Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Non-Christian religions > Islam
Al-Minhaj Al-Sawi is a milestone work, the first work of its kind
for many centuries. It is a compendium of Prophetic Hadiths,
categorised under a number of headings and compiled with clear
relevance to the lives and situation of Muslims in the modern age.
The work is authenticated by a rigorous and detailed process of
Takhreej - referencing each hadith to its sources - from a study of
over 300 authentic works of hadith. This work will be useful for
academics in many relevant fields, whether researching the basis of
orthodox Sunni belief and practice, or examining the contemporary
Muslim response to religious extremism. It is split into 2 volumes:
Prophetic Virtues and Miracles and Righteous Character and Social
Interactions. The first part Prophetic Virtues and Miracles will
prove invaluable to readers who wish to understand, in the light of
the most authenticated and sourced classical Islamic materials, the
responsibilities of Muslims in modern age, and the rights of
others, and will provide clarity in relation to the Prophet
Muhammad's virtues and life, his methods of worship and spiritual
practice and other aspects of his Sunnah.
The Holy Quran presents an irrefutable basis and belief system for
the establishment of a stable and harmonious life in this world,
and a triumphant return to Paradise in the Next. There are
misunderstandings about the very source-springs of human well-being
the belief in the spiritual realities of existence, the infinite
love for the Holy Messenger, and the unity regarding the
implementation of the divinely revealed programme for human
society.Young people all over the world, Muslim as well as
non-Muslim, are brought up and educated in an environment permeated
by scientific materialism. It is modern learning which programmes
their minds and causes them to reject anything they find
incompatible with what they have been taught about man and life on
the earth. This book will clarify the misunderstandings and
confusions about Islamic spirituality on scientific
grounds.Scientific orthodoxy refers to magnetic sensitivity in
human beings, electromagnetic energies that permeate our
atmosphere, the flow of positive and negative ions in the
atmosphere affecting human brain activity, the function of the
pineal gland and many other empirical sources of transcendent
experience that are yet to be investigated. This magnetic energy
basis of spiritual experience, which the scientific camp has been
forced into revealing, has proved to be a welcome development of
modern science from the point of view of Islamic spirituality.The
younger generation of modern times will have their belief
reconfirmed by the study of the scientific facts cited in this
book. The scientific reality of Islamic spirituality is
demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt.