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Books > Professional & Technical > Veterinary science
This is the first volume of a multi-volume set of veterinary practice leadership and management resources. Veterinarians will discover the concepts and tools that can enable them to help the staff in their practices develop into a team, one that eagerly responds to changes in the marketplace and is committed to improvement. Catanzaro has written in pragmatic terms about: the attitudes that promote a sense of teamwork; evaluating and developing your own leadership skills; the structure of a successful group; communication techniques; and Continuous Quality Improvement--all with an eye on the special circumstances and dynamics within veterinary practices. Appendices include a glossary of terms, leadership calibration instruments, summary leadership skill sessions, and suggestions for additional reading. The next volume in the series will address key programs to enhance net income.
A landmark breeding resource for new and seasoned horse owners alike With millions of recreational riders on the bridle paths today, breeding is becoming increasingly popular among horse owners at all experience levels. Whether you are already enjoying the rich rewards of equine breeding or need down-to-earth advice on whether breeding is right for you and your animal, the Veterinary Guide to Horse Breeding offers a thorough, up-to-date overview of the process. From selecting the best horses to mating, pregnancy, birthing, and caring for a newborn foal, this is the authoritative resource you'll want by your side at all stages of the breeding process to bring healthy, beautiful foals into your life. Features include:
Modern methods and approaches, such as the analysis of molecular sequences to infer evolutionary relationships among organisms, have provided vast new sets of data to further our understanding ofliving organisms, but there remain enigmas in the biological world that will keep scientists working and thinking for decades. Microorganisms by virtue of their small size and almost unbounded diversity provide ample examples of intriguing mysteries that are being challenged with all of the techniques the modern scientific arsenal can provide. One whole arena of this battle to resolve puzzling mysteries about various microorganisms is the almost unbelievable ability of many micro-organisms to live in extreme environments. Whether the challenge is extreme heat, cold, pressure, hyper salinity, alkalinity or acidity, some micro-organisms live now where no life might seem possible. This fascinating state of affairs is the context for this present volume edited by Joseph Seckbach. This Volume is a compilation of many of the especially interesting questions and biological challenges that arise in the consideration of microorganisms in general and the extremophiles in particular."
A complete, all-in-one resource for head and neck imaging in dogs, cats, and horses Veterinary Head and Neck Imaging is a comprehensive reference for the diagnostic imaging of the head and neck in dogs, cats, and horses. The book provides a multimodality, comparative approach to neuromusculoskeletal, splanchnic, and sense organ imaging. It thoroughly covers the underlying morphology of the head and neck and offers an integrated approach to understanding image interpretation. Each chapter covers a different area and discusses developmental anatomy, gross anatomy, and imaging anatomy, as well as the physical limitations of different modalities and functional imaging. Commonly encountered diseases are covered at length. Veterinary Head and Neck Imaging includes all relevant information from each modality and discusses multi-modality approaches. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the principles of veterinary head and neck imaging, including imaging technology, interpretation principles, and the anatomic organization of the head and neck Comprehensive explorations of musculoskeletal system and intervertebral disk imaging, including discussions of degenerative diseases, inflammation, and diskospondylitis Practical discussions of brain, spinal cord, and cerebrospinal fluid and meninges imaging, including discussions of trauma, vascular, and neoplastic diseases In-depth treatments of peripheral nerve, arterial, venous and lymphatic, respiratory, and digestive system imaging Veterinary Head and Neck Imaging is a must-have resource for veterinary imaging specialists and veterinary neurologists, as well as for general veterinary practitioners with a particular interest in head and neck imaging.
