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The Stellenbosch Mafia - Inside The Billionaires Club (Paperback): Pieter du Toit The Stellenbosch Mafia - Inside The Billionaires Club (Paperback)
Pieter du Toit
R260 R213 Discovery Miles 2 130 Save R47 (18%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

About 50km outside of Cape Town lies the beautiful town of Stellenbosch, nestled against vineyards and blue mountains that stretch to the sky. Here reside some of South Africa’s wealthiest individuals: all male, all Afrikaans – and all stinking rich. Johann Rupert, Jannie Mouton, Markus Jooste and Christo Weise, to name a few.

Julius Malema refers to them scathingly as ‘The Stellenbosch Mafia’, the very worst example of white monopoly capital. But who really are these mega-wealthy individuals, and what influence do they exert not only on Stellenbosch but more broadly on South African society?

Author Pieter du Toit begins by exploring the roots of Stellenbosch, one of the wealthiest towns in South Africa and arguably the cradle of Afrikanerdom. This is the birthplace of apartheid leaders, intellectuals, newspaper empires and more.

He then closely examines this ‘club’ of billionaires. Who are they and, crucially, how are they connected? What network of boardroom membership, alliances and family connections exist? Who are the ‘old guard’ and who are the ‘inkommers’, and what about the youngsters desperate to make their mark? He looks at the collapse of Steinhoff: what went wrong, and whether there are other companies at risk of a similar fate. He examines the control these men have over cultural life, including pulling the strings in South Africa rugby.

The Super Cadres - ANC Misrule In The Age Of Deployment (Paperback): Pieter du Toit The Super Cadres - ANC Misrule In The Age Of Deployment (Paperback)
Pieter du Toit
R330 R270 Discovery Miles 2 700 Save R60 (18%) View more sellers Ships in 5 - 10 working days

The ANC has ruled South Africa for three decades during which time the country has gone from the promise of the Rainbow Nation to disfunction and despair. In The Super Cadres, bestselling author Pieter du Toit examines this legacy from the early halcyon days through to the disappointment of the Ramaphosa presidency.

Du Toit asks key questions before coming to a critical observation and a damning conclusion:

  • What was the state of the ANC when it took power?
  • Was ANC failure inevitable? Did they inherit a country so stricken by apartheid that success was impossible?
  • When did the first signs of misrule and corruption occur?
  • How did each of the presidencies perform, from Mandela to Ramaphosa? What role did each play in the road to failure?
  • What was President Cyril Ramaphosa doing to stop state capture while he was deputy president?

Du Toit concludes that at the very centre of ANC – and thus state - failure is ‘cadre deployment’ which the ANC adopted as official party policy under President Thabo Mbeki. He shows how, over time, the appointment of cadres at every level of government inevitably led to the (con)fusion of party and state, the spread of incompetence, and the dire corruption that ate into every part of the country once Jacob Zuma took over.

The ANC Billionaires - Big Capital's Gambit And The Rise Of The Few (Paperback): Pieter du Toit The ANC Billionaires - Big Capital's Gambit And The Rise Of The Few (Paperback)
Pieter du Toit 2
R320 R262 Discovery Miles 2 620 Save R58 (18%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

In 1985, a group of white South African business leaders, led by Gavin Relly, the executive chairperson of Anglo American, travelled to a game lodge in Zambia to meet with the exiled ANC leadership under Oliver Tambo and Thabo Mbeki. This visit set in motion a coordinated and well-resourced plan by big business to influence and direct political change in South Africa.

In The ANC Billionaires, top-selling author Pieter du Toit draws on first-hand accounts by major roleplayers about the contentious relationship between capital and the ANC before, during and after the country’s transition to democracy, and shows how the liberation organisation was completely unprepared to navigate the intersection between business and politics.

He also ties the rise of the new elite – including Cyril Ramaphosa, Patrice Motsepe and Saki Macozoma – to the ANC, a party of government and patronage.

