Books > Language & Literature > Literary & linguistic reference works > Dictionaries > Bilingual dictionaries
Your best first reference to the French language
As you begin studying the French language, you must have a
reliable bilingual dictionary with the basic words you need, not
the advanced terms you don't. With "McGraw-Hill's French Student
Dictionary" you'll find what you need quickly and easily--without
being overwhelmed with text.
This book features: 3,500 essential words, each with grammatical
information, easy-to-use pronunciation guide, verb conjugation
(when appropriate), and an example sentence Numerous subentries to
explain shades of meaning and idiomatic expressions related to the
principal entries A collection of grammar tips and hints, including
common mistakes to avoid Helpful appendices of useful information
such as common names in French, weights and measures, maps,
numbers, and more
Begin your language learning with the authoritative
"McGraw-Hill's French Student Dictionary" at your side. It provides
a perfect complement to your French studies.
Over the last few decades the exchange of goods and services
between the industrialised countries and China has increased
rapidly. It has become one of the main sources of growth both in
Europe and the US. As a consequence, intellectual property (IP)
rights have inevitably become crucial for free and undistorted
trade. The creation and protection of patents, trade marks and
industrial designs is now one of the main areas both of
consultation and cross-border litigation and arbitration. In order
to help practitioners and their staff to understand and use English
and Chinese IP terms correctly, this dictionary provides a glossary
of about 2400 terms giving the meaning in English and Chinese both
in Chinese characters and Pinyin transcription. A detailed
introduction facilitates search by radicals. An annex shows in
bilingual form the most relevant forms, cover sheets, statutes etc.
Porto Velho is another of Brazil's "last frontiers," a place where
the adventurous or unemployed have gone to find fortune or flee
misery. Given any community's natural tendency to reshape the
meaning of words to fit local context or invent new words for new
things (Brazil has at least 6 words for speed hump), as well as
Brazil's common tendency to various types of linguistic
imprecision, bringing them all together in a city essentially
founded by Americans, with workers from various parts of the world,
and encountering dozens of local tribes, confusion was almost
inevitable.. Being a translator/interpreter makes me (Simon) a bit
more anal about words than Beto who is more into the real world.
Many a time I commented "but this actually means X ," to which he
replied: "Yes, interesting isn't it "
All of Simon's earnings go towards funding www.antoninomuseum.com
Esta es una edicion revisada y actualizada. El presente diccionario
ruso-espanol de terminologia militar consta de mas de 15.000
terminos y pretende facilitar la traduccion al idioma espanol de
temas militares rusos. Va dirigido fundamentalmente a los
estudiosos de habla espanola interesados en la tematica militar
rusa. Ello se ha tenido en cuenta a la hora de su confeccion y se
ha materializado en su presentacion. En su preparacion se ha
considerado la dificultad que supone establecer en sus justos
limites la terminologia especifica de una rama del saber
determinada. En efecto, son muchos los terminos especificamente
militares que han trascendido a otras ramas del saber y que incluso
se han consolidado en el lenguaje de uso general. Del mismo modo,
numerosos terminos procedentes del lenguaje general, o de otras
ramas del saber, han penetrado, con su propio significado o con una
acepcion especifica o adaptada, en el vocabulario militar. Tambien
se ha incluido la terminologia obsoleta o actualmente en desuso.
Aunque muchos terminos anticuados apenas tienen cabida en el
lenguaje militar actual, aparecen con frecuencia en textos antiguos
o historicos, e incluso, a veces, se han visto rescatados con un
significado mas o menos aproximado al inicial. En cuanto a la
terminologia estrictamente tecnica de doble uso militar y civil, se
ha eludido en lo posible porque, al ser de uso generalizado, tiene,
casi siempre, el mismo significado en el ambito militar que en su
aplicacion civil (mecanica, topografia, equipamiento, navegacion,
etc.). Tambien se han evitado los terminos compuestos cuando
resulta sencilla su interpretacion. Por lo ya dicho nos parece que
el titulo "Diccionario Militar Ruso-Espanol" no expresa, en rigor,
su contenido. Quiza hubiera sido mas adecuada la denominacion de
"Diccionario Militar Ruso-Espanol y de terminologia de frecuente
uso militar," pero la longitud del titulo y su falta de precision
nos ha hecho eludirlo. En cuanto a la conveniencia de un
diccionario de estas caracteristicas se ha visto que son muy pocos
y anticuados, y en su mayoria agotados, los existentes. Y ello a
pesar de que la terminologia militar aparece no solo en los textos
militares sino en casi la totalidad de la literatura civil rusa,
debido quiza a que ejercito y sociedad constituyen un todo
indivisible en esta cultura. Dificilmente encontraremos un texto
literario que no incluya terminologia militar, bien en pasajes de
caracter militar, bien por la impregnacion que de la terminologia
militar gozan otras ramas del saber. Ello justifica la inclusion en
nuestra obra de terminos que, sin cabida en el saber militar
actual, aparecen en muchas obras literarias.
This is a dictionary of Bole, a little documented language of the
Chadic family, spoken in northeastern Nigeria. This is one of the
most comprehensive dictionaries of any Chadic language other than
Hausa. All entries for Bole are fully marked for tone and vowel
length. The Bole-English-Hausa section has full definitions and
explanations of meaning in English with numerous examples of use.
Each entry has a Hausa gloss. The English-Bole section is intended
mainly as an index to the Bole-English-Hausa section. There are
appendices of flora and fauna terms, cultural terms, pronouns, and
comprehensive paradigms of verb forms.