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Books > Social sciences > Psychology > Criminal or forensic psychology

Folgen einer Geiselnahme - Das Stockholmsyndrom: Eine erwiesene Wissenschaft oder Einzelphanomen? (German, Paperback): Christin... Folgen einer Geiselnahme - Das Stockholmsyndrom: Eine erwiesene Wissenschaft oder Einzelphanomen? (German, Paperback)
Christin Wolf
R932 Discovery Miles 9 320 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Forensische Psychologie, Strafvollzug, einseitig bedruckt, Note: 1,1, Hessische Hochschule fur Polizei und Verwaltung; ehem. VFH Wiesbaden, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Eingangs wird der Uberfall auf die Filiale der Svenska Kreditbanken aus dem Jahre 1973 in schwedischen Hauptstadt Stockholm geschildert. Dieser Uberfall gilt als die Geburtsstunde des Stockholm-Syndroms und dient gleichzeitig als Einstieg in diese Hausarbeit. Sie befasst sich mit der Entstehung des Syndroms, den Voraussetzungen, Erklarungsansatzen und der kritischen Betrachtung moglicher Herangehensweisen. Auf Grund dessen, dass das Syndrom am haufigsten bei Geiselnahmen in Erscheinung tritt, werde ich die Geiselnahme kurz erlautern und nach einem kurzen geschichtlichen Ruckblick auf die drei Phasen einer Geiselnahme eingehen. Dies stellt fur mich einen wichtigen Punkt dar um Verstandnis zu erlangen, was psychisch in einem Geiselnehmer wahrend einer Geiselnahme ablauft und inwiefern sich in Folge des Geschehensablaufes ein Stockholm-Syndrom entwickeln kann. Desweiteren definiere ich den Terminus des Stockholm-Syndroms. Im darauf folgenden Gliederungspunkt zeige ich die Voraussetzungen fur ein Zustandekommen des Syndroms auf als auch Erklarungsansatze, welche zur Erforschung der Entstehung des Syndroms beitragen konnen oder beigetragen haben. Danach erlautere ich die Folgen fur die Opfer von Geiselnahmen und Gewalttaten und wie sie versuchen, diese selbst zu bewaltigen. Expliziert wird auf die Posttraumatische Belastungsstorung als auch die sekundare Viktimisierung eingegangen. Da das Stockholm-Syndrom durch die Medien bekannt und bestarkt wurde, werde ich auch auf die Rolle und Bedeutung der Medien bei Geiselnahmen eingehen. Wahrend der gesamten Arbeit beziehe ich Beispiele bedeutender Geiselnahmen oder Entfuhrungen mit ein, um eine Verbindung zum Geschehen und dem Syndrom herzustellen. In der Bewertung gehe ich auf den allgemeinen Fors

Oppression - A Study in Social and Criminal Psychology (Paperback): Tadesuz Grygier Oppression - A Study in Social and Criminal Psychology (Paperback)
Tadesuz Grygier
R1,690 Discovery Miles 16 900 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Das Konzept des demonstrativen Konzepts - Die Debatte um nichtkonzeptuelle Wahrnehmungsinhalte (German, Paperback): Cyrill Mamin Das Konzept des demonstrativen Konzepts - Die Debatte um nichtkonzeptuelle Wahrnehmungsinhalte (German, Paperback)
Cyrill Mamin
R903 Discovery Miles 9 030 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Forensische Psychologie, Strafvollzug, Note: 1.0, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin (Institut fur Philosophie), Veranstaltung: Current Issues in Philosophy and Neuroscience, 17 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Muss man, um zu beschreiben, wie eine Person etwas wahrnimmt, auf Konzepte zuruckgreifen, die diese Person besitzt? Das ist die Frage, um die es in der Debatte zwischen Konzeptualisten und Nichtkonzeptualisten geht. Beide gehen davon aus, dass Wahrnehmung einen Inhalt hat, der wahr oder falsch sein kann. Jedoch ist umstritten, ob dieser Inhalt eine Funktion der Konzepte ist, die eine Person besitzt. Ein Beispiel soll das Problem veranschaulichen: Meine Mutter steht im Garten vor einem Kirschbaum und nimmt diesen Baum wahr. Ich mochte beschreiben, was genau meine Mutter wahrnimmt. Dazu sollte ich mich moglichst genau in die Wahrnehmungsperspektive meiner Mutter versetzen, also zu beschreiben versuchen, wie sie die Welt wahrnimmt. Muss ich fur eine solche Beschreibung davon ausgehen, dass meine Mutter das Konzept eines Kirschbaums besitzt? Wenn ich ein Konzeptualist bin, dann wurde ich dies bejahen: Ich kann nur dann uber meine Mutter sagen, dass sie einen Kirschbaum wahrnimmt, wenn sie weiss, was ein Kirschbaum ist. Als Nichtkonzeptualist hingegen wurde ich sagen, dass es keine Rolle spielt was meine Mutter fur Konzepte hat. Sie kann denselben, spezischen Wahrnehmungsinhalt beim Betrachten des Baumes haben wie ich, obwohl ich das Konzept "Kirschbaum" besitze, sie aber nicht.