Die Stellenbosch-Mafia - ?n Verhaal van mag, geld en invloed (Afrikaans, Paperback, Nuwe Uitgawe): Pieter du Toit Die Stellenbosch-Mafia - ?n Verhaal van mag, geld en invloed (Afrikaans, Paperback, Nuwe Uitgawe)
Pieter du Toit
R260 R175 Discovery Miles 1 750 Save R85 (33%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

“Comrade president, Stellenbosch is ’n groot probleem. Ons weet jy is na aan Stellenbosch … ons het Stellenbosch nie tot die parlement verkies nie. Ons het nie die Ruperts verkies nie.” – Die EFF-leier Julius Malema aan President Cyril Ramaphosa

Daar word bitsig na hulle as die “Stellenbosch-Mafia” verwys en baie reken die klub van miljardêrs wat in en om dié Bolandse dorp woon, is die ergste voorbeeld van witmonopoliekapitaal. Hul kritici kla oor hul invloed op die staat en die ekonomie, maar wie is hierdie groep ongelooflike ryk Afrikaanssprekende individue en hoeveel mag het hulle werklik?

Die skrywer en joernalis Pieter du Toit het ondersoek gaan instel op Stellenbosch, een van die welvarendste dorpe in die land, wat deur talle as ’n hoeksteen van die Afrikanerdom beskryf word. Hierdie dorp is immers die geboorteplek van talle Afrikanerintellektuele, politeke leiers, asook vele sakemanne en hul sakeryke.

Du Toit kyk krites na hierdie klub van miljardêrs: Wie is hulle en belangriker nog, hoe is hulle onderling verbind? Watter netwerke het ontstaan danksy gedeelde direksies, alliansies en familieverbintenisse? Hy bied ’n intieme blik op Johann Rupert se sakeryk en beskryf ook die opkoms van Markus Jooste en die impak wat die Steinhoff-skandaal op Stellenbosch gehad het.

Duifeling (Afrikaans, Paperback): Lize Albertyn-du Toit Duifeling (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Lize Albertyn-du Toit
R340 R292 Discovery Miles 2 920 Save R48 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Hoe Sara Koordom op Rooiduin in die verre Noord-Kaap aangeland het, is ’n raaisel. Sy het gekom soos die woestynwind – een dag was sy daar, en niemand weet van waar nie. En hoekom sy op Rooiduin bly, is selfs ’n groter raaisel.

Dis nie lank nie of die hele dorp merk op watter raakvatter Sara is. Tot meneer Thüneman van die Algemene Handelaar het gevra of sy twee keer ’n week die pos kan kom uitsorteer. En vir klein Kuikentjie Boskat is sy soos ’n eie ma.

Sara voel veral tuis by ouma Spriet en oom Alles, wat met die helm gebore is. En by ant Korreltjie, wat haar geleidelik leer van patrone uitlê en rokkies maak.

Maar die bedreiging wat Piet Boskat inhou, roep die spoke van Sara se verlede op. Kan sy vir haar ’n weg ooptrap om vry te kom van die gevare van die hede én van die verlede? En terselfdertyd die mense beskerm vir wie sy so lief geword het?

’n Aangrypende, meelewende roman deur die skrywer van die hoog aangeskrewe debuut Die kinders van Spookwerwe.

Fundamentals Of Sales And Marketing (Paperback): Mike Du Toit Fundamentals Of Sales And Marketing (Paperback)
Mike Du Toit
R518 R456 Discovery Miles 4 560 Save R62 (12%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

It is widely recognised that sales and marketing are the two business functions that contribute directly to the bottom line of any organisation.

Marketing is more than a sequence of steps or a strategic process; it is also a mindset that leads to good business philosophy. The marketing mindset focuses wholeheartedly on customers and the satisfaction of customers’ needs while aiming to influence the entire organisation to strive towards customer satisfaction. Sales, on the other hand, is that business function that ultimately closes the deal and brings the customer and the business together. Without sales, the customer would never achieve need satisfaction and the organisation would never meet its objectives. The ultimate goal of meeting the customer’s needs brings these two seemingly different fields together.

