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Books > Professional & Technical > Energy technology & engineering > Electrical engineering > Power networks, systems, stations & plants
Reviews state-of-the-art technologies in modern heuristic optimization techniques and presents case studies showing how they have been applied in complex power and energy systems problems Written by a team of international experts, this book describes the use of metaheuristic applications in the analysis and design of electric power systems. This includes a discussion of optimum energy and commitment of generation (nonrenewable & renewable) and load resources during day-to-day operations and control activities in regulated and competitive market structures, along with transmission and distribution systems. Applications of Modern Heuristic Optimization Methods in Power and Energy Systems begins with an introduction and overview of applications in power and energy systems before moving on to planning and operation, control, and distribution. Further chapters cover the integration of renewable energy and the smart grid and electricity markets. The book finishes with final conclusions drawn by the editors. Applications of Modern Heuristic Optimization Methods in Power and Energy Systems: Explains the application of differential evolution in electric power systems' active power multi-objective optimal dispatch Includes studies of optimization and stability in load frequency control in modern power systems Describes optimal compliance of reactive power requirements in near-shore wind power plants Features contributions from noted experts in the field Ideal for power and energy systems designers, planners, operators, and consultants, Applications of Modern Heuristic Optimization Methods in Power and Energy Systems will also benefit engineers, software developers, researchers, academics, and students.
HVDC is a critical solution to several major problems encountered when trying to maintain systemic links and quality in large-scale renewable energy environments. HDVC can resolve a number of issues, including voltage stability of AC power networks, reducing fault current, and optimal management of electric power, ensuring the technology will play an increasingly important role in the electric power industry. To address the pressing need for an up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of the subject, Kim, Sood, Jang, Lim and Lee have collaborated to produce this key text and reference. Combining classroom-tested materials from North America and Asia, "HVDC Transmission" compactly summarizes the latest research results, and includes the insights of experts from power systems, power electronics, and simulation backgrounds. The authors walk readers through basic theory and practical applications, while also providing the broader historical context and future development of HVDC technology.Presents case studies covering basic and advanced HVDC deployments headed by world-renowned expertsDemonstrates how to design, analyze and maintain HVDC systems in the fieldProvides updates on new HVDC technologies, such as active power filters, PWM, VSC, and 800 KV systemsRounds out readers' understanding with chapters dedicated to the key areas of simulation and main circuit designIntroduces wind power system interconnection with HVDCArms readers with an understanding of future HVDC trends Balancing theoretical instruction with practical application, "HVDC Transmission" delivers comprehensive working knowledge to power utility engineers, power transmission researchers, and advanced undergraduates and postgraduates in power engineering programs. The book is also a useful reference to for engineers and students focused on closely related areas such as renewable energy and power system planning.
This book is written as a textbook for students of engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). It is designed for the Power Markets course which is part of the Energy and environment master's programme and the recently established international MSc programme in Electric Power Engineering. As the title indicates, it deals with both power system economics in general and the practical implementation and experience from the Nordic market. Some of the subjects covered: Restructuring/deregulation of the power supply system; Grid access including tariffs and congestion management; Generation planning; Market modelling; Ancillary services; Regulation of grid monopolies. Although it is written primarily as a textbook for students, readers outside the universities may also find the book interesting. It deals with problems that have been subject of considerable attention in the power sector for some years and it addresses issues that are still relevant and important.
The book is written as primer hand book for addressing the fundamentals of smart grid. It provides the working definition the functions, the design criteria and the tools and techniques and technology needed for building smart grid. The book is needed to provide a working guideline in the design, analysis and development of Smart Grid. It incorporates all the essential factors of Smart Grid appropriate for enabling the performance and capability of the power system. There are no comparable books which provide information on the "how to" of the design and analysis. The book provides a fundamental discussion on the motivation for the smart grid development, the working definition and the tools for analysis and development of the Smart Grid. Standards and requirements needed for designing new devices, systems and products are discussed; the automation and computational techniques need to ensure that the Smart Grid guarantees adaptability, foresight alongside capability of handling new systems and components are discussed. The interoperability of different renewable energy sources are included to ensure that there will be minimum changes in the existing legacy system. Overall the book evaluates different options of computational intelligence, communication technology and decision support system to design various aspects of Smart Grid. Strategies for demonstration of Smart Grid schemes on selected problems are presented.
