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Books > Professional & Technical > Environmental engineering & technology > Sanitary & municipal engineering > Water supply & treatment > General
This third volume on detox fashion highlights sustainable wastewater treatment methods, as well as techniques used by and the adoption of detox strategies by different brands in the textile sector. These aspects are addressed in three central chapters: Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Technologies; Review of the Utilization of Plant-based Natural Coagulants as Alternatives to Textile Wastewater Treatment; and New Waste Management through Collaborative Business Models for Sustainable Innovation.
This volume offers a comprehensive review of the chemical, biological and hydromorphological quality of the Danube. The first part examines the chemical pollution of surface waters, focusing on organic compounds (with special emphasis given to EU WFD priority substances and Danube River Basin specific pollutants), heavy metals and nutrients. Attention is also given to pollution of groundwater and drinking water resources by hazardous substances and to radioactivity in the Danube. The second part highlights the biology and hydromorphology of the Danube. It focuses on benthic macroinvertebrates, phytobenthos, macrophytes, fish, phytoplankton as well as microbiology, with chapters dedicated to gaps and uncertainties in the ecological status assessment and to invasive alien species. Further chapters dealing with the hydromorphology, sediment management and isotope hydrology complete the overall picture of the status of the Danube.
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology attempts to provide concise, critical reviews of timely advances, philosophy and significant areas of accomplished or needed endeavor in the total field of xenobiotics, in any segment of the environment, as well as toxicological implications.
This book presents carbon nanotubes as a potential material for the development of new waste water treatment technologies. Reviews on adsorption, catalysis, membrane, filtration and desinfection methods are provided. A special chapter presents the use of carbon nanotubes to sense and monitor water pollutants. The text underlies each technology and process as well as the current commercialization efforts. Research gaps are highlighted at the end with links to further reading material in the field.
This book aims to define the concept of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) by using case studies from members of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Water Action Group - NatureWat. NBS is defined and characterized in terms of water source, contaminants, removal mechanisms and resource recovery potential. The case studies presented illustrate the appropriateness of NBS promoting climate resilience. Readers will discover a technology portfolio based on a number of demonstration sites in the fields of climate change adaption, water and wastewater treatment, resource recovery and re-use, and restoring ecosystems to promote the use of nature based solutions. The chapters in the book present a multidisciplinary approach involving social scientists, governance representatives and engineers. The underlying philosophy of the book is the circular economy of water which prioritizes the concepts of resource recovery and resilience within water resource management. The first section of the book presents the background and objectives of the study, and how the action group aims to promote the use of nature based solutions through its diverse technology portfolio. Particular attention is given to the goals of finding cost-effective solutions for wastewater treatment, climate change mitigation, disaster risk reduction, flood protection, greening cities, degraded areas restoration and biodiversity preservation. The chapter on reclaimed water addresses water reuse and defines the term fit for purpose. Barriers and limitations related to NBS for water resource management are discussed. The book concludes with several case studies at local, regional and global levels which illustrate a new approach to water management. These case studies illustrate the application of a hybrid green and grey infrastructure system. This is a combination of traditional engineered infrastructure with nature based solutions which combines centralised and decentralised systems to optimise the reclamation of water for reuse in a fit for purpose model.
This book gathers selected papers presented at the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics (ICEG), held on October 28 - November 1, 2018 in Hangzhou, China. The theme of the congress is "Towards a Sustainable Geoenvironment", which means meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Under this theme, the congress covers a broad range of topics and provides an excellent opportunity for academics, engineers, scientists, government officials, regulators, and planners to present, discuss and exchange notes on the latest advances and developments in the research and application of environmental geotechnics.
