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The international legal framework of human rights presents itself as universal. But rights do not exist as a mere framework; they are enacted, practiced, and debated in local contexts. Rights After Wrongs ethnographically explores the chasm between the ideals and the practice of human rights. Specifically, it shows where the sweeping colonial logics of Western law meets the lived experiences, accumulated histories, and humanitarian debts present in post-colonial Zimbabwe. Through a comprehensive survey of human rights scholarship, Shannon Morreira explores the ways in which the global framework of human rights is locally interpreted, constituted, and contested in Harare, Zimbabwe, and Musina and Cape Town, South Africa. Presenting the stories of those who lived through the violent struggles of the past decades, Morreira shows how supposedly universal ideals become localized in the context of post-colonial Southern Africa. Rights After Wrongs uncovers the disconnect between the ways human rights appear on paper and the ways in which it is possible for people to use and understand them in everyday life.
Read Peter's Op-ed on Trump's Immigration Ban in The New York Times The rise of dual citizenship could hardly have been imaginable to a time traveler from a hundred or even fifty years ago. Dual nationality was once considered an offense to nature, an abomination on the order of bigamy. It was the stuff of titanic battles between the United States and European sovereigns. As those conflicts dissipated, dual citizenship continued to be an oddity, a condition that, if not quite freakish, was nonetheless vaguely disreputable, a status one could hold but not advertise. Even today, some Americans mistakenly understand dual citizenship to somehow be “illegalâ€, when in fact it is completely tolerated. Only recently has the status largely shed the opprobrium to which it was once attached. At Home in Two Countries charts the history of dual citizenship from strong disfavor to general acceptance. The status has touched many; there are few Americans who do not have someone in their past or present who has held the status, if only unknowingly. The history reflects on the course of the state as an institution at the level of the individual. The state was once a jealous institution, justifiably demanding an exclusive relationship with its members. Today, the state lacks both the capacity and the incentive to suppress the status as citizenship becomes more like other forms of membership. Dual citizenship allows many to formalize sentimental attachments. For others, it’s a new way to game the international system. This book explains why dual citizenship was once so reviled, why it is a fact of life after globalization, and why it should be embraced today.
Die 13. Auflage des eingefuhrten Lehrbuchs erscheint in voelliger Neubearbeitung. Das Werk zeichnet nicht nur die aktuelle Entwicklung von Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und wissenschaftlicher Diskussion auf dem Gebiet des Allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts einschliesslich des Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts nach, sondern ist auch grundlegend neu konzipiert worden. Besonderes Augenmerk wird der fortschreitenden Einwirkung des Europaischen Gemeinschaftsrechts geschenkt. Als neue Autoren konnten die Professorinnen Gurlit und Remmert sowie die Professoren Grzeszick, Jestaedt, Moestl, Punder, Ruffert und Scherzberg gewonnen werden. Die Neuauflage enthalt erstmals die aktuelle JURA-Kartei (JK) auf CD-ROM mit nahezu 5000 kommentierten Gerichtsentscheidungen, die der Leser uber die Verweise in dem Lehrbuch zum vertieften Studium heranziehen kann. Unverandert geblieben ist das von Anfang an verfolgte Ziel des Buches: namlich sowohl den Studierenden und Referendaren als auch der Praxis ein gut lesbares, systematisch ausgerichtetes Lehrbuch auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage an die Hand zu geben, das gleichermassen Orientierung und Anregung vermittelt.
