Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Coping with personal problems > Coping with drug & alcohol abuse
Drug abuse, particularly opioid addiction, is more of a public
health problem than ever before - so much so that in March 2018,
the American College of Physicians will recommend that substance
abuse disorders be treated as a chronic medical condition. They
urge physicians to become more fa miliar with addiction, and as the
epidemic rises, health professionals of all kinds are looking for
alternative means of healing to treat those in need. With its
powerful and spiritual view on recovery, One Breath at a Time is
more relevant now than ever before. Since its initial publication
in 2004, the book has sold steadily - it's netted more than 62,000
copies mainly through the author's promotion and busy events and
workshop schedule. The revised edition will include a new
conclusion by the author describing how the book has been a
cornerstone of his teachings over the past years and a new foreword
by a contributor. In One Breath at a Time, Griffin shares his own
extraordinary journey to sobriety and how he integrated the Twelve
Steps of recovery with Buddhist mindfulness practices. He examines
each step and how it relates to Buddhist teachings and presents
techniques for finding clarity and awareness. One Breath at a Time
describes the convergence of two vital traditions - one ancient,
the other contemporary - and shows how they work together to create
a rich spiritual path.
A therapist's story of complex trauma and her remarkable journey to
recovery. When Connie Greshner was eight years old, her father
walked into a bar in Ponoka, Alberta, and shot her mother. So began
a young life defined by trauma. From Catholic boarding school in
Kansas to the streets of the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, Connie
travelled in pursuit of acceptance and belonging. Grief, confusion,
and shame manifested as depression, addiction, and promiscuity.
Branded chronically suicidal with no hope of recovery by the mental
health system, Connie was determined to heal herself and help
others. Supported and inspired by exceptional friends, a love of
books, and a connection to nature, she finally found her home,
purpose, and peace. In Borderline Shine, Connie breaks the silence
and shame of intergenerational violence. With unflinching honesty
she chronicles her unique journey through the darkness of suffering
to the light of compassion, hope, and recovery.
Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most significant self-help books
of the twentieth century with an estimated thirty-seven million
copies sold, translated into seventy languages. Released in 1939,
the Big Book, as it is commonly known, has spawned a number of
recovery communities around the world and remains a vibrant tool in
introducing a plan of recovery from addiction in all its
manifestations. It has been forty years since the last scholarly
history of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.), Ernie Kurtz's Not God,
published in 1979. Since then, all books that focus on one or more
aspects of A.A. history have relied almost exclusively on the
anecdotal stories told long after the fact by Bill Wilson and
number of other early members, accounts that have proved at times
to be inaccurate. Writing the Big Book is the result of eleven
years of in-depth research into the formative years of A.A. Granted
unprecedented access to the GSO archive, among others, the author
reveals the inner workings of the early Fellowship, the conflicts,
personalities, failures, and dispels myths of canonical texts such
as Dr. Bob and the Good Old Timers, Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of
Age, and A Brief History of the Big Book. Relying, whenever
possible, on primary, real-time documents, the author pulls various
threads into a remarkably coherent narrative. While the story
focuses primarily on the eighteen months between October 1937 (when
a book was first proposed) and April, 1939 (when Alcoholics
Anonymous was published), relevant events both before and shortly
after those dates are fully incorporated. Across the span of these
eighteen months, the wealth of available archival materials allows
a week-by-week accounting of events, which is presented here
through an amazing amount of previously unreported details in a
comprehensive and compelling story.
Alcohol use, drug use, and addiction are challenging topics for
parents to discuss with children. These subjects are even more
complex, and more urgent, for recovering parents to discuss with
their children. Best-selling recovery author Claudia Black
introduces readers to five different families and reveals how each
of the parents talked with their kids about recovery, relapse, and
the child's own vulnerability to addiction. Discussion tips and
clearly presented facts help parents focus on key issues.
Age-appropriate strategies help reduce children's experimentation
with alcohol and other drugs.