The use of advanced technologies has made it possible to transform the power grid to an intelligent smart grid with real time control and monitoring of the system. The development of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and the resulting possibility of real time measurements has enabled different power system applications to enhance the stability, state estimation, load estimation, power network protection, Wide-Area Security Assessment and reliability of the power grid. Topics covered in this book include synchrophasors for improving the performance of power systems; optimal reliability criterion index (ORC) for optimal placement of phasor measurement Units (PMU); wide area measurement based power network protection; synchrophasor assisted visualization and protection of power systems; PMU measurements for enhanced power grid monitoring and protection; fault monitoring, detection and correction using synchrophasor measurements in modern power systems; transmission line fault detection, classification and localization in smart power grids; PMU-based vulnerability assessment of power systems; synchrophasor applications for load estimation and stability analysis; state estimation in the presence of synchronized measurement; PMU based wide-area security assessment. Synchronized Phasor Measurements for Smart Grids is essential reading for professional engineers and researchers, as well as graduate and PhD students, in power systems research.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO POWER QUALITY--UPDATED AND EXPANDEDElectrical Power Systems Quality, Third Edition, is a complete, accessible, and up-to-date guide to identifying and preventing the causes of power quality problems. The information is presented without heavy-duty equations, making it practical and easily readable for utility engineers, industrial engineers, technicians, and equipment designers. This in-depth resource addresses the essentials of power quality and tested methods to improve compatibility among the power system, customer equipment, and processes. Coverage includes: Standard terms and definitions for power quality phenomena Protecting against voltage sags and interruptions Harmonic phenomena and dealing with harmonic distortion Transient overvoltages Long-duration voltage variations Benchmarking power quality International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards Maintaining power quality in distributed generation systems Common wiring and grounding problems, along with solutions Site surveys and power quality monitoring
High quality electrical service is everyday more stringent in utilities and industrial facilities around the world. One of the main players to achieve this is the protection system, which has to be reliable, fast and with a good cost/benefit ratio. This book refers to most aspects of electrical protections, with emphasis on Distribution Systems. Protection of generation and transmission systems are also treated in the text. References to modern topics such as the Distributed Generation, Smart Grid and Standard IEC 61850 have been introduced. Written by two well experienced engineers who combine a comprehensive theoretical background with examples and exercises, this book will allow the reader to easily follow the ideas explored. The book will be valuable to pre and postgraduate students, design, maintenance and consulting engineers as well as instructors looking for proper references.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The Definitive Guide to Large-Scale, Grid-Connected Solar Power System Design and ConstructionThis GreenSource book provides comprehensive engineering design and construction guidelines for large-scale solar power system projects. Proven design methodologies are detailed installation diagrams are included in this practical resource. Large-Scale Solar Power System Design offers complete coverage of solar power system technologies and components, planning, cost estimates, financing, project management, safety, and testing. This authoritative guide fully addresses the complex technical and management issues associated with large-scale, grid-connected solar power system implementations. COVERAGE INCLUDES: Solar power system technologies, including photovoltaic and thin-film solar cells Solar power system physics Photovoltaic power system feasibility study Solar power system costing Solar power system design Large-scale solar power system construction Concentrator photovoltaic systems Solar power system project management Smart-grid systems Solar thermal power Solar power financing and feed-in tariff programs
A practical, application-oriented text that presents analytical results for the better modeling and control of power converters in the integration of green energy in electric power systems The combined technology of power semiconductor switching devices, pulse width modulation algorithms, and control theories are being further developed along with the performance improvement of power semiconductors and microprocessors so that more efficient, reliable, and cheaper electric energy conversion can be achieved within the next decade. "Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems" covers the principles, analysis, and synthesis of closed loop control of pulse width modulated converters in power electronics systems, with special application emphasis on distributed generation systems and uninterruptible power supplies. The authors present two versions of a documented simulation test bed for homework problems and projects based on Matlab/Simulink, designed to help readers understand the content through simulations. The first consists of a number of problems and projects for classroom teaching convenience and learning. The second is based on the most recent work in control of power converters for the research of practicing engineers and industry researchers. Addresses a combination of the latest developments in control technology of pulse width modulation algorithms and digital control methods Problems and projects have detailed mathematical modeling, control design, solution steps, and results Uses a significant number of tables, circuit and block diagrams, and waveform plots with well-designed, class-tested problems/solutions and projects designed for the best teaching-learning interaction Provides computer simulation programs as examples for ease of understanding and platforms for the projects Covering major power-conversion applications that help professionals from a variety of industries, "Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems" provides practical, application-oriented system analysis and synthesis that is instructional and inspiring for practicing electrical engineers and researchers as well as undergraduate and graduate students.