Your gateway to criminal law: drawing on the exceptional clarity and authority of Smith and Hogan, with a wealth of unique supportive learning features and guidance on assessment. Smith, Hogan, & Ormerod's Essentials of Criminal Law takes students to the heart of this fascinating subject, providing focused, expert coverage alongside a wealth of student-friendly learning features to aid study. This is the perfect gateway into criminal law. - Combines the authority you would expect from a Smith, Hogan, and Ormerod title with numerous supportive learning features and an eye on developing analytical and assessment skills - The text offers a thorough, accessible, and unique introduction to criminal law for the student reader - Numerous learning features across the text highlight key cases, sources for extra reading, assessment advice, and flag common areas of confusion to avoid - Each chapter includes a section on reform including noted academic criticism of the law, furthering students' analytical understanding Digital formats and resources The fifth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with self-test questions, videos, animated diagrams, audio introductions, and links that offer extra learning support: www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/ebooks
Why does Monkey fear Leopard? Why does the Reed Warbler babble? How did Jabulani outwit the Lion? These and other intriguing questions are answered in When Bat was a Bird. Twenty-four fresh and exciting stories feature memorable creatures both real and magical. In his latest collection, author Nick Greaves draws once more from the lore, mythology and history of various southern African tribes to relate a new collection of tales that is bound to become a firm favourite along with the highly successful When Hippo was Hairy, When Lion Could Fly, and When Elephant was King.
Ein Europaisches Wahrnehmungsrecht entsteht. Das Europaische Parlament hat dazu in einer Entschliessung vom Januar 2004 Stellung genommen. Die Kommission hat nun, nachdem sie zuvor im April 2004 weitergehende Angleichungsplane angekundigt hatte, kurzfristig im Oktober 2005 eine Empfehlung fur den Bereich der Online-Musikdienste verabschiedet. Die Entwicklung ist im Fluss. Sie bedarf einer breiten und tiefgehenden Eroerterung. Dabei sind die Vorgaben des Primarrechts und des Internationalen Urheberrechts ebenso zu berucksichtigen wie Wahrnehmungsrecht und Wahrnehmungspraxis der Mitgliedstaaten. Die hier nebst Materialien veroeffentlichten Beitrage zur INTERGU-Tagung 2005 an der Europa-Universitat Viadrina sollen einen Beitrag zu dieser Diskussion leisten. Auf der Grundlage eines deutsch-polnischen Rechtsvergleichs werden die Grundlagen der gemeinschaftsrechtlichen Rechtsangleichung sowie die Entwicklung der Marktordnung im Bereich der Wahrnehmung von Online-Rechten an Werken der Musik eroertert.
This fast-paced action novel is set in a future where the world has
been almost destroyed. Like the award-winning novel Freak the
Mighty, this is Philbrick at his very best.
Today, almost anyone can upload and disseminate newsworthy content online, which has radically transformed our information ecosystem. Yet this often leaves us exposed to content produced without ethical or professional guidelines. In Graphic, Alexa Koenig and Andrea Lampros examine this dynamic and share best practices for safely navigating our digital world. Drawing on the latest social science research, original interviews, and their experiences running the world's first university-based digital investigations lab, Koenig and Lampros provide practical tips for maximizing the benefits and minimizing the harms of being online. In the wake of the global pandemic, they ask: How are people processing graphic news as they spend more time online? What practices can newsrooms, social media companies, and social justice organizations put in place to protect their employees from vicarious trauma and other harms? Timely and urgent, Graphic helps us navigate the unprecedented psychological implications of the digital age.
The 2nd edition of "Exercises in The Law of Nations" also seeks to impart case processing skills to students, in addition to the repetition and consolidation of substantive knowledge, because only substantive knowledge AND the ability to correctly use it in case resolution lead to written examination success. The book preliminarily presents the test that is commonly expected in written examinations for responsibility based on the law of nations, and largely follows the structures of the ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility of 2001 in doing so. The theory thus communicated should be translated in practice by the readers into the subsequent (from now on) 21 exercise tasks of varying degree of difficulty. Written solutions are conducive to self-control. Written literature references, in particular to current developments, simplify the consolidation. An index of important international judicature rounds out the volume.
