Books > Philosophy > Non-Western philosophy
'One of the fiercest books I've ever read' - Jasbir K. Puar
Discourse around Muslims and Islam all too often lapses into a
false dichotomy of Orientalist and fundamentalist tropes. A popular
reimagining of Islam is urgently needed. Yet it is a perhaps
unexpected political philosophical tradition that has the most to
offer in this pursuit: anarchism. Islam and Anarchism is a highly
original and interdisciplinary work, which simultaneously disrupts
two commonly held beliefs - that Islam is necessarily authoritarian
and capitalist; and that anarchism is necessarily anti-religious
and anti-spiritual. Deeply rooted in key Islamic concepts and
textual sources, and drawing on radical Indigenous, Islamic
anarchistic and social movement discourses, Abdou proposes
'Anarcha-Islam'. Constructing a decolonial, non-authoritarian and
non-capitalist Islamic anarchism, Islam and Anarchism
philosophically and theologically challenges the classist, sexist,
racist, ageist, queerphobic and ableist inequalities in both post-
and neo-colonial societies like Egypt, and settler-colonial
societies such as Canada and the USA.
This very important work offers penetrating dialogues between the
great spiritual leader and the renowned physicist that shed light
on the fundamental nature of existence. Krishnamurti and David Bohm
probe such questions as 'why has humanity made thought so important
in every aspect of life? How does one cleanse the mind of the
'accumulation of time' and break the 'pattern of ego -centered
activity'?The Ending of Time concludes by referring to the wrong
turn humanity has taken, but does not see this as something from
which there is no escape. There is an insistence that mankind can
change fundamentally; but this requires going from one's narrow and
particular interests toward the general, and ultimately moving
still deeper into that purity of compassion, love and intelligence
that originates beyond thought, time, or even emptiness.
A major figure in the Anglo-American analytic tradition, Ernest
Sosa is a pioneer of contemporary virtue epistemology. Engaging
with his important work for the first time, a team of renowned
scholars of Chinese philosophy bring Western analytic epistemology
into dialogue with themes and issues in the history of the Chinese
tradition in order to reveal multiple points of connection. Drawing
on thinkers and texts from Confucianism, Daoism, and Chinese
Buddhism, chapters explore issues central to virtue epistemology,
such as the reliabilist and responsibilist divide, the distinction
between virtues constitutive of knowledge and virtues auxiliary to
knowledge, epistemic competence, and the role of testimony.
Including Sosa’s constructive and systematic responses to each
scholar’s interpretation of his work, this volume demonstrates
the value of cross-cultural dialogue, advancing the field of virtue
epistemology, and paving the way for further engagement between
philosophical traditions.
The Holy Science is a book of theology written by Swami Sri Yukteswar
Giri in 1894. The text provides a close comparison of parts of the
Christian Bible to the Hindu Upanishads, meant "to show as clearly as
possible that there is an essential unity in all religions...and that
there is but one Goal admitted by all scriptures."
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri was born Priya Nath Karar in 1855 to a wealthy
family. As a young man, he was a brilliant student of math and science,
astrology and astronomy. He joined a Christian missionary school where
he studied the Bible and later spent two years in medical school.
After completing his formal education, Priya Nath married and had a
daughter. But he continued his intellectual and spiritual pursuits,
depending on the income from his property to support himself and his
After the death of his wife, he entered the monastic Swami order and
became Sri Yuktesvar Giri, before becoming a disciple of famed guru
Lahiri Mahasaya, known for his revitalization of Kriya Yoga. Then in
1894, Sri Yuktesvar Giri met Mahavatar Babaji, an ageless wise man who
is said to have lived for untold hundreds of years. At this meeting,
Mahavatar Babaji gave Sri Yuktesvar the title of Swami, and asked him
to write this book comparing Hindu scriptures and the Christian Bible.
Swami Sri Yuktesvar obeyed.
He also founded two ashrams, including one in his ancestral home. He
lived simply as a swami and yogi, devoted to disciplining his body and
mind, and thus to liberating his soul. Among his disciples was
Paramahansa Yogananda, credited with bringing yoga and meditation to
millions of Westerners.
The Holy Science consists of four chapters. The first is titled "The
Gospel," and is intended to "establish the fundamental truth of
creation." Next is "The Goal," which discusses the three things all
creatures are seeking: "Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss."
Chapter three, "The Procedure," is the most practical of the sections.
It describes the natural way to live for purity and health of body and
mind. The final chapter is called "The Revelation," and discusses the
end of the path for those who are near the "three ideals of life."
Swami Sri Yukteswar also displays his impressive knowledge and
understanding of astrology by proposing his theory of the Yuga Cycle.
Each yuga is an age of the world that tracks the movement of the sun,
Earth, and planets. Each age represents a different state of humanity.
There are four yugas:
- Satya Yuga is the highest and most enlightened age of truth and
- Treta Yuga is the age of thought and is more spiritually advanced
than Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.
- Dwapara Yuga is an energetic age, although not a wise one. During
this yuga, people are often self-serving and greedy. The age is marked
by war and disease.
- Kali Yuga is the age of darkness, ignorance, and materialism. This is
the least evolved age.
Today, The Holy Science is highly respected among those seeking to
understand the relationships between world religions and cultures.
While some still believe that we are in Kali Yuga, many others believe
that Swami Sri Yukteswar was accurate, and that his calculations
correct previous errors that artificially inflated the length of the
Yuga Cycle.
Informed by Gloria Anzaldua's and Jose Carlos Mariategui's work, as
well as by Andean cosmology, Omar Rivera turns to Inka stonework
and architecture as an example of a "Cosmological Aesthetics." He
articulates ways of sensing, feeling and remembering that are
attuned to an aesthetic of water, earth and light. On this basis,
Rivera brings forth a corporeal orientation that can be inhabited
by the oppressed, one that withdraws from predominant
modern/Western conceptions of the human. By providing an aesthetic
analysis of cosmological sensing, Rivera sets the stage for
exploring physical dimensions of anti-colonial resistance, and
furthers the Latinx and Latin American tradition of anti-colonial
and liberatory philosophy. Seeing aesthetic involvements with the
cosmos as a source for embodied modes of resistance, Rivera turns
to the work of Maria Lugones and Enrique Dussel in order to make
explicit the aesthetic dimensions of their work. Andean Aesthetics
and Anticolonial Resistance creates a new dialogue between art
historians, artists, and philosophers working on Latin American
thought, phenomenology, and hermeneutics. It weaves together a
Latin American philosophy that connects pre-Columbian cosmologies
with contemporary thinkers. Rivera's original approach introduces
us to the living, evolving and aesthetic alternatives to
coloniality of power and of knowledge, overhauling current
understandings of decolonial theory and opening the tradition in
transformative ways.
Here is a lucid, accessible, and inspiring guide to the six
perfections--Buddhist teachings about six dimensions of human
character that require "perfecting": generosity, morality,
tolerance, energy, meditation, and wisdom. Drawing on the Diamond
Sutra, the Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom, and other essential
Mahayana texts, Dale Wright shows how these teachings were
understood and practiced in classical Mahayana Buddhism and how
they can be adapted to contemporary life in a global society. What
would the perfection of generosity look like today, for example?
What would it mean to give with neither ulterior motives nor
naivete? Devoting a separate chapter to each of the six
perfections, Wright combines sophisticated analysis with real-life
applications. Buddhists have always stressed self-cultivation, the
uniquely human freedom that opens the possibility of shaping the
kind of life we will live and the kind of person we will become.
For those interested in ideals of human character and practices of
self-cultivation, The Six Perfections offers invaluable guidance."
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