Books > Academic & Education > Professional & Technical > Mathematics
Linear Algebra: An Introduction With Mathematica uses a
matrix-based presentation and covers the standard topics any
mathematician will need to understand linear algebra while using
Mathematica. Development of analytical and computational skills is
emphasized, and worked examples provide step-by-step methods for
solving basic problems using Mathematica. The subject's rich
pertinence to problem solving across disciplines is illustrated
with applications in engineering, the natural sciences, computer
animation, and statistics.
Quantification and modalities have always been topics of great
interest for logicians. These two themes emerged from philosophy
language in ancient times; they were studied by traditional
methods until the 20th century. In the last century the tools
highly mathematical, and both modal logic and quantification found
numerous applications in Computer Science. At the same time many
other kinds of nonclassical logics were investigated and applied to
Computer Science.
Although there exist several good books in propositional modal
logics, this book is the first detailed monograph in nonclassical
first-order quantification. It includes results obtained during the
past thirty years. The field is very large, so we confine ourselves
with only two kinds of logics: modal and superintuitionistic. The
main emphasis of Volume 1 is model-theoretic, and it concentrates
on descriptions of different sound semantics and completeness
problem --- even for these seemingly simple questions we have our
hands full. The major part of the presented material has never been
published before. Some results are very recent, and for other
results we either give new proofs or first proofs in full detail.
Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations is the
last text of a five-volume reference in mathematics and
methodology. This volume follows the format set by the preceding
volumes, presenting numerous contributions that reflect the nature
of the area of evolutionary partial differential equations. The
book is comprised of five chapters that feature the following: A
thorough discussion of the shallow-equations theory, which is used
as a model for water waves in rivers, lakes and oceans. It covers
the issues of modeling, analysis and applications * Evaluation of
the singular limits of reaction-diffusion systems, where the
reaction is fast compared to the other processes; and applications
that range from the theory of the evolution of certain biological
processes to the phenomena of Turing and cross-diffusion
instability Detailed discussion of numerous problems arising from
nonlinear optics, at the high-frequency and high-intensity regime *
Geometric and diffractive optics, including wave interactions
Presentation of the issues of existence, blow-up and asymptotic
stability of solutions, from the equations of solutions to the
equations of linear and non-linear thermoelasticity Answers to
questions about unique space, such as continuation and backward
uniqueness for linear second-order parabolic equations. Research
mathematicians, mathematics lecturers and instructors, and academic
students will find this book invaluable
Progress in mathematics is based on a thorough understanding of the
mathematical objects under consideration, and yet many textbooks
and monographs proceed to discuss general statements and assume
that the reader can and will provide the mathematical
infrastructure of examples and counterexamples. This book makes a
deliberate effort to correct this situation: it is a collection of
examples. The following table of contents describes its breadth and
reveals the underlying motivation--differential geometry--in its
many facets: Riemannian, symplectic, K*adahler, hyperK*adahler, as
well as complex and quaternionic.
This handbook is the fourth volume in a series of volumes devoted
to self-contained and up-to-date surveys in the theory of ordinary
differential equations, with an additional effort to achieve
readability for mathematicians and scientists from other related
fields so that the chapters have been made accessible to a wider
* Covers a variety of problems in ordinary differential equations
* Pure mathematical and real-world applications
* Written for mathematicians and scientists of many related fields
This handbook is the sixth and last volume in the series devoted to
stationary partial differential equations. The topics covered by
this volume include in particular domain perturbations for boundary
value problems, singular solutions of semilinear elliptic problems,
positive solutions to elliptic equations on unbounded domains,
symmetry of solutions, stationary compressible Navier-Stokes
equation, Lotka-Volterra systems with cross-diffusion, and fixed
point theory for elliptic boundary value problems.
* Collection of self-contained, state-of-the-art surveys
* Written by well-known experts in the field
* Informs and updates on all the latest developments
Aimed at starting researchers in the field, Realizability gives a
rigorous, yet reasonable introduction to the basic concepts of a
field which has passed several successive phases of abstraction.
Material from previously unpublished sources such as Ph.D. theses,
unpublished papers, etc. has been molded into one comprehensive
presentation of the subject area.