This book surveys some of the techniques available to protect low-voltage electrical and electronic equipment and systems from lightning strikes and other power surges. The book examines the basic discharge processes in air and their effects, through transient electromagnetic field generation and interaction with overhead lines and underground cables. Attention is paid to the use of models for lightning protection and the book focuses on protection techniques based on modelled lightning protection zones. This is then logically developed in a major section on the practical components and applications of protective measures and systems, as well as testing techniques. These are placed in the context of current IEC and VDE standards. The book is highly illustrated with a vast number of photographs as well as system diagrams and tabular matter.
Research in artificial intelligence has developed many techniques and methodologies that can be either adapted or used directly to solve complex power system problems. A variety of such problems are covered in this book including reactive power control, alarm analysis, fault diagnosis, protection systems and load forecasting. Methods such as knowledge-based (expert) systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithms are all first introduced and then investigated in terms of their applicability in the power systems field. The book, therefore, serves as both an introduction to the use of artificial intelligence techniques for those from a power systems background and as an overview of the power systems implementation area for those from an artificial intelligence computing or control background. It is structured so that it is suitable for various levels of reader, covering basic principles as well as applications and case studies. The most popular methods and the most fruitful application fields are considered in more detail. The book contains contributions from top international authors and will be an extremely useful text for all those with an interest in the field.
The best-selling power system operation manual ever published--NOW IN AN ALL-NEW EDITION! For over 30 years more electrical power professionals have used this guide for safe, economical system operation than any other in print. Why? Because Power System Operation, by Robert Miller and James Malinowski, presents more of the fundamental principles and methods dispatchers and operators need in a clear, easy-to-understand style. Now this third edition has been expanded by 50% to cover even more: VAR flows; Power system control; Telemetering methods; Supervisory control and data acquisition methods; System control, protection and stability; System reliability factors, Power system energy transfer; Energy accounting in interconnected operations; Operating systems most economically; EHV operation; Power system communications; Impedance of parallel circuits; Effects of resistance on impedance.
If you want top grades and excellent understanding of electric power systems, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have! It takes you step-by-step through the subject and gives you accompanying related problems with fully worked solutions. You also get hundreds of additional problems to solve on your own, working at your own speed. This superb Outline clearly presents every aspect of real-world power system calculation and implementation. Famous for their clarity, wealth of illustrations and examples, and lack of dreary minutia, SchaumÕs Outlines have sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. Compatible with any textbook, this Outline is also perfect for standardized test or professional exam review.
This book presents select proceedings of the 3rd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference 2022 (EPREC 2022). This book provides rigorous discussions, case studies, and recent developments in the emerging areas of the power systems, especially renewable energy conversion systems, distributed generations, microgrids, smart grids, HVDC & FACTS, power system protection, etc. The readers would be benefited in terms of enhancing their knowledge and skills in the domain areas. The book will be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in developments in the power system.
The utility sector's transition to renewable energy and the smart grid has already begun. The first step towards smart grid is microgrid, which is a smaller electricity grid with access to all the essential assets of a larger grid. This book provides a glimpse into an actual microgrid project. It supplies a system-level approach to the design of smart Microgrids, covering the entire design process-from roadmap to realization. Detailing lessons learned and pitfalls to avoid in Microgrid technology, the book provides an interdisciplinary approach to design and problem solving for smart microgrids.
Electricity Pricing: Regulated, Deregulated and Smart Grid Systems presents proven methods for supplying uninterrupted, high-quality electrical power at a reasonable price to the consumer. Illustrating the evolution of the power market from a monopoly to an open access system, this essential text: Covers voltage stability analysis of longitudinal power supply systems using an artificial neural network (ANN) Explains how to improve performance using flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS) and high-voltage direct current (HVDC) Takes into account operating constraints as well as generation cost, line overload, and congestion for expected and inadvertent loading stress Goes beyond FACTS and HVDC to provide multi-objective optimization algorithms for the deregulated power market Proposes the use of stochastic optimization techniques in the smart grid, preparing the reader for future development Electricity Pricing: Regulated, Deregulated and Smart Grid Systems offers practical solutions for improving stability, reliability, and efficiency in real-time systems while optimizing electricity cost.
The history of the grid, the world's largest interconnected power machine that is North America's electricity infrastructure. The North American power grid has been called the world's largest machine. The grid connects nearly every living soul on the continent; Americans rely utterly on the miracle of electrification. In this book, Julie Cohn tells the history of the grid, from early linkages in the 1890s through the grid's maturity as a networked infrastructure in the 1980s. She focuses on the strategies and technologies used to control power on the grid-in fact made up of four major networks of interconnected power systems-paying particular attention to the work of engineers and system operators who handled the everyday operations. To do so, she consulted sources that range from the pages of historical trade journals to corporate archives to the papers of her father, Nathan Cohn, who worked in the industry from 1927 to 1989-roughly the period of key power control innovations across North America. Cohn investigates major challenges and major breakthroughs but also the hidden aspects of our electricity infrastructure, both technical and human. She describes the origins of the grid and the growth of interconnection; emerging control issues, including difficulties in matching generation and demand on linked systems; collaboration and competition against the backdrop of economic depression and government infrastructure investment; the effects of World War II on electrification; postwar plans for a coast-to-coast grid; the northeast blackout of 1965 and the East-West closure of 1967; and renewed efforts at achieving stability and reliability after those two events.
