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Books > Professional & Technical > Energy technology & engineering > Electrical engineering > Power networks, systems, stations & plants
A plant engineer is responsible for a wide range of industrial activities, and may work in any industry. The Plant Engineer's Reference Book 2nd Edition is a reference work designed to provide a primary source of information for the plant engineer. Subjects include the selection of a suitable site for a factory
and provision of basic facilities, including boilers, electrical
systems, water, HVAC systems, pumping systems and floors and
This book presents a general framework for modelling power system devices to develop complete electromechanical models for synchronous machines, induction machines, and power electronic devices. It also presents linear system analysis tools that are specific to power systems and which are not generally taught in undergraduate linear system courses. Lastly, the book covers the application of the models, analysis and tools to the design of automatic voltage controllers and power system stabilisers, both for single-machine-infinite-bus systems and multi-machine interconnected systems. In most textbooks modelling, dynamic analysis, and control are closely linked to the computation methods used for analysis and design. In contrast, this book separates the essential principles and the computational methods used for power system dynamics and control. The clear distinction between principles and methods makes the potentially daunting task of designing controllers for power systems much easier to approach. A rich set of exercises is also included, and represents an integral part of the book. Students can immediately apply-using any computational tool or software-the essential principles discussed here to practical problems, helping them master the essentials.
Die Leistungselektronik ist ein Teilgebiet der energetischen Elektrotechnik. Sie gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung wegen der wachsenden Anforderungen an das Schalten, Steuern und Umformen elektrischer Energie bei der Automatisierung der Produktion, bei der Entwicklung der industriellen Antriebstech- nik. der Verkehrs-und der Energietechnik, der Nachrichten-und Konsumgutertechnik usw. Daher tragt die Leistungselektronik in Verbindung mit der Mikroelektronik und mit neuen leistungselektro- nischen Bauelementen und schaltungstechnischen Loesungen zur Material- und Energieoekonomie wesentlich bei. Um gunstigste Ergebnisse beim Einsatz neuer leistungselektronischer Bauelemente sowie bei der Ent- wicklung von Schaltungen, Geraten und Anlagen der Leistungselektronik zu erreichen, muss der dafur verantwortliche Ingenieur die Wirkungsweise aller Teile dieser Anlagen und ihr Zusammenwirken mit dem speisenden Netz, der Last und dem Informationsteil verstehen. Die dafur notwendigen Grund- kenntnisse und Fahigkeiten soll das vorliegende Lehrbuch vermitteln. Fortschritte in der Leistungselektronik werden vor allem durch neue leistungselektroI11sche Bau- elemente hervorgerufen, die sich dann auch wieder auf die Schaltungs-und auf die Informationsiechnik auswirken. Deshalb wird von den physikalischen Grundlagen und Besonderheiten des Einsatzes der fur die Entwicklung moderner Stellglieder und Speisequellen notwendigen leistungs-Halbleiterbau- elemente ausgegangen. Anschliessend werden die Wirkungsweise und die Dimensionierung der mit diesen Bauteilen arbeitenden Stromrichterschaltungen behandelt. Dabei wird nach der Art der Loeschung der Ventile in netz-und selbstgeloeschte Schaltungen unterschieden, und es werden zahlreiche Anwendungs- beispiele gegeben.
Konzeption, Defizite und erforderliche Massnahmen zur Technikfolgenforschung und -abschatzung wurden auf einer vom Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie veranstalteten, zentralen Tagung erortert. Die Ergebnisse werden im vorliegenden Tagungsband dokumentiert und damit der Offentlichkeit richtungsweisendes Orientierungswissen dieses aktuellen Themas in die Hand gegeben.
