Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > The Bible > New Testament > General
The Life of Jesus is the biographical account of Jesus'
supernatural birth, extraordinary life, unjust death, confirmed
resurrection, and promised return to earth. The text from all four
Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) is harmonized into a
singular narrative and presented chronologically. Other features
include: - Words of Jesus in red - Reader's edition single-column
format without verse numbers - Contemporary, easy-to-read font -
Subject headings that introduce sections of the Bible text and its
source in the Gospels - Expanded text from the other Gospels for
the richest presentation of duplicate accounts.
Experience the life and love of Jesus as told in the book of John.
The Story of Jesus is the biographical account of Jesus'
supernatural birth, controversial life, unjust death, confirmed
resurrection, and promised return to earth as told by John, the
beloved disciple. This book is a resource to introduce Jesus' life
and the work of his Spirit to invite seekers, encourage saints, and
challenge sceptics. The Passion Translation is a new, heart-level
translation that expresses God's fiery heart of love to this
generation using Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts, merging
the emotion and life-changing truth of God's Word.
Paul's epistles to the churches of Philippi and Colossae, and to
Philemon stand together as some of the most profound illustrations
of the unifying power of the gospel in all of Scripture.
Highlighting the reconciliation that Christians enjoy in and
through Jesus, Paul's lofty words and impassioned exhortations spur
us to embrace one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
These books also cover important topics such as: Joy for the
Christian life The priority of the gospel Finding true contentment
in Christ Safeguards against seduction The source of fullness for
the Christian family
In this study of Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon, renowned
pastor R. Kent Hughes amplifies and explains the apostle Paul's
message with memorable illustrations and penetrating insights into
the biblical text. His careful exegesis and perceptive applications
will encourage fresh understanding and promote lasting growth as
readers are systematically led through God's Word.
In this fully revised new edition of a pioneering study of John's
gospel, John Ashton explores fresh topics and takes account of the
latest scholarly debates. Ashton argues first that the
thought-world of the gospel is Jewish, not Greek, and secondly that
the text is many-layered, not simple, and composed over an extended
period as the evangelist responded to the changing situation of the
community he was addressing. Ashton seeks to provide new and
coherent answers to what Rudolf Bultmann called the two great
riddles of the gospel: its position in the development of Christian
thought and its central or governing idea. In arguing that the
first of these should be concerned rather with Jewish thought
Ashton offers a partial answer to the most important and
fascinating of all the questions confronted by New Testament
scholarship: how did Christianity emerge from Judaism? Bultmann's
second riddle is exegetical, and concerns the message of the book.
Ashton's answer highlights a generally neglected feature of the
gospel's concept of revelation: its debt to Jewish apocalyptic.
Achttausend Predigten und mehr durfte Augustinus in den fast
vierzig Jahren seines pastoralen Wirkens gehalten haben. Nicht
einmal zehn Prozent davon sind uberliefert, und doch macht dieser
Bruchteil allein ca. 17% seines erhaltenen Opus aus. Augustins
Predigttatigkeit war also mehrfach umfangreicher als alle anderen
seiner Schriften zusammengenommen. Diese Zahlen machen die
tatsachlichen Dimensionen des Wirkens Augustins deutlich, die oft
zugunsten seiner philosophischen und theologischen Traktate
verkannt werden. Der siebte Band der ersten deutschsprachigen
Gesamtausgabe der Predigten legt vier Sermones zum Markusevangelium
vor, von denen zwei erstmals ins Deutsche ubertragen wurden. Der en
face abgedruckte Text gibt die grundlegende Edition der Mauriner
unter kritischem Vergleich mit den spateren Editionen und Angabe
der Abweichungen wieder. Die Einleitungen und Anmerkungen erlautern
das zur Einordnung und zum Verstandnis der Texte Erforderliche:
Echtheit, UEberlieferung, Chronologie, Struktur, Stil, historische
Daten, Theologie und Liturgie. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf
dem Nachweis des biblischen Gedankengutes.
The perfect little gift for your new little love! What better baby
shower or dedication gift than God's Word? The CSB Baby's New
Testament with Psalms will welcome baby now and become a sweet
keepsake later. Features include: Presentation page Gift boxWords
of Christ in redSilver page edgesNew Testament and Psalms in the
CSB (Christian Standard Bible). Part of what makes the CSB Baby's
New Testament special is the text of the Christian Standard Bible.
The CSBs optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes it a
trustworthy, easy-to-understand resource for kids to study and
memorise today -- and to live and share for a lifetime.
The Greek scholar William Lorimer spent the last ten years of his
life working on this project. Each Gospel has a different form of
Scots to match the different forms of Greek used by the various
apostles and scribes, and the vigour and immediacy of the language
is everywhere apparent. Transcribed, edited and published by his
son Robin Lorimer, this scholarly and dramatically fresh reading of
an already familiar text caused a sensation when it first appeared
in 1983. Beyond the poetry of the King James version, here are the
voices of the disciples themselves, speaking, as they undoubtedly
did, in 'plain braid Galilee'.
In the final nine chapters of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus
increasingly struggles with his disciples' incomprehension of his
unique concept of suffering messiahship and with the opposition of
the religious leaders of his day. The Gospel recounts the events
that led to Jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion by the Roman
authorities, concluding with an enigmatic ending in which Jesus'
resurrection is announced but not displayed. In this volume New
Testament scholar Joel Marcus offers a new translation of Mark 8-16
as well as extensive commentary and notes. He situates the
narrative within the context of first-century Palestine and the
larger Greco-Roman world; within the political context of the
Jewish revolt against the Romans (66-73 C.E.); and within the
religious context of the early church's sometimes rancorous
engagement with Judaism, pagan religion, and its own internal
problems. For religious scholars, pastors, and interested lay
people alike, the book provides an accessible and enlightening
window on the second of the canonical Gospels.
"Blessed are the peacemakers." The gospel of Jesus Christ is the
good news of peace: peace between God and humanity, peace among
humans. And yet it can be difficult to see that peace in our
broken, violent world. In this volume, Shawn Graves and Marlena
Graves have gathered contributions from theologians, pastors, and
practitioners on the importance and implementation of Christian
nonviolence in today's world. The vision they cast not only
responds to the realities of war and conflict but also offers a
broader, deeper understanding of peace that addresses topics such
as race, gender, disability, immigration, the environment, food
scarcity, and more-a holistic shalom that is evidence of God's
presence. May it be so.
John's Gospel has long been a favorite among Christians. In it we
encounter the living Jesus in his glory and his humanity, portrayed
with both simplicity and depth. Through the eyes of faith John
retells the story of the Word, drawing out its meaning for his
readers so that they "may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the
Son of God" and "have life in his name." In this Bible Speaks Today
volume, longtime pastor Bruce Milne provides a thoughtful
exposition of John well-suited to preachers and anyone who seeks a
deeper appreciation of the text. He sets the stage with
introductory material on the authorship of John, how it compares to
the other three Gospels, and its purpose and theology. Then Milne
guides readers passage-by-passage through the text, paying
attention to practical application as well as interpretation. A
study guide at the end of the book will help you to further ponder
and apply the riches of this Gospel. This completely redesigned new
edition includes updated language and Scripture quotations
throughout. As Milne puts it, "The mystery of Jesus Christ is the
theme of this gospel; always beyond us, yet always summoning us to
explore it more fully." With The Message of John, you have an
accessible and reliable guide as you explore John's powerful
portrait of Christ.