Essentials of Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology is a pocket guide to essential facts in anatomy and physiology. It covers all the basic information needed by students in a format that enables quick revision or easy assimilation of information. Species covered include exotics and equine as well as dog and cat. An essential pocket companion for all students of veterinary nursing or medicine. Convenient pocket size is ideal for daily reference in the clinical setting Unique format features bullet points, numbered lists, and tables for quick access to vital facts Features only essential illustrations to keep the format simple and concise Includes Memory Joggers and multiple-choice questions in each chapter that reinforce key concepts and help readers with information recall Includes separate in-depth coverage of small animals and exotic species Offers useful appendices that cover important terminology
Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry ist das erste umfassende Referenzwerk, das sich mit oralen Krankheitsbildern und dentalen Therapien bei exotischen Wildtieren und Exoten in Gefangenschaft beschaftigt. Die Herausgeber sind anerkannte Experten des Fachgebiets und beschreiben die Zahnpflege bei einer Vielzahl von Spezies. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Zahngesundheit. Das Praktikerbuch zur Behandlung von Exoten bietet eine Fulle von Fotos und Illustrationen, die Krankheitsbilder klar erlautern und Verfahren vorstellen. Die Publikation greift auf die langjahrige Erfahrung der Herausgeber mit exotischen Tieren zuruck und ist eine zuverlassige Referenz mit Informationen zur Geschichte der veterinarmedizinischen Zahnheilkunde, zur Zahnentwicklung, zu Zahntherapeutika aus der Praxis und Beschreibungen des Zahnapparats von mehr als 300 Spezies. Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry behandelt eine Vielzahl von Zoo- und Wildtieren, darunter Katzen, Baren, Primaten, Hunde, Waschbaren, Wiesel, Hyanen, Beuteltiere, Pflanzenfresser, zahnarme Saugetiere, Meeressauger, Voegel, Reptilien u.v.m. Dieses wichtige Referenzwerk - beschreibt umfassend eine Fulle oraler Krankheitsbilder und dentaler Therapien bei exotischen Wildtieren und Wildtieren in Gefangenschaft - unterstreicht insbesondere die Bedeutung der Zahngesundheit fur die allgemeine Tiergesundheit. - informiert uber die jungsten Fortschritte und Errungenschaften in dem Fachgebiet. - enthalt einen wegweisenden Fundus an Ideen fur die Zahnpflege exotischer Wildtiere. Das Buch richtet sich an Wildtierpfleger und Veterinarmediziner, Fachveterinare fur Zahnheilkunde, Veterinartechniker und Studenten der Veterinarmedizin. Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry ist ein Praktikerbuch mit allem Wissenswerten rund um die Zahnpflege bei einer Vielzahl von Tierrassen, denen immer wieder zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt wird.
"Pets at Risk" is an informative book on the breakthrough clinical
discoveries by veterinariam Al Plechner, . For more than 35 years
he has treated tens-of-thousands of cats and dogs in his Los
Angeles veterinary clinic, and has identified a widespread, but
unrecognized deficiency in the endocrine-immune system of cats and
dogs. These deficiencies result in symptoms ranging from allergies
to serious immunological diseases and cancer. Over that time he has
spoken to dozens of veterinarians who report seeing more and more
animals unresponsive to conventional treatment.
This is more than just a management book Written by a range of experienced authors who have designed and built surgeries, managed veterinary staff, bought and used the equipment, and 'cleaned the floors', this Manual brings ideas and guidelines that will be useful in improving and running a small animal veterinary business, whether established or new. Following a brief foray into the construction planning process, each area of the practice, both clinical and non-clinical, is considered in detail -- its design, equipment and maintenance, and the organization and management of the clinical and support teams. The second part of the Manual deals with communication and people management issues, including leadership skills and self-management, together with the ethical and legal framework within which vets and vet nurses work. Thirdly, the business aspects of veterinary practice are explored, including planning, finance, marketing, the client experience and clinical governance. As well as being a daily source of information for veterinary surgeons and managers in companion animal practice, the Manual help support studies for certificates in practice management. It will aid preparation for PSS and VMD inspections, and will be of benefit to all practitioners wanting to improve their quality of service, premises and facilities, and the management of their clinical and support teams. Examples of forms, protocols and SOPs are given throughout and the book has a wealth of images to complement and enhance the text . The first BSAVA Manual of Practice Improvement was published in 1972; this completely new Manual will inspire and support a new generation of veterinary surgeons in their careers in small animal practice.
The second edition of Food Safety and Quality Assurance is a basic reference for veterinarians, extension specialists, and others who help food-animal producers throughout the food chain to provide a safe product to consumers. The assurance of safety and quality must start with the producer. Professionals providing specialized expertise to the producer must be familiar with modern production practices in order to identify activities that may have an adverse effect on safety and quality; must be knowledgeable about microbial and nonmicrobial agents that reduce the marketability of the product and produce disease in the consumer; and must be familiar with modern processing techniques for foods of animal origin to understand the scientific basis for the inspection procedures required by regulatory agencies. This greatly expanded edition provides this information and includes a chapter analyzing the social and political context for the development of food safety and quality assurance inspection of foods of animal origin. Also new to this edition is its examination of egg production, in addition to red meat, poultry, milk, and fish, as well as its coverage of risk assessment and safe food handling at home. The second edition goes beyond North America in scope. As economic trade barriers fall and new trading groups are forged by governments, it is becoming increasingly important to understand food issues, both regulatory and biological, from a global perspective.
