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Sonne Brot und Wein - Wohnsitz Segelboot - Tunesien - Balearen -Sardinien - Band 31 in der maritimen gelben Buchreihe bei... Sonne Brot und Wein - Wohnsitz Segelboot - Tunesien - Balearen -Sardinien - Band 31 in der maritimen gelben Buchreihe bei Juergen Ruszkowski (German, Paperback)
Thomas Illes; Photographs by Thomas Illes; Juergen Ruszkowski
R462 Discovery Miles 4 620 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Yachtchartern fur Einsteiger (German, Paperback): Jurgen Prommersberger Yachtchartern fur Einsteiger (German, Paperback)
Jurgen Prommersberger
R285 Discovery Miles 2 850 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Ensinando a velejar (Portuguese, Paperback): Ricardo De Mattos Fernandes Ensinando a velejar (Portuguese, Paperback)
Ricardo De Mattos Fernandes
R345 Discovery Miles 3 450 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Grand Ambition - An Extraordinary Yacht, the People Who Built It, and the Millionaire Who Can't Really Afford It... Grand Ambition - An Extraordinary Yacht, the People Who Built It, and the Millionaire Who Can't Really Afford It (Paperback)
G. Bruce Knecht
R448 Discovery Miles 4 480 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Sea Trials (Hardcover, Ed): Peter Bourke Sea Trials (Hardcover, Ed)
Peter Bourke
R983 R861 Discovery Miles 8 610 Save R122 (12%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

"In all, beautifully written and wonderfully inspiring."--The Wall Street Journal "Crossing the Atlantic under sail, alone, is a nexus of sorts for all sailors, a dream and an adventure that seems obtainable within the framework of life and work, and it's in this context that Sea Trials provides inspiration to all of us. Bourke's route across the ocean, as a participant in the 2009 OSTAR, is circuitous at best as he battles headwinds and mechanical snafus, but he keeps it in perspective and never loses his sense of humor and awe. Sure he wants to do well in the race, but getting to the starting line is already a victory, and finishing, when others would have retired, seems in character. Bourke deftly weaves his life story into the narrative, from the tragic death of his wife that leaves him an angry single parent, to postponing his dreams until his kids are settled, to his rather bumbling attempts to become a sailor. It takes a good writer to make this work within the framework of a voyage, and Bourke is a very good writer. . . . I was in the cockpit with him as he spent long hours at the helm, attuned to the sea and alone withhis thoughts. He doesn't whine but he's not a hero either, just a sailor dealing with his boat, the Atlantic, and life, and he relishes it all. This is a brilliant book." -- John Kretschmer, author, Sailing a SeriousOcean and At the Mercy of the SeaPeter Bourke first heard the siren call of the sea as a young boy when he crossed the Atlantic from England with his family. Decades later, three years after his wife's sudden death, he bought a boat--even though he did not yetknow how to sail. His friends thought he was crazy; but for Bourke, buying his fi rst sailboat was a lifeline, a glimmer of hope in a world turned upside down. Learning to juggle single parenting, a career in finance, and a growingurge to set sail was akin to walking a tightrope of sanity. Small voyage by small voyage he gained his sea legs, balancing the risks of singlehanding while raising children, holding his sailing dream lightly until his children had safely transited out of high school. Bourke entered the Oldest Singlehanded Trans-Atlantic Race (OSTAR) at age 57. Sea Trials is the humble account of those 40 days of racing on his 44-foot sailboat Rubicon. As he shares his highs and lows at sea, he alsoweaves his intimate story of grief and rediscovery into the narrative: pain and joy, seasickness, fear, and his boundless gratitude. You are along for Bourke's racing adventure--the good, the bad, and the very unpredictable.Gear failure and reefi ng sails on a pitching deck in the double dark of the mid-Atlantic night intermix with wet twilights of Da Nang, Vietnam, where artillery shells pierce the sky; we also travel with Bourke down the pastoral streets of his suburban hometown toward a neighbor's house, wondering how he will find the words and courage to tell his daughter and son they have lost their mother. Bourke's offshore passage is a passage home, to the core of his humanity and humility--and as Bourke and Rubicon cross the fi nish line in Newport, Rhode Island, the world had been simultaneously opened wide and brought closer. To dream and to sail the dream is to journey offand come home again, changed. And undoubtedly you will be inspired to take a big--but satisfying--risk of your own to fulfill your lifelong dream, whether it's on the big blue or dry land. "Life and circumstance had left me working flat out trying to maintain my professional position, be a good father, and keep everything together. At the late-night end of many days, I found myself mumbling: 'I can't keep doing this, this is killing me, I'm dying.' It wasn't a question of wanting out of the parenting role, or the business role, but I needed a third ball for balance . . ." "To be at sea is to be in a different world, and to live alone for a time in this alien place can yield a spiritual calm. . . . In such a calm, order and perspective can enter your thoughts. Life can be harsh at sea, but it is never sordid. The simple necessities of food, drink, and sleep are received with gratitude, and always there is the sea's reminder that you are a speck of dust in the cosmos. The rush of thoughts slows, and order replaces the chaos as you consider your journey." -- From the book SEA TRIALS is a poignant account of one man's pursuit of a dream that will inspire you to tackle challenging endeavors as well as squarely face life's emotional challenges, fi nding the courage to live a fullyengaged, authentic life.