Twenty years after President Clinton's impeachment proceedings, talk of impeachment is again in the air. But what are the grounds for impeaching a sitting president? Who is subject to impeachment? Is impeachment effective as a safeguard against presidential misconduct? What challenges does today's highly partisan political climate pose to the impeachment process, and what, if any, meaningful alternatives are there for handling presidential misconduct? For more than twenty years, The Federal Impeachment Process has served as the most complete analysis of the constitutional and legal issues raised in every impeachment proceeding in American history. Impeachment, Michael J. Gerhardt shows, is an inherently political process designed to expose and remedy political crimes--serious breaches of duty or injuries to the Republic. Subject neither to judicial review nor to presidential veto, it is a unique congressional power that involves both political and constitutional considerations, including the gravity of the offense charged, the harm to the constitutional order, and the link between an official's misconduct and duties. For this third edition, Gerhardt updates the book to cover cases since President Clinton, as well as recent scholarly debates. He discusses the issues arising from the possible impeachment of Donald Trump, including whether a sitting president may be investigated, prosecuted, and convicted for criminal misconduct or whether impeachment and conviction in Congress is the only way to sanction a sitting president; what the "Emoluments Clause" means and whether it might provide the basis for the removal of the president; whether gross incompetence may serve as the basis for impeachment; and the extent to which federal conflicts of interest laws apply to the president and other high ranking officials. Significantly updated, this book will remain the standard work on the federal impeachment process for years to come.
Urheber von musikalischen Werken koennen ihre Verwertungsrechte und gesetzlichen Vergutungsanspruche aus sachlichen oder auch rechtlichen Grunden z.T. nicht selbst wahrnehmen. Sie bedienen sich daher einer Verwertungsgesellschaft, die ihre Interessen gebundelt gegenuber den Musiknutzern vertritt. Im Bereich der musikalischen Urheberrechte nimmt die GEMA urheberrechtliche Verwertungsrechte und Vergutungsrechte der Rechteinhaber wahr. Die Reichweite ihrer Tatigkeit ergibt sich aus der Rechteubertragung, die im sog. Berechtigungsvertrag erfolgt. Die Verfasserin analysiert die Rechteubertragungen im Berechtigungsvertrag der GEMA umfassend und systematisch. An Hand eines einheitlichen Untersuchungsrahmens, der sich aus den vertragsrechtlichen und urheberrechtlichen Auslegungsgrundsatzen, den Verwertungsrechten des Urheberrechtsgesetzes sowie den wahrnehmungsrechtlichen und kartellrechtlichen Kontrolltatbestanden ergibt, eroertert sie die Vielzahl der Einzelregelung des Berechtigungsvertrags. Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist eine Abgrenzung der Rechte und Anspruche, die auf die GEMA zur kollektiven Wahrnehmung ubertragen werden von denen, die zur individuellen Wahrnehmung bei den Rechteinhabern verbleiben. Diese detaillierte und differenzierte Grenzziehung ist fur alle Beteiligten, Urheber, Nutzer und Verwertungsgesellschaft, von erheblicher praktischer Bedeutung, da die GEMA nur fur die ihr ubertragenen Rechte Lizenzen erteilen kann.
Concentrate Q&A Equity and Trusts is part of the Concentrate Q&A series, the result of a collaboration involving hundreds of law students and lecturers from universities across the UK. The series offers you better support and a greater chance to succeed on your law course than any of the competitors. 'A sure-fire way to get a 1st class result' (Naomi M, Coventry University) 'My grades have dramatically improved since I started using the OUP Q&A guides' (Glen Sylvester, Bournemouth University) 'These first class answers will transform you into a first class student' (Ali Mohamed, University of Hertfordshire) 'I can't think of better revision support for my study' (Quynh Anh Thi Le, University of Warwick) 'I would strongly recommend Q&A guides. They have vastly improved my structuring of exam answers and helped me identify key components of a high quality answer' (Hayden Roach, Bournemouth University) '100% would recommend. Makes you feel like you will pass with flying colours' (Elysia Marie Vaughan, University of Hertfordshire) 'My fellow students rave about this book' (Octavia Knapper, Lancaster University) 'The best Q&A books that I've read; the content is exceptional' (Wendy Chinenye Akaigwe, London Metropolitan University) 'I would not hesitate to recommend this book to a friend' (Blessing Denhere, Coventry University)
This series provides an overview of current analyses and developments pertaining to the law and legal issues in the United States. Topics covered in this volume include oversight and legal enforcement of the national mortgage settlement; public charge grounds of inadmissibility and deportability; an overview of judicial review of immigration matters; congressional authority to enact criminal law; judicial activity concerning enemy combatant detainees; the Iran hostages; and federal criminal offences of sexual abuse of children.
