Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Dentistry / oral & maxillofacial medicine
This book prepares dental students and vocational dental
practitioners for primary dental practice. It will also be helpful
to general dental practitioners to enable them to undertake
continuing professional development. The book provides a background
to the holistic approach that dentists need to use when identifying
treatment needs, and covers the integration of treatment and its
planning, aspects of dental team building, practice selection and
management matters. The first chapter examines issues in relation
to career choices, the location of the practice together with the
means by which access to dental care may be increased. Chapters 2
and 3 take the reader from outside to inside the dental practice to
examine relationships within the practice. This includes those with
the patient as well as the dental team. The fourth chapter
describes clinical excellence in primary dental care by examining
clinical decision-making, the need for referral as well as the
place of prevention and restorative philosophies in treatment of
patients. The last chapters examine the business of dental practice
and suggest future pathways for the newly qualified dental
Human Disease for Dentistry will help the dental student to
understand the manifestations of human diseases and disorders and
the diagnostic services used in their investigations and treatment.
Many medical conditions of other systems manifest themselves in the
mouth, and dental students are
expected to recognize these symptoms as well as to understand the
causes and the underlying condition. This book covers these areas
specifically for dental students, highlighting the conditions which
are most important to the practicing dentist.
The book will assist the student in recognizing problems in the
medical history of patients about to undergo dental treatment and
will encourage them to take appropriate action. Written in an
innovative style with numerous key points and clinical cases
throughout, the book provides the necessary
information to provide first rate dental treatment and advice to
People who suffer from chronic pain are typically found to be more
anxious and fearful of pain than those who do not. Recent evidence
has shown that the pain itself serves as a mechanism through which
chronic pain is maintained over time. Even once the muscle or
tissue damage is healed, a fear of further pain can lead to
avoidance behavior, which over time, leads to deconditioning (e.g.
decreased mobility, weight gain). This in turn leads to further
experiences, negative expectancies, and strengthened avoidance. It
is the reciprocal relationship between fear and avoidance that is
thought to be responsible for maintaining pain behavior and
With fear of pain known to cause significant suffering and
functional disability, there is a need for a greater understanding
of this condition. This is the first book to explore this topic. It
starts by introducing the current theoretical positions regarding
pain-related fear and anxiety along with relevant empirical
findings. It then provides comprehensive coverage of assessment
issues and treatment strategies. Finally, the book suggests further
areas for investigation.
Pain-related fear and anxiety are now receiving considerable
attention, and efficient and effective treatments are fast becoming
available. This book will help guide and extend our understanding
of a condition that has been shown to be associated with
substantial suffering and disability.
Andreas Neff zeigt die exzellenten diagnostischen und
therapeutischen Optionen der Endoskopie, die fur den MKG-Chirurgen
bei der komplexen Anatomie der Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtsregion, speziell
der Kieferhoehlen und der Nasengange, des Kiefergelenks, aber auch
der Speicheldrusen heute unverzichtbar ist. Minimalinvasive
Darstellung und Zugange gemass State of the Art erfordern neben
chirurgischem Know-how auch ein spezielles technisches Equipment.
Wahrend die Endoskopie in der MKG-Chirurgie meist speziellen
Indikationen vorbehalten ist, hat sie insbesondere in der HNO
inzwischen einen Grossteil der traditionellen direkten bzw.
invasiv-offenen Verfahren ersetzt. Auch in der MKG-Chirurgie wird
es analog zu ihren Nachbardisziplinen zunehmend zu
Paradigmenwechseln in der Behandlungsstrategie kommen, denen sich
die MKG-Chirurgie stellen muss, um sich auch in Zukunft auf
Augenhoehe weiterentwickeln zu koennen.
This issue of Dental Clinics of North America focuses on Oral and
Maxillofacial Radiology: Radiographic Interpretation and Diagnostic
Strategies. Articles will include: Oral and maxillofacial imaging,
Developmental disorders affecting jaws, Periodontal diseases,
Temporomandibular joint disorders and orofacial pain, Benign jaw
lesions, Malignant jaw lesions, Benign fibro-osseous lesions of
jaws, Granulomatous diseases affecting jaws, Systemic diseases and
conditions affecting jaws, Chemical and radiation associated jaw
lesions, and more!
