Books > Arts & Architecture > Architecture > Public buildings: civic, commercial, industrial, etc
A critical survey of contemporary museums, as well as a reference
in the field of architecture. The book analyzes the design and
production of museum complexes all over the world in the last
decade, and gives a critical interpretation of one of the most
challenging subjects in the recent architectural panorama. The
author organizes 89 designed and mostly built museums through a
series of critical categories each introduced by a short
introduction: "Essential," "Monolith," "Archeology," "Insert,"
"Overlapping," "Theatre," "Context" . The work of the most
important contemporary masters such as Alvaro Siza, Zaha Hadid,
Tadao Ando, Massimiliano Fuksas, Renzo Piano, Steven Holl, Jean
Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Daniel Libeskind crosses the most recent
research and and experiences in the world of museum's. The works of
emerging architects such as Tezuka Architects, Mansilla &
Tunon, Asymptote, Diller + Scofidio, Delugan Meissle, UN studio,
Michael Maltzan, and many others shows clearly how museum design
became a fundamental field of research on the changing nature of
the public spaces as well as on the relevant relationship between
landscape and architecture.
und Erganzungen mit groBer Sorgfalt durchgefiihrt, und ich bin
uberzeugt, daB die neue Auflage die gleiche freundliche Aufnahme
finden wird wie ihre Vorgiinger. Wien, im Dezember 1959 ERNST
Longstreth explores the early development of two kinds of retail
space that have become ubiquitous in the United States in the
second half of the twentieth century. Richard Longstreth is one of
the few historians to focus on ordinary commercial
buildings-buildings usually associated with commercial builders and
real estate developers rather than architects and thus generally
overlooked by historians of "high" architecture. Here Longstreth
explores the early development of two kinds of retail space that
have become ubiquitous in the United States in the second half of
the twentieth century. One, external, is devoted to the circulation
and parking of automobiles on retail premises. Longstreth analyzes
the origins of this development in the 1910s and 1920s, with the
super service station and then the drive-in market. The other type
of space, internal, was introduced soon thereafter with the
single-story supermarket. The most innovative aspect of the
supermarket was how its interior was designed for high-volume
turnover of a large selection of goods with a minimum of staff
assistance. Longstreth focuses on Los Angeles, the principal center
for the development of both kinds of space, during the period from
the mid-1910s to the early 1940s. This richly illustrated study
integrates architectural, cultural, economic, and urban factors to
describe the evolution of retailing and how it has affected the
urban landscape.
From the view of the construction engineer, some new knowledge of
wind-induced vibrations in structures is imparted, where mention is
made of the forced vibrations and the self-excited vibrations. The
forced vibrations (periodic excitation by whirlwind or windward-
sided interference bodies as well as the aperiodic excitation by
squally wind) are illustrated in the light of the results of own
studies with mock- ups and on actual structures. Finally, the
modern methods of deter- mining the inherent values for the
structure (natural vibration and self- damping) of original
stuctures and measures to reduce the wind-induced vibration in
structures are discussed. Resume L'expose donne quelques notions
nouvelles sur les vibrations des batiments engendrees par Ie vent,
sous Ie point de vue de l'ingenieur du genie civil, en distinguant
entre les vibrations forcees et les vibrations au to-exci tees. Les
vibrations forcees (avec excitation periodique par des tourbillons
ou des corps perturbateurs tournes du cote du vent ainsi que
l'excitation non periodique due aux rafales de vent) font l'objet
d'explications detaillees, a l'aide des resultats de recherches
faites par l'auteur sur des maquettes et des ouvrages originaux.
Pour terminer, l'article mentionne des methodes modernes de
determination des valeurs intrinseques de la structure (frequence
propre et amortissement) d'ouvrages originaux et les mesures a
prendre pour reduire les vibrations des batiments engen- drees par
Ie vent. Diskussion Herr Quick: Sie sprachen von einer
reprasentativen Windgeschwindig- keit bei der Anregung von
Public places are places where all citizens, irrespective of their
race, age, religion, or class level (social or economic), cannot be
excluded. It serves to improve the lifestyle experience of its
inhabitants, as well as promote social connections. All citizens
are responsible for it and are interested in it, and the
intervention for change must be the responsibility of all without
exception. As such, bottom-up urban planning is essential for urban
environments and for transforming nightlife in public places in
order to create more meaningful experiences and instill a greater
sense of identity and community. Transforming Urban Nightlife and
the Development of Smart Public Spaces analyzes the patterns of
transformations of nightlife in public life. The book investigates
urban nightlife transformations and the challenge of enhancing the
sense of belonging in sensitive areas such as local communities and
historical sites. The chapters present new insights to control the
chaotic intervention related to the elements of traditional or
digital technology, whether from citizens themselves or local
authorities. The objective also is to document urban nightlife
transformations that enhance the sense of belonging in historical
sites. Important topics covered include urban-gamification, digital
urban art, urban socio-ecosystems, and reimagining space in the
urban nightlife. This book is ideal for urban planners, developers,
social scientists, technologists, civil engineers, architects,
policymakers, government officials, practitioners, researchers,
academicians, and students who are interested in urban nightlife
and nightscape and the smart technologies used for transformation.