Fundamentals of Sales and Marketing serves to provide a fundamental understanding of both sales and marketing by equipping the reader with theoretical knowledge and practical examples that are applicable to a South African context.

Nursing sociology (Paperback, 6th ed): D. du Toit, E. Le Roux Nursing sociology (Paperback, 6th ed)
D. du Toit, E. Le Roux 1
R555 R526 Discovery Miles 5 260 Save R29 (5%) Ships in 7 - 10 working days

Sociology will always remain a dynamic and living science due to its roots in the study of the human condition with reference to human action and interaction. Nursing sociology aims to understand society and how individuals function within it, within the health sector and specifically within the current nursing scenario, in order to provide holistic patient care. Nursing sociology is written from a multicultural perspective, reflecting on South Africa's diversity and explaining complex sociological ideas in a way that is easy to follow. In this 6th edition, substantial attention has been given to aspects of socialisation, social interaction, structure and relationships, social stratification, group dynamics, institutions, organisations and social problems encountered in nursing practice. Pertinent examples of the manifestation of sociology in the nursing profession and its practice as currently experienced in South Africa are also included. Activities allow students to debate issues arising from sociology in the nursing context in group format in order to promote creative thinking and comprehension. Nursing sociology provides students with a clear, easy-to-understand sociological text specifically oriented towards nursing, that emphasises specific aspects and creativity within the nursing environment.

Clinical Obstetrics - A South African Perspective (Paperback, 4th Edition): H.S. Cronje, J.B.F. Cilliers, M.A. du Toit Clinical Obstetrics - A South African Perspective (Paperback, 4th Edition)
H.S. Cronje, J.B.F. Cilliers, M.A. du Toit
R1,085 R995 Discovery Miles 9 950 Save R90 (8%) Ships in 7 - 10 working days

Obstetrics is a unique field of medical care because, in its uncomplicated or natural form, pregnancy, labour and delivery are not diseases, but normal physiological events constituting an integral part of human life.

Three equally important facets form the basis of obstetrics: the needs of the pregnant woman, the wellbeing of the baby, and the ability to perform a medical intervention should either of these be threatened - before, during and after birth. Clinical obstetrics is an authoritative and up-to-date textbook dealing with current obstetric practice and focusing specifically on conditions and problems prevailing in South Africa. Clinical obstetrics covers a wide range of topics from physiological adaptations, diagnosis and management of normal pregnancy and delivery, to teratogenesis, red cell allo-immunisation, congenital abnormalities and pre-term labour. It also discusses the risks involved in poor progress in labour, abnormal fetal lie and presentation, viral infections and multiple pregnancies. There are separate sections for medical and surgical conditions, as well as diagnostic procedures.

Clinical obstetrics is aimed primarily at medical students, but will also be of great value to nurses, registrars in obstetrics and gynaecology, general practitioners and specialists in this field.

Collective Bargaining In South Africa - Past, Present And Future?  (Paperback): Darcy Du Toit Collective Bargaining In South Africa - Past, Present And Future? (Paperback)
Darcy Du Toit
R726 Discovery Miles 7 260 Ships in 4 - 8 working days

This book provides a thorough analysis of the state of collective bargaining in South Africa today. Drawing on extensive empirical research, it examines the processes which have shaped the collective bargaining system, as well as identifying some crucial questions hanging over its future. Collective bargaining is approached from legal, sociological, economic and historical perspectives, thereby giving a multifaceted view of the system.

While the country's unique history may have left trade unions and bargaining councils in a position of relative strength, it is argued that global market forces - manifested in trends towards non-standard employment and other changes in the job market undermining traditional bargaining relationships - pose a serious threat to these institutions. Trade unionists acknowledge that new strategies are needed to meet these challenges, and many employers see the value of stable bargaining relationships.

The book considers empirical data and initiatives developed by trade unions and employers around the world and raises some policy options that might be considered in seeking a way forward. Ultimately it is up to the parties to debate and negotiate improvements to the legal institutions within which collective bargaining takes place. This book will go a long way to stimulating and informing the debate.