This book takes a range of clinical problems in prosthetic
dentistry and gives a step by step guide to differential diagnosis
and treatment planning for the dental student. Focuses on clinical
problem-solving in prosthodontics. Offers practical help with
treatment planning, guiding the reader through the process of
decision-making. Covers some of the most important areas of
clinical practice for the average dentist - including crowns,
bridges, veneers, and implant-supported restorations. Provides
colorful illustrations throughout to reinforce content.
This book is aimed at the undergraduate dental student, the general dental practitioner with an interest in orthodontics and students at the start of their postgraduate orthodontic training. The book assumes the reader has progressed down the path of orthodontic diagnosis and is in the process of formulating a treatment plan. Such planning requires the orthodontist to have a sound understanding of the biological principles of tooth movement, as well as to be aware of the treatment ideals and limitations. Knowledge of the various types of orthodontic appliances, their design and likely mode of action is also essential. Closely linked to this, advances in materials science have lead to great changes in orthodontic clinical practice in recent years. A chapter on orthodontic materials is therefore included. Orthodontic treatment is not without risk and there is a chapter on iatrogenic effects. Finally, with increasing specialisation there is a need to call upon the services of colleagues from other specialities in treating complex cases and so multidisciplinary treatments are also covered. ALSO PUBLISHED BY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS: Diagnosis of the Orthodontic Patient, by F McDonald & AJ Ireland
Tissue Engineering and Regeneration in Dentistry: Current
Strategies presents a thorough update on the current advances,
methods and understanding in tissue engineering in dentistry. It
offers invaluable tools, case studies, and methodologies for
undertaking research, including important biological and practical
considerations to facilitate successful migration of research from
the bench to the clinic. * Offers detailed coverage of the basic
underlying principles and scientific evidence, and includes
protocols to highlight practical applications * Written by an
internationally renowned team of expert contributors * A must-have
read for researchers and specialist clinicians in tissue
engineering, oral biology, dental materials science, periodontology
and oral surgery
Die Inzidenz der boesartigen Tumoren der oberen Luft- und
Speisewege nimmt eindeutig zu. Diese im Hals-Bereich lokalisierten
(zumeist Plattenepithel-) Karzinome gehen haufig mit dort
lokalisierten Lymphknotenmetastasen einher. Haufig fallen sie durch
diese uberhaupt erst auf, zumal der Primartumor gelegentlich kaum
Beschwerden bereitet. Das vorliegende Buch bietet als
Nachschlagewerk einen umfassenden UEberblick der fur alle AErzte
(auch Internisten, Allgemeinmediziner und Dermatologen) absolut
notwendigen Kenntnis um die Differenzialdiagnostik der
Lymphknotenerkrankungen und deren Therapie, insbesondere der
verschiedenen Formen der Neck-Dissection. Hochqualitative
Abbildungen und Tabellen ermoeglichen es, die Thematik mit hohem
didaktischen Wert vorzustellen.
Hailed as 'superb', 'thorough', and 'contemporary', this is the
essential orthodontics text for all staff involved in orthodontic
treatment, whether they are dental students, orthodontic
therapists, postgraduate students at the beginning of their career,
or more experienced clinicians wanting an evidence-based, concise
update on the foundations of contemporary orthodontic care. With
over 700 illustrations and plenty of case studies, An Introduction
to Orthodontics, Fifth Edition is a user-friendly introduction to
the subject. Continuing its well-deserved reputation, it is the
perfect starting point for learning key concepts and the practical
aspects of orthodontics. The new fifth edition has been completely
updated to reflect contemporary practice, including a new chapter
dedicated to hypodontia and orthodontics, and a new chapter on the
fastest growing area in orthodontics, clear aligners. Readers will
find further reading and references at the end of each chapter,
including references to appropriate Cochrane Reviews to aid
revision and support clinical practice. Learning objectives, key
points boxes, and instructive artwork make this an essential text
for busy readers who need focused and practical learning.