This book is about important relevant recent research topics in sustainable aquaculture practices. A critical assessment of the sustainable fishing methods and the aspect of sustainable aquaculture feed is presented in this volume. A special focus has been given to socio-economic and environmental assessment of aquaculture practices and analysis of carbon footprint under an intensive aquaculture regime. Aquaponics as a niche for sustainable modern aquaculture has been highlighted. The effect of use of pharmaceuticals to prevent fish disease on the surrounding marine environment is an emerging area of concern, and a critical discussion on this aspect is included in the book. The spread of organic waste and nutrients released by fish farms to natural water bodies has raised considerable concerns. Therefore the methods to prevent their dispersion and removal (treatment) have been comprehensively covered in this book. This book is an essential read for academician, researchers, and policy makers in the field of aquaculture.
This book focuses on radiation applications in various fields such as industry, environmental conservation, analytical sciences, agriculture, medical diagnosis and therapy, and other areas, from laboratory or research scale to practical or commercial scale. The book targets rather beginning or young professionals in radiation chemistry, processing, biology, and medicine, among others, but also introduces the state of the art of the relevant fields. This volume also helps readers to understand the fundamentals of radiation chemistry, physics, and biology that underlie the miscellaneous applications. Readers will understand, for example, that industry utilizes radiation to fabricate water-absorbent materials or semiconductors and also that cancer patients can be cured through radiation without surgery. These and more facts about radiation applications are made available in this valuable book.
This book presents the state-of-the-art in the area of water remediation. It covers topics such as decentralized ecological wastewater treatment, applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) in water quality monitoring and remediation, water remediation through nanotechnology, and processes used in water purification. The contents of this volume will prove useful to researchers, students, and policy makers alike.
This book presents new findings on intrinsic variability in pollutant build-up and wash-off processes by identifying the characteristics of underlying process mechanisms, based on the behaviour of various-sized particles. The correlation between build-up and wash-off processes is clearly defined using heavy metal pollutants as a case study. The outcome of this study is an approach developed to quantitatively assess process uncertainty, which makes it possible to mathematically incorporate the characteristics of variability in build-up and wash-off processes into stormwater quality models. In addition, the approach can be used to quantify process uncertainty as an integral aspect of stormwater quality predictions using common uncertainty analysis techniques. The information produced using enhanced modelling tools will promote more informed decision-making, and thereby help to improve urban stormwater quality.
As water quality becomes a leading concern for people and ecosystems worldwide, it must be properly assessed in order to protect water resources for current and future generations. Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and Analyses supplies practical information for planning, conducting, or evaluating water quality monitoring programs. It presents the latest information and methodologies for water quality policy, regulation, monitoring, field measurement, laboratory analysis, and data analysis. The book addresses water quality issues, water quality regulatory development, monitoring and sampling techniques, best management practices, and laboratory methods related to the water quality of surface and ground waters. It also discusses basic concepts of water chemistry and hydrology related to water sampling and analysis; instrumentation; water quality data analysis; and evaluation and reporting results. Discussing an array of water quality topics, from water quality regulations and criteria, to project planning and sampling activities, this book outlines a framework for improving water quality programs. Using this framework, you can easily put the proper training and tools in place for better management of water resources.
This book brings together contributions from experts in water management, scientists, researchers, academics and lecturers, sharing experiences and successes in this field. It is devoted to a wide range of water resources management issues, including water quality to water quantity, considering all impacts of water issues in the environment. The book presents international approaches to the latest developments in both the fundamental bases and the applicability of state-of-the-art knowledge that can be effectively used for solving a variety of large problems in integrated water resources management. The main focus of the book is on water pollution - physical, chemical, biological, and geographical pollution, hydrology problems, and limnology tasks.
The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Innovation emphasizes on natural resources technology and management to support the sustainability of mankind. The main theme of ICoSI 2014 "Technology and innovation challenges in natural resources and built environment management for humanity and sustainability " reflects the needs of immediate action from scientists with different fields and different geographical background to face the global issue on world's change.