Kapt'n, Kapt'n - Probleme? Lacherlich - Neues Vom Sepp (German, Paperback): Andreas Res Kapt'n, Kapt'n - Probleme? Lacherlich - Neues Vom Sepp (German, Paperback)
Andreas Res
R328 Discovery Miles 3 280 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Wieder zieht es Sepp Friesenbichler auf das Meer. Mit einem Segelschiff nimmt er als Grenzganger zwischen Sardinien und Korsika die durch Wind, Wellen und Riffe beruchtigte Strasse von Bonifacio in Angriff, muss aber letzlich feststellen, dass die wirklichen Probleme meist von den handelnden Personen und nicht von den Elementen ausgehen

Im Reich der Eissturmvoegel (German, Paperback): Claudia Kirchberger Im Reich der Eissturmvoegel (German, Paperback)
Claudia Kirchberger
R446 Discovery Miles 4 460 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Claudia und Jurgen, 33 und 37 Jahre alt, starten ihre neue Segelreise mit einer ungewohnlichen Flussfahrt in die Nordsee. Nach einem Jahr zwischen Deutschland, Danemark und Schweden segeln sie in den Norden Norwegens.Wahrend die Fahrt in Sud- und Westnorwegen mit schonen Segeltagen und Wanderungen durch das Fjordland gepragt ist, verlagert sich die Reise von den Lofoten in den Norden immer mehr zur Entdeckungsreise mit Expeditionscharakter. Die beiden Abenteurer erleben Mitternachtssonne und einsame Fjorde, beobachten Rentiere bei ihrem Streifzug uber die Uferhange und segeln mit Delfine. Eine Etappe ihrer Reise fuhrt sie uber die rauen Gewasser der Barents See zur arktischen Bareninsel. Als erste auslandische Yacht verbringen die Osterreicher einen Winter in Finmark, segeln zur nordlichsten Stadt der Welt, der norwegischen Heimat der Schlittenhunde. Fur zwei Monate verabschiedet sich die Sonne und macht der Polarnacht platz. Das Nordlicht zieht uber den Himmel und das Leben an Bord wird gepragt von arktischer Kalte und norwegischer Freundschaft. Die Sonne kommt mit einer Intensitat zuruck, die nur in der Arktis erlebt werden kann. Bald steht fest, dass die weitere Reise uber den Nordatlantik zu den Shetland Inseln, uber die Faeroer Inseln und Island nach Gronland fuhren soll. Eine Reise, die sie durch eines der gefahrlichsten Seegebiete der Welt fuhren wird und die dennoch zu den altesten Segelabenteuern der Menschheit gehort: eine Segelreise entlang der Route der Wikinger. Zwischen verzauberten Inseln und herausfordernder Gezeitenstromen erleben Claudia und Jurgen den Fruhling auf den Inseln in Schottlands Norden und bezwingen schliesslich das gefahrliche Seegebiet zu den Faeroer Inseln, wo sie abermals Gastfreundschaft und den eigenwilligen Lebensrhythmus der Nordlander erfahren. Natur und Wetter bestimmen das Vorankommen der Segler, der Nordatlantik fordert Vorsicht und Seemannschaft. Die Etappe nach Island zur Traumreise und die beiden tauchen ein in eine Welt der Vulkane und Gletscher, zwischen Mythen und Moderne. Die Saison im Nordatlantik ist kurz und eine Fahrt uber die beruchtigte Irmingersee nach Gronland steht bevor. Auch hier muss das Paar ihren Segeltorn mit grosster Vorsicht planen und ein hohes Mass an Eigenverantwortung und Durchhaltekraft ist gefordert. Nach sechs Tagen zwischen Flaute und Sturm erreicht die Segelyacht die Gronlandische Kuste. Eisberge, raue Steinhange, zwischen denen sich Gletzscherzungen bis zum Meer schieben, nicht kartografierte Seegebiete, gefahrliche Untiefen und schwierige Ankerplatze laden zur Entdeckungsreise und lassen die Segler in ihrer Erfahrung wachsen. Claudia und Jurgen Kirchberger verbringen den Spatsommer an Gronlands Westkuste, leben zwischen Einsamkeit und Inuits. Doch die Expedition ihres Lebens sollte nicht hier enden und so beschliesst Claudia ihre Erzahlung mit dem Vorsatz, den Winter an Bord ihres Segelbootes in der Gronlandischen Arktis zu verbringen und im folgenden Jahr die gefahrliche Fahrt uber die Nordwest Passage in den Pazifik zu