Studies In Khoisan Verbs - And Other Poems (Paperback): Basil du Toit Studies In Khoisan Verbs - And Other Poems (Paperback)
Basil du Toit
R511 Discovery Miles 5 110 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Basil du Toit draws on his childhood years in Botswana (the Bechuanaland Protectorate, as it was in those days) to examine questions of language identity and entitlement. He recalls confiding the secret of a magic trick to an itinerant Tswana man who in exchange taught him how to say a few words of the / Xam language; this proximity of language to the magical fashioning of reality still haunts him and has led to poems questioning our sense of belonging to social structures, sexual groupings and even to humanity itself.

Paradoxically, a diverse ethnic background (with Dutch, French, German and Scottish forebears) works against Du Toit’s sense of being welcomed into any single national group. Two directions of trans-national entitlement remain open – movement into an inner landscape of spiritual and artistic values, and an allegiance to the planet as an ecologically neutral, valued and threatened space of dwelling. Both of these manifestations of “home” feature prominently in Du Toit’s work. A visionary linguistics binds these worlds together – foregrounding of the inner life as a source of values and home encourages a Kantian vision of a natural world created by the necessary structures of human consciousness, language being the force and locus of this creation.

Du Toit’s longed-for release from paid employment in 2011 allowed him to spend his mornings in Edinburgh University’s Main Library; there, over the next ten years, basing himself on the Third Floor of the library (where the University’s literature collections are housed), he composed a large body of poems, mainly free-verse sonnets, from which the poems of “Studies in Khoisan Verbs” are drawn.

The Stellenbosch Mafia - Inside The Billionaires Club (Paperback): Pieter du Toit The Stellenbosch Mafia - Inside The Billionaires Club (Paperback)
Pieter du Toit
R580 Discovery Miles 5 800 Ships in 9 - 15 working days

About 50km outside of Cape Town lies the beautiful town of Stellenbosch, nestled against vineyards and blue mountains that stretch to the sky. Here reside some of South Africa’s wealthiest individuals: all male, all Afrikaans – and all stinking rich. Johann Rupert, Jannie Mouton, Markus Jooste and Christo Weise, to name a few.

Julius Malema refers to them scathingly as ‘The Stellenbosch Mafia’, the very worst example of white monopoly capital. But who really are these mega-wealthy individuals, and what influence do they exert not only on Stellenbosch but more broadly on South African society?

Author Pieter du Toit begins by exploring the roots of Stellenbosch, one of the wealthiest towns in South Africa and arguably the cradle of Afrikanerdom. This is the birthplace of apartheid leaders, intellectuals, newspaper empires and more. He then closely examines this ‘club’ of billionaires. Who are they and, crucially, how are they connected? What network of boardroom membership, alliances and family connections exist? Who are the ‘old guard’ and who are the ‘inkommers’, and what about the youngsters desperate to make their mark? He looks at the collapse of Steinhoff: what went wrong, and whether there are other companies at risk of a similar fate. He examines the control these men have over cultural life, including pulling the strings in South Africa rugby.

Stylboek - Riglyne Vir Paslik Skryf (Afrikaans, Paperback): Piet du Toit, Wanda Smith Stylboek - Riglyne Vir Paslik Skryf (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Piet du Toit, Wanda Smith 2
R401 Discovery Miles 4 010 Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Hierdie omvattend herbewerkte uitgawe van die Stylboek wat in 2006 gepubliseer is, is ’n ideale naslaanbron vir almal wat in Afrikaans skryf. Dit is gerig op studente, akademici, redakteurs, joernaliste, resensente, redigeerders, taalpraktisyns en opvoeders. Skryfbeginsels word in die teks op eenvoudige en verstaanbare wys verduidelik en met talle voorbeelde toegelig. In die afdelings oor styl word verduidelik op watter wyse ’n teks oortuigend en aantreklik, duidelik en bondig aangebied kan word sodat effektief gekommunikeer kan word. Die gepaste toon vir verskillende kontekste, wat van formeel na informeel kan wissel, word uiteengesit en in ’n aparte hoofstuk word toeligtend oor die styl van wetenskaplike tekste geskryf. Twee toevoegings by die oorspronklike boek is ’n afdeling oor die styl van literere analises en resensies en ’n hoofstuk gewy aan “regte” en “verkeerde” taalgebruik.