Forensische Psychologie (German, Paperback): Jeannine Dorn Forensische Psychologie (German, Paperback)
Jeannine Dorn
R902 Discovery Miles 9 020 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Forensische Psychologie, Strafvollzug, Note: 1,0, Universitat Liechtenstein, fruher Hochschule Liechtenstein, Veranstaltung: Einfuhrung in die Psychologie, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Seminararbeit, die im Rahmen des Moduls Kultur- und Reflexionskompetenz: Einfuhrung in die Psychologie" verfasst wird, befasst sich mit der Thematik der forensischen Psychologie." Im ersten der funf Abschnitte erfolgt zunachst eine Definition des Begriffes. Im darauf folgenden Abschnitt werden zunachst die allgemeinen Grundsatze und Aufgaben des forensisch-psychologischen Gutachters erlautert. Anschliessend werden die wichtigsten Untersuchungsmethoden beschrieben, wobei unterschieden wird zwischen Gesprach und Testpsychologie. Auch auf die moglichen Fehlerquellen der einzelnen Methoden wird eingegangen. Der vierte Abschnitt dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit den Anforderungen an Gutachten sowie deren Aufbau. Im funften Teil wird auf die Aufgabengebiete, in welchen forensische Psychologen tatig sind, eingegangen.

Die Qualitat forensischer Prognosegutachten bei Gewalt- und Sexualstraftatern (German, Paperback): Maximilian Riegl Die Qualitat forensischer Prognosegutachten bei Gewalt- und Sexualstraftatern (German, Paperback)
Maximilian Riegl
R2,832 Discovery Miles 28 320 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Forensische Psychologie, Strafvollzug, Note: 1,0, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg (Institut fur Psychologie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Durch die Gesetzesnovellierung vom 26.01.1998 ( Gesetz zur Bekampfung von Sexualdelikten und anderen gefahrlichen Straftaten," 454(2) StPO i. Verb. mit 66(3) StGB)), hat die Kriminalprognostik an Bedeutung gewonnen. Relativ unverandert allerdings blieb die kritische Diskussion in Bezug auf die Verlasslichkeit von Kriminalprognosen und damit in Bezug auf ihre Qualitat. Dieser Sachverhalt stellt den Hintergrund der vorliegenden Arbeit dar, welche sich mit der Qualitat von Prognosegutachten beschaftigt. Zur Erfassung des Konstruktes Qualitat wurde ein Erhebungsbogen entwickelt, welcher auf der aktuellen empirischen Literatur fur Prognosegutachten basiert und die entsprechenden Mindestanforderungen abpruft. Die Studie konnte zeigen, dass die Gutachtenqualitat sich seit der Gesetzesnovellierung 1998 signifikant verbessert hat. Der Effekt war mit d = 0,8 gross. Mit einer grosseren Effektstarke von d = 0,9 wurde ein signifikanter Qualitatsunterschied zwischen den von Arzten bzw. Psychiatern und Psychologen erstellten Kriminalprognosen, zugunsten letzterer Berufsgruppe, festgestellt. Weiterhin konnten signifikante Qualitatsunterschiede von mittlerer bzw. kleiner Effektstarke in Bezug auf die der Kriminalprognose zugrunde liegende Fragestellung sowie den Vergleich von Gutachten, welche im Ergebnis zu gunstigen bzw. ungunstigen Prognosen gekommen sind, ermittelt werden. Eine tiefer gehende Analyse der Ergebnisse zeigte, dass die beobachteten Qualitatsunterschiede im Gesamtscore immer mit qualitativen Unterschieden hinsichtlich der Auseinandersetzung mit der Delinquenzanalyse und den protektiven bzw. Risikofaktoren einhergehen. Die Studie konnte insgesamt zeigen, das die Qualitat von Kriminalprognosen sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich steigern konnte. Eine Steigerung, die