This issue of Dental Clinics, edited by Lisa A. Thompson and
Leonard J. Brennan, focuses on Geriatric Dentistry. Articles
include: Our Current Geriatric Population: Demographic and Oral
Health Care Utilization; Physiology of Aging of Older Adults:
Systemic and Oral Health Considerations; Treatment Planning
Considerations in Older Adults; Oral Health Disparity in Older
Adults: Dental Decay and Tooth Loss; Oral Health Disparities in
Older Adults: Oral bacteria, Inflammation and Aspiration Pneumonia;
Salivary Function and Xerostomia and the Implications of
Polypharmacy in Elderly; Systemic and Oral Health; Cognitive
Impairment in Older Adults and Oral Health considerations:
Treatment and Management; Integrating Oral Health into the
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Curriculum; Innovations in Dental
Care Delivery for the Older Adult; and more!
Das Werk behandelt in 18 Kapiteln den gesamten aktuellen
Wissensstand der Pathologie der Mundhoehle mit angrenzendem
Weichteil- und Knochengewebe unter Berucksichtigung der
umfangreichen Literatur. Die zahlreichen Abbildungen und Tabellen
sollen sowohl dem interessierten Kliniker wie auch dem Pathologen
den weiteren Zugang zu den vielfaltigen Krankheiten der Mundhoehle
ermoeglichen. Der Band wendet sich daher besonders an die
Fachdiziplinen der Zahnmedizin, Mund-, Kiefer- und
Gesichtschirurgie, Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde sowie an die
Dermatologie und Innere Medizin.
A user-friendly instruction book based on Geoffrey Howe's original
text written in the 1970's. It retains the unchanged principles
underpinning the extraction of teeth and established techniques of
surgical management, whilst incorporating the changes which have
taken place in key areas of practice. New sections have been added
on subjects such as the use of general anaesthetic and the
medico-legal climate. A virtual 'Apprentice's Manual', this
practical guide takes the student through basic procedures in
simple steps, thus underpinning more theoretical teaching provided
elsewhere. The author begins with the principles of tooth
extraction then goes on to advise on the use of radiographs and the
administration of anaesthesia. Surgical removal of teeth is also
covered, and a complete section deals with possible complications
and their management. This new book not only provides students with
the fundamental knowledge needed to perform their first tooth
extraction but also prepares them for more complicated techniques
they may need to use later on. It should be an essential purchase
for every dental undergraduate.Practical guidelines to efficient
tooth removal Covers both simple and more complicated extraction
techniques No other book concentrates solely on the mechanics of
tooth extraction
Accurately diagnosing the myriad of diseases that can affect the
mouth, guiding patients correctly, and offering treatment with
competence is a permanent challenge for dental surgeons and health
professionals. Often, the diagnosis of these diseases is neglected
or wrongly performed. This concise book guides health professionals
in clinical decision making in oral diseases, assisting them not
only on the diagnosis and treatment of oral and maxillofacial
diseases, but also in terms of value and benefit of who treats the
condition and, above all, who will be treated. The work provides
guidelines formulated by a compilation of specific protocols of
conduct, focusing on the scientific evidence and enriched by the
authors' critical analyses. The book is divided into eight main
sections that include twenty-eight chapters. Most of them have no
more than 5 pages and follow the same format to standardize their
use. Each chapter begins with a summary of the topic, a brief
description of the main disease that fall into this diagnostic
category, and their main definitions. Then, the clinical
characteristics, ways of making the diagnosis, and a protocol for
treatment for each lesion are presented. Additionally, the
experienced authors interestingly discuss their perceptions on how
to give bad news in the Oral Medicine setting; and the last section
is especially dedicated to the dental management of medically
complex patients or with little-known diseases, such as Burning
Mouth Syndrome and COVID-19. More than 140 high resolution clinical
images illustrate the book. Clinical Decision-Making in Oral
Medicine targets is designed for health professionals and
physicians from various specialties, who are interested in diseases
with systemic repercussions that affect the oral and maxillofacial
complex and in oral repercussions of treatments for complex
diseases such as head and neck cancer. Students in dentistry may
also find the book of value.
