakhla Oasis in Egypt's western desert. The authors of this book are relevant scientists in hydrology, geology, remote sensing, agriculture, history, and sociology. It is devoted to various critical environmental topics such as geological and hydraulic structure, climate influence, underground water management, irrigation management, and human settlement. The book provides a range of new perspectives on solving different environmental problems in arid zones toward the region's sustainable development, based on the case studies and fieldwork in the Dakhla Oasis (Western Desert, Egypt).
This edited volume presents a comprehensive and comparative view of the law of international watercourses with special reference to the issues facing the Ganges River basin. It provides an analysis of the development of international waterways law and outlines the essentials of the UN Convention on non-navigational uses of international watercourses. Focusing on relations between the three riparian states of the River Ganges and the potential for cooperation, the volume also examines the domestic legal regimes of the area and the political dimension to the issues of sharing the waters of the river. The work presents a comparative picture with an analysis of developments in the Rhine and Mekong basins, comparing developments in the legal regimes of these areas with the experience of South Asia. Presenting an up-to-date analysis of the current law and pointing the direction for future developments, this collection will be a valuable resource for academics, researchers and policy makers working in this area.
This book offers essential information on geospatial technologies for water resource management and highlights the latest GIS and geostatistics techniques as they relate to groundwater. Groundwater is inarguably India's single most important natural resource. It is the foundation of millions of Indian farmers' livelihood security and the primary source of drinking water for a vast majority of Indians in rural and urban areas. The prospects of continued high rates of growth in the Indian economy will, to a great extent, depend on how judiciously we can manage groundwater in the years to come. Over the past three decades, India has emerged as by far the single largest consumer of groundwater in the world. Though groundwater has made the country self-sufficient in terms of food, we face a crisis of dwindling water tables and declining water quality. Deep drilling by tube wells, which was once part of the solution to water shortages, is now in danger of becoming part of the problem. Consequently, we urgently need to focus our efforts on the sustainable and equitable management of groundwater. Addressing that need, this book presents novel advances in and applications of RS-GIS and geostatistical techniques to the research community in a precise and straightforward manner.
Published in 1991, the first edition of "The Practical Handbook of Ground-Water Monitoring" quickly became the gold standard reference on the topic of ground-water monitoring. But, as in all rapidly evolving fields, regulations change, technology advances, methods improve, and research reveals flaws in prior thinking. As a consequence, books that document the state of the science, even widely acknowledged definitive works, become outdated and need to be rewritten periodically to stay current. Reflecting this and renamed to highlight its wider scope, The Practical Handbook of Environmental Site Characterization and Ground-Water Monitoring, Second Edition provides an updated look at the field. Completely revised, the book contains so much new information that it has doubled in size. Containing the most up-to-date information available, this second edition emphasizes the practical application of current technology. It covers environmental site characterization and ground-water monitoring in great detail, from the federal regulations that govern environmental investigations, to the various direct and indirect methods of investigating and monitoring the subsurface, to the analysis and interpretation of complex sets of environmental data. Cheaper, better, faster was the mantra of the 1990s, resulting in more streamlined approaches to both environmental site characterization and ground-water monitoring, but also pitting the application of good science against the mandate to get a project done as quickly and inexpensively as possible. This book provides unbiased, technical discussions of the tremendously powerful tools developed in the last decade, helping environmental professionalsstrike a balance between good science and economics.
One of the main problems confronting the world of the 21st Century is a shortage of water. There is already severe scarcity in many regions of the world, causing tremendous problems for local populations and indeed entire societies. There is insufficient water available for the production of food to alleviate poverty and starvation; the lack of water hampers industrial, urban and tourism development, forcing restrictions on other sectors, especially agriculture; health problems arise as the deterioration of ground and surface waters favours water-borne diseases, which flourish in the absence of decent water distribution and sewerage systems. Water conflicts still arise in areas under stress, while water for nature has become a vanishing priority in such zones. This book is a guide to the establishment of regional and/or local guidelines for developing and implementing new ideas for coping with water scarcity. The basic premise underlying the book is that water scarcity will persist, so personal, human and society-wide skills will be needed to cope with it while living in harmony with the necessary environmental constraints. The book provides basic information to assist decision makers, water managers, engineers, agronomists, social scientists and other professions (and their students) in formulating coherent, hopefully harmonious and consolidated views on the issue. Guidelines are also given for introducing the general public to the concept of water scarcity and how to deal with it.