- The first book to date on this subject area
- Provides an clear introduction to Realizability with a
comprehensive bibliography
- Easy to read and mathematically rigorous
- Written by an expert in the field
A collection of self contained state-of-the art surveys. The
authors have made an effort to achieve readability for
mathematicians and scientists from other fields, for this series of
handbooks to be a new reference for research, learning and
* Written by well-known experts in the field
* Self contained volume in series covering one of the most rapid
developing topics in mathematics
* Informed and thoroughly updated for students, academics and
System administration is about the design, running and maintenance
of human-computer systems. Examples of human-computer systems
include business enterprises, service institutions and any
extensive machinery that is operated by, or interacts with human
beings. System administration is often thought of as the
technological side of a system: the architecture, construction and
optimization of the collaborating parts, but it also occasionally
touches on softer factors such as user assistance (help desks),
ethical considerations in deploying a system, and the larger
implications of its design for others who come into contact with
This book summarizes the state of research and practice in this
emerging field of network and system administration, in an
anthology of chapters written by the top academics in the field.
The authors include members of the IST-EMANICS Network of
Excellence in Network Management.
This book will be a valuable reference work for researchers and
senior system managers wanting to understand the essentials of
system administration, whether in practical application of a data
center or in the design of new systems and data centers.
- Covers data center planning and design
- Discusses configuration management
- Illustrates business modeling and system administration
- Provides the latest theoretical developments
Fluid mechanics is the study of how fluids behave and interact
under various forces and in various applied situations, whether in
liquid or gas state or both. The author compiles pertinent
information that are introduced in the more advanced classes at the
senior level and at the graduate level. "Advanced Fluid Mechanics"
courses typically cover a variety of topics involving fluids in
various multiple states (phases), with both elastic and non-elastic
qualities, and flowing in complex ways. This new text will
integrate both the simple stages of fluid mechanics
("Fundamentals") with those involving more complex parameters,
including Inviscid Flow in multi-dimensions, Viscous Flow and
Turbulence, and a succinct introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics. It will offer exceptional pedagogy, for both classroom
use and self-instruction, including many worked-out examples,
end-of-chapter problems, and actual computer programs that can be
used to reinforce theory with real-world applications.
Professional engineers as well as Physicists and Chemists working
in the analysis of fluid behavior in complex systems will find the
contents of this book useful.All manufacturing companies involved
in any sort of systems that encompass fluids and fluid flow
analysis (e.g., heat exchangers, air conditioning and
refrigeration, chemical processes, etc.) or energy generation
(steam boilers, turbines and internal combustion engines, jet
propulsion systems, etc.), or fluid systems and fluid power (e.g.,
hydraulics, piping systems, and so on)will reap the benefits of
this text.
- Offers detailed derivation of fundamental equations for better
comprehension of more advanced mathematical analysis
-Provides groundwork for more advanced topics on boundary layer
analysis, unsteady flow, turbulent modeling, and computational
fluid dynamics
- Includes worked-out examples and end-of-chapter problems as well
as a companion web site with sample computational programs and
Solutions Manual
This contemporary first course focuses on concepts and ideas of
Measure Theory, highlighting the theoretical side of the subject.
Its primary intention is to introduce Measure Theory to a new
generation of students, whether in mathematics or in one of the
sciences, by offering them on the one hand a text with complete,
rigorous and detailed proofs--sketchy proofs have been a perpetual
complaint, as demonstrated in the many Amazon reader reviews
critical of authors who "omit 'trivial' steps" and "make
not-so-obvious 'it is obvious' remarks." On the other hand,
Kubrusly offers a unique collection of fully hinted problems. On
the other hand, Kubrusly offers a unique collection of fully hinted
problems. The author invites the readers to take an active part in
the theory construction, thereby offering them a real chance to
acquire a firmer grasp on the theory they helped to build. These
problems, at the end of each chapter, comprise complements and
extensions of the theory, further examples and counterexamples, or
auxiliary results. They are an integral part of the main text,
which sets them apart from the traditional classroom or homework
measure theory
Measure theory investigates the conditions under which integration
can take place.
It considers various ways in which the "size" of a set can be
This topic is studied in pure mathematics programs but the theory
is also foundational for students of statistics and probability,
engineering, and financial engineering.