Maschinendynamik ist die Lehre der Schwingungen von Maschinen. Ihre Bedeu- tung hat im Lauf der Entwicklung des Maschinenbaus aus verschiedenen Grunden standig zugenommen. Die Maschinen sollen mit geringem Materialaufwand viel leisten, sie sollen sicher genug funktionieren, ihre Sicherheit solI aber auch nicht unvernunftig groB sein und ihre Lebensdauer soIl lang sein. Um aIle diese Forde- rungen erfiillen zu k6nnen, sind unter anderem gute Kenntnisse der dynamischen Vorgange erforderlich. Die Kenntnisse wurden besonders in den letzten Jahren durch zahlreiche Ver6ffentIichungen vermehrt. Die groBe Zahl dieser Ver6ffent- lichungen und deren verschiedenartige Darstellung machen es jedoch oft selbst dem Fachmann schwer, das Wesentliche zu erkennen und praktisch zu verwerten. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch m6chte ich hierzu eine Hilfe geben. Das Buch ist in erster Linie fUr den Praktiker bzw. dessen Ausbildung ge- schrieben. Dabei wurde vorausgesetzt, daB er Kenntnisse in Technischer Mechanik und Mathematik hat, wie sie an einer Technischen Hochschule vermittelt werden. Wahrend der Praktiker fruher alles selbst rechnen und die Rechenmethoden bis ins einzelne kennen muBte, hat sich seine Tatigkeit mit der Verfugbarkeit von leistungsfahigen Computern und von Rechenprogrammen entscheidend geandert.
In a comprehensive and lucid manner this book presents an understanding of the aging degradation of the major pressurized and boiling water reactor structures and components. The design and fabrication of each structure or component is briefly described followed by information on the associated stressors. Interactions between the design, materials, and various stressors that cause aging degradation are reviewed. In many cases, aging degradation problems have occurred, and the plant experience to date is analysed. The discussions summarize the available aging-related information and are supported with extensive references, including references to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) documents, Electric Power Research Institute reports, U.S. and international conference proceedings and other publications. The book will prove a useful reference for engineers engaged in the operation and life extension of the present generation of nuclear power plants and for those engaged in the design of advanced light water reactors. It will also provide engineering students with insight into the practical materials-related issues associated with the design and operation of nuclear power plants. The work will also serve as a basis for programs to address the new aging-related issues likely to arise as plants get older.
As governments seek to achieve the benefits of privatization and to drive down the price of electricity by introducing competition in generation, the role of those responsible for maintaining the power plant has changed radically. This text presents conference papers on the subject.
Awarded the Dexter Prize by the Society for the History of Technology A unique comparative history of the evolution of modern electric power systems, Networks of Power not only provides an accurate representation of large-scale technological change but also demonstrates that technology itself cannot be understood or directed unless placed in a cultural context. For Thomas Highes, both the invention of the simplest devices (like the lightbuld itself) and the execution of the grandest schemes (such as harnessing the water power of the Bavarian Alps) fit into an overaching model of technological devleopment. His narrative is an absorbing account of the creative genius, scientific achievements, engineering capabilities, managerial skills, and entrepreneurial risks behind one of the most commonplace amenities of the modern age.
Transient current and voltage peaks in a power network frequently result in damage to system components. Occurrences range from voltage oscillations after the interruption of short-circuit currents to the effects of lightning strikes. Encompassing the fundamentals of transient phenomena, this reference provides effective techniques for the prediction and limitation of transient behaviour. With the current emphasis on quality of power supply, this concise treatment of transients in power systems will prove a valuable resource to practising power system designers, engineers, researchers and advanced students of electrical engineering. Features Include:
Abriss der theoretischen Grundlagen magnetisch-induktiver Messgerate. Diskussion der Storeinflusse, Darstellung der Konzepte der Signalverarbeitung und Ansatze fur die Energieeinsparung: Dieses Buch liefert den notwendigen Uberblick und eine Fulle von Anregungen fur Ingenieure, Physiker und Chemiker, die die Methode einsetzen wollen; es ist aber auch als Einfuhrung fur Studenten geeignet.
Der Autor untersucht den derzeitigen Elektrizitatsmarkt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Ansatze zur Verbesserung der Elektrizitatsversorgung. Weiterhin erfolgt eine produktions- und kostentheoretische Analyse von strompreisabhangigen Lastmanagement-Massnahmen, die Auswertung empirischer Daten zum Lastmanagement-Potential in Industriebetrieben und die Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Modells der Stromversorgung von Industriebetrieben. Dem Leser des Buches werden zusatzliche Wege und Mittel aufgezeigt, die Betriebskosten in Industriebetrieben zu reduzieren und die zukunftige Stromversorgung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auch ohne den Zubau neuer Kraftwerke sicher und kostengunstig zu gestalten.