Professionals involved in the planning, design, operation, and construction of water, wastewater, and stormwater systems need to understand the productivity-enhancing applications of GIS. Inspired by an ASCE-sponsored continuing education course taught by the author, GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems focuses on the practical aspects of software and data tools that enable GIS applications. The book documents and analyzes effective use of GIS, demonstrating how you can apply the technology to make tasks easier to perform, saving time and money for your organization. The book first describes GIS, detailing its importance and explaining how to avoid potential pitfalls via a needs analysis study. It then describes GIS-related technologies that are crucial in applications development: remote sensing; DEM data; GPS; Internet applications; and mobile GIS. The final ten chapters focus on the "Four Ms" of the water industry-Mapping, Monitoring, Modeling, and Maintenance-applications that define the most important activities for efficient management of water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. Promoting a performance- (or outcome-) based style of learning, each chapter first states learning objectives and later concludes with a chapter summary and questions. The text encourages more effective and natural inductive study by first presenting case studies, then explaining procedures. This volume supplements the text with numerous maps, tables, and illustrations.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge on the fate and interaction of pharmaceuticals in soil-crop systems. It addresses the principles of their transport, uptake and metabolism and reviews methodologies for their analytical determination. It also discusses ecotoxicological effects arising from their presence and highlights bioremediation approaches for their removal. The use of treated wastewater to irrigate crops is becoming more widespread in regions where freshwater is limited. This practice conserves freshwater resources and contributes to nutrient recycling. However, concerns remain regarding the safety of irrigation with treated wastewater since it contains residues of pharmaceuticals that have survived treatment, which means that soil and fauna are potentially exposed to these xenobiotics. Various pathways govern the fate of pharmaceuticals in crop-soil systems, including soil degradation; formation of non-extractable residues; uptake by soil-dwelling organisms (e.g. earthworms); and uptake, transport, and metabolism in agricultural crops. Investigations into these aspects have only recently been initiated, and there is still a long way to go before a meaningful assessment of the impact of wastewater has been completed.
Affordable and effective domestic wastewater treatment is a critical issue in public health and disease prevention around the world, particularly so in developing countries which often lack the financial and technical resources necessary for proper treatment facilities. This practical guide provides state-of-the-art coverage of methods for domestic wastewater treatment and provides a foundation to the practical design of wastewater treatment and re-use systems. The emphasis is on low-cost, low-energy, low-maintenance, high-performance 'natural' systems that contribute to environmental sustainability by producing effluents that can be safely and profitably used in agriculture for crop irrigation and/or in aquaculture, for fish and aquatic vegetable pond fertilization. Modern design methodologies, with worked design examples, are described for waste stabilization ponds, wastewater storage and treatment reservoirs; constructed wetlands, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors, biofilters, aerated lagoons and oxidation ditches. This book is essential reading for engineers, academics and upper-level and graduate students in engineering, wastewater management and public health, and others interested in sustainable and cost-effective technologies for reducing wastewater-related diseases and environmental damage.
This book summarizes the advances in mine hydrogeology in terms of the development of new technologies and sustainable mining to prevent water inrush disasters during coal-mine construction and production in China. It presents holistic topics that balance safe coal mining and the minimization of impacts on the environment and human beings. Systematically describing the methods and techniques used in China's coal mines to predict, prevent and mitigate water inrushes, it includes nine case studies to illustrate the practical engineering solutions using state-of-art methods and technologies under various conditions. It also discusses how the approaches could help solve the world's water problems, not only in mining, but also in tunneling, disposing of nuclear waste, storing natural gas, and sequestering CO2, as well as their impact on mining industries and related fields around the world. The book intended for students, researchers and practitioners working in the mining industries.