Key Features
* Designed with a minimum of prerequisites (intro analysis, and for
Ch 5, linear algebra)
* Includes 140 classical measure-theory problems
* Carefully crafted to present essential elements of the theory in
compact form
This handbook is volume III in a series devoted to stationary
partial differential quations. Similarly as volumes I and II, it is
a collection of self contained state-of-the-art surveys written by
well known experts in the field. The topics covered by this
handbook include singular and higher order equations, problems near
critically, problems with anisotropic nonlinearities, dam problem,
T-convergence and Schauder-type estimates. These surveys will be
useful for both beginners and experts and speed up the progress of
corresponding (rapidly developing and fascinating) areas of
Key features:
- Written by well-known experts in the field
- Self-contained volume in series covering one of the most rapid
developing topics in mathematics
- Written by well-known experts in the field
- Self-contained volume in series covering one of the most rapid
developing topics in mathematics
Engineering Ethics is the application of philosophical and moral
systems to the proper judgment and behavior by engineers in
conducting their work, including the products and systems they
design and the consulting services they provide. In light of the
work environment that inspired the new Sarbanes/Oxley federal
legislation on whistle-blowing protections, a clear understanding
of Engineering Ethics is needed like never before.
Beginning with a concise overview of various approaches to
engineering ethics, the real heart of the book will be some 13
detailed case studies, delving into the history behind each one,
the official outcome and the real story behind what happened. Using
a consistent format and organization for each one giving
background, historical summary, news media effects, outcome and
interpretation--these case histories will be used to clearly
illustrate the ethics issues at play and what should or should not
have been done by the engineers, scientists and managers involved
in each instance.
* Covers importance and practical benefits of systematic ethical
behavior in any engineering work environment.
* Only book to explain implications of the Sarbanes/Oxley
"Whistle-Blowing" federal legislation
* 13 actual case histories, plus 10 additional "anonymous" case
histories-in consistent format-will clearly demonstrate the
relevance of ethics in the outcomes of each one
* Offers actual investigative reports, with evidentiary material,
legal proceedings, outcome and follow-up analysis
* Appendix offers copies of the National Society of Professional
Engineers Code of Ethics for Engineers and the Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers Code of Ethics"
The ability of a structural assembly to carry loads and forces
determines how stable it will be over time. Viewing structural
assemblages as comprising columns, beams, arches, rings, and
plates, this book will introduce the student to both a classical
and advanced understanding of the mechanical behavior of such
structural systems under load and how modeling the resulting
strains can predict the overall future performance the stability of
that structure. While covering traditional beam theory, the book is
more focused on elastica theory in keeping with modern approaches.
This text will be an expanded and updated version a similar,
previously published book, but with pedagogical improvements and
updated analytical methods.
This engineering textbook will provide a focused treatment on the
study of how structures behave and perform when under stress
loading, including plastic deformation and buckling. All advanced
engineering students studying engineering mechanics, structural
analysis and design, fatigue and failure, and other related
subjects need to have this knowledge, and this book will provide it
in a thorough and coherent fashion. Written by two of the world s
leading engineering professors in this subject area, the pedagogy
has been classroom-tested over many years and should find a
receptive readership among both students and instructors.
* An understandable introduction to the theory of structural
stability, useful for a wide variety of engineering disciplines,
including mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering
* Covers both static and dynamic loads, for both conservative and
nonconservative systems
* Emphasizes elastic behavior under loads, including vertical
buckling, torsional buckling and nonlinear affects of structural
system buckling and stability
* Case examples to illustrate real-world applications of Stability
This monograph provides the most recent and up-to-date developments
on fractional differential and fractional integro-differential
equations involving many different potentially useful operators of
fractional calculus.
The subject of fractional calculus and its applications (that is,
calculus of integrals and derivatives of any arbitrary real or
complex order) has gained considerable popularity and importance
during the past three decades or so, due mainly to its demonstrated
applications in numerous seemingly diverse and widespread fields of
science and engineering.
Some of the areas of present-day applications of fractional models
include Fluid Flow, Solute Transport or Dynamical Processes in
Self-Similar and Porous Structures, Diffusive Transport akin to
Diffusion, Material Viscoelastic Theory, Electromagnetic Theory,
Dynamics of Earthquakes, Control Theory of Dynamical Systems,
Optics and Signal Processing, Bio-Sciences, Economics, Geology,
Astrophysics, Probability and Statistics, Chemical Physics, and so
In the above-mentioned areas, there are phenomena with estrange
kinetics which have a microscopic complex behaviour, and their
macroscopic dynamics can not be characterized by classical
derivative models.