Der erste Band der Schriftenreihe behandelt die Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Optimierungsmodells zur ElektrizitAtsversorgungsplanung fA1/4r lAndliche Gebiete in EntwicklungslAndern. Mit Hilfe eines auf einem Mikrocomputer implementierten Algorithmus wird der kostenminimale Ausbau von Stromerzeugungsanlagen fA1/4r langfristige PlanungszeitrAume errechnet. Die Anwendung des Modells auf Regionen in verschiedenen EntwicklungslAndern zeigt, daA neben der standortspezifischen Ausbaureihenfolge eine A1/4bergeordnete wirtschaftliche Rangfolge im Ausbau der Kraftwerke existiert. Angesprochen sind Ingenieure und EntscheidungstrAger im Bereich der Planung von Energiesystemen.
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand wahrend meiner Tatigkeit als akademischer Rat a.Z. am Lehrstuhl fUr Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswissenschaften der Technischen Universitat Miinchen. Herrn Professor Dr. -Ing. Karl G. MUller, dem ehemaligen Leiter des Instituts, danke ich fUr die Anregung des Themas und seine UnterstUzung bei der Durch- fiihrung der Arbeit. Danken mOchte ich Herrn Professor Dr. -Ing. Joachim Milberg fUr die konti- nuierliche und wohlwollende FOrderung meiner Forschungsaktivitaten und fUr seine wertvollen Hinweise, die wesentlich zum Gelingen der Arbeit beigetra- gen haben. Ebenso gilt mein Dank Herrn Professor Dr. -Ing. G. Duelen fUr die Ubernahme des Korreferats und das Interesse, das er dieser Arbeit entgegengebracht hat. Bei allen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern des Lehrstuhls, die mich bei meiner Arbeit in vielfaltiger Weise unterstUtzt haben, bedanke ich mich recht herzlich. Des weiteren gilt mein Dank Herrn Prof. Dr. -Ing. R. D. MUller fUr die Durch- sicht der Arbeit und seine wertvollen Anregungen.
Lineare Systeme und Netzwerke ist ein vorlesungsbegleitendes Lehrbuch fur Studenten der Elektrotechnik und verwandter Fachgebiete. Vorausgesetzt werden Kenntnisse der elementaren Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik. Die mathematischen Voraussetzungen entsprechen dem Ausbildungsstand der Studenten der Elektrotechnik im funften Semester an wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen. Das Lehrbuch gibt einen nach didaktischen Gesichtspunkten aufgebauten Uberblick der Netzwerktheorie im Rahmen der allgemeinen Theorie linearer Systeme und bemuht sich um Plausibilitat, sinnvolle Reihenfolge, Hinweise auf Zusammenhange und anschauliche Beispiele; auf strenge Beweisfuhrung wird verzichtet. Zusammenfassungen, Ubersichten und Tabellen erleichtern die Anwendung der Theorie und ermoglichen eine rasche Wiederholung des Stoffes. Das Buch hat sich seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt auch im Selbststudium bewahrt.
With distributed generation interconnection power flow becoming bidirectional, culminating in network problems, smart grids aid in electricity generation, transmission, substations, distribution and consumption to achieve a system that is clean, safe (protected), secure, reliable, efficient, and sustainable. This book illustrates fault analysis, fuses, circuit breakers, instrument transformers, relay technology, transmission lines protection setting using DIGsILENT Power Factory. Intended audience is senior undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers in power systems, transmission and distribution, protection system broadly under electrical engineering.
Design of Solar Thermal Power Plants introduces the basic design methods of solar thermal power plants for technicians engaged in solar thermal power generation engineering. This book includes the author's theoretical investigation and study findings in solar heat concentrators, a performance evaluation of solar thermal collectors, a numerical simulation of the heat transfer process between complex geometrics, heat transfer through radiation, and more. Containing theoretical descriptions of solar concentrators and receivers, practical engineering examples, and detailed descriptions of site selections for solar thermal power plants, this book has a strong theoretical and practical value for readers.