"Small-scale Water Supply" provides non-specialists with an overview of the technologies available for water supply in low-income communities in rural areas of developing countries. Focusing chiefly on "point supplies" such as wells, boreholes, springs and rainwater catchment systems, the book also introduces the reader to powered pumps, water treatment and piped distribution systems. Chapters cover design capacity, sources of water, raising water, storage and water treatment. The book contains useful illustrations of each of the technologies and outline guidance on making appropriate choices between technologies. The subject of water supply is vast and this handy book shows the reader where to begin in designing water supply systems. Extensive appendices point the reader to sources of further information for each technology, both in printed form and from Internet web pages.Published in collaboration with WELL (Water and Environmental Health at London and Loughborough).
Nanotechnology has been established in membrane technology for decades. In this book, comprehensive coverage is given to nanotechnology applications in synthetic membrane processes, which are used in different fields such as water treatment, separation of gases, the food industry, military use, drug delivery, air filtration, and green chemistry. Nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, and dendrimers are contributing to the development of more efficient and cost-effective water filtration processes. Gas separation and carbon capture can be significantly improved in flue gas applications. Nanoporous membrane systems engineered to mimic natural filtration systems are being actively developed for use in smart implantable drug delivery systems, bio artificial organs, and other novel nano-enabled medical devices. The microscopic structure of nanoporous ceramic membranes, mainly focusing on zeolite materials, as well as the energy-saving effect of membrane separation, contribute to various chemical synthesis processes. In the food industry, nanotechnology has the potential to create new tools for pathogen detection and packaging. For each application, nanotechnology is mostly used to make composite membranes, and the book provides a detailed look at the mechanisms by which the composite membrane works in each application area.
This open access book reviews the water-agro-food and socio-eco-system of the Seine River basin (76,000 km2), and offers a historical perspective on the river's long-term contamination. The Seine basin is inhabited by circa 17 million people and is impacted by intensive agricultural practices and industrial activities. These pressures have gradually affected its hydrological, chemical and ecological functioning, leading to a maximum chemical degradation between the 1960s and the 1990s. Over the last three decades, while major water-quality improvements have been observed, new issues (e.g. endocrine disruptors, microplastics) have also emerged. The state of the Seine River network, from the headwaters to estuary, is increasingly controlled by the balance between pressures and social responses. This socio-ecosystem provides a unique example of the functioning of a territory under heavy anthropogenic pressure during the Anthropocene era. The achievements made were possible due to the long-term PIREN Seine research program, established in 1989 and today part of the French socio-ecological research network "Zones Ateliers", itself part of the international Long-term Socio-economic and Ecological Research Network (LTSER). Written by experts in the field, the book provides an introduction to the water budget and the territorial metabolism of the Seine basin, and studies the trajectories and impact of various pollutants in the Seine River. It offers insights into the ecological functioning, the integration of agricultural practices, the analysis of aquatic organic matter, and the evolution of fish assemblages in the Seine basin, and also presents research perspectives and approaches to improve the water quality of the Seine River. Given its scope, it will appeal to environmental managers, scientists and policymakers interested in the long-term contamination of the Seine River.