Two Years Before the Mast (German, Paperback): Richard Henry Dana Two Years Before the Mast (German, Paperback)
Richard Henry Dana
R1,561 Discovery Miles 15 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In the following pages I design to give an accurate and authentic narrative of a little more than two years spent as a common sailor before the mast, in the American merchant service; and in it I have adhered closely to fact in every particular, and endeavoured to give each thing its true character. My design is, and it is this which has induced me to publish the book, to present the life of a common sailor at sea as it really is - the light and dark together. Richard Henry Dana (1815-1882), American politician, lawyer and expert for maritime law, gives a vivid account of his younger years as merchant sailor. Between 1834 and 1836 he sailed on a trading ship from Boston to South America and around Cape Horn to California. Dana always stressed that he had written the book to improve the status and life of the common sailor. Because it gives a very detailed description of California, with the Californian Gold rush of 1849 the book and its author became extremely popular. Reprint of the original edition from 1840.

The Practical Mariner's Book of Knowledge (Paperback, 2nd edition): John Vigor The Practical Mariner's Book of Knowledge (Paperback, 2nd edition)
John Vigor
R660 R604 Discovery Miles 6 040 Save R56 (8%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The only rules-of-thumb compendium for boaters, updated with 45 new entries to delight, entertain, and most importantly, inform. These are tried and tested rules of thumb--the distilled essence of centuries of seafaring experience--providing succinct answers to the questions most-asked by boaters.

""The perfect, practical gift to give or receive."" -- The Ensign

.".".reads like a lively conversation with a friendly, seasoned pro."" -- Lakeland Boating

""All in all it is refreshing, and it is often a giggle. But most importantly, it is always helpful--very helpful."" -- SA Boating

About the Book
A concise, alphabetically organized reference for sailors and boaters. New edition includes over 460 concise entries on diverse topics such as: hull thickness, estimating distance, anchoring rights, making a rum punch, stability as assessed by roll times, and hallucinations, occurrence of. This updated to provide a new generation of boaters with an instant reference like none other. This is either the most useful boating book ever designed to entertain, or the most entertaining book ever designed to be useful.

