Books > Social sciences > Psychology > Cognition & cognitive psychology > Learning
In order to become a good speller, many strategies are needed. Some
people are naturally good at spelling, and others (like me ) need
to work at it This book has homophone word pairs. The pictures will
help students both understand the difference in meaning, as well as
be able to memorize the spelling of each word
Everyone is called upon to learn new things or improve their
existing knowledge almost every day. Whether it is learning a new
skill or improving an older one, learning is necessary to keep
ourselves performing at our very best. We also often interested in
learning a new hobby, skill or just want to improve our knowledge
of anything for any reason. No matter what the reason I am certain
we all can agree that proper learning is an important skill for
everyone to master. "How to Learn Anything Fast " will explain the
different ways we can learn and how to determine what method is
best for you. We show you how manage the learning process
effectively and how to give yourself the best possible chances for
success as well. Learning something is not very useful if you can't
remember what you learned so we also show you very effective ways
to remember more of what you have learned for longer periods of
time. This will enable you to improve your performance and make you
life better, easier and much less stressful. "How Learn Anything
FAST " is written in a very easy to understand format that is not
only easy to read but enjoyable as well You will get the
information you need and enjoy the process at the same time This is
the perfect book for anyone of any age who wishes to learn more in
less time with greater comprehension. It is perfect for everyone
This book brings together two main disciplines, namely cultural
studies and language education - both of which share a long
standing interest in films, multimodal text-forms, and visuals. It
highlights the increasing impact of visuals and multimodal texts on
our perception of the world, our discourse behavior, and how this
calls for a change in methodologies and media to be used in foreign
language classrooms. The book helps to orientate educators in
schools and teachers at universities within the broad concept of a
multiliteracies approach and to contextualize it with regard to
teaching and learning English as a foreign language. (Series:
Foreign Language Teaching in Global Perspective /
Fremdsprachendidaktik in Globaler Perspektive - Vol. 2)
Why don't kids learn? Why can't students do higher order
thinking? Why do educators have endless staff meetings with few
results? How can parents and teachers communicate better?
The pressure upon educators to teach more, to a wider range and
number of students, with decreasing resources and supports makes it
urgent to find tools to answer such questions.
The Art of Focused Conversation for Schools demonstrates how the
Focused Conversation method, widely used in organizations and
businesses, can effectively be used in a K-12 educational setting.
Each section deals with interactions among students, staff, and
parents, and elaborates with over 100 sample conversations designed
to make learning more meaningful, prevent and solve problems, and
make communications in meetings more effective. Appendices showcase
integrated curriculum examples where conversations have been used
in unique combinations and list sample questions for each level of
the conversation method. With a bibliography and index included,
and patterned after its highly successful predecessor, The Art of
Focused Conversation: 100 Ways to Access Group Wisdom in the
Workplace, this book will be welcomed by parents, students,
educators, and school administrators everywhere.
The Institute of Cultural Affairs has over 40 years experience
in more than 32 nations. A unique facilitation, research and
training organization, ICA Canada has provided participatory skills
to many thousands of people worldwide.
Educate students in mind and body-and optimize their success. There
is no issue today that gets more attention and incites more debate
than children's use of technology. Technology offers exciting new
opportunities and challenges to you and your students. Meanwhile,
movement is essential to learning-it increases mental energy and
helps brain cells develop. But screen time often comes at the
expense of physical activity. How do you choose? You don't! This
blended instructional approach combines kinesthetic teaching
methodologies with technological resources to meet content
standards, increase achievement and test scores, and enrich the
learning process. Here you'll find A neuroscientific overview of
the powerful brain-body connection Step-by-step instructions for
balancing movement and the use of technology in the classroom
Practical tools, templates, and vignettes to ensure successful
implementation Classroom management tactics and useful remedies for
common problems Educating the whole child means promoting social,
physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive growth. By joining two
powerful teaching tools, you'll prepare students for a bright
future-in school and in life-while growing your instructional
expertise as well.
Demonstrate how teachers can use a "conceptual lens" to design
instructional units and differentiated lessons that deepen
students' thinking skills and inspire a genuine love of learning.
The trend in universities is moving from the traditional lecture
hall to the halls of the World Wide Web, where students are
experiencing a new kind of classroom; one that is exciting,
fast-paced, and full of rich cultural experiences as they sit,
"virtually," among classmates from all around the globe. This study
focuses on graduate and undergraduate students' perceptions of the
hybrid course format which is a blended course structure
encompassing both traditional and online practices. Soliciting the
opinions of students' aide institutional leaders in determining
areas in which they can improve, strengthen, and grow university
programs. In a world where technology is advancing at breakneck
speeds and is an integral part of everyday life, online learning is
being embraced by students. Consequently, educational institutions
must recognize student demands for innovative and effective course
delivery that meets not only institutional objectives, but also
meets the needs of the student body. The university that considers
diversity in learning, supports learning opportunities that are
innovated, flexible, interacting, and engaging, and is committed to
ongoing program evaluation will see an increase in student
satisfaction, thus resulting in successful program development and
growth. Whether institutions are interested in creating new
learning experiences, increasing access and convenience, or
reducing costs, research indicates that providing the option of
various online course formats is necessary to remain competitive in
a global market.