Understanding Criminal Investigation (Paperback): S. Tong Understanding Criminal Investigation (Paperback)
S. Tong
R1,798 Discovery Miles 17 980 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This comprehensive volume deciphers investigative process and practice, providing an authoritative insight into key debates and contemporary issues in crime investigations Provides critical examination of investigative practice by focusing on the key issues and debates underpinned by academic literature on crime investigation Outlines the theoretical explanations that provide an understanding of crime investigation and the context in which investigators operate Illustrates the practical relevance of theoretical contributions to crime investigation Places clear emphasis on the multi-disciplinary nature of crime investigation

Hausliche Gewalt gegen Kinder (German, Paperback): Martine Bache Hausliche Gewalt gegen Kinder (German, Paperback)
Martine Bache
R805 Discovery Miles 8 050 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Forensische Psychologie, Strafvollzug, Note: 1,0, Leopold-Franzens-Universitat Innsbruck (Institut fur Psychologie), Veranstaltung: Gewalttrauma, 10 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Amela, 12 Jahre alt, erlebte Gewalt durch ihren Vater. Sie erzahlt von ihrer immer wiederkehrenden Angst: ... also ich fuhlte mich zu schwach, weil immer wenn ich daran denke, habe ich immer angefangen zu weinen, dann war alles wieder da, die Angst im Bauch und so ... und ich hatte halt in der Schule auch Angst, hab ich dann wieder alles falsch gemacht oder ich hab immer so gezittert oder so was halt ... und am Abend, da konnte ich nie schlafen, da hatte ich immer Alptraume, ... von anderen Mannern, die Kinder stehlen ... oder schlagen, ... und von Gespenstern: ... das kam eh immer vom Vater" (Strasser, 2006, S.56). Erfahrungen mit Gewalt in der Familie, wie sie Amela gemacht hat, kommen heutzutage ofters vor, als man meinen mochte. Immer haufiger werden hauptsachlich Frauen und Kinder geschlagen und missbraucht. Aber das Thema der hauslichen Gewalt war, ist und wird ein heikles Thema bleiben, ein Tabu-Thema, vor dem die Gesellschaft bis vor Kurzem am liebsten die Augen verschlossen hatte, da es sich fur sie eher um ein privates als um ein offentliches Problem handelte. Tatsachlich hat sich das Thema Gewalt in der Familie" erst im 20. Jahrhundert von einer privaten Frage, ..., zu einem sozialen Problem gewandelt], das verstarkt in den Blickpunkt der Fachwelt, der Offentlichkeit und der Politik geriet" (Gelles, 2002, S.1043). Was man nun konkret unter hauslicher Gewalt versteht und welche Auswirkungen diese speziell auf Kinder hat, soll im Folgenden gezeigt werden. Neben den Konsequenzen der hauslichen Gewalt sollen auch Interventions- bzw. Therapieformen angesprochen werden, die den Kindern eine Moglichkeit bieten konnen, mit ihrem Erlebten fertig zu werden.

Sex Crimes - Patterns and Behavior (Paperback, 3rd Revised edition): Stephen T. Holmes, Ronald M. Holmes Sex Crimes - Patterns and Behavior (Paperback, 3rd Revised edition)
Stephen T. Holmes, Ronald M. Holmes
R4,144 Discovery Miles 41 440 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