The Smart Grid is a modern electricity grid allowing for distributed, renewable intermittent generation, partly owned by consumers. This requires advanced control and communication technologies in order to provide high quality power supply and secure generation, transmission and distribution. This book outlines these emerging technologies. Topics covered include an introduction to smart grid architecture; smart grid communications and standards; measurement and sensing devices for smart grids; smart transmission and wide area monitoring system; bad data detection in smart grids; optimal energy management in smart grids; communication and control for the smart grid; smart consumer systems; importance of energy storage systems in smart grids; control and optimization for integration of plug-in vehicles in smart grids; multi-agent based control of smart grids; compressive sensing for smart grid security and reliability; optimum placement of FACTS devices in smart grids; security analysis of smart grid; and smart grid security policies and regulations. With contributions from prominent researchers in the fields of computer, communication, and power engineering this book is essential reading for researchers in power grids, as well as for advanced students and practitioners.
Advances in Power System Modelling, Control and Stability Analysis captures the variety of new methodologies and technologies that are changing the way modern electric power systems are modelled, simulated and operated. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 presents research works on power system modelling and includes applications of telegrapher equations, power flow analysis with inclusion of uncertainty, discrete Fourier transformation and stochastic differential equations. Part 2 focuses on power system operation and control and presents insights on optimal power flow, real-time control and state estimation techniques. Finally, Part 3 describes advances in the stability analysis of power systems and covers voltage stability, transient stability, time delays, and limit cycles. A rich mix of theoretical aspects with practical considerations, as well as benchmarks test systems and real-world applications makes this book essential reading for researchers and students in academia and industry in electric power systems modelling and control.
Power quality is necessary for electrical systems to operate in their intended manner without any deterioration of performance. This book highlights the new emerging challenges of power quality due to the penetration of large-scale renewable energy generation technologies, the advances in nonlinear loads, the increased electricity demands in the deregulated market, and the recent requirements of smart grids that need better hierarchical design with enhanced quality, improved controllability, higher reliability, and security. Novel research that links the past, present and future of electrical power grids from a power quality perspective is also introduced. Topics include power quality definitions; frequency-domain power theory and metering of harmonic pollution responsibility; active and passive harmonic filters; shunt flexible AC transmission; power quality improvement using series FACTS; distributed generation systems; islanding scenario generation algorithm; decentralised voltage control in smart grids; techno-economic issues of power quality; economic robust programming for energy management systems; and future trends in power quality. Power Quality in Future Electrical Power Systems is a tool for planners, designers, operators and practicing engineers of electrical power systems who are concerned with power network quality, reliability, and security. It is essential reading for postgraduate students, engineers, academics, and researchers who have some background in electrical power systems.
The aim of the smart electric energy grid is to improve efficiency, flexibility, and stability of the electric energy generation and distribution system, with the ultimate goal being the added value of energy-related services to the end-consumer and to facilitate energy generation and prudent consumption toward energy efficiency. New technologies, such as networks and sensors, are combined with consumer behaviour to create a complex eco-system in which many factors interact. This book gives some structure to the complex ecosystem and surveys key research problems that have shaped the area. The emphasis is on the presentation of the control and optimization methodology used in approaching each of these problems. This methodology spans convex and linear optimization theory, game theory, and stochastic optimization. Modeling and Optimization of the Smart Grid Ecosystem serves as a reference for researchers wishing to understand the fundamental principles and research problems underpinning the smart grid ecosystem, and the main mathematical tools used to model and analyze such systems.
This book describes the three major power system transients and dynamics simulation tools based on a circuit-theory approach that are widely used all over the world (EMTP-ATP, EMTP-RV and EMTDC/PSCAD), together with other powerful simulation tools such as XTAP. In the first part of the book, the basics of circuit-theory based simulation tools and of numerical electromagnetic analysis methods are explained, various simulation tools are introduced and the features, strengths and weaknesses are described together with some application examples. In the second part, various transient and dynamic phenomena in power systems are investigated and studied by applying the numerical analysis tools, including: transients in various components related to a renewable system; surges on wind farm and collection systems; protective devices such as fault locators and high-speed switchgear; overvoltages in a power system; dynamic phenomena in FACTS, especially STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator); the application of SVC to a cable system; and grounding systems. Combining underlying theory with real-world examples, this book will be of use to researchers involved in analysis of power systems for development and optimization, and professionals and advanced students working with power systems in general.