The focus of this book is on the key water-related vulnerabilities to climate change in Africa, particularly in its most vulnerable areas, exploring potential management responses to such vulnerabilities. The African countries are particularly exposed and vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change, with important impacts on water resources and hydrological systems, water availability, water resource management and sea level variations. Already, under various anthropogenic pressures, the status of water resources in Africa has been changing over the past decades, with decreasing water quality, falling groundwater levels, and variability in rainfall, both in terms of timing and intensity. Climate change will further accelerate the rate of change, affecting the ability of people and societies to respond in a timely manner. It is clear that there is no quick fix to the pressures imposed on water resources by climate change. Increasing the resilience of ecosystems and communities to extreme events such as flooding and drought, and integrating climate change risks and opportunities into development decision-making is indeed a key challenge, as much a technical climate-change one, as a political and developmental challenge. The book, in this regard, intends to contribute to the debate around climate change in relation to water resources management in Africa, and in particular inform policy decisions and actions that will improve governments' and communities' ability to manage the challenges of climate change and variability in relation to the aquatic ecosystems that they depend on. The knowledge collected in this book will benefit policy makers, researchers, as well as other stakeholders.
The book assembles the latest research on new design techniques in water supplies using desalinated seawater. The authors examine the diverse issues related to the intakes and outfalls of these facilities. They clarify how and why these key components of the facilities impact the cost of operation and subsequently the cost of water supplied to the consumers. The book consists of contributed articles from a number of experts in the field who presented their findings at the "Desalination Intakes and Outfalls" workshop held at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia in October, 2013. The book integrates coverage relevant to a wide variety of researchers and professionals in the general fields of environmental engineering and sustainable development.
There is no more fundamental resource than water. The basis of all life, water is fast becoming a key issue in today s world, as well as a source of conflict. This fascinating book, which sets out many of the ingenious methods by which ancient societies gathered, transported and stored water, is a timely publication as overextraction and profligacy threaten the existence of aquifers and watercourses that have supplied our needs for millennia. It provides an overview of the water technologies developed by a number of ancient civilizations, from those of Mesopotamia and the Indus valley to later societies such as the Mycenaeans, Minoans, Persians, and the ancient Egyptians. Of course, no book on ancient water technologies would be complete without discussing the engineering feats of the Romans and Greeks, yet as well as covering these key civilizations, it also examines how ancient American societies from the Hohokams to the Mayans and Incas husbanded their water supplies. This unusually wide-ranging text could offer today s parched world some solutions to the impending crisis in our water supply. "This book provides valuable insights into the water
technologies developed in ancient civilizations which are the
underpinning of modern achievements in water engineering and
management practices. It is the best proof that "the past is the
key for the future." "This book makes a fundamental contribution to what will become
the most important challenge of our civilization facing the global
crisis: the problem of water. Ancient Water Technologies provides a
complete panorama of how ancient societies confronted themselves
with the management of water. The role of this volume is to
provide, for the first time on this issue, an extensive historical
and scientific reconstruction and an indication of how traditional
knowledge may be employed to ensure a sustainable future for
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology attempts to provide concise, critical reviews of timely advances, philosophy and significant areas of accomplished or needed endeavor in the total field of xenobiotics, in any segment of the environment, as well as toxicological implications.
This book highlights novel materials for dye-containing wastewater treatment and presents an up-to-date information on dye degradation/adsorption using new promising materials such as nanocomposites. Development of various industrial sectors, including textile, food, paper, leather, rubber, cosmetic and printing has led to generation of wastewater which contain dye molecules as well as other inorganic and organic compounds. Considering serious health hazards and environmental damage associated with dyes in the environment, researchers and professionals have been attempting to find the most effective methods of treatment. Of late, various composites have received wide attention due to their outstanding properties in wastewater treatment, that are presented in this book.
The world 's governments agreed at the Millennium Summit to halve the number of people who lack access to safe water, mainly in the world 's cities, by 2015. With rapidly growing urban populations the challenge is immense.This is a comprehensive and authoritative assessment of the problems and how they can be addressed. It sets out in detail the scale of inadequate provision of water and sanitation; it describes the impacts on health and economic performance, showing the potential gains of remedial action; it analyzes the proximate and underlying causes of poor provision and identifies information gaps affecting resource allocation; it outlines the consequences of further deterioration; and it explains how resources and institutional capacities -- public, private, and community -- can be used to deliver proper services through integrated water resource management. |
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