A comprehensive survey of sex offenders and sexual offenses This succinct and highly accessible text provides a comprehensive overview of a wide range of sexual behaviors and sex crimes, thoroughly addressing criminal actions from nuisance sex crimes, such as voyeurism and exhibitionism, to the most extreme, including rape, sex crimes against children, lust and serial murders, and more. Including unique and engaging case studies and first-person accounts from sex offenders, Sex Crimes: Patterns and Behavior, Third Edition provides unique insight into sex crimes, deviance, and criminal behavior theory and analysis. This engaging and easy-to-read text provides information on psychological profiling of sex offenders, the crimes they commit, the effects on their victims, and attempted treatments, in an engaging style that compels students to continue reading even ahead of the syllabus. Key Features Two new chapters address Internet-related sex crimes and sexually motivated homicides Photos and tables have been updated to provide the most cutting-edge information and reflect the thorough updating the book throughout Other helpful pedagogical aids include case files and boxed news accounts that bring key concepts to life, and first-person accounts from sex criminals, medical and legal insights into the behaviors described A glossary of sexual behavior and related terms is provided at the back of the text

Intended Audience Suitably brief to serve as a core text in conjunction with readings or as a supplement to another text, this provocative textbook will spark lively discussion in undergraduate courses such as Sex Crimes, Deviance, Criminal Behavior, and Violent Crimes in departments of criminology, criminal justice, sociology, social work, and counseling. "

Kinder- und Jugendkriminalitat. Psychologische Hintergrunde, Therapie und Praventionsansatze (German, Paperback): Matthias... Kinder- und Jugendkriminalitat. Psychologische Hintergrunde, Therapie und Praventionsansatze (German, Paperback)
Matthias Hirschboeck
R1,040 Discovery Miles 10 400 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Forensische Psychologie, Strafvollzug, Note: 1,3, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg (Angewandte Psychologie), Veranstaltung: Seminar Psychologische Praxisfelder (Jugendkriminalitat), 19 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Primar- und Sekundarpravention von Kinder- und Jugendkriminalitat ist trotz der Schwierigkeit, Ergebnisse zu evaluieren ein wichtiger Beitrag von Staat und Gesellschaft, um Jugendliche uber die Folgen ungesetzlichen Verhaltens zu informieren, vor den Risiken zu warnen und sie vor dem Sturz in die Kriminalitat zu bewahren. Dies leistet unzweifelhaft einen wichtigen Beitrag fur die positive Entwicklung unserer jungen Generation und ist Grundlage fur ein gutes Zusammenleben in einer sicheren Gesellschaft. Die folgende Arbeit soll einige Ursachen und psychologische Erklarungen kriminellen Verhaltens beschreiben und gleichermassen Losungsansatze fur erfolgversprechende Praventionsmassnahmen aufzeige

Handbook of Forensic Mental Health (Paperback, New): Keith Soothill, Paul Rogers, Mairead Dolan Handbook of Forensic Mental Health (Paperback, New)
Keith Soothill, Paul Rogers, Mairead Dolan
R2,430 Discovery Miles 24 300 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is a comprehensive reference book on the subject of forensic mental health, looking at what forensic mental health is and its assessment, management and treatment. It focuses on key topics and the issues underpinning them in contemporary society. The book includes: an account of the historical development of forensic mental health, along with a description of the three mental health systems operating in the UK an in-depth analysis of the forensic mental health process and system, including an analysis of the different systems applied for juveniles and adults an examination of the main issues in forensic mental health including sex offending, personality disorders and addiction a breakdown of the key skills needed for forensic mental health practice. This is an authoritative reference book which will be a crucial text for practitioners, academics and students in the forensic mental health field.

Why Do They Kill? - Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners (Paperback): David Adams Why Do They Kill? - Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners (Paperback)
David Adams
R1,261 Discovery Miles 12 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Moving backwards from the murders they committed through their adult lives, relationship histories, and their childhoods, the author sought to understand what motivates the men to kill. The patterns he found reveal that the murders were neither impulsive crimes of passion nor were they indiscriminate. Why Do They Kill? is the first book to profile different types of wife killers, and to examine the courtship patterns of abusive men. The author shows that wife murders are not, for the most part, A�crimes of passion, A(R) but culminations of lifelong predisposing factors of the men who murder, and that many elements of their crimes are foretold by their past behavior in intimate relationships. Key turning points of these relationships include the first emergence of the man's violence, his blaming of the victim, her attempts to resist, his escalation, her attempts to end the relationship, and his punishment for her defiance. Critical perspective on the men's accounts comes from interviews with victims of attempted homicide (standing in for the murder victims) who survived shootings, stabbings, and strangulation. These women detail their partner's escalating patterns of child abuse, sexual violence, terroristic threats, and stalking. The section on help-seeking patterns of victims helps to dispel notions of A�learned helplessnessA(R) among victims.