Pitfalls in Veterinary Surgery offers a candid examination of real-life mistakes and mishaps encountered while operating on veterinary patients. * Describes a range of mistakes and mishaps encountered by a veterinary surgeon with 30+ years of experience * Provides an honest examination of the reality of operating on pets * Offers the opportunity to learn from an experienced surgeon s mistakes * Discusses mistakes in a wide range of situations, ranging from commonplace to unusual * Presents a realistic view of veterinary surgery, including how to live with mistakes
Reinforce the essential information you need with the Laboratory Manual for Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 7th Edition. Corresponding to each unit in Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 7th Edition, this new text includes various exercises and test questions that help you focus on learning key concepts and skills for the veterinary clinical setting. Fill-in-the-blank exercises, lab exercises, crossword puzzles, word searches, photo quizzes, lab forms, specimen pictures, and review questions all help to clarify more challenging concepts. Plus, this new edition includes key term exercises that help you work on your immunology skills. Learning activities throughout text include, fill in the blank, true and false, multiple choice questions, matching, word search, photo quiz exercises, and more! Objectives at the beginning of each unit help you focus on the concepts they're expected to learn and how they should apply those in the veterinary clinical setting. NEW! New key term exercises help you master new content in the textbook in the fast-growing area of Immunology. NEW! Completely updated throughout includes the most up-to-date information from the main text.
Small Animal ECGs: An Introductory Guide provides all the information veterinarians need when using electrocardiography techniques for the first time. * An ideal introduction to veterinary electrocardiography written in a very easy to understand way, for what can be a daunting subject * The author is RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology and regularly speaks on this subject * Full of examples of colour ECG tracings, as well as colour illustrations to explain arrhythmias * Covers techniques that can readily be used in first opinion small animal practice * Includes new chapters on mechanisms of supraventricular arrhythmias, accelerated idioventricular rhythm and use of Holters
3* Doody's Star Rating (R) CHOICE Magazine 'Recommended' (May 2020) As of 2018, pet obesity in the US affects an estimated 55.8 percent of dogs and 59.5 percent of cats, resulting in secondary conditions such as arthritis, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, and certain forms of cancer. A complete and balanced diet accompanied by regular exercise is fundamental to optimize health and longevity in companion animals, meaning overweight pets have reduced quality of life and shorter life expectancy. Seeking to address this major modern-day problem, this book provides a comprehensive review of obesity in small animal medicine. Reviews epidemiology and how animal- and human-specific factors contribute to excess weight gain. Discusses the metabolic effects and inflammatory mediators associated with adiposity. Looks at various disease states and how they relate or develop as a result of obesity. Reviews different modalities to determine body composition to diagnose obesity. Offers a clinical approach to managing obesity with diet including discussion on the nutrients of concern for therapeutic weight loss diets. Veterinarians seeking to provide weight management services in practice will find clinically-applicable information from expert authors from both academic and practice backgrounds. Chapters cover topics ranging from epidemiology and pathophysiology of obesity to evaluation of body composition, and nutritional and behavioral management. The book also explores the role of exercise in managing obesity and looks at the management of co-morbidities. Finally, the authors present a range of case studies to demonstrate these topics in real-life practice.
This book updates completely the information on birds of prey and pigeons and doves found in the BSAVA Manual of Raptors, Pigeons and Waterfowl, published twelve years ago. The advent of the new BSAVA Manual of Farm Pets, which encompasses waterfowl, has allowed a change in focus to feature passerine birds in detail for the first time. Handling, examination, diagnostic procedures and surgery are dealt with across the groups, with notes as required on specific differences. An excellent chapter is included on endoscopy and endosurgery - a major technique for avian patients. The specialist section on raptor disease is very detailed, including an in-depth chapter on foot disease, especially bumblefoot. Recent interest in captive breeding is reflected in detailed chapters on reproduction and paediatrics. The sections dedicated to pigeons and passerine birds look at birds at both the individual and flock level. A wealth of international expert authors, and the BSAVA Manual trademark practical approach and superb full-colour images throughout make this book a wonderful addition to the practice bookshelf.
