Books > Food & Drink > Beverages > Alcoholic beverages > Wines
A booming popularity has produced endless wine selections to choose
from. Our wine expert Fred Swan (WSET, CS, CWAS, CSW, FWS, IWP,
WSET L3 Sake, Sud-France Wine Master) has authored the ultimate
cheat sheet. Every important descriptor, wine vocabulary word,
region and grape is covered so you can pin point the tastes you are
searching for. Enough experience is packaged in these 6 laminated
pages that you can be knowledgeable enough to swirl glasses with a
wine master or sommelier at the vineyard, dinner with friends, or
your own tasting party. Whether a new wine drinker or a connoisseur
this reference is a must-have. 6-page laminated guide includes: How
to Taste Wine Common Wine Descriptors Selecting & Buying Wines
Serving Wine Food & Wine Pairing Conducting a Wine Tasting
Grape Profiles Climate Regional Profiles Grape Growing Making Wine
Supermarket wines now win Gold Medals in International Challenge.
Best Wines in the Supermarkets, identifies these superior wines,
often at bargain prices. It also has its own secure website
extension, in which to search and sort more wines. This is
unquestionably the best source of wine drinking through the year.
Now with its own secure website for searching and sorting- at
www.bestwinesinthesupermarket.uk. The book provides plenty of
interesting knowledge and for each wine, tasting and style notes,
for readers to use in finding what they enjoy. Now that
supermarkets deliver Internet wine orders, you need a guide through
the amazingly, wonderful, wide range they offer. The perfect wine
guide for you to find the wines you enjoy at the price that suits
the budget of the occasion. The huge buying power of the
supermarkets - and the fact that they employ the finest wine
tasters - means that they can buy the very best of every type of
wine. The trick is knowing which is the best of their best. * For
Best Wines in the Supermarkets, Ned Halley tastes, and rates 2000
wines. * His rating system includes, uniquely, a factor for VALUE.
* He recommends only wines of character in each category. * Every
year, Ned works with the supermarkets to identify their best wines
for you. * Excellent, insightful, reviews reveal award winning own
label wines taste wonderful. * Handy, pocket size is ideal to tuck
in a pocket or bag and use while browsing the shelves. * Helps you
navigate the bottles in supermarkets and sift between the regions
and grapes. * Discover 26 wines that are rated a perfect 10 and 137
wines rated at high 9s. * What Wine Words Mean is a wonderfully
simple, down-to-earth guide to wine terms * Ideal
stocking-filler-gift that will constantly throughout the year. *
Supermarkets own the wine markets. Ned Halley's help to find the
best of their best.
First published in London 1903. A detailed and comprehensive
treatise interspersed with sundry anecdotes and reminiscences in
the author's own inimitable style. Contents Include: History of
Drink - Drinks Ancient and Modern - Some Old Recipes - Glorious
Beer - All Ale - A Discourse on Spirits - Cups Which Cheer - Punch
- Strange Drinks - Champagne - Old and New Wines - Cocktails -
Cider - Cordials and Liqueurs - Hangover Cures - Temperance - Index
of Recipes etc.
Wine Folly introduced a whole new audience to the world of wine, making it easy for complete beginners to understand the fundamentals thanks to their straightforward advice, simple explanatory graphics and practical wine-tasting tips.
Now they are back with plenty more eye-catching visuals and easy-to-grasp advice that the brand has become known for. Wine Folly Deluxe comes complete with a fresh look, twice as much information on regions, and a profusion of new and alternative wine styles.
With its simple and practical answers to all your wine questions and curiosities - red or white? Light or bold? Spanish or Portuguese? - it's the perfect guide for anyone looking to expand their expertise and an ideal gift for the oenophile in your life.
Learning about wine can be a daunting task. With terms like
assemblage, batonnage and cuvee; ullage, terroir and vielles
vignes, it's not surprising that many people are put off and simply
reach for the nearest bottle of red or white in the supermarket
aisle. This is the perfect, concise guide for anyone who loves wine
but wants to find out more. Arranged in an easy-to-use format in
which different types of wine are shown schematically on a map like
the London Underground, the reader can see at a glance the salient
features of hundreds of different wines and how they relate to each
other in terms of taste. A unique and original tool to navigate the
complex world of wine, The Pocket Guide to Wine enables wine lovers
to find out more about the wines they already like and to make
informed choices as they explore further.
Uncle Billy's Wine Guide for Novices is not intended for wine
experts and others that consider themselves extremely knowledgeable
about wine. This book is for the rest of us who want to learn more
about the pleasures of enjoying wine and talking intelligent about
it. About 8% of wine consumers consider themselves extremely
knowledge about wine. Of these, about 3% consider themselves wine
experts. This leaves the rest of us, about 92% who want to learn
more about wine but don't want to become experts. Humor is
scattered throughout the book to make your reading more enjoyable.
The goal is to help you become more knowledgeable about wine and
have fun doing so. And remember: "Always drink the wine you enjoy,
and enjoy the wine you drink." William Allan Kritsonis, PhD, Author
'I fell in love with Porto and I love it still. The city's
spectacular bridges, its vertiginous riverbanks, steep with ancient
buildings, the old port houses, the wide squares: I was entranced
by them all.' J.K. ROWLING One of the oldest cities in Europe,
Porto is recognised the world over for its wonderful Port wine.