Das Anti-Aggressivitats-Training (AAT) fur Gewalttater (German, Paperback): Martin Wolf Das Anti-Aggressivitats-Training (AAT) fur Gewalttater (German, Paperback)
Martin Wolf
R908 Discovery Miles 9 080 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Forensische Psychologie, Strafvollzug, Note: 2,0, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg (Fakultat fur Sozialwissenschaften - Institut fur Psychologie und Erziehungswissenschaft), Veranstaltung: Seminar Jugendkriminalitat, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Seminararbeit befasst sich mit dem Anti-Aggressivitats-Training (AAT) als deliktspezifische Behandlungsmassnahme von gewalttatigen Jugendlichen im Jugendstrafvollzug. Die Arbeit stellt sich als zentrale Frage: Wie effizient ist das Anti-Aggressivitats-Training eigentlich? Um dies zu klaren, werden die Zielgruppe und der Trainingsaufbau sowie Trainingsfaktoren, Lerninhalte und Lernziele des AAT dargestellt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird eine von Prof. Dr. Jens Weidner durchgefuhrte Erhebung zur Effizienz des Anti-Aggressivitats-Trainings erlautert und kritisch beleuchtet. Das AAT ist eine deliktspezifische, sozialpadagogisch-psychologische Behandlungsmassnahme fur gewalttatige Wiederholungstater im Jugendstrafvollzug. Das Training beruht auf einem lerntheoretisch-kognitiven Paradigma, wobei Erkenntnisse der Aggressionstheorien im Vordergrund steh

Aggressive Offenders' Cognition - Theory, Research  and Practice (Paperback): T.A. Gannon Aggressive Offenders' Cognition - Theory, Research and Practice (Paperback)
T.A. Gannon
R2,157 Discovery Miles 21 570 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The book focuses specifically on aggressive offenders and is divided into two parts. Part I deals with sexual abusers whilst Part II is concerned with violent offenders. Each part discusses theory, latest research and treatment related information. Emphasis is placed on discussing cognition in context i.e. identifying the factors impacting upon and related to offenders' cognition.

Treating The Chemically Dependent Criminal Personality (Hardcover): Eugene Isaac Pitts Treating The Chemically Dependent Criminal Personality (Hardcover)
Eugene Isaac Pitts
R1,991 R1,776 Discovery Miles 17 760 Save R215 (11%) Out of stock

This work deals with substance abuse among the incarcerated criminal population as well as the street criminal in a criminogenic neighborhood or setting. It is designed to be used by criminal justice professionals particularly those in corrections and intervention programs. Law enforcement program managers will also be able to develop programs based on the paradigm development outlined by Mr. Pitts. Since the author himself underwent imprisonment and substance abuse, the discussion of inmate drug abuser is particularly compelling and important. The success of various methodologies and treatment programs is discussed.

Men Who Rape - The Psychology of the Offender (Paperback): A.Nicholas Groth Men Who Rape - The Psychology of the Offender (Paperback)
A.Nicholas Groth
R756 Discovery Miles 7 560 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The standard reference on the psychology of rape, Men Who Rape presents a comprehensive clinical profile of sexual offenders with extensive information on counseling, prevention, and psychiatric treatment.

Rebel and a Cause - Caryl Chessman and the Politics of the Death Penalty in Postwar California, 1948-1974 (Paperback): Theodore... Rebel and a Cause - Caryl Chessman and the Politics of the Death Penalty in Postwar California, 1948-1974 (Paperback)
Theodore Hamm
R1,020 Discovery Miles 10 200 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Theodore Hamm uses the 1960 execution of Caryl Chessman as a lens for examining how politics and debates about criminal justice became a volatile mix that ignited postwar California. The effects of those years continue to be felt as the state's three-strikes law and expanding prison-construction program spark heated arguments over rehabilitation and punishment.
Known as the Red Light Bandit, Chessman allegedly stalked lovers' lanes in Los Angeles. Eventually convicted of rape and kidnapping, he was sentenced to death in 1948. In prison he gained significant notoriety as a writer, beginning with his autobiographical "Cell 2455 Death Row" (1954). In the following years Chessman presented himself not only as an innocent man but also as one rehabilitated from his prior life of crime. He acquired an enthusiastic audience among leading criminologists, liberal intellectuals, and ordinary citizens, many of whom engaged in protests to halt Chessman's execution. Hamm analyzes how Chessman convinced thousands of Californians to support him, and why Governor Edmund G. (Pat) Brown, who opposed the death penalty, allowed the execution to go forward. He also demonstrates the intrinsic limits of the popular commitment to the rehabilitative ideal.
"Rebel and a Cause" places the Chessman case in a broad cultural and historical context, relating it to histories of prison reform, the anti-death penalty movement, the popularization of psychology, and the successive rise and decline of the New Left and the more enduring rise of the New Right.