This book provides a systematic presentation of the most important commercial contracts under Swiss law, i.e., the contract of sale, the contract for work and services, the simple mandate contract, and the commercial agency contract, as well as the licence agreement, the exclusive distribution agreement, and the settlement agreement. The book also contains an in-depth introduction of the Swiss law of obligations, covering topics such as the fundamental principles of contract law, the obligation (as the effect of the contract), the formation of contracts, contract interpretation, validity of contracts, agency, general terms and conditions, and breach of contract. After English law, Swiss law is deemed to be the most attractive law applicable to the parties' contract in an international context. At the same time, English is usually chosen as the language of the arbitration proceedings. This book will therefore be an indispensable resource for all English-speaking lawyers interested in international commercial arbitration.
The book addresses the most pertinent theoretical and practical issues affecting the broad topic of harmonisation in the fields of environmental and energy law in a comprehensive and critical manner. In this respect, it constitutes a timely and meaningful contribution to the ongoing debate on the conceptual underpinnings, legal techniques and sector-specific problems concerned, while enriching the debate and promoting a more enhanced, coordinated regime to tackle environmental and energy issues in the European Union. Environmental legislation is often incoherent and fragmented, creating hurdles to its effective application. Consequently, rule makers need to resort to harmonisation, which is seen as referring to a number of techniques and instruments that all aim to clarify rules and establish a more coherent and solid legal framework. The book examines the merits of this approach within the context of the European Green Deal and the increasing urgency of the environmental and climate crisis, as well as the obstacles encountered and the questions arising from these complex processes. By bringing together more than fifteen renowned experts in the fields of European environmental and energy law, this book aims to dissect the most critical aspects of and obstacles in the process of strengthening coordination and, ultimately, effectiveness of the existing legal regimes in the field of environmental and energy law in the European Union while sparking further research in the field. Harmonisation in EU Environmental and Energy Law is highly recommended reading for legal scholars specialising in European environmental and energy law, as well as practitioners working in these fields.
Die vom Institut fA1/4r Kirchenrecht und rheinische Kirchenrechtsgeschichte an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen FakultAt der UniversitAt zu KAln betreute Sammlung a žEntscheidungen in Kirchensachen seit 1946a oe bietet die Judikatur staatlicher Gerichte zum allgemeinen Religionsrecht und zum VerhAltnis von Kirche und Staat. Die Sammlung ist die einzige ihrer Art im deutschsprachigen Raum. Bislang sind 39 BAnde mit fast 2800 Entscheidungen aus allen Gerichtszweigen erschienen. Sie bilden zugleich ein Dokument der Zeitgeschichte. Ab Band 39 wird die fA1/4r die VerhAltnisse in Deutschland relevante Rechtsprechung europAischer GerichtshAfe in die Sammlung einbezogen. Der vorliegende Band 40 umfasst die Entscheidungen in Kirchensachen fA1/4r den Zeitraum 1.1.2002 bis 30.6.2002.
The American dream of equal opportunity is in peril. America's economic inequality is shocking, poverty threatens to become a heritable condition, and our healthcare system is crumbling despite ever increasing costs. In this thought-provoking book, Edward D. Kleinbard demonstrates how the failure to acknowledge the force of brute luck in our material lives exacerbates these crises — leading to warped policy choices that impede genuine equality of opportunity for many Americans. What's Luck Got to Do with It? combines insights from economics, philosophy, and social psychology to argue for government's proper role in addressing the inequity of brute luck. Kleinbard shows how well-designed public investment can blunt the worst effects of existential bad luck that private insurance cannot reach and mitigate inequality by sharing the costs across the entire risk pool, which is to say, all of us. The benefits, as Kleinbard shares in a wealth of data, are economic as well as social — a more inclusive economy, higher national income, and greater life satisfaction for millions of Americans. Like it or not, our lives and opportunities are determined largely by luck. Kleinbard shows that while we can't undo every instance of misfortune, we can offer a path to not just a fairer America, but greater economic growth, more broadly shared.
Who determines the fuel standards for our cars? What about whether Plan B, the morning-after pill, is sold at the local pharmacy? Many people assume such important and controversial policy decisions originate in the halls of Congress. But the choreographed actions of Congress and the president account for only a small portion of the laws created in the United States. By some estimates, more than ninety percent of law is created by administrative rules issued by federal agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Health and Human Services, where unelected bureaucrats with particular policy goals and preferences respond to the incentives created by a complex, procedure-bound rulemaking process. With Bending the Rules, Rachel Augustine Potter shows that rule making is not the rote administrative activity it is commonly imagined to be but rather an intensely political activity in its own right. Because rule making occurs in a separation of powers system, bureaucrats are not free to implement their preferred policies unimpeded: the president, Congress, and the courts can all get involved in the process, often at the bidding of affected interest groups. However, rather than capitulating to demands, bureaucrats routinely employ "procedural politicking," using their deep knowledge of the process to strategically insulate their proposals from political scrutiny and interference. Tracing the rulemaking process from when an agency first begins working on a rule to when it completes that regulatory action, Potter show how bureaucrats use procedures to resist interference from Congress, the President, and the courts at each stage of the process. This influence reveals that unelected bureaucrats wield considerable influence over the direction of public policy in the United States.
The vast majority of the countries in the world are developing
countries--there are only thirty-four OECD (Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development) countries--and yet there is
a serious dearth of attention to developing countries in the
international and comparative law scholarship, which has been
preoccupied with the United States and the European Union.
"Competition Law and Development" investigates whether or not the
competition law and policy transplanted from Europe and the United
States can be successfully implemented in the developing world or
whether the developing-world experience suggests a need for a
different analytical framework. The political and economic
environment of developing countries often differs significantly
from that of developed countries in ways that may have serious
implications for competition law enforcement.
For ethnic minorities in Europe separated by state borders--such as Basques in France and Spain or Hungarians who reside in Slovakia and Romania--the European Union has offered the hope of reconnection or at least of rendering the divisions less obstructive. Conationals on different sides of European borders may look forward to increased political engagement, including new norms to support the sharing of sovereignty, enhanced international cooperation, more porous borders, and invigorated protections for minority rights. Under the pan-European umbrella, it has been claimed that those belonging to divided nations would no longer have to depend solely on the goodwill of the governments of their states to have their collective rights respected. Yet for many divided nations, the promise of the European Union and other pan-European institutions remains unfulfilled."Divided Nations and European Integration" examines the impact of the expansion of European institutions and the ways the EU acts as a confederal association of member states, rather than a fully multinational federation of peoples. A wide range of detailed case studies consider national communities long within the borders of the European Union, such as the Irish and Basques; communities that have more recently joined, such as the Croats and Hungarians; and communities that are not yet members but are on its borders or in its "near abroad," such as the Albanians, Serbs, and Kurds. This authoritative volume provides cautionary but valuable insights to students of European institutions, nations and nationalism, regional integration, conflict resolution, and minority rights.Contributors: Tozun Bahcheli, Zoe Bray, Alexandra Channer, Zsuzsa Cserg, Marsaili Fraser, James M. Goldgeier, Michael Keating, Tristan James Mabry, John McGarry, Margaret Moore, Sid Noel, Brendan O'Leary, David Romano, Etain Tannam, Stefan Wolff."
This is a manuscript, anecdote, lyrical description, humour and pathos. It gives a very vivid impression of growing up in a poor farming family in Namaqualand round about the Second World War, and is also a tragic story of a family struggling to keep hold of their land in the face of official persecution. The author writes very movingly of the theft of land from the indigenous population of Namaqualand, and specifically from the narrator's family. This amounts to a continuous process of unfair appropriation and trickery by the authorities, dating from the 1850s and continuing through to the present day.
Packed with clever tips, valuable hints, quick fixes, makeovers for all budgets and real-life examples. Covering everything from the basics, such as structure and planning, through to adding final finishing touches. |
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