Rising from the steep banks of the Douro (the river of gold) with
picturesque pracas, churches and houses with colourfully tiled
facades. Its ancient name Portucale forms the origin of the country
- Portugal. Today, Porto is a vibrant commercial and cultural
centre that is proud of its historic links to the outside world. An
essential read from one of the world's foremost writers on
Portugal, Porto: Gateway to the World uses the beautiful buildings
and landmarks across the city to take the reader on a journey
through its rich history, from its origins right up to the modern
Denton Marks uses economic analysis, in plain and simple language,
to demystify the wine world and to enrich our understanding of it.
This remarkable book could well serve as an introduction to the
wine industry for economists or as an introduction to economics for
the wine industry. Up to date and thorough, Marks has undertaken a
prodigious task.' - Orley Ashenfelter, Princeton University, and
Co-Founder and President, American Association of Wine Economists,
US'What is welcome with Denton Marks's book is its exploration
beyond the narrow focus of wine pricing. The outline of how wine
fits into key economic processes is illuminating, and the
understanding of the political economy of wine is especially
helpful. Crucially, the examination of how wine functions as a
cultural good is a real expansion of our understanding of its
social and economic context, underlining that value is not merely a
financial construct but includes intangible, symbolic meaning as
well.' - Steve Charters MW, School of Wine and Spirits Business,
Burgundy School of Business, France 'Denton Marks's book fills a
void in both the economics and the wine-related literature. It
offers the economics student insights into the wine world and the
wine professionals insights into economic thinking. Certainly, this
is the first 'wine economics' textbook.' - Karl Storchmann, New
York University, US and Managing Editor, Journal of Wine Economics
'Marks harvests wine's potential as a lens through which to view
human economic behavior- and economic misbehavior - taking readers
on a sophisticated but accessible and comprehensive tour of the
fascinating nooks and crannies of the wine market. Perhaps the
crowning achievement is the original and thought-provoking
treatment of some of the thorniest philosophical and scientific
dilemmas unique to wine, including price signals, asymmetric
information, and sensory intersubjectivity. This is a much-needed
book from an economist who knows the subject.' - Robin Goldstein,
Author of The Wine Trials, Blind Taste, and blindtaste.com/ 'Most
professions show a professional interest in wine, and economics is
no exception: it can help us understand how wine markets work. But
since economics is considered by many as a rather 'dry' subject,
wine can boost student enthusiasm for economics. This book exploits
those two interests by helping non-economists understand wine
producer and consumer behavior and helping college students
understand economics.' - Kym Anderson, Wine Economics Research
Centre, University of Adelaide and Australian National University,
Australia Wine and the wine trade are steeped in culture and
history; few products have consistently enjoyed both cultural
importance and such wide distribution over time even seen by some
as 'an elixir of life'. While wine has been produced and consumed
for centuries, what is distinctive about the economics of wine?
Professor Marks's book is an accessible exploration of the
economics of wine, using both basic principles and specialized
topics and emphasizing microeconomics and related research. Drawing
upon economic themes such as International Trade and Public Choice,
Wine and Economics also relates economic reasoning to management
issues in wine markets. The discussion ranges from economic
fundamentals and wine and government, to the challenge of knowing
what is in the bottle and the importance of wine as a cultural
good. This novel and comprehensive introduction to the subject is
an invaluable resource for students, scholars and anyone interested
in wine and the wine industry.
A unique look at the meaning of the taste for wine in Britain, from
the establishment of a Commonwealth in 1649 to the Commercial
Treaty between Britain and France in 1860 - this book provides an
extraordinary window into the politics and culture of England and
Scotland just as they were becoming the powerful British state.
Sour Grapes cuts through the South African wine industry to uncork its vinous myths, revealing the veritas in the Cape vino.
Neil Pendock presents an idiosyncratic view of South African wine and illuminates some of the fascinating characters who contribute to the frothy spittoon in the kingdom of Bacchus at the continent’s southernmost tip.
Irreverent, opinionated, always amusing – Pendock probes incisively beneath the tannic skin of the wine world. This book gives a refreshingly sceptical view of the entourage of wine commentators – the VIPs, the writers, the connoisseurs and the amateurs, the charlatans and the experts, the professionals and the detractors – the people who really make our local wines tick.
In what is not so much a book about wine itself, as it is about the people who talk about, write about and make wine – the Bacchic chattering classes – ultimately, the author chooses humour as the best way to approach the subject.
Phil Laffer, Australia's top winemaker divulges his secrets and
discusses in his down-to-earth style how to enjoy wine . He
explodes many myths, gives tips on how to discern different wine
types, regales us with amazing facts, explains the pros and cons of
corks, screwtops and plastic closures and reveals the best way to
store and serve wines. This book is perfect for many of those who
like to drink wine regularly, who often buy it at the supermarket
and would like to know that bit more.
Naked wine is wine stripped down to its basics--wine as it was
meant to be: wholesome, exciting, provocative, living, sensual, and
pure. Naked, or natural, wine is the opposite of most New World
wines today; Alice Feiring calls them "overripe, over-manipulated,
and overblown" and makes her case that good (and possibly great)
wine can still be made, if only winemakers would listen more to
nature and less to marketers, and stop using additives and
chemicals. But letting wine make itself is harder than it seems.
Three years ago, Feiring answered a dare to try her hand at
natural winemaking. In "Naked Wine," she details her
adventure--sometimes calm, sometimes wild, always revealing--and
peers into the nooks and crannies of today's exciting, new (but
centuries-old) world of natural wine.