Crime and Coercion - An Integrated Theory of Chronic Criminality (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2000):... Crime and Coercion - An Integrated Theory of Chronic Criminality (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2000)
M. Colvin
R1,498 Discovery Miles 14 980 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In a major new theory of criminal behavior, Mark Colvin argues that chronic criminals emerge from a developmental process characterized by recurring, erratic episodes of coercion. Colvin's differential coercion theory, which integrates several existing criminological perspectives, lays out a compelling argument that coercive forces create social and psychological dynamics that lead to chronic criminal behavior. While Colvin's presentation focuses primarily on chronic street criminals, the theory is also applied to exploratory offenders and white-collar criminals. In addition, Colvin presents a critique of current crime control measures, which rely heavily on coercion, and offers in their place a comprehensive crime reduction program based on consistent, non-coercive practices.

Young Killers - The Challenge of Juvenile Homicide (Paperback, New): Kathleen M. Heide Young Killers - The Challenge of Juvenile Homicide (Paperback, New)
Kathleen M. Heide
R4,386 Discovery Miles 43 860 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Why is the number of homicides committed by youths rising in the United States? An escalating problem in this country, Juvenile Homicide has been considered an epidemic by mental health professionals as well as practitioners in the juvenile justice and criminal systems. In her book Young Killers, Kathleen M. Heide blends compelling case studies with an empirical assessment of male adolescent murderers, creating a readable and interesting scholarly text. This book explores several factors that contribute to the rise of juvenile homicide including home and family environments, role models, the witnessing of violence, access to weapons, the availability of drugs and alcohol, personality characteristics, and the cumulative effect of having little to lose. Although this book focuses on male juvenile offenders, Heide also addresses the changing percentage of juvenile females arrested for homicide and examines gender issues in juvenile homicide. She discusses the reasons girls may be more likely to kill family members than boys are and examines the effects of the women?s movement on girls and crime. Heide also addresses psychological assessment, treatment issues, and prevention strategies aimed at reducing the incidence of juvenile homicide. Young Killers is written with clarity, making it accessible to a wide-ranging audience. This definitive work on juvenile homicide will benefit both undergraduate and graduate students, and professionals in criminal justice, criminology, sociology, social work, counseling, and clinical psychology.

Maintaining Change - A Personal Relapse Prevention Manual (Paperback): Hilary J. Eldridge Maintaining Change - A Personal Relapse Prevention Manual (Paperback)
Hilary J. Eldridge
R2,812 Discovery Miles 28 120 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Clearly written, A Personal Manual for Maintaining Change presents a cognitive-behavioral approach to relapse prevention developed by Hilary Eldridge and pilot tested in community-based secure hospital and prison sex offender programs. Step-by-step, the system focuses on the notion of control and taking responsibility for oneÆs actions rather than a "cure." It requires participants to become active in the change process toward the ultimate goal of being able to self-manage. Manual sections address the thinking, feeling, and behavior patterns of the perpetrator in relation to cycles of offending, cognitive distortions, cognitive and affective empathy, sexuality, social relationships, and self. It is assumed that this program will be managed by a professionally qualified and experienced therapist who has good supervision, support, and the opportunity to evaluate client progress. A Personal Manual for Maintaining Change maybe used to link individuals with group work, as well as prisons with community-based programs. It is well integrated with existing programs and user-friendly for all who work in a professional capacity with adult male sex offenders. This is a professional book for client-oriented self-management or therapy to be supervised by social workers, mental health agencies, prison staff, hospital staff, probation officers, psychologists, and other health care professionals. It also makes an excellent training resource or textbook for therapists, counselors, social workers, nurses, and other mental health professionals.

