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Books > Medicine > General issues > Public health & preventive medicine > Personal & public health > Health psychology
Hauptsache gesund Der entscheidende Ansatz der Gesundheitspsychologie ist es, die Gesundheit (und nicht die Abwesenheit von Krankheit) in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Dies tun auch Babette Renneberg und Philipp Hammelstein konsequent: Die Themenvielfalt spiegelt die zahlreichen Tatigkeitsfelder des Fachgebietes wieder - sie reicht von der Verminderung des Konsums von Nikotin und Alkohol, Ernahrung und Dentalhygiene, Bewegungsverhalten und Stress-Management bis hin zu sexuellem Kontaktverhalten. Die Inhalte sind fur Studierende und angehende Gesundheitspsychologen aufbereitet: So wird der Einstieg in das noch junge Fachgebiet leicht gemacht."
Im arztlich-medizinischen Berufsfeld wird haufig unterschatzt, wie eng korperliche Krankheiten mit psychischen Vorgangen verknupft sind. Das Fachgebiet der medizinischen Psychologie setzt an den zahlreichen Beruhrungspunkten zwischen Medizin und Psychologie an: den Auswirkungen korperlicher Erkrankungen oder medizinischer Eingriffe auf das psychische Erleben und Befinden, den Einfluss psychischer Zustande auf Entstehung und Verlauf von Erkrankungen oder die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen zwischen Arzten, Patienten und Angehorigen. In diesem Buch beleuchten fuhrende Vertreter des Faches solche medizinpsychologischen Fragen und Erkenntnisse erstmals getrennt fur spezifische, medizinische Anwendungsgebiete: Was hat die Psychologie u.a. zur Onkologie, Kardiologie, Zahnmedizin, Augenheilkunde oder auch zu Themen wie "Sterben, Tod und Trauern" und "Telemedizin" zu sagen? Wie tragen z.B. psychische Faktoren zur Entstehung einer Herzinsuffizienz oder der Migrane bei?"
Cosa si prova a non poter avere un figlio? Quanto e difficile comunicare alla coppia una diagnosi di sterilita? Come affrontare il 70% dei fallimenti delle tecniche di PMA? Come una legge puo' incidere sul futuro di un embrione? Il testo, nato dalla fusione multidisciplinare medica, psicologica e sociologica, vuole riflettere su queste domande e accompagnare il lettore in una nuova forma mentis sulle criticita nella fecondazione assistita. La trama scientifica si accompagna a un linguaggio diretto dove hanno un posto rilevante le emozioni, cosi' centrali in campi quali la ginecologia, la riproduzione e la psicologia dell'infertilita, che vanno al cuore del bisogno psico-sessuale piu forte e arcaico: quello riproduttivo. Al centro del volume e la relazione medico-paziente che, nel campo dell'infertilita, e caratterizzata dall'attivazione di forti echi emotivi da parte di entrambi. Il volume, a tale riguardo, propone il protocollo SAHARAI che comprende due metodi inediti (il questionario e il nurse-ring) capaci di intervenire, rispettivamente, nella fase diagnostica e in quella terapeutica della fecondazione. I metodi e le riflessioni proposti sono volti alla riduzione dei disagi psicologici delle coppie e al riequilibrio del rapporto medico-paziente. Dal testo emerge forte una nuova idea di formazione per gli operatori dei centri di fecondazione assistita e un percorso di qualificazione per le nuove figure professionali (gli psicologi addetti alla PMA) in accordo con le nuove direttive della legge."
Psychodermatology covers all aspects of how the mind and body interact in relation to the onset and progression of various skin disorders. This book is the first text written by a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, child specialists and dermatologists for all the health professionals who treat patients with skin problems. They cover a broad range of issues affecting these patients, including: stigma, coping, relationships, psychological treatments, the impact on children, comorbidities, psychoneuroimmunology, quality of life and psychological treatments.