The fractional modelling is an emergent tool which use fractional
differential equations including derivatives of fractional order,
that is, we can speak about a derivative of order 1/3, or square
root of 2, and so on. Some of such fractional models can have
solutions which are non-differentiable but continuous functions,
such as Weierstrass type functions. Such kinds of properties are,
obviously, impossible for the ordinary models.
What are the useful properties of these fractional operators which
help in the modelling of so many anomalous processes? From the
point of view of the authors and from known experimental results,
most of the processes associated with complex systems have
non-local dynamics involving long-memory in time, and the
fractional integral and fractional derivative operators do have
some of those characteristics.
This book is written primarily for the graduate students and
researchers in many different disciplines in the mathematical,
physical, engineering and so many others sciences, who are
interested not only in learning about the various mathematical
tools and techniques used in the theory and widespread applications
of fractional differential equations, but also in further
investigations which emerge naturally from (or which are motivated
substantially by) the physical situations modelled mathematically
in the book.
This monograph consists of a total of eight chapters and a very
extensive bibliography. The main objective of it is to complement
the contents of the other books dedicated to the study and the
applications of fractional differential equations. The aim of the
book is to present, in a systematic manner, results including the
existence and uniqueness of solutions for the Cauchy type problems
involving nonlinear ordinary fractional differential equations,
explicit solutions of linear differential equations and of the
corresponding initial-value problems through different methods,
closed-form solutions of ordinary and partial differential
equations, and a theory of the so-called sequential linear
fractional differential equations including a generalization of the
classical Frobenius method, and also to include an interesting set
of applications of the developed theory.
Key features:
- It is mainly application oriented.
- It contains a complete theory of Fractional Differential
- It can be used as a postgraduate-level textbook in many different
disciplines within science and engineering.
- It contains an up-to-date bibliography.
- It provides problems and directions for further
- Fractional Modelling is an emergent tool with demonstrated
applications in numerous seemingly diverse and widespread fields of
science and engineering.
- It contains many examples.
- and so on
In the series of volumes which together will constitute the
"Handbook of Differential Geometry" we try to give a rather
complete survey of the field of differential geometry. The
different chapters will both deal with the basic material of
differential geometry and with research results (old and recent).
All chapters are written by experts in the area and contain a large
bibliography. In this second volume a wide range of areas in the
very broad field of differential geometry is discussed, as there
are Riemannian geometry, Lorentzian geometry, Finsler geometry,
symplectic geometry, contact geometry, complex geometry, Lagrange
geometry and the geometry of foliations. Although this does not
cover the whole of differential geometry, the reader will be
provided with an overview of some its most important areas.
. Written by experts and covering recent research
. Extensive bibliography
. Dealing with a diverse range of areas
. Starting from the basics
The book addresses many important new developments in the field.
All the topics covered are of great interest to the readers because
such inequalities have become a major tool in the analysis of
various branches of mathematics.
* It contains a variety of inequalities which find numerous
applications in various branches of mathematics.
* It contains many inequalities which have only recently appeared
in the literature and cannot yet be found in other books.
* It will be a valuable reference for someone requiring a result
about inequalities for use in some applications in various other
branches of mathematics.
* Each chapter ends with some miscellaneous inequalities for futher
* The work will be of interest to researchers working both in pure
and applied mathematics, and it could also be used as the text for
an advanced graduate course.
It has widely been recognized that submodular functions play
essential roles in efficiently solvable combinatorial optimization
problems. Since the publication of the 1st edition of this book
fifteen years ago, submodular functions have been showing further
increasing importance in optimization, combinatorics, discrete
mathematics, algorithmic computer science, and algorithmic
economics, and there have been made remarkable developments of
theory and algorithms in submodular functions. The 2nd edition of
the book supplements the 1st edition with a lot of remarks and with
new two chapters: "Submodular Function Minimization" and "Discrete
Convex Analysis." The present 2nd edition is still a unique book on
submodular functions, which is essential to students and
researchers interested in combinatorial optimization, discrete
mathematics, and discrete algorithms in the fields of mathematics,
operations research, computer science, and economics.
Key features:
- Self-contained exposition of the theory of submodular
- Selected up-to-date materials substantial to future
- Polyhedral description of Discrete Convex Analysis.
- Full description of submodular function minimization
- Effective insertion of figures.
- Useful in applied mathematics, operations research, computer
science, and economics.