Fatal Families - The Dynamics of Intrafamilial Homicide (Paperback, New): Charles Patrick Ewing Fatal Families - The Dynamics of Intrafamilial Homicide (Paperback, New)
Charles Patrick Ewing
R3,718 Discovery Miles 37 180 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

For most Americansùregardless of where they liveùthe risk of being murdered is much greater in their own homes than on any main street on which they are ever likely to walk. Every year, nearly half of the more than 20,0000 homicide victims are related to or acquainted with their killers. Alcohol abuse, mental illness, and criminality figure largely in intrafamilial homicide. But, whatever the scenario behind the murder, murder within families is the most chilling and frightening of all crimes. Fatal Families examines the nature, causes, and consequences of family homicide in modern American society. Using a case study approach, author Charles Patrick Ewing explores the social, cultural, and psychological forces that lead people to kill members of their own families. Drawing on his professional background in both law and psychology, he points the way to measures that can be taken to halt the steady pace of murder within families. Examining a horrifying but necessary topic, Fatal Families will be vitally important to professionals and students in family studies, criminology, interpersonal violence, psychology, social work, and urban studies.

Preventing Childhood Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency (Paperback, New): Ray Dev. Peters, Robert J. McMahon Preventing Childhood Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency (Paperback, New)
Ray Dev. Peters, Robert J. McMahon
R2,841 Discovery Miles 28 410 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Outcome studies have shown that treatment does not work if administered too late. Preventing Childhood Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency presents the newest research on the effectiveness of prevention and early intervention programs with children, from birth to adolescence. The contributors to this volume examine the theory and practice of leading programs designed to prevent social and behavioral problems--including violence and substance abuse--in children and adolescents. The innovative programs analyzed here focus on social skills training for children with conduct disorders, anger coping group work for aggressive children, parent training programs, life skills training for substance abuse prevention, and programs for high-risk youth and rural populations. All designed to intervene before the onset of disorders or to deal effectively with problems when they first appear, many of the programs also emphasize strengthening family, school, and community involvement for successful risk reduction. Clinical psychologists and human services professionals who work with children and youths will find Preventing Childhood Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency illuminating. This book also will be of interest to policy makers who are looking for more effective and efficient interventions to child and adolescent problems.

International Perspectives on Child Abuse and Children's Testimony - Psychological Research and Law (Paperback): Bette L... International Perspectives on Child Abuse and Children's Testimony - Psychological Research and Law (Paperback)
Bette L Bottoms, Gail S Goodman
R2,818 Discovery Miles 28 180 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Child witnesses pose unique challenges to the legal system, and courtrooms are daunting and alien to children. Timely and truly international in scope, this volume focuses on the techniques and procedures used to accommodate child witnesses in legal systems in countries around the world and on the research investigating the effectiveness and implications of those techniques. Featuring the work of renowned scholars from the international psycholegal community, International Perspectives on Child Abuse and Children's Testimony not only provides support for all countries seeking to broaden their approach to child psychology and law but also promotes justice where child protection is virtually unknown. Special emphasis is given to techniques currently in use and under investigation in the United States as well as the U.S. applicability of techniques and procedures used in other countries. At a time when issues surrounding children's testimony are under close scrutiny, International Perspectives on Child Abuse and Children's Testimony provides outstanding findings and guidelines for researchers and practitioners in psychology, medicine, criminology/law, social policy, and social work as well as advanced students in these and related fields.