It's one of the great mysteries of teaching: Why do some students
""get it"" and some students don't? In this book, Betty K. Garner
focuses on why students struggle and what teachers can do to help
them become self-directed learners. Difficulty reading,
remembering, paying attention, or following directions are not the
reasons students fail but symptoms of the true problem:
underdeveloped cognitive structures-the mental processes necessary
to connect new information with prior knowledge; organize
information into patterns and relationships; formulate rules that
make information processing automatic, fast, and predictable; and
abstract generalizable principles that allow them to transfer and
apply learning. Each chapter focuses on a key cognitive structure
and uses real-life accounts to illustrate how learners construct
meaning by using recognition, memorization, conservation of
constancy, classification, spatial orientation, temporal
orientation, and metaphorical thinking. The author's simple
techniques stress reflective awareness and visualization. It's by
helping students to be conscious of what their senses are telling
them, encouraging them to visualize the information for processing,
and then prompting them to ask questions and figure out solutions
on their own that teachers can best help students develop the tools
they need to: Gather, organize, and make sense of information.
Become cognitively engaged and internally motivated to achieve.
Experience learning as a dynamic process of creating and changing.
Suggestions for using these techniques in daily classroom practice,
advice on lesson planning for cognitive engagement, and guidelines
for conducting reflective research expand this book's practical
applications. Use it not only to help struggling students break
through hidden barriers but to empower all students with tools that
will last a lifetime.
How to collect data about cognitive processes and events, how to
analyze CTA findings, and how to communicate them effectively: a
handbook for managers, trainers, systems analysts, market
researchers, health professionals, and others. Cognitive Task
Analysis (CTA) helps researchers understand how cognitive skills
and strategies make it possible for people to act effectively and
get things done. CTA can yield information people need-employers
faced with personnel issues, market researchers who want to
understand the thought processes of consumers, trainers and others
who design instructional systems, health care professionals who
want to apply lessons learned from errors and accidents, systems
analysts developing user specifications, and many other
professionals. CTA can show what makes the workplace work-and what
keeps it from working as well as it might. Working Minds is a true
handbook, offering a set of tools for doing CTA: methods for
collecting data about cognitive processes and events, analyzing
them, and communicating them effectively. It covers both the "why"
and the "how" of CTA methods, providing examples, guidance, and
stories from the authors' own experiences as CTA practitioners.
Because effective use of CTA depends on some conceptual grounding
in cognitive theory and research-on knowing what a cognitive
perspective can offer-the book also offers an overview of current
research on cognition. The book provides detailed guidance for
planning and carrying out CTA, with chapters on capturing knowledge
and capturing the way people reason. It discusses studying
cognition in real-world settings and the challenges of rapidly
changing technology. And it describes key issues in applying CTA
findings in a variety of fields. Working Minds makes the
methodology of CTA accessible and the skills involved attainable.
Interest, the momentary emotional feeling of curiosity, has always
been a problem for mainstream psychologists because although simple
interest and idle curiosity are always available to be cited as
motives, they seem to be far too simple to account adequately for
any aspect of human motivation or behaviour. The existence of
interests, the enduring hobbies and avocations that give colour and
frivolity to motivational life, gives rise to the question of why
we are interested in some things rather than in others. Although
this question is very important and basic to an understanding of
human motivation and behaviour, it has generally been ignored or
treated as simply too difficult to quantify. If properly
understood, interest and interests could provide insights into many
different issues, such as how transient emotional experience
consolidates into lasting motives and how psychological states
develop into traits. Understanding interest and interests and
connecting the disparate areas within the psychology of interest
are the primary goals of this book. As the first book on interest
in decades, it will serve as the primary resource for anyone
studying the psychology of interest.
Does the capacity to learn increase or decrease over time? How does the sense of self and identity change over the adult years? What are the educational implications of that change? And how can teachers acknowledge the experience their adult students bring to the classroom? In this book, Mark C. Tennant and Philip Pogson draw on the field of developmental psychology to provide new insights into the critical connections between experience and learning in all areas of adult education and training. Integrating findings from both adult developmental psychology and adult teaching and learning, the authors examine how experience generates developmental change. They look at how the relationship between self and others changes across the lifespan and, in turn, affects the teacher-learner relationship. And they describe the processes that promote separateness, indepAndence, interdepAndence, and autonomy in adult learners.Learning and Change in the Adult Years thoroughly explores the role of development in adult learning, the investment of 'self' in learning, and the link between social development and personal development to give teachers and trainers both the concepts and tools for promoting autonomy and self-direction in learners. MARK TENNANT is dean of faculty and professor of adult education in the Faculty of Education, University of Technology, Sydney. He has published numerous articles in international journals on the theme of lifespan development and learning. His book Psychology and Adult Learning won the 1990 Cyril Houle Award for outstanding literature in adult education. PHILIP POGSON is staff development manager at the University of Sydney, Australia. He has held a number of positions in education and training at both the university level and in vocational training for the long term disadvantaged unemployed.
An interdisciplinary overview of current research on imitation in
animals and artifacts. The effort to explain the imitative
abilities of humans and other animals draws on fields as diverse as
animal behavior, artificial intelligence, computer science,
comparative psychology, neuroscience, primatology, and linguistics.
This volume represents a first step toward integrating research
from those studying imitation in humans and other animals, and
those studying imitation through the construction of computer
software and robots. Imitation is of particular importance in
enabling robotic or software agents to share skills without the
intervention of a programmer and in the more general context of
interaction and collaboration between software agents and humans.
Imitation provides a way for the agent-whether biological or
artificial-to establish a "social relationship" and learn about the
demonstrator's actions, in order to include them in its own
behavioral repertoire. Building robots and software agents that can
imitate other artificial or human agents in an appropriate way
involves complex problems of perception, experience, context, and
action, solved in nature in various ways by animals that imitate.
How may one learn to concentrate? "I am going to tell you about the
easiest, most natural, helpful, method I know of. And I can vouch
for its efficacy.