- Self-contained exposition of the theory of submodular
- Selected up-to-date materials substantial to future
- Polyhedral description of Discrete Convex Analysis.
- Full description of submodular function minimization
- Effective insertion of figures.
- Useful in applied mathematics, operations research, computer
science, and economics.
This book contains around 80 articles on major writings in
mathematics published between 1640 and 1940. All aspects of
mathematics are covered: pure and applied, probability and
statistics, foundations and philosophy. Sometimes two writings from
the same period and the same subject are taken together. The
biography of the author(s) is recorded, and the circumstances of
the preparation of the writing are given. When the writing is of
some lengths an analytical table of its contents is supplied. The
contents of the writing is reviewed, and its impact described, at
least for the immediate decades. Each article ends with a
bibliography of primary and secondary items.
.First book of its kind
.Covers the period 1640-1940 of massive development in
.Describes many of the main writings of mathematics
.Articles written by specialists in their field
An in-depth look at real analysis and its applications, including
an introduction to wavelet
analysis, a popular topic in "applied real analysis." This text
makes a very natural connection between the classic pure analysis
and the applied topics, including measure theory, Lebesgue
harmonic analysis and wavelet theory with many associated
*The text is relatively elementary at the start, but the level of
difficulty steadily increases
*The book contains many clear, detailed examples, case studies and
*Many real world applications relating to measure theory and pure
*Introduction to wavelet analysis
The text is for a two semester course in advanced calculus. It
develops the basic ideas of calculus rigorously but with an eye to
showing how mathematics connects with other areas of science and
engineering. In particular, effective numerical computation is
developed as an important aspect of mathematical analysis.
* Maintains a rigorous presentation of the main ideas of advanced
calculus, interspersed with applications that show how to analyze
real problems
* Includes a wide range of examples and exercises drawn from
mechanics, biology, chemical engineering and economics
* Describes links to numerical analysis and provides opportunities
for computation; some MATLAB
codes are available on the author's webpage
* Enhanced by an informal and lively writing style
This monograph is the first and an initial introduction to the
theory of bitopological spaces and its applications. In particular,
different families of subsets of bitopological spaces are
introduced and various relations between two topologies are
analyzed on one and the same set; the theory of dimension of
bitopological spaces and the theory of Baire bitopological spaces
are constructed, and various classes of mappings of bitopological
spaces are studied. The previously known results as well the
results obtained in this monograph are applied in analysis,
potential theory, general topology, and theory of ordered
topological spaces. Moreover, a high level of modern knowledge of
bitopological spaces theory has made it possible to introduce and
study algebra of new type, the corresponding representation of
which brings one to the special class of bitopological spaces.
It is beyond any doubt that in the nearest future the areas of
essential applications will be the theories of linear topological
spaces and topological groups, algebraic and differential
topologies, the homotopy theory, not to mention other fundamental
areas of modern mathematics such as geometry, mathematical logic,
the probability theory and many other areas, including those of
applied nature.
Key Features:
- First monograph is "Generalized Lattices"
* The first introduction to the theory of bitopological spaces and
its applications.
Science and engineering students depend heavily on concepts of
mathematical modeling. In an age where almost everything is done on
a computer, author Clive Dym believes that students need to
understand and "own" the underlying mathematics that computers are
doing on their behalf. His goal for Principles of Mathematical
Modeling, Second Edition, is to engage the student reader in
developing a foundational understanding of the subject that will
serve them well into their careers.
The first half of the book begins with a clearly defined set of
modeling principles, and then introduces a set of foundational
tools including dimensional analysis, scaling techniques, and
approximation and validation techniques. The second half
demonstrates the latest applications for these tools to a broad
variety of subjects, including exponential growth and decay in
fields ranging from biology to economics, traffic flow, free and
forced vibration of mechanical and other systems, and optimization
problems in biology, structures, and social decision making.