Lebensqualitat ist mehr als nur Gesundheit Deutsche Kohortenstudie zur Frauengesundheit Aber war macht die Lebensqualitat von Frauen heute aus? Weibliche "Lust, Leid und Lebensqualitat" ist das Thema der 1998 bundesweit angelegten (und noch immer fortlaufenden) "deutschen Kohortenstudie zur Frauengesundheit" Uber 10.000 Frauen zwischen 18 und 65 Jahren wurden zu einer grossen Bandbreite gesundheitsrelevanter Themen befragt. Psychologische Fragen Aus psychologischer Sicht stellt sich die Frage: Wie beeinflussen unterschiedliche Selbstbilder Frauen in ihrer gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualitat, ihrer sexuellen Lust, aber auch ihrem korperlichen und psychischen Leiden? Und wo gibt es Ansatzpunkte diese Lebensqualitat zu verbessern? Thema "Frauengesundheit" Die Medizinpsychologin Beate Schultz-Zehden richtet den Blickpunkt auf derzeitige weibliche Lebenswelten und Lebensverhaltnisse. Ihre empirischen Ergebnisse bringen wichtige psychosoziale Aspekte - Ausbildungsstand, Erziehungsarbeit und Altersvorsorge von Frauen - in die offentliche Diskussion rund um das Thema Frauengesundheit ein."
Psychiatry is enormously complex. One of its main difficulties is to articulate the relationship between the wide assortment of factors that may cause or contribute to psychiatric disorders. Such factors range from traumatic experiences to dysfunctional neurotransmitters, existential worries, economic deprivation, social exclusion and genetic bad luck. The relevant factors and how they interact can differ not only between diagnoses but also between individuals with the same diagnosis. How should we understand and navigate such complexity? Enactive Psychiatry presents an integrative account of the many phenomena at play in the development and persistence of psychiatric disorders by drawing on insights from enactivism, a theory of embodied cognition. From the enactive perspective on the mind and its relation to both the body and the world, we can achieve a new understanding of the nature of psychiatric disorders and the causality involved in their development and treatment, thereby resolving psychiatry's integration problem.
An international team of experts examines the evidence supporting the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral approaches for treating clinical problems across the lifespan. These experts analyze the cognitive models of psychopathology on which these treatments are based; identify the clinical and conceptual problems; and make specific recommendations for addressing them. The range of disorders covered includes depression, anxiety, panic disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, personality disorders, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, conduct problems and addiction.
Focusing on the emergence of gender difference as a major life transition, this study provides a summary of interdisciplinary research that includes contributions from an international team of leading experts. Puberty is one of the most important life transitions. At no other time are there such significant and rapid transformations in biology and social and psychological development. Topics covered in this volume include biological aspects of puberty, body image, aggression, sexual abuse, opposite-sex relationships and the psychopathology of puberty.
Violence within the family, whether directed against children, partners or elders, profoundly disturbs our notions of what the relationship between the family and the discipline of general practice should be. GPs are doctors to whole families and yet their relationships with patients are individual ones, drawing their strength from the principles of confidentiality, mutual trust and positive regard. Violence and abuse within families necessarily challenges all of these, creating a profusion of ethical, interpersonal and practical difficulties and dilemmas. At the same time the nature of general practice confers unique opportunities to deal effectively with family violence. GPs and GP registrars will find this book an invaluable and empowering resource. It brings together a broad range of expertise and opinion from relevant specialities and disciplines and sets family violence in its historical, epidemiological and societal context. It describes in separate sections, child abuse, domestic violence and elder abuse, its presentations, diagnosis and treatment; and suggests ways forward for its prevention and early detection. It draws throughout on the experience of GPs, health visitors and social workers, providing practical safe and workable guidelines. Family violence can present to any member of the primary care team and there is much here that will be of relevance and interest to them all.
If you are a transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) teen, you may experience unique challenges with identity and interpersonal relationships. In addition to experiencing common teen challenges such as body changes and peer pressure, you may be wondering how to express your unique identity to others. The Gender Quest Workbook incorporates skills, exercises, and activities from evidence-based therapies-such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-to help you address the broad range of struggles you may encounter related to gender identity, such as anxiety, isolation, fear, and even depression. Despite outdated beliefs, gender no longer implies being simply male or female, but rather a whole spectrum of possibilities. This fun, engaging workbook is designed specifically for teens like you who want to explore the concept of gender and gender identity and expression-whether you already identify as TGNC or are simply questioning your gender identity. The activities in this book will help you explore your identity internally, interpersonally, and culturally. And along the way, you'll learn how to effectively express yourself and make informed decisions on how to navigate your gender at home, school, work, or in relationships.
Nothing to Grasp invites readers to explore their experience in the here and now, wake up from commonplace misconceptions, and see through the imaginary separate self at the root of human suffering and confusion. This book points relentlessly to what is most obvious and impossible to avoid-the ever-present, ever-changing, nonconceptual actuality of the present moment, which is effortlessly presenting itself right now-and encourages readers to celebrate life, exactly the way it is.