The funny, touching and entertaining story of how Jo Hardy, the star of BBC2's Young Vets, gets to grips with animals big and small, friendly and not-at-all-happy, on the road to becoming a fully qualified vet. 'Stand well clear. Keep your eyes on them. Oh, and make sure you have insurance.' Not the most comforting words of wisdom, but probably the most useful for a trainee vet, Jo would say. From well-equipped surgeries to windswept hills and ramshackle barns, Jo has to be able to diagnose and treat any animal, at any time of the day or night. It's not quite as easy as James Herriot made it seem. Jo's final year of training saw her race from rectal examinations of cows to spine surgery on a Great Dane, and from treating an eventing horse with a heart problem to inserting a contraceptive implant into a monkey. And then there were the owners - the tough guy who sobbed when his cat was diagnosed with cancer, the woman who was convinced her dog was embarrassed by its stomach upset, and the farmer who loved his cows as much as anyone loves their pets. Gruelling days of animal treatments and visits combined with long nights of study and revision made Jo's final year of training the most demanding and rewarding year of her life. Her book tells of the highs and lows, the pets that stole her heart, and the lifelong friends that she made - with two legs and four.
A Colour Handbook of Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat was one of the first books to bring key information about skin diseases to clinicians in an easy-to-use problem-oriented format. This fully revised and updated Third Edition responds to the huge growth in knowledge about skin conditions over the last decade, including the discovery of new conditions, the development of new approaches to management, and effective new treatment options. Chapters are organized based on symptoms, each containing a decision tree giving basic and practical guidance. The clear user-friendly design provides one condition per page (or spread of pages). 13 chapters covering over 120 skin, claw and ear conditions classified by their principle presenting sign. Concise, systematically structured text covering definition, aetiology and pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnoses, diagnostic tests and management. Flow charts in each chapter to help clinicians get to the right diagnosis. Special focus on diseases affecting paediatric patients as well as chapters discussing paw, ear and nasal planum diseases. Explanation of new treatments for atopic dermatitis. Over 350 superb colour photographs and diagrams, mostly new for this this edition. A focus on clinical practice and the need to explain the disease to the owner. Up-to-date and fully referenced throughout. This practical book continues to provide an entirely comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of veterinary skin conditions, in a format that is easily accessible for busy clinicians.
Reader-friendly and engaging, SMALL ANIMAL CARE AND MANAGEMENT, Fourth Edition, offers a comprehensive guide to the care and husbandry of small animals. Through a logical flow of information, it introduces you to the basics of the small animal industry, including the history, safety concerns and care and welfare of these animals before diving into the specifics of each, with chapters covering dogs, cats, reptiles, birds, fish and exotic species. Full-color photos and illustrations visually depict various breeds and their characteristics, anatomy, handling techniques, housing and other care concerns to facilitate learning, while activities and additional resources offer the opportunity for application and further study.
A practical reference for the general veterinary clinician, Small Animal Pediatrics: The First 12 Months of Life compiles into a single location the latest information in the rapidly developing field of canine and feline pediatrics. Editors Michael Peterson, DVM, MS, and Michelle Kutzler, DVM, PhD, DACT are joined by more than 40 expert contributors in providing coverage from prenatal care to one year of age. For ease of use, the text is divided into four sections. A General Considerations section opens the book by covering prenatal care of the bitch and queen, birth, normal physical examinations, growth, husbandry, nutrition, care of orphans, neonatal mortality, behavior, emergency and critical care, and immunology. The second section, Common Infectious Diseases, covers bacterial, viral, fungal, rickettsial, and parasitic infections. The third section describes diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the young patient including radiology, ultrasound, aesthetic and surgical considerations, pain management, pharmacology, and clinical pathology. Finally, the fourth section covers a variety of organ systems with discussions on normal development, congenital conditions, and acquired diseases. The text also includes information that is usually difficult to find, including a pediatric formulary, care of orphan puppies, clinical pathology values, prenatal care, and normal growth and development guidelines. This book will be a significant asset to any veterinary library! Offers a practical, clinically oriented resource for the unique diagnostic and treatment challenges posed by pediatric and juvenile animal patients. Includes comprehensive coverage of all special problems encountered in pet management from birth through the first 12 months of life. Provides clear, step-by-step guidelines for important clinical procedures and techniques for the most vulnerable of small animal patients. Covers procedures such as intraosseous catheterization and fluid therapy, venipuncture, and tube feeding. Includes guidelines for designing and implementing a successful pediatric wellness program tailored to your own practice. Discusses infectious diseases in young animals, zoonotic potential, and human public health concerns. Provides key new information on puppy and kitten behavioral development including guidance for prevention and intervention for problem behaviors, the leading cause of pet euthanasia. Includes guidelines for kennel and cattery health management as well as shelter medicine health considerations. Discusses controversial health and ethical issues in veterinary pediatrics, such as ear cropping, tail docking, declawing, and early spay/neuter surgery (including both pro and con positions). Includes the latest recommendations for nutritional care of healthy and "special needs" puppies and kittens as well as the post-parturient and nursing dam. Offers an easy-to-use, well-organized format for quick and easy access to the most relevant information.
