Books > Professional & Technical > Agriculture & farming > Crop husbandry
In the later part of the 20th century, the United States
experienced a remarkable surge in public interest toward medicinal
and aromatic crops and this trend continues. This consumer interest
helped create a significant demand for plants with culinary and
medicinal applications as the public discovers their benefits for a
wide range of applications. Consequently, this consumer call has
generated a huge demand on farmers, but has also provided
opportunities for new agricultural crops to support both fresh and
dry raw material markets. Processing raw materials for end use by
consumers introduces even more variables at all levels from
harvesting to final desired product. Maintaining quality and
authenticity throughout this process has inspired farmers,
processing facilities, and regulatory agencies to adopt new
practices and new laws to maintain safety and quality. Maintaining
this quality and authenticity is often made possible using
analytical methods for quality control, which subsequently
triggered a demand for both regulatory agencies and scientists
throughout the world. For aforementioned reasons, it is imperative
that scientists continue to explore related topics from the field
to the final consumer product. This book touches on many of the
issues currently being addressed by scientists working to produce
the desired consumer product while maintaining authenticity and
quality and environmental stewardship.
Cereal grains have been the principal component of human diet for
thousands of years and have played a major role in shaping human
civilization. Around the world, rice, wheat, and maize, and to a
lesser extent, sorghum and millets, are important staples critical
to daily survival of billions of people. More than 50% of world
daily caloric intake is derived directly from cereal grain
consumption. Most of the grain used for human food is milled to
remove the bran (pericarp) and germ, primarily to meet sensory
expectations of consumers. The milling process strips the grains of
important nutrients beneficial to health, including dietary fiber,
phenolics, vitamins and minerals. Thus, even though ample evidence
exists on the health benefits of whole grain consumption,
challenges remain to developing food products that contain
significant quantities of whole grain components and meet consumer
This book presents some of the latest research endeavors that aim
to improve our understanding of how the chemistry of various grain
components can be manipulated to improve contribution of cereals to
human health. Most of the topics are based on the Cereal Grains
Symposium, at the 2011 American Chemical Society held in Anaheim,
CA, March 27-31.
James Frederick Timothy Arbury; Illustrated by Sally Pinhey
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Pasture management in South Africa covers all major aspects of
pasture production and management. Particular strengths are species
selection, pasture establishment, fertilizer, grazing and forage
management, and livestock related aspects of nutrient
supplementation and feed budgeting. Pasture fertilizer practice is
dealt with comprehensively. The range of regions and topics should
make the title useful to students and practitioners beyond South
Africa's borders.
Pasture Management in South Africa covers all all major aspects of
pasture production and management. Particular strengths are species
selection, pasture establishment, fertilizer, grazing and forage
management, and livestock related aspects of nutrient
supplementation and feed budgeting. Pasture fertilizer practice is
dealt with comprehensively. The range of regions and topics should
make the book useful to students and practitioners beyond South
Africa's borders. The contributors to this book collectively
represent a formidable component of the expertise available on the
subject in South Africa. They are researchers, conservation
managers and planners working at a practical level, and at the more
theoretical level as teachers at colleges and in universities.
Advances in Agronomy, Volume 178, the latest release in this
leading reference on agronomy, contains a variety of updates and
highlights new advances in the field, with each chapter written by
an international board of authors.
Advances in Agronomy, Volume 117, the latest release in this
leading reference on agronomy, contains a variety of updates and
highlights new advances in the field. Chapters in this new release
include Farming Systems Research: Concepts, Design and Methodology,
Soil Potassium Fertility and Management Strategies in South Asian
Agriculture, Sensing for Characterizing and Monitoring Soil
Functions - A Review, Isolation and Fractionation of Organic Matter
from Soils and Waters, Tolerance Mechanism and Management Concepts
of Iron Toxicity in Rice: A Critical Review, and Smart Sensing and
Automated Irrigation for Sustainable Rice Systems: A State of the
Art Review.
Advances in Agronomy, Volume 166, the latest release in this
leading reference on agronomy, contains a variety of updates and
highlights new advances in the field. Each chapter is written by an
international board of authors.
Advances in Agronomy, Volume 156, continues to be recognized as a
leading reference and first-rate source for the latest research in
agronomy. Each volume contains an eclectic group of reviews by
leading scientists throughout the world. As always, the subjects
covered are rich, varied, and exemplary of the abundant subject
matter addressed by this long-running serial.