Prospective students should have already completed courses in
elementary algebra, trigonometry, and first-year calculus and have
some familiarity with differential equations and basic
* Serves as an introductory text on the development and application
of mathematical models
* Focuses on techniques of particular interest to engineers,
scientists, and others who model continuous systems
* Offers more than 360 problems, providing ample opportunities for
* Covers a wide range of interdisciplinary topics--from engineering
to economics to the sciences
* Uses straightforward language and explanations that make modeling
easy to understand and apply
New to this Edition:
* A more systematic approach to mathematical modeling, outlining
ten specific principles
* Expanded and reorganized chapters that flow in an increasing
level of complexity
* Several new problems and updated applications
* Expanded figure captions that provide more information
* Improved accessibility and flexibility for teaching
The present work is a continuation of the authors' acclaimed
multi-volume A
Practical Logic of Cognitive Systems. After having investigated the
notion of
relevance in their previous volume, Gabbay and Woods now turn to
abduction. In
this highly original approach, abduction is construed as
inference, in which conjecture plays a pivotal role. Abduction is a
response to a
cognitive target that cannot be hit on the basis of what the agent
currently knows.
The abducer selects a hypothesis which were it true would enable
the reasoner to attain his target. He concludes from this fact that
the hypothesis may be conjectured. In allowing conjecture to stand
in for the knowledge he fails to have, the abducer reveals himself
to be a satisficer, since an abductive solution is not a solution
from knowledge. Key to the authors' analysis is the requirement
that a conjectured proposition is not just what a reasoner might
allow himself to assume, but a proposition he must defeasibly
release as a premiss for further inferences in the domain of
enquiry in which the original abduction problem has arisen.
The coverage of the book is extensive, from the philosophy of
science to
computer science and AI, from diagnostics to the law, from
historical explanation to linguistic interpretation. One of the
volume's strongest contributions is its exploration of the
abductive character of criminal trials, with special attention
given to the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
Underlying their analysis of abductive reasoning is the authors'
conception of
practical agency. In this approach, practical agency is dominantly
a matter of the
comparativemodesty of an agent's cognitive agendas, together with
comparatively scant resources available for their advancement. Seen
in these ways, abduction has a significantly practical character,
precisely because it is a form of inference that satisfices rather
than maximizes its response to the agent's cognitive target.
The Reach of Abduction will be necessary reading for researchers,
students and senior undergraduates in logic, computer science, AI,
belief dynamics, argumentation theory, cognitive psychology and
neuroscience, linguistics, forensic science, legal reasoning and
related areas.
Key features:
- Reach of Abduction is fully integrated with a background logic of
cognitive systems.
- The most extensive coverage compared to competitive works.
- Demonstrates not only that abduction is a form of ignorance
inference but that it is a mode of inference that is wholly
- Demonstrates the satisficing rather than maximizing character
- The development of formal models of abduction is considerably
more extensive than one finds in existing literature. It is an
especially impressive amalgam of sophisticated
conceptual analysis and extensive logical modelling.
- Reach of Abduction is fully integrated with a background logic of
cognitive systems.
- The most extensive coverage compared to competitive works
- Demonstrates not only that abduction is a form of ignorance
inference but that it is a mode of inference that is wholly
- Demonstrates the satisficing rather than maximizing character
- The development of formal models of abduction isconsiderably more
extensive than one finds in existing literature. It is an
especially impressive amalgam of sophisticated
conceptual analysis and extensive logical modelling.
One of the most frequently occurring types of optimization problems
involves decision variables which have to take integer values. From
a practical point of view, such problems occur in countless areas
of management, engineering, administration, etc., and include such
problems as location of plants or warehouses, scheduling of
aircraft, cutting raw materials to prescribed dimensions, design of
computer chips, increasing reliability or capacity of networks,
etc. This is the class of problems known in the professional
literature as "discrete optimization" problems. While these
problems are of enormous applicability, they present many
challenges from a computational point of view. This volume is an
update on the impressive progress achieved by mathematicians,
operations researchers, and computer scientists in solving discrete
optimization problems of very large sizes. The surveys in this
volume present a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in
discrete optimization and are written by the most prominent
researchers from all over the world.
This volume describes the tremendous progress in discrete
optimization achieved in the last 20 years since the publication of
Discrete Optimization '77, Annals of Discrete Mathematics, volumes
4 and 5, 1979 (Elsevier). It contains surveys of the state of the
art written by the most prominent researchers in the field from all
over the world, and covers topics like neighborhood search
techniques, lift and project for mixed 0-1 programming,
pseudo-Boolean optimization, scheduling and assignment problems,
production planning, location, bin packing, cutting planes, vehicle
routing, and applications to graph theory, mechanics, chip design,
Key features:
state of the art surveys
prominent authors
theoretical, computational and applied aspects.
This book is a reprint of "Discrete Applied Mathematics" Volume 23,
Numbers 1-3