NLV Bybel (Bruin) (Afrikaans, Large print, Leather / fine binding): Andrie Du Toit, Wil Vosloo NLV Bybel (Bruin) (Afrikaans, Large print, Leather / fine binding)
Andrie Du Toit, Wil Vosloo
R699 R589 Discovery Miles 5 890 Save R110 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Nuwe Lewende Vertaling Super Grootdruk is die ideale Afrikaanse Bybel vir lesers wat van ’n ekstra groot lettertipe hou.

Die Super Grootdruk-uitgawe bevat die volledige teks van die vertroude Nuwe Lewende Vertaling. Dit kombineer Skrifgetrouheid en lesersvriendelikheid om die boodskap van die grondteks in eietydse Afrikaans vir vandag se leser weer te gee. Agt volkleur-kaarte is ook ingesluit.

Hierdie Bybel beskikb oor die volgende kenmerke

• Verduidelikende voetnote
• 16.5-punt lettergrootte
• Dubbelkolom-uitleg
• Kunsleer-omslag
• 8 volkleur-kaarte
• Merklint
• Duimgrepe

Help, I'm Student Teacher! Skills Development for Teaching Practice (Paperback, 3rd ed): E.R. du Toit, L.P. Louw, L. Jacobs Help, I'm Student Teacher! Skills Development for Teaching Practice (Paperback, 3rd ed)
E.R. du Toit, L.P. Louw, L. Jacobs
R525 R498 Discovery Miles 4 980 Save R27 (5%) Ships in 7 - 10 working days

There is no fixed recipe for becoming a "good teacher". Trial and error are often the only way to find out what works best in a particular context. This is a daunting prospect for student and novice teachers. Help, I'm a student teacher offers guidance and support to student and novice teachers in their quest to make a difference in the classroom, especially in South Africa's complex school environment. Help, I'm a student teacher focuses on practical applications that will assist student teachers to develop those skills that are essential for effective teaching. Assignments, activities and exercises test knowledge and abilities in the actual school environment, while hints and tips promote successful implementation. Help, I'm a student teacher is aimed at student teachers, as well as novice teachers in all phases. It is also an essential resource for mentors who lead and guide student and novice teachers.

Eisteddfod-Pret 2 - Nog Gedigte, Monoloe En Samesprake Vir Die Laerskool (Afrikaans, Paperback): Tumi K. Steyn Eisteddfod-Pret 2 - Nog Gedigte, Monoloe En Samesprake Vir Die Laerskool (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Tumi K. Steyn; Contributions by Gloudine Kellerman, Jonelle du Toit
R280 R241 Discovery Miles 2 410 Save R39 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Hierdie versameling van 108 oorsponklike gedigte, 24 monoloë en 20 samesprake volg op die baie suksesvolle eerste titel in die reeks en is weereens perfek geskik vir laerskoolleerders. Elkeen van hierdie werke het die potensiaal om die hoogste punte by 'n eisteddfod te verwerf. Louise Lachenicht se riglyne vir ouers, onderwysers en afrigters - met 'n fokus op gedramatiseerde poësie - verseker dat elke deelnemer hul beste werk kan lewer. 

Die Kinders van Spookwerwe (Afrikaans, Paperback): Lize Albertyn-du Toit Die Kinders van Spookwerwe (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Lize Albertyn-du Toit
R360 R309 Discovery Miles 3 090 Save R51 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

“Pappa, die sterre is dieselfde hier.”

