Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Civil law (general works)
Mit der Festschrift wird Herr Professor Werner Merle geehrt mit
Beitragen von: Dr. Christian Armbruster; Dr. Peter Bassenge,
Vorsitzender Richter am LG a.D.; Dr. Matthias Becker; August Belz,
Vorsitzender Richter am OLG a.D.; Diplom-Volkswirt Volker
Bielefeld; RA Dr. Fritz Binz; Dr. Lothar Briesemeister,
Vorsitzender Richter am KG; RA Dr. Wolf-Rudiger Bub; RA Michael
Drasdo; Prof. Shunji Fujii, Yamanashi Gakuin University; Dr. iur.
Wolfgang Gottschalg, Vorsitzender Richter am OLG; RA Dr. Frank
Heerstrassen; Dipl.-Kfm. Hans-Dieter Jansen; RA Wilfried J.
Koehler; RA Dr. Andreas Kappus; Notar Dr. Heinrich Kreuzer; Prof.
Dr. Eiki Maruyama, Universitat Chiba; RA Horst Muller;
Staatssekretar Prof. Dr. Eckhart Pick, MdB; Notar Dr. Ludwig Roell;
RA und Steuerberater Dr. Marcel Sauren; RA Joachim Schmidt; Notar
a.D. Friedrich Schmidt; Notar Dr. Sebastian Spiegelberger; Prof.
Dr. Gunther Trautmann; Prof. Dr. Reinhard Welter; Dr. Joachim
Free to Believe
Tracey Jerald; Cover design or artwork by Amy Queau
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"Pure food" became the rallying cry among a divergent group of
campaigners who lobbied Congress for a law regulating foods and
drugs. James Harvey Young reveals the complex and pluralistic
nature not only of that crusade but also of the broader Progressive
movement of which it was a significant strand. In the vivid style
familiar to readers of his earlier works, The Toadstool
Millionaires and The Medical Messiahs, Young sets the pure food
movement in the context of changing technology and medical theory
and describes pioneering laws to control imported drugs and
domestic oleomargarine. He explains controversy within the pure
food coalition, showing how farming and business groups sought
competitive commercial advantage, while consumer advocates wished
to promote commercial integrity and advance public health. The
author focuses on how the public became increasingly fearful of
hazards in adulterated foods and narcotic nostrums and how Congress
finally achieved the compromises necessary to pass the Food and
Drugs Act and the meat inspection law of 1906.
Originally published in 1989.
The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand
technology to again make available previously out-of-print books
from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press.
These paperback editions preserve the original texts of these
important books while presenting them in durable paperback
editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly
increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the
thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since
its founding in 1905.
These essays by one of the country's leading international lawyers represent his best and most interesting writing over a twenty-year period. The volume includes a report of the author's recent Hague Lectures entitled `Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation', which constitute one third of the book and which will be compulsory reading for all international litigators.
Bridging law, genetics, and statistics, this book is an
authoritative history of the long and tortuous process by which DNA
science has been integrated into the American legal system. In a
history both scientifically sophisticated and comprehensible to the
nonspecialist, David H. Kaye weaves together molecular biology,
population genetics, the legal rules of evidence, and theories of
statistical reasoning as he describes the struggles between
prosecutors and defense counsel over the admissibility of genetic
proof of identity. Combining scientific exposition with stories of
criminal investigations, scientific and legal hubris, and
distortions on all sides, Kaye shows how the adversary system
exacerbated divisions among scientists, how lawyers and experts
obfuscated some issues and clarified others, how probability and
statistics were manipulated and misunderstood, and how the need to
convince lay judges influenced the scientific research. Looking to
the future, Kaye uses probability theory to clarify legal concepts
of relevance and probative value, and describes alternatives to
race-based DNA profile frequencies. Essential reading for lawyers,
judges, and expert witnesses in DNA cases, "The Double Helix and
the Law of Evidence" is an informative and provocative contribution
to the interdisciplinary study of law and science.
Wer das erste Mal als Klager, Beklagter, Zeuge oder
Sachverstandiger Erfahrungen in einem Zivilprozess gesammelt hat,
dem wird vieles unverstandlich bleiben. Oft verursacht der fehlende
Durchblick Unsicherheit und Ablehnung. Der einzelne fuhlt sich
nicht als gleichberechtigter Beteiligter, sondern als Objekt eines
Vorganges, den andere steuern. Hans-Joachim Musielak, Professor fur
Zivilprozessrecht und Burgerliches Recht an der Universitat Passau,
sorgt fur Verstandnis und damit Sicherheit durch Aufklarung uber
Rechte und Pflichten eines jeden Prozessbeteiligten. Er erklart,
wie ein Zivilprozess ablauft und was die Beteiligten erwartet. Auch
informiert er daruber, welche Moeglichkeiten es gibt, ohne Klage zu
seinem Recht zu kommen.
This collection of essays by leading commentators on civil justice
is an attempt to assess the present state of civil procedure in the
UK and the possible impact of proposals recently put forward by
Lord Woolf. In addition, the essays deal with the fundamental
problems that are encountered today in the administration of civil
justice everywhere. The contributors are distinguished
practitioners and academics who have made extensive contributions
to the subject in the past.