Features Unusual, engaging, and practical collection of information not found anywhere else Format is concise and trim, and packs well aboard, as a print book or ebook Alphabetic organization makes navigation easy, as does the exhaustive index Wit and wisdom of some of the entries ("Fear, Widespread Occurrence of" and "Useless Articles on a Boat, the Three or Four Most") combines nicely with practical emphasis on others ("Fiberglass, Drawbacks of,") Comprehensive appendix of useful forms, tables, and measurements (tank capacity, rope strength, power of attorney for a cruising couple) Includes Vigor's now, well-known and often referenced "Black-Box Theory"

About the Author
A journalist who has worked for major daily newspapers in Great Britain, South Africa, and the United States, John Vigor is a former managing editor of California-based Sea magazine. A certified sailing instructor and a former national dinghy-racing champion in South Africa, he has raced, cruised and written about boats for decades. He has sailed more than 10,000 ocean miles on small boats and in 1987 voyaged from South Africa to Florida with his wife and teenage son in a 31-foot sailboat. He is the author of 12 boating books, including "Small Boat to Freedom" (Sheridan House) and "Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Started Sailing" (Sheridan House), national winner of the prestigious John Southam Award, "The Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat" (McGraw-Hill), and "The Practical Encyclopedia of Boating" (McGraw-Hill). He lives in Bellingham, Washington. He writes a blog which can be found at http: //www.johnvigor.com/.

Boat Girl - A Memoir of Youth, Love, & Fiberglass (Paperback): Melanie Neale Boat Girl - A Memoir of Youth, Love, & Fiberglass (Paperback)
Melanie Neale
R515 R484 Discovery Miles 4 840 Save R31 (6%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Literary Nonfiction. Women's Studies. BOAT GIRL is the heartbreaking memoir of growing up aboard a sailboat. Throughout the 1980's and 90's, Melanie's family lived aboard a 47-foot sailboat, spending their summers along the US East Coast and their winters in the Bahamas. But the cruising life was not all fun in the sun. The family had to work hard to pay for their way of life. They dodged hurricanes, overzealous federal agents and bullying land-kids. And they endured a boatload of family drama. As her father published articles about how living on a boat brings families together, Melanie secretly struggled with an eating disorder, the alienation of being a boat kid, and confusion over her developing sexuality. As an adult, she lived aboard her own 28-foot sailboat and had several relationships trying to find someone who wasn't intimidated by her stubborn independence and free-spirited lifestyle. BOAT GIRL weaves all this together into a story about a girl who, once all is said and done, simply wants her own boat and her own life. Melanie paints a vivid picture of the trials and tribulations of family life aboard a sailboat without drowning the reader in the technical details of sailing. BOAT GIRL strikes a perfect balance between a coming of age story and a sea tale, enjoyable for boaters and land-lovers alike.

Amel Santorin - Voilier dans les Isles Grecques (French, Paperback): Slavica Bogdanov Amel Santorin - Voilier dans les Isles Grecques (French, Paperback)
Slavica Bogdanov
R654 Discovery Miles 6 540 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Livre a photos du magnifique voilier Amel Santorin dans de somptueux paysages adriatiques: iles Grecques rarement visitees et de toute splendeur.

Rumbo a la Antartida - Desde Premia de Mar hasta la Patagonia en el velero TURBULENTO (Spanish, Paperback): Jose Briones Gimenez Rumbo a la Antartida - Desde Premia de Mar hasta la Patagonia en el velero TURBULENTO (Spanish, Paperback)
Jose Briones Gimenez
R408 Discovery Miles 4 080 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Notfall Navigation (German, Paperback): David Burch Notfall Navigation (German, Paperback)
David Burch; Translated by Peer Reeh, Heinz Ressl
R977 R838 Discovery Miles 8 380 Save R139 (14%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

"Das lange vergriffene Kultbuch von David Burch, einem der weltbesten Navigatoren und Grnder der Starpath School of Navigation, nun auf Deutsch neu erschienen. Kein Survival-Handbuch, sondern ein umfassendes Werk ber die eigentlichen Grundlagen der Orientierung auf See, von den polynesischen Sternenpfaden bis zum Steuern nach dem Wind und nach Wellenbildern. Wenn die Technik teilweise oder zur Gnze versagt sollte der verantwortungsbewusste Skipper oder Navigator zumindest einige der hier aufgearbeiteten Grundlagen um Kopf haben. Ein leicht verstndliches Standardwerk fr alle, die sich mit dem Hochsee-Segeln befassen."