This book covers all details for a successful control and elimination strategy against propagation of deadly liver and intestinal flukes of the genus Schistosoma in China. Cancer due to schistosomiasis is still common in subtropical countries and affords hundred thousands of human and animal deaths per year. Expert authors play close attention to the biology and morphologic aspects of Schistosoma species as well as the history and status quo of schistosomiasis epidemiology. In a unique way, the present work illustrates the need to involve strategic measurements, and to control both adult worms and larval parasite stages. With a special focus on Jiangxi Province, the authors present an effective management plan, ranging from intermediate host snail control to diagnostic tools, medical aid, as well as public health education. This approach from China can be used as blueprint in other countries hit by the same worm infections. The contents of this book will thus be meaningful for academics and practitioners in the fields of parasitology, public health, as well as human and veterinary medicine.
The cat has been used as a subject for dissection in the study of mammalian anatomy for almost two centuries. The very popular Pictorial Anatomy of the Cat by Stephen G. Gilbert, originally published in 1967 and now in its 12th printing, has been used in countless laboratories as a guide to dissection and supplement to introductory textbooks. Outline of Cat Anatomy is an abridged version of the original guide, modified for practical use in one-semester courses. It employs anatomical terms used in human rather than veterinary anatomy and includes illustrations of human anatomy that may be compared with those of the cat, especially useful for the many students who do not have access to human dissections. Gilbert's earlier Pictorial Anatomy of the Cat is "an excellent, well-illustrated dissection guide for use in courses in comparative anatomy. The text is informative and accurate, and instructions for dissection are clear and helpful. . . . Highly recommended." -Choice
This quick reference handbook covers the diagnosis and treatment of eye disease in a range of exotic companion animal species, including rabbits, rodents, reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish. It clarifies when extrapolation from cat or dog eyes is appropriate, or when new information is needed to ensure that diagnoses and treatments are appropriate for the particular species. Writing in an accessible and down to earth style, the author brings a wealth of personal experience to this specialised subject area. The book contains many ophthalmic photographs of both anatomy in normal eyes and pathology in abnormal cases. It also includes a separate chapter on the common ophthalmic features of exotic pets, discussing what can be learnt from cross-species comparison and another chapter giving a brief history of comparative ophthalmology. "Ophthalmology of Exotic Pets" is an invaluable aid for veterinary practitioners and students with an interest in exotic pet species, as well as for veterinary ophthalmologists. KEY FEATURESCovers lagomorphs, rodents, reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish Offers clear guidance for species-specific treatment Facilitates extrapolations from the cat or dog to the exotic eye Written in a concise quick reference format Highly illustrated with colour photographs
"Practical Guide to Equine Colic" takes a step-by-step clinical approach to the medical management of this common condition. Covering colic management and treatment from the veterinarian's first involvement through referral, surgical intervention, and long-term recovery, the book offers practical advice on managing a colic case. Designed for easy navigation, chapters are brief and fully cross-referenced, allowing the reader to quickly find and apply information in the practice setting. The book incorporates key points, checklists, clinical tips, step-by-step illustrations, and case examples, emphasizing clinically relevant information throughout and referencing the most applicable and up-to-date literature. A companion website offers clinical cases, quizzes, and videos at www.wiley.com/go/southwood. "Practical Guide to Equine Colic" is an ideal resource for daily use in treating horses with colic, appealing to students, equine practitioners, and specialists alike.
Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice is an invaluable quick reference resource for clinicians and a useful study guide for veterinary students. In this practical and beautifully illustrated book, early chapters cover physical examination, advice on interpreting diagnostic tests, and avian anatomy and physiology. Disorders affecting the different body regions and systems make up the majority of the book from the external-skin, feathers, eyes, legs and feet-to the internal including the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Further aspects of avian medicine discussed in the book include behavioural problems, incubation of eggs, paediatrics and surgery. Written by an expert with more than 30 years of clinical experience in avian medicine, the new edition is thoroughly revised with updated diseases, new and expanded clinical techniques, and over 100 new color illustrations. It also adds four important new chapters: Husbandry, Grooming and Nutrition, Diagnostic Imaging, Endoscopy, and Oncology as well as new sections on cardiovascular anatomy and neuroanatomy. |
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