Phytoplasma-associated diseases are a major limiting factor to quality and productivity of many ornamentals, horticultural and other economically important agriculture crops worldwide. Annual losses due to phytoplasma diseases in many crops vary, but under the pathogen favorable conditions they always lead to disastrous consequences to farming community. As there is no effective cure for phytoplasma diseases, the management options emphasize on their exclusion, minimizing their spread by insect vectors and propagation materials and on development of host plant resistance. The phytoplasma associated plant diseases have a history of more than 50 years. Phytoplasmas have undoubtedly infected plants and cause diseases for centuries before they are described and proven to be the causal agents. But important progress related to identification of phytoplasmas only began after 1980's. Phytoplasmas have emerged as the most serious constraints in the production of several crops all around the world during last four decades. Phytoplasmas constitute a major limiting factor to quality and productivity of cereals, horticultural, ornamentals and many other economically important crops all over the world. Annual losses due to phytoplasma diseases may vary, but under the pathogen favorable condition, phytoplasma disease may lead to disastrous consequences for farming and industry community. The scientific literature concerning phytoplasma occurrence, characterization, diagnosis, detection, and management is growing at a fast pace. Significant advancement in the last decades on diagnostic, biological and molecular properties, epidemiology, host-pathogen-insect interactions as well as management of phytoplasmas has been made. Till date, no authentic compilation is available to know the progress of phytoplasmas characterization major crops all over the world. The planned book will compile all the updated information available information on phytoplasmas by distinguished experts in the form of edited book entitled "Characterization and epidemiology of phytoplasma associated diseases". The book covers recent and update information on emerging and re-emerging phytoplasma diseases affecting important crops in tropics and subtropics. It provides comprehensive information on disease distribution, occurrence, and identification of the phytoplasmas including the recent approaches for diagnostics, transmission, and information about losses and geographical distribution along with and management aspects. This volume contains 11-12 chapters contributed by the experienced and recognized experts working on different group of phytoplasmas affecting major crops all over the world. The information on various topics is at advanced as well as comprehensive level and provides the period wise developments of phytoplasma research. The book covers major chapters on an up to date progress of phytoplasma research, and then phytoplasma diseases associated with vegetable, pulse, oils crops, cereals, sugar crops, fruit crops, ornamentals, medicinal plants, palms species, forest tress and weeds. We have covered historical background, geographical distribution, identification and characterization, genetic diversity, host pathogen interaction and management aspects of important phytoplasma diseases infecting our major agricultural crops. The information on various topics is advanced as well as comprehensive, and provides thought provoking ideas for planning novel research ideas for future. This book will be useful to everyone interested in mollicutes, phytoplasma, spiroplasmas, plant pathology, disease control and plant biology and serve as an exhaustive and up-to-date compendium of references on various aspects of different groups of phytoplasmas affecting important crops worldwide.
This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society. The book is divided into five parts. The first part deals with some aspects of environmental pollution such as socio-economic environment assessment for sustainable development, environmental issues due to fire in coal Mines and its impact and suggestions for implementing precautionary and control measures, redevelopment of urban slum dwellings: issues & challenges, air and noise pollution in mega cities, importance of indoor environmental quality in green buildings. Part II discusses pollution indicators such as assessment and prediction of environmental noise, fuzzy logic based performance evaluation, fish biodiversity and its periodic reduction, effects of anthropogenic activities on fresh water ecosystems, and monitoring of air pollution. Part III focuses on generation of pollution namely biomedical waste generation and management, heavy metal leaching, etc. Water quality assessment is described in Part IV. The Part V presents water quality modeling. The book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology, environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural resources planning and management. Graduate students and those wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and their development and management will also find the book to be of value.
This book argues that groundwater pollution risk assessment is the essential foundation of groundwater pollution prevention and control. It is on this basis that economic leverage is used to make new breakthroughs in groundwater protection and governance. Presenting a case study on the Jilin Section of the Songhua River, the book applies the overlay index method to assess the shallow groundwater pollution risk and identify high-risk areas and major pollution sources in an effort to identify the mechanism of interaction between industrial structures and groundwater pollution. Further, it proposes concrete measures for preventing and controlling groundwater pollution from an industrial economics perspective. As such, the book offers a valuable resource for all graduate students, lecturers and researchers who are interested in learning about resources and environmental economics.
This book describes the existential threats facing the global water systems from population growth and economic development, unsustainable use, environmental change, and weak and fragmented governance. It argues that 'business-as-usual' water science and management cannot solve global water problems because today's water systems are increasingly complex and face uncertain future conditions. Instead, a more holistic, strategic, agile and publically engaged process of water decision making is needed. Building Resilience for Uncertain Water Futures emphasises the importance of adaptation through a series of case studies of cities, regions, and communities that have experimented with anticipatory policy-making, scenario development, and public engagement. By shifting perspective from an emphasis on management to one of adaptation, the book emphasizes the capacity to manage uncertainties, the need for cross-sector coordination, and mechanisms for engaging stakeholder with differing goals and conflict resolution. This book will be a useful resource for students and academics seeking a better understanding of sustainable water use, water policy and water resources management.
This book highlights the application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and nature based algorithms to solve the problems of water and water based renewable energy resources. The irregularity in availability of resources and inefficiency in utilization of the available resources has reduced the potentiality of water and water based renewable energy resources. In recent years various soft computation methods (SCM) along with GIS were adopted to solve critical problems. The book collects various studies where many SCMs were used along with GIS to provide a solution for optimal utilization of natural resources for satisfying the basic needs of the population as well as fulfilling their burgeoning energy demands. The articles depict innovative application of soft computation techniques to identify the root cause and to mitigate the uncertainty for optimal utilization of the available water resources. The advantage of SCM and GIS were used to maximize the utilization of water resources under cost and time constraints in face of climatic abnormalities and effect of rapid urbanization.
The present report aims to provide policy makers with background on the emerging trends and considerations as well as policy options, focusing on the key requirements for inclusive and affordable access. Following this introduction, chapter two provides an overview of the international policy frameworks, namely the Guidelines and the Sustainable Development Goals. Chapter three describes the features of the network services of water and sanitation, and energy, and places them in the consumer protection framework of inclusivity, affordability, and rights. Chapter four considers the role to be played by competitive markets and the interplay of competition policy and the regularization of the informal sector. Chapter five contains several policy options in the light of sustainability, including demand and supply-side efficiencies and fiscal options for demand reduction. A brief conclusion follows with a summary of policy considerations.
Ever increasing urbanization is impacting both the quantity and quality of urban water resources. These urban water resources and components of the water cycle are likely to be affected severely. To minimize the consequences on world water resources, the development of sustainable water resources management strategies is inevitable. An integrated urban water resources management strategy is the key to maintain sustainable water resources. A preliminary understanding of physio-chemical processes and analysis methodologies involved in each and every component of the urban water cycle is necessary. In the past these components have been investigated and published individually. With the view to aiding the development of integrated urban water resources management strategies, this book endeavors to present and explain the major urban water cycle components from a single holistic platform. The book presents the introduction, analysis and design methods of a wide range of urban water components i.e., rainfall, flood, drainage, water supply and waste water with the additions of sustainability practices in most of the components. Current "Hydrology" and "Hydraulics" books do not incorporate sustainability features and practices, while there are many books on general "Sustainability" without integrating sustainability concepts into typical engineering designs. The book starts with components and classifications of world water resources, then basic and detailed components of the hydrologic cycle, climate change and its impacts on hydrologic cycle, rainfall patterns and measurements, rainfall losses, derivations of design rainfalls, streamflow measurements, flood frequency analysis and probabilistic flood estimations, deterministic flood estimations, unit hydrograph, flood modelling, commercial modelling tools and use of Geographical Information System (GIS) for flood modelling, principles of open channel hydraulics, critical flow and flow classification indices, open channel flow profiles, uniform flow in open channel and open channel design, estimation of future population and domestic water demand, design of water supply systems, sustainable water supply system, water treatments, wastewater quantification, wastewater treatments, sustainable and decentralized wastewater treatment, stormwater drainage and urban drainage analysis, water footprint and water-energy nexus, features of water conservation, harvesting and recycling, components of sustainable urban design, stormwater treatment and integrated water management.