Part I highlights the emerging role of power electronic apparatus in power transmission and distribution networks. It also discusses topics in modeling and simulation as pertaining to the utilization of power electronics in large power networks. Part II presents different power electronic converter assemblies for power transmission and power quality enhancement. These are presented in conjunction with suitable models which the readers using the book for self-study need to conduct parametric analyses or as a starting point for future research. The aim of the book is to provide a new approach to power-electronic systems, where modeling becomes an essential part of the study process. The book therefore could be used in a graduate-level course that discusses power electronic components in transmission and distribution. It will also be a valuable resource to the practicing engineers and researchers who want to develop models for emerging circuits.
Untangling the Smart Grid: Technology, Markets and Law examines the development and integration of smart grid technologies within the context of the grid's existing technological, regulatory and market realities, providing engineers, students and interested readers with a well-rounded understanding on how the grid works, how its markets function and how it is regulated and shaped by the society that it serves. As fuel prices and global average temperatures rise, modern societies face an industrial challenge of unprecedented scope-the modernization of the electricity grid-the world's most complex manmade system. Systems designed for the delivery of cheap, centralized power on demand must now be retrofitted to meet a new set of objectives. The next evolution of the grid must accommodate a set of distributed and renewable energy generation assets that share little technical commonality with the large generators on which the system was built. These systems must now account for the security of the grid to failures, malicious attacks and breaches into sensitive information storage.
This handbook offers the whole knowledge of high voltage substations from their design and construction to the maintenance and the ongoing management, the entire asset life-cycle. The content of the book covers a range of substation topologies: Air-Insulated, Gas-Insulated and Mixed Technology Switchgear Substations together with the essential secondary systems. Additionally specialized substations such as ultra high voltage (UHV), offshore substations for wind power plants and the use of gas insulated lines are included. The book includes topics, providing information for increased reliability and availability, asset management, environmental management aspects, and the adoption of appropriate technological advances in equipment and systems in substations. The book was written by more than 30 experts from around the world and assembled through the Cigre study committee on Substations. This guarantees that the book contains information that is based on the global exchange and dissemination of unbiased information for technical and non-technical audiences. Although there are other works containing references to Substations, this book is designed to provide a complete overview of the topic in one book, providing a valuable reference for anyone interested in the topic.
This book addresses the needs of researchers in electrical engineering interested in the modeling, simulation, dynamics and bifurcations of switched mode power supplies. It presents in a comprehensive and pedagogical manner, state-of-the-art research on bifurcation prediction in switched mode power supplies, which will help yield design-oriented results for power electronics practitioners.
The median age of nuclear power plants connected to the grid worldwide is increasing. Ageing management has become an important issue in ensuring the availability of required safety functions throughout the service life of a plant. This Safety Guide provides recommendations on meeting the requirements for safe long term operation and identifies key elements of effective ageing management for nuclear power plants.
A set of four volumes compiled by leading authorities in the electricity supply industry and manufacturing companies to provide a comprehensive treatment of power system protection.
For nearly half a century, this widely acclaimed book has presented the fundamental concepts of direct current electricity and magnetism in a straightforward, practical manner. This reader-friendly guide to DC electrical theory and applications is both thorough and focused, providing detailed coverage in a convenient, affordable volume. The new Eighth Edition retains the distinguishing features that are the cornerstone of this trusted book, including logically organized content that progresses step-by-step from basic principles to advanced concepts. Enhancements for the new edition include updated photographs and illustrations to help you grasp essential concepts quickly and apply your knowledge with confidence, as well as special icons highlighting "green" tips on energy efficiency.
ALTERNATING CURRENT FUNDAMENTALS, 8E, an industrial standard for over thirty years, is the ideal book to provide readers with the most current information available on the essentials of alternating current. The topics in this book are arranged to build readers' knowledge, progressing from basic principles such as the differences between peak, rms, and average values to more complex coverage of circuits containing resistance, inductance, and capacitance. This edition of ALTERNATING CURRENT FUNDAMENTALS, 8E is fully updated, includes additional information on diodes and rectifiers, and contains improved graphics that will assist readers in understanding state-of-the-art concepts. |
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