Datacenter Power Management in Smart Grids overviews recent work on managing and minimizing the cost of data centers in the context of smart grids. It starts by reviewing the operation of smart grids and analyzing how power is consumed in datacenters. Then, it presents various cost minimization approaches using techniques from the fields of optimization, algorithmics, and feedback control. In particular, it focuses on approaches that utilize time-of-use pricing and demand response features to cut the datacenter electricity cost. In a cloud computing environment, companies or individuals offload their computing to the cloud, which is supported by the computing infrastructure called datacenters. The operation of these datacenters consumes large amounts of electricity, bringing high costs and negatively impacting the environment. In the mean time, a new kind of electrical grid, the smart grid, is emerging. Smart grids enable two-way communications between the power generators and the power consumers. Smart grid technology brings many salient features to help deliver power efficiently and reliably. While a lot of research has been conducted on both datacenters and smart grids, Datacenter Power Management in Smart Grids takes the novel approach of considering both together and focuses on cost-aware datacenter power management in the presence of smart grids. This work reviews recent developments in this area and explains how a smart grid operates, where power goes in datacenters, and, most importantly, how to reduce the power cost and/or negative environmental impact when operating datacenters.
Superconductors offer high throughput with low electric losses and have the potential to transform the electric power grid. Transmission networks incorporating cables of this type could, for example, deliver more power and enable substantial energy savings. Superconductors in the Power Grid: Materials and Applications provides an overview of superconductors and their applications in power grids. Sections address the design and engineering of cable systems and fault current limiters and other emerging applications for superconductors in the power grid, as well as case studies of industrial applications of superconductors in the power grid.
This third edition of "High Voltage Engineering and Testing" describes strategic developments in the field and reflects on how they can best be managed. All the key components of high voltage and distribution systems are covered including electric power networks, UHV and HV. Distribution systems including HVDC and power electronic systems are also considered. This new edition gives details of design and testing techniques and considers recent developments in testing and measuring technology and reviews them together with appropriate strategic technological assessments of some applications. In the book, particular consideration is given to recent developments in UHV, AC and DC transmission systems abroad. Recent developments in renewable energy techniques and environmental issues are also discussed and assessed. This new edition gives details of design and testing techniques and considers recent developments in testing and measuring technology and reviews them together with appropriate strategic technological assessments of some applications. The book also looks at UHV, HV and distribution systems both from the point of view of the provider and the user, covering everything from specification and testing to overall system coordination. The ongoing dynamic changes which have taken place during the past decade are considered, moving on from the early stages of privatisation and market influences in the UK and abroad, to current strategies aimed at optimizing the value of network assets and the effective utilization of alternative renewable energy sources within network frameworks. The book is ideal for engineering students, lecturers, new graduates entering the highvoltage field, practising engineers, consultants and anyone wishing to extend their knowledge in this area.
The goal of this proposed text is to provide a recourse for engineering students interested in the design and operation of solar electric, solar thermal, wind, and other renewable systems. Solar and wind energy systems have flourished throughout the United States in the last few years as the public calls for reduced dependence on foreign oil. Government programs have been established to meet the public demand. Many states have passed legislation that requires electric utilities to include a portfolio of renewable energy sources in their generation mix. The resulting public demand has stimulated the growth of an industry that provides wind and solar systems, and many small businesses have grown to install these systems. Training programs and courses are now ubiquitous as the demand for designers and installer's increases. Almost every educational institution offers renewable energy classes or curriculum. The organization of this book begins with concepts and terminology for power and energy - the basics needed to communicate and understand the subject. Conventional power systems are briefly discussed to understand the concepts used in the integration of renewable power systems. Discussion then moves to the design and installation of a small residential photovoltaic system and wind generator connected to the electric utility grid. With this background, the student is able to begin developing ideas for a class project. The chapters following concepts and background review delve into the details of photovoltaic and wind systems as interconnected or stand-alone designs. Estimating and predicating energy production is presented using industry distribution functions and online programs. Concepts of temperature coefficients, synchronization, power conversion, and system protection are explained and practiced. These concepts are applied to residential and small commercial systems and later extrapolated to large system design. Economic analysis is presented using basic methodologies such as payback and rate of return. The methodology to develop advanced analysis is introduced using spreadsheets. The remainder of the text explores other renewable technologies, energy storage systems, thermal systems, and renewable related topics. |
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