The Modern Cruising Sailboat (Hardcover, Ed): Charles Doane The Modern Cruising Sailboat (Hardcover, Ed)
Charles Doane
R1,478 R1,281 Discovery Miles 12 810 Save R197 (13%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

A comprehensive guide to help you identify and equip the boat that best suits your needs

Well-known boating writer Charles Doane unravels the complexity of cruising sailboat design and explains the fundamentals and the ramifications of each design decision. In easy-to-understand terms, Doane explains theoretical aspects of design, pragmatic issues like keel shape and berth configuration, pros and cons of various construction methods and materials, outfitting, propulsion, rigging and much more.

Notes of a Cruise in H.M.S. "Fawn" in the Western Pacific in the Year in 1862 (Paperback): T. H. Hood Notes of a Cruise in H.M.S. "Fawn" in the Western Pacific in the Year in 1862 (Paperback)
T. H. Hood
R793 Discovery Miles 7 930 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Teoria y Practica de Las Velas (Spanish, Paperback): Joachim Schult Teoria y Practica de Las Velas (Spanish, Paperback)
Joachim Schult
R695 Discovery Miles 6 950 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
La Preparacion de Un Crucero (Spanish, Paperback): Klaus Hympedahl La Preparacion de Un Crucero (Spanish, Paperback)
Klaus Hympedahl
R615 Discovery Miles 6 150 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

50 listas con mas de 3.500 consejos sobre la preparacion del barco antes de zarpar: el equipamiento tecnico y de seguridad, las privisiones, el ocio, la salud, etc.

All In The Same Boat - Living Aboard And Cruising (Paperback, 2nd edition): Tom Neale All In The Same Boat - Living Aboard And Cruising (Paperback, 2nd edition)
Tom Neale
R721 R659 Discovery Miles 6 590 Save R62 (9%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

An excellent and practical step-by-step manual to help prepare you for the cruising lifestyle and to entertain you as you learn. --Cruising World

More than two decades ago, Tom and Mel Neale moved onto a boat full-time with their two daughters. Now their neighborhood is anywhere they choose to anchor. Heres all the information needed to follow in their footsteps, including choosing a boat, earning a living, raising and educating kids, and much more.

Changing Course (Paperback, 2nd edition): Debra Cantrell Changing Course (Paperback, 2nd edition)
Debra Cantrell
R458 Discovery Miles 4 580 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

[A] well-researched, gracious and truthful account. --Georgian Bay Today

When her husband proposed living on a boat full-time, Debra Cantrell wondered what other women in her position had done and began a five-year study to find out what choices they had made and how it had all worked out. The result is Changing Course, a guidebook for navigating this odyssey. No matter what the outcome, each woman was strengthened by the experience.

In an era when downshifting is common and people are considering the benefits of simplified living, Changing Course is both timely and practical.

A Funny Old Sailor - Further Anecdotes from the Life of Des Sleightholme (Paperback): Des Sleightholme A Funny Old Sailor - Further Anecdotes from the Life of Des Sleightholme (Paperback)
Des Sleightholme
R687 Discovery Miles 6 870 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is the eagerly awaited follow-up to Des Sleightholme's bestseller A Funny Old Life, which instantly established itself as a must-read for Des's multitude of admirers. Former editor of Yachting Monthly for many years, Des is well known for his irreverent outlook on the Establishment and for his unfailing eye for the funny side of things; here he returns with further yarns about the hilarious happenings throughout his life.

Yachting Monthly's Sailing an Atlantic Circuit (Paperback): Alastair Buchan Yachting Monthly's Sailing an Atlantic Circuit (Paperback)
Alastair Buchan
R758 R669 Discovery Miles 6 690 Save R89 (12%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

It is every sailor's goal to cross the Atlantic - but to complete an entire Atlantic circuit by sailing the tradewind circular route, with the highlight of a Carribbean cruise on the way, is the stuff that dreams are made of. This book is intended for sailors planning to join the Atlantic loop at any stage of the circuit. It is an informative user-friendly guide that will provide the the reader with all the facts, first-hand advice and useful data they need to give their dreams substance. Topics covered include: * modifying a standard cruiser to make the trip * taking on crew - known and unknown * route planning and timings * tropical storms; how to miss them * living aboard - at sea and in harbour * paperwork required for vessel and crew * reef navigation for the Caribbean * gear to work harder for longer * heavy weather strategies * security and crime prevention * disaster management; planning for the worst * tables of costs

Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat: A Guide to Essential Features, Handling, and Gear (Paperback, Ed): John Vigor Seaworthy Offshore Sailboat: A Guide to Essential Features, Handling, and Gear (Paperback, Ed)
John Vigor
R660 R614 Discovery Miles 6 140 Save R46 (7%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

An invaluable resource. [Vigors] practical wisdom gives you the know-how and confidence to prepare your boat for the sea.--Cruising World. Here is the book that answer the sailors fundamental question--Can my boat take me offshore safely?--then shows how to make it happen.

A Funny Old Life - An Anecdotal Romp Through the Sailing Career of Des Sleightholme (Paperback): Des Sleightholme A Funny Old Life - An Anecdotal Romp Through the Sailing Career of Des Sleightholme (Paperback)
Des Sleightholme
R697 Discovery Miles 6 970 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Des Sleightholme, former Editor of "Yachting Monthly" for many years, is well known for his irreverent outlook on the Establishment and for his unfailing eye for the funny side of things; here he takes on a hilarious anecdotal romp through his sailing life.;From childhood efforts to get afloat at all costs - "if it floats stand on it" - to the tribulations of running a charter boat, the wandering narrative moves from the high drama of a force ten dismasting to the farce of a shattered toilet bowl. The author has a connoisseur's eye for a cock-up.

Lone Voyager - The Extraordinary Adventures Of Howard Blackburn Hero Fisherman Of Gloucester (Paperback, Ed): Joseph E Garland Lone Voyager - The Extraordinary Adventures Of Howard Blackburn Hero Fisherman Of Gloucester (Paperback, Ed)
Joseph E Garland
R564 Discovery Miles 5 640 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Like countless Gloucester fishermen before and since, Howard Blackburn and Tom Welch were trawling for halibut on the Newfoundland banks in an open dory in 1883 when a sudden blizzard separated them from their mother ship. Alone on the empty North Atlantic, they battled towering waves and frozen spray to stay afloat. Welch soon succumbed to exposure, and Blackburn did the only thing he could: He rowed for shore. He rowed five days without food or water, with his hands frozen to the oars, to reach the coast of Newfoundland. Yet his tests had only begun.

So begins Joe Garland's extraordinary account of the hero fisherman of Gloucester. Incredibly, though Blackburn lost his fingers to his icy misadventure, he went on to set a record for swiftest solo sailing voyage across the Atlantic that stood for decades. Lone Voyager is a Homeric saga of survival at sea and a thrilling portrait of the world's most fabled fishing port in the age of sail.

Sailing: A Woman's Guide (Paperback, Ed): Doris Colgate Sailing: A Woman's Guide (Paperback, Ed)
Doris Colgate
R605 R564 Discovery Miles 5 640 Save R41 (7%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Doris Colgate knows what women want. Well-known as a sailing role model and a confident yet gentle teacher, she writes with clarity on even the most complex sailing concepts, as well as answering often-asked questions on the safety, comfort, and social sides of sailing. Sailing: A Womans Guide pulls it all together for the beginning sailor. Finally, an excellent book for women that both teaches and motivates. Bravo, Doris. Youve opened up the sport.
--Bernadette Peters, editorial director, Cruising World

It took a person with her fingers on the pulse of women aspiring to sail to write this book, and that person is clearly Doris Colgate. Sailing: A Womans Guide is as much a source book as empowerment to women the world over desiring to become sailors.
--Micca Leffingwell Hutchins, editor of SailNet

An excellent introduction to the sport of sailing. It will undoubtedly encourage many women to try this challenging, noncontact activity while enjoying the great outdoors.--Betsy Alison, Four-time Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year

This new series is designed to teach outdoor skills to women in the way they learn. . . . Women of all ages describe how they overcame obstacles, what they enjoyed most, or just how they felt about undertaking a new activity . . . extremely well done and appealing.
--Library Journal (starred review)

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