Achieving true wholesome sustainability requires a change of heart. Hence this book starts in the heart. It asks the timely question of 'how do we become true water stewards?' The transformation to a new sustainable practice will be made through a new connection with our heart, a more holistic type of analysis (brains) and the right actions based on personal integrity (hand). A water steward should be similar to the shepherds of olden days. They were given the responsibility to guard the sheep. The village trusted they would take care of the flock, make sure it would be well fed, protected from storms and kept together. The shepherd learned to take a long term perspective for the flock, ensuring that the pastures were not overgrazed, that the flock was not led too far away from access to water and that shelter was in reach in the event of storms and dangerous predators. Over time the shepherds became increasingly skilled in caring for the flock. They integrated the responsibility of the well-being of the flock into their identity. In a similar way, we can take the responsibility for human water consumption and our interaction with the natural world. We need to understand and work according to the big picture and the very long term perspective. Being a water steward requires deep reflection of how water should be treated and our relationship with water. Water utility professionals have the knowledge and have been trusted with the role of managing human water consumption. This is a great responsibility and requires deep reflection of how this should be done. The book will present ideas and concepts for the new role as well as questions for personal reflection.
The development of eco-industrial parks and associated 'ecological industry' concepts offer progressive integrated approaches to resolve pollution problems from effluents and wastes of all kinds. Most industry however is now located in business parks and industrial estates, with relatively few industries having direct discharges of process effluents to the water environment. But that does not mean no pollution. Many of these estates are very large, with many companies of all kinds spread over extensive areas. All have surface water drainage and stormwater runoff is often contaminated by many diffuse sources. Wealth Creation without Pollution is the culmination of several years of deliberations by academics and regulators, engaging with industrial and commercial sectors to characterise and quantify environmental problems and identify best practice solutions. Equally important have been efforts to explore sufficiently flexible regulatory regimes that offer effective means to prevent pollution and achieve good working environments in which industry and commerce can flourish. This book explores how modern industries are striving towards more sustainable practices, with case studies of impacts and of greener industry practices, as well as philosophical and policy papers. The role of regulators, planners and government in fostering a greener industrial base is also examined. Wealth Creation without Pollution is a valuable text book for environmental science and engineering students, and a useful resource for industrial architects, developers and practitioners.
This book presents a collection of chapters covering research on the Litani River Basin. The Litani River Basin occupies about a quarter of Lebanon's surface area, and it has recently been subject to severe geo-environmental conditions such as water contamination and decreased discharge. This motivated the Lebanese government to take action and start working on the remediation of the river. These actions are also supported by international organizations including the World Bank.
This book comprises two parts. The first part deals with some aspects of wastewater treatment, encompassing various types of technologies for treating wastewater and evaluation. The technologies, biochemical as well as chemical, including evaluation of technologies are also discussed. Part 2 is on solid waste management. It includes both municipal and industrial waste management. The book is of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology, environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural resources planning and management. Graduate students and those wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and their development and management find the book to be of value.
This book presents a model for describing the hierarchical concept of China's water rights structure, one which takes into account pioneering theories on natural resources and environmental institutional economics. It highlights the basic theory of water rights, with a view to helping Chinese policymakers acquire a deeper understanding of water rights and the need for a reform program in the long-term development of water-poor China. To do so, it draws on three main sources: Cheung SNS's "Economic Explanation", Douglas C. North's "New Economic History" and Ray Huang's "Macro History". The book makes two essential contributions: it elaborates the hierarchical water governance structure in China, which originated in the Qin Dynasty that unified the country 2000 years ago and has been employed without interruption ever since; further, it constructs a choice model for water governance structures and advances the logic of making structural choices with minimum transaction costs under constraint conditions, while also explaining the inherent nature of China's choice for the hierarchical structure from the perspectives of management cost and cooperation cost. As such, the book enriches and builds on the theories of the "water governance" school represented by Karl Marx, Karl Wittfogel and Ray Huang, laying the foundation for the further study of water rights theory in contemporary China. |
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