Milano Kaliempie is Mieta en Hennerik se enigste vlaktekuiken op die plaas Spookwerwe in die dorre Bo-Karoo. Hul buurman, Geelsuiker, leer Milano die geheime van die veld, ook jakkalsjag, en op die werf is dit Mieta wat soggens douvoordag brood inknie en die hartklop van hul bestaan is.

Dis wanneer juffrou Meintjies die dag met haar wit karretjie by die huis aankom, dat die hol kol op Mieta se maag kom sit. Want Milano was dan net die een dag laat vir skool. Maar juffrou Meintjies het ander nuus. Dis Geelsuiker wat raad gee:

“Jy moet nou gaan doen wat die regte ding is, Mieta. Daardie klong,” en hy wys na waar Milano die perd inspan, “vat nou die grootpad. Moenie hom in ’n klein kampie ingekeer hou nie.”

Die kinders van Spookwerwe is ’n roman wat soos die vaal stof van die Bo-Karoo oral inkruipplek kry en diep in jou hart kom lê. Dis ’n roman oor ma-wees, oor grootword, en oor verliese. Maar ook van weer vol word.

NLV Grootdruk (Swart) (Afrikaans, Large print, Hardcover): Wil Vosloo, Andrie Du Toit NLV Grootdruk (Swart) (Afrikaans, Large print, Hardcover)
Wil Vosloo, Andrie Du Toit
R399 R336 Discovery Miles 3 360 Save R63 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Bybel Nuwe Lewende Vertaling (NLV) in grootdruk bied ’n unieke balans tussen noukeurigheid, akkuraatheid en lesersvriendelikheid en is reeds baie gewild by duisende lesers.

• 12 punt lettergrootte
• Dubbelkolom-uitleg
• 8 volkleur-kaarte
• Merklint

Valley Herald, Vol. 5 - August, 1867 (Classic Reprint) (Paperback): F E Du Toit Valley Herald, Vol. 5 - August, 1867 (Classic Reprint) (Paperback)
F E Du Toit
R285 Discovery Miles 2 850 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
NLV Standaard Bybel (Met Duimgrepe) (Roesbruin & Goud Linne) (Afrikaans, Paperback): Wil Vosloo, Andrie Du Toit NLV Standaard Bybel (Met Duimgrepe) (Roesbruin & Goud Linne) (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Wil Vosloo, Andrie Du Toit
R500 R421 Discovery Miles 4 210 Save R79 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Bybel Nuwe Lewende Vertaling (NLV) bied ’n unieke balans tussen noukeurigheid, akkuraatheid en lesersvriendelikheid en is reeds baie gewild by duisende lesers.

Die NLV standaard-uitgawes spog nou met ’n verskeidenheid nuwe en opwindende omslae.

  • 9 punt lettergrootte
  • Dubbelkolom-uitleg
  • 8 volkleur-kaarte
  • Merklint
  • Duimgrepe
  • Bladsye goudgerand
NLV Grootdruk (Met Duimgrepe) (Swart) (Afrikaans, Leather / fine binding): Wil Vosloo, Andrie Du Toit NLV Grootdruk (Met Duimgrepe) (Swart) (Afrikaans, Leather / fine binding)
Wil Vosloo, Andrie Du Toit
R490 R413 Discovery Miles 4 130 Save R77 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Bybel Nuwe Lewende Vertaling (NLV) in grootdruk bied ’n unieke balans tussen noukeurigheid, akkuraatheid en lesersvriendelikheid en is reeds baie gewild by duisende lesers.

• 12 punt lettergrootte
• Dubbelkolom-uitleg
• 8 volkleur-kaarte
• Luukse kunsleer
• Merklint
• Duimgrepe

Malan On Bills Of Exchange, Cheques And Promissory Notes (Paperback, 5th Edition): Francois Retief Malan, Joseph Thomas... Malan On Bills Of Exchange, Cheques And Promissory Notes (Paperback, 5th Edition)
Francois Retief Malan, Joseph Thomas Pretorius, S.F. du Toit
R1,775 R1,576 Discovery Miles 15 760 Save R199 (11%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

An authoritative source of reference on negotiable instruments often cited in judgments of all South African courts, Malan on Bills of Exchange, Cheques and Promissory Notes in South African Law has become an indispensable companion to practitioners within the commercial and banking sectors, and the lawyers who represent them. The fourth edition continues to provide practitioners and students with a comprehensive guide to this complex area of law, as well as incorporating valuable new elements.