The artificial noise in our lives is a debris field of arbitrary and often harmful signals. Our lives are riddled with sound: heavy-footed neighbours, an ambulance screeching nearby, white noise from the television. Unsurprisingly, the noisy environment in which we live has an immense impact on our concentration, alertness, and feelings of anxiety. To help us manage the rubble that hinders our mind and well-being, Bernie Krause whisks us through the practical steps that each one of us can take to reduce the unhealthy noise in your life and realize the healing powers of certain acoustic encounters. Along the way, we explore the difference between harmful noise and the signals that make us feel good, between noise as a stressor and soundscapes that serve to boost our emotional and physiological health and stimulate our productivity. By following his suggestions you'll discover what a wide variety of sound signatures represent; which ones you like, which ones you don't, and why. Thoroughly researched and accessibly crafted, THE POWER OF TRANQUILITY IN A VERY NOISY WORLD will show you how to gain control over your sonic experiences and live a more tranquil and enduring life.
Hailed in the New York Times as "entertaining and immensely educational," Snake Oil Science is not only a brilliant critique of alternative medicine, but also a first-rate introduction to interpreting scientific research of any sort. The book's ultimate goal is to illustrate how the placebo effect conspires to make medical therapies appear to be effective--not just to consumers, but to therapists and poorly trained scientists as well. Bausell explores this remarkable phenomenon and explains why research on any therapy that does not factor in the placebo effect (and other placebo-like effects) will inevitably produce false results. Moreover, as the author shows in an impressive survey of research from high-quality scientific journals, studies employing credible placebo controls do not indicate positive effects for alternative therapies beyond those attributable to random chance. Readers will come away from this book with a healthy skepticism of claims about the latest "miracle cure," be it St. John's Wort for depression or acupuncture for chronic pain.
The word stress is everywhere and highly overused. Everyone is stressed, it seems, all the time. Looking into the meaning of stress in the natural science and the humanities, this book explores cellular stress as cause of and in correlation with what humans experience as stress. When do we psychologically feel stress and when do we show physiological evidence of stress in our brain? Stress is a deviation from what feels normal and healthy. It can be created by social or economic factors and become chronic, which has substantial impacts on the individual and society as a whole. Focusing on poverty as one chronic inducer of stress, this book explores how the lack of pressure-free time, the hardships and unpredictability of everyday life and a general lack of protection lead to destructive toxic stress. This pressure affects cognitive and social functioning, brain development during childhood and may also result in premature aging. How can the sciences inform our understanding of and our response to stress? What can be done about toxic stress both on a personal level and in terms of structures and policies? The book is written for anyone interested in stress, its causes and consequences, and its relationship to poverty.
This book describes what schizophrenia is really like, how the illness progresses and the treatments that have been applied. It also summarizes the most up-to-date knowledge available about the biological bases of this disorder. Finally, it attempts to give some idea of what it is like to have schizophrenia and what this disorder tells us about the relationship between the mind and the brain.
If you buy just one book on bipolar disorder, let this be it.
There's an old saying: "Prevention is better than cure." If you
have bipolar disorder, this is especially true. For you, it's
incredibly important to read the warning signs of a possible
episode. For instance, you may find you are not sleeping as well as
usual, or you might be sleeping too much. You may stop doing things
that you normally enjoy, or you may start acting out your impulses
in ways that alienate those around you or get you into
trouble. While the path to wellness for those with bipolar may involve
psychiatric visits and medication adjustments, preventing manic and
depressive episodes is the true key to staying healthy and happy.
So how do you do it? And most importantly, how can you keep
yourself motivated? In this powerful, breakthrough book, bipolar
expert Ruth C. White shares her own personal approach to relapse
prevention using the innovative program SNAP (Sleep, Nutrition,
Activity, and People). White also offers practical tips and
tracking tools you can use anytime, anywhere. By making necessary
lifestyle adjustments, you can maintain balanced moods, recognize
the warning signs of an oncoming episode, and make the necessary
changes to reduce or prevent it. This is the first and only book on bipolar disorder that focuses exclusively on prevention. To help you stay well, White includes links to helpful online tracking tools so that you can manage your symptoms, anytime, anywhere. If you are ready to stop living in fear of your next episode, this life-changing book can help you take charge of your diagnosis--and your life.
Adolescents are more likely than any other age groups to engage in
behaviors that contribute to injuries, violence, unintended
pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and reckless alcohol,
tobacco, and drug use. At-risk adolescents may also exhibit signs
of moodiness, aggression, and even self-injury, and these behaviors
often cause parents, teachers, and clinicians to become extremely
frustrated. Adolescents themselves may even believe that change is
impossible. |
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