Uber Drogenkonsum wird heute ausserordentlich viel diskutiert und
ge- schrieben. Dabei besteht im deutschen Sprachgebiet immer noch
ein gro- sser Mangel an zusammenfassenden klaren Darstellungen des
Wissens auf diesem Gebiete. Es fehlen periodisch sich wiederholende
reprasentative epidemiologische Untersuchungen uber die
Verbreitung, Zu- und Abnahme des Drogenkonsums wahrend der letzten
Jahre. Ferner fehlen trotz zahl- reichen, meistens an die Laien
gerichteten Mitteilungen, auch zusammen- fassende Darstellungen der
wissenschaftlichen Literatur. Brigitte WOGGON hat im vorliegenden
Werk in verdienstvoller Weise 749 Veroeffentlichungen der letzten
Jahre zusammengefasst. Es ist ihr gelungen, damit einen gul- tigen
Oberblick uber das Wissen auf dem Gebiete der Cannabisforschung zu
gewinnen und in ihrer Darstellung Tatsachen und Interpretationen
deutlich auseinanderzuhalten. Es wird so dem Leser moeglich, ein
objek- tives Bild zu gewinnen und sich ein eigenes Urteil uber die
Sachlage zu bilden. Dem vorliegenden Werk ist eine moeglichst
grosse Verbreitung zu goennen, denn die dringend noetige Aufklarung
kann nur durch Verbrei- tung von solidem Wissen geschehen. Prof.
Dr. med. J. Angst V VORWORT Bei der grossen Flut von Publikationen
uber Cannabis ist es fast nicht moeglich, einen Uberblick uber die
Literatur zu gewinnen. Das vorliegen- de Literatur-Sammelreferat
uber Cannabis soll einen Einblick in den Wissensstand 1971/72
vermitteln. Wahrend 2 Jahren wurden insgesamt 749
Veroeffentlichungen auszugsweise zusammengefaSt und nach
Stichworten in- haltlich den einzelnen Themen zugeordnet. Befunde
und Schlussfolgerungen der zitierten Autoren wurden moeglichst
getrennt von eigenen Stellung- nahmen dargestellt. Das
Literaturverzeichnis ermoeglicht dem an bestimm- ten Punkten
speziell interessierten Leser, diese ausfuhrlicher in den
Originalarbeiten nachzulesen.
If you're thinking about going sober for Dry January or looking to
make a long-term change, How to Go Alcohol Free is the easy guide
to kicking the drink in 100 simple steps. Drinking is on the
decline, with more and more people turning away from the bottle.
The financial and wellbeing benefits of going alcohol free - from
more financial stability to better sleep, relationships, skin and
mental health - are undeniable. There has never been a better time
to give sobriety a go. Whether you're a diehard drinker or a
sometimes sipper, How to Go Alcohol Free is here to help you take
control and change to a no-alcohol lifestyle. Helping you to
understand your alcohol intake and its effects, and offering
practical ways to take a break from booze, Kate Bee will help you
plan for, switch to and enjoy a life beyond booze.
Another in the Edward Bear/Tyler series of extended dialogues, this
one dealing with Seven Deadly Fears, the fears that keep us from
enjoying life and living in the sunlight of the spirit. As some
anonymous troll once said, "Fear is the prison of the heart." So
sit down, relax and read how Edward and his mentor, Tyler, deal
with the Fear of Intimacy, Fear of the Unknown, Fear of Change,
Fear of Rejection/Abandonment, Fear of
Conflict/Anger/Confrontation, Fear of Becoming a Burden, and Fear
of Dying. "Sit down and enjoy a down-to-earth conversation with a
wise man and a wise guy as they work through common, everyday
fears. Their simple wisdom is profound. Get refreshing "aha's: and
proven tools that can help us choose growth in the hard parts of
life." -David Newcomb MA, CACIII, NCC Psychologist "In The Seven
Deadly Fears, Edward Bear and his alter-ego, Tyler, with crisp and
succinct dialogue, reduce our most common fears to the mundane. Wit
and philosophy mix well to take the dread out of everyday plights.
Edward, please keep Tyler talking, we are not completely cured."
-James Baird Weaver, Ph.D. Psychologist
Viele Platze und Grunanlagen werden abends zu Freiluftkneipen
umfunktioniert. Menschen treffen sich dort und trinken zusammen
Alkohol. Der Autor beleuchtet die rechtlichen Moeglichkeiten von
Behoerden dagegen vorzugehen. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt
dabei auf polizeirechtlichen Loesungsansatzen, vor allem dem Erlass
von Polizeiverordnungen. Der Autor kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass im
oeffentlichen Alkoholkonsum durchaus eine abstrakte Gefahr fur die
oeffentliche Sicherheit liegen kann. Strassenrechtlich kann
Alkoholkonsum nicht abstrakt-generell untersagt werden. Nur im
Einzelfall koennen Behoerden einschreiten. Auch die
kommunalrechtlichen Moeglichkeiten sind begrenzt. Abschliessend
untersucht der Autor Moeglichkeiten, den Alkoholverkauf zu
besonderen Anlassen oder auf Festen einzuschranken.