Help, I'm A Student Teacher - Skills Development For Teaching Practice (Paperback, 2nd Edition): E.R. du Toit, L.P. Louw,... Help, I'm A Student Teacher - Skills Development For Teaching Practice (Paperback, 2nd Edition)
E.R. du Toit, L.P. Louw, L. Jacobs
R525 R498 Discovery Miles 4 980 Save R27 (5%) Ships in 7 - 10 working days

Teaching and learning is an active, social and transformative process, which can be a daunting prospect for a student teacher trying to navigate curricula, relevant legislation, discipline and the diversity of South African schools. Help, I'm A Student Teacher endeavours to enhance social and cognitive skills within a context of value-driven education.

Help, I'm A Student Teacher is about using theory and research to inform practice, on the one hand, and using experience from practice to inform theory and research, on the other. Activities in each chapter provide practical applications for the topics being discussed.

Contents include the following:

  • Values versus rules
  • The teaching–learning context in South Africa
  • Development of facilitation skills
  • Developing intellectual thinking and reasoning
  • Integrating educational media in teaching and learning
  • Classroom assessment
  • Dimensions of a lesson plan
  • Creating a disciplined learning environment
  • Specific fundamental rights in the educational context

Help, I'm A Student Teacher is aimed at student teachers enrolled for programmes in the Intermediate, Senior and Further Education and Training phases as well as teachers in practice who want to refresh their knowledge and skills.

Nursing sociology (Paperback, 5th ed): Denise du Toit, Estelle Leroux Nursing sociology (Paperback, 5th ed)
Denise du Toit, Estelle Leroux
R555 R526 Discovery Miles 5 260 Save R29 (5%) Ships in 7 - 10 working days

Sociology will always remain a dynamic and living science due to its roots in the study of human action and interaction. Sociology within the nursing practice therefore aims to understanding society and its impact on individuals in order to give total patient care. In this, the 5th edition of Nursing sociology, substantial attention has been given to aspects of socialisation, social interaction, structure and relationships, social stratification, group dynamics, institutions, organisations and social problems encountered within the nursing practice. Pertinent examples of the manifestation of sociology in the nursing profession as currently experienced in South Africa are also included. Written from a multicultural perspective, it reflects on South Africa's diversity where complex sociological ideas are explained in such a way that is easy to follow.

Rhodesia, Past and Present (Paperback): Du Toit Stefanus Jacobus 1847-1911 Rhodesia, Past and Present (Paperback)
Du Toit Stefanus Jacobus 1847-1911
R481 Discovery Miles 4 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.

Stylboek - Riglyne vir paslik skryf (Afrikaans, Paperback): Piet du Toit, Wanda Smith-Muller Stylboek - Riglyne vir paslik skryf (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Piet du Toit, Wanda Smith-Muller
R580 R550 Discovery Miles 5 500 Save R30 (5%) Ships in 7 - 10 working days

Stylboek: Riglyne vir paslik skryf is die eerste volwaardige stylhandboek in Afrikaans wat uitsluitlik op klassieke stylbeginsels fokus. Die title is geskik vir almal wat stylvaardighede in skriftelike tekste wil verbeter. Werklike voorbeeldmateriaal uit 'n verskeidenheid tekstipes word gebruik om praktiese riglyne te gee oor gepaste taalgebruik. Die titel fokus nie op reg of verkeerd volgens die taalsisteem nie, maar eerder op die verskeidenheid taalgebruiksmoontlikhede waarvan sommige meer gepas is as ander, afhangende van die situasie en konteks waarin die teks moet funksioneer.

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