Mastering Expert Testimony - A Courtroom Handbook for Mental Health Professionals (Hardcover): William T. Tsushima, Robert M.... Mastering Expert Testimony - A Courtroom Handbook for Mental Health Professionals (Hardcover)
William T. Tsushima, Robert M. Anderson, Robert M. Anderson Jr
R4,441 Discovery Miles 44 410 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The past two decades have seen a rapidly growing involvement of psychologists and psychiatrists in legal proceedings for criminal cases, divorces, and traffic and industrial accidents. Mental health professionals are traditionally not trained to cope with the legal responsibilities that arise from their routine clinical work and are eager to learn the professional skills that are needed in forensic settings. There is presently no book which focuses entirely on the strategies and verbal tactics employed by attorneys who critically examine and challenge the testimony of mental health professionals. If psychologists and psychiatrists can familiarize themselves with the kind of questions and verbal exchanges that take place in the courtroom, they would be better prepared to provide their expertise in an effective manner. This book fills that need.
Designed as a practical handbook to assist practitioners from all mental health disciplines, it focuses on typical courtroom dialogue between attorneys and mental health professionals who testify regarding their psychotherapy clients and also those who are hired by attorneys specifically to provide expert opinions. The authors, who have extensive experience in the courtroom, offer well-thought-out, effective responses as contrasted with impulsive and weak answers to attorneys' queries. Actual cases are employed to illustrate typical challenges in various legal areas, including criminal law, child custody hearings, and personal injury cases. Certain forensic issues such as the scientific bases of expert opinions, the accuracy of psychological vs. medical tests, and malingering, are emphasized throughout the chapters.
The book is based on the belief that exposure to courtroom dialogue enhances the awareness of appropriate professional responses to an attorney's cross-examination and greatly alleviates fear toward a situation well-known to provoke intense levels of anxiety. Although it is written alluding to the forensic psychologist or psychiatrist, the strategies for the witness are readily applicable in most instances to all mental health professionals. Issues such as therapist bias, unconfirmed observations, and cultural and ethnic factors are clearly relevant to all who provide mental health services.

Mastering Expert Testimony - A Courtroom Handbook for Mental Health Professionals (Paperback): William T. Tsushima, Robert M.... Mastering Expert Testimony - A Courtroom Handbook for Mental Health Professionals (Paperback)
William T. Tsushima, Robert M. Anderson, Robert M. Anderson Jr
R1,407 Discovery Miles 14 070 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The past two decades have seen a rapidly growing involvement of psychologists and psychiatrists in legal proceedings for criminal cases, divorces, and traffic and industrial accidents. Mental health professionals are traditionally not trained to cope with the legal responsibilities that arise from their routine clinical work and are eager to learn the professional skills that are needed in forensic settings. There is presently no book which focuses entirely on the strategies and verbal tactics employed by attorneys who critically examine and challenge the testimony of mental health professionals. If psychologists and psychiatrists can familiarize themselves with the kind of questions and verbal exchanges that take place in the courtroom, they would be better prepared to provide their expertise in an effective manner. This book fills that need.
Designed as a practical handbook to assist practitioners from all mental health disciplines, it focuses on typical courtroom dialogue between attorneys and mental health professionals who testify regarding their psychotherapy clients and also those who are hired by attorneys specifically to provide expert opinions. The authors, who have extensive experience in the courtroom, offer well-thought-out, effective responses as contrasted with impulsive and weak answers to attorneys' queries. Actual cases are employed to illustrate typical challenges in various legal areas, including criminal law, child custody hearings, and personal injury cases. Certain forensic issues such as the scientific bases of expert opinions, the accuracy of psychological vs. medical tests, and malingering, are emphasized throughout the chapters.
The book is based on the belief that exposure to courtroom dialogue enhances the awareness of appropriate professional responses to an attorney's cross-examination and greatly alleviates fear toward a situation well-known to provoke intense levels of anxiety. Although it is written alluding to the forensic psychologist or psychiatrist, the strategies for the witness are readily applicable in most instances to all mental health professionals. Issues such as therapist bias, unconfirmed observations, and cultural and ethnic factors are clearly relevant to all who provide mental health services.

The Felon (Paperback, First Edition,): John Irwin The Felon (Paperback, First Edition,)
John Irwin
R955 Discovery Miles 9 550 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Based on in-depth interviews and two years of participant observation of felons, this book traces the career paths of such criminal types as the thief, the hustler, and the junkie, as well as the non-criminal "square john." The career of the felon, from early environment to crime to prison to parole, is explored from the point of view of the felon himself, a viewpoint seldom considered by the "straight" society in which the felon must learn to function.
Since its first publication, "The Felon" has quickly become a classic of criminal sociology. For this new edition the author has prepared a preface assessing the changes that have occurred since the book first appeared. Engaging and readable, Irwin's description of the life of felons and his conclusions about the role of prisons in our society remain convincing and topical today.

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