Ein weiteres Standardwerk aus der Kirschnerschen Operationslehre In
dieser Neuauflage wird dem Bereich der Nasennebenh-hlen und der
angrenzendenSch{delbasis endlich ein eigener Band einger{umt. Die
entsprechenden Kapitelder vorliegenden Auflage sind dazu nat}rlich
komplett }berarbeitet worden. F}r alle Nasennebenh-hlen werden die
bekannten Standardoperationen - auch im Hinblick auf den Einsatz
modernster technischer Hilfsmittel - beschrieben. So wird z.B. auch
besonders auf die Mikrochirurgie der Nasennebenh-hlen mit Hilfe von
Endoskopen und Mikroskop eingegangen. Au erdem ist eine
detaillierte Darstellung der Chirurgie der angrenzenden
Sch{delbasis bei Mi bildungen, Traumen, Entz}ndungen und Tumoren
mit aufgenommen. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit wichtigen anatomischen
Hinweisen, streift die Wahl der geeigneten An{sthesiemethode und
bespricht dann eingehend die Indikationen f}r den jeweiligen
Eingriff. Besonders eindrucksvoll wirkt die Illustration dieses
Werkes. Die zahlreichen Abbildungen sind zum gr- ten Teil neu
erstellt und mit aussagekr{ftigen Legenden versehen. Sowird schon
durch die Bilder jeder Operationsschritt anschaulich erkl{rt. Au
erdem wird auch im Text ausf}hrlich jeder Eingriff beschrieben und
auf Fehler- und Gefahrenquellen aufmerksam gemacht.
This concise book provides a sound basis in orthodontic diagnosis
for both dental students and general dental practitioners.
Following an introductory chapter on the development of normal
occlusion, this practical book provides a clear overview of the
diagnostic process. It looks at how both local and general factors
can affect the final treatment plan and the advantages of different
management strategies. Diagnosis of the Orthodontic Patient
includes over 150 illustrations five genuine clinical cases a
chapter on evidence based practice a glossary of terms.
Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft fUr Osteosynthesefragen (AO) hat seit 1958
die biomechanischen und experimentellen Grundlagen der operativen
Frakturbehandlung erarbeitet. Als beste Voraussetzung zur Wiederer-
langung der vollen Funktion einer gebrochenen Extremitat erwies
sich die sofortige schmerzfreie Bewegungstherapie, die durch eine
stabile Osteosynthese ermaglicht wird. Dieselben Grundsatze wendete
Ro- land Schmoker 1972/73nach Entwicklung einer dreidimensional
ver- biegbaren Platte und eines ausgekliigelten Instrumentariums
zunachst bei Triimmerfrakturen des Unterkiefers an. Um seine Platte
auch nach ausgedehnten Tumorresektionen einset- zen zu kannen,
erganzte er sie mit Kiefergelenkprothesen und Veran-
kerungselementen zur Fixation eines Zahnersatzes. Diese neuartigen
Implantate unterzog er einer experimentellen Priifung der
Funktions- stabilitat vorerst an 6 Schafen und fand dann im Minipig
ein Tier mit menschenahnlicher Kieferform und entsprechender
Kaufunktion. So untersuchte er in der Folge an 37 Minipigs nach
ausgedehnten Kiefer- resektionen ohne zusatzlicher
Knochentransplantation die Knochen- neubildung mit polychromen
Sequenzmarkierungen und Gewichtzu- nahme. Als vergleichbare
Kontrollgruppe dienten ihm 7 nicht operier- te Tiere. Diese
tierexperimentellen Untersuchungen ermaglichten ihm, so- wohl
Implantate und Instrumentarium fortlaufend zu verbessern, als auch
die Indikation der intra-und extraoralen Verfahren zu prazisie-
ren. Damit wurden Voraussetzungen geschaffen, um diese Methode nach
Tumorresektionen beim Menschen anzuwenden. Die beim Tier gepriiften
Verankerungselemente fUr den Zahnersatz sindaber beim Menschen noch
nicht eingesetzt worden, so da8 das Buch diesbeziig- lich kein
abschlie8endes Urteil abgeben will.
o Moderne Methoden der Ultrastrukturforschung und der
Immunhistochemie o Klassifikation der Zahntumoren nach der neuen
WHO-Nomenklatur o Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Implantologie Profitieren
Sie von einem Werk, das Ihnen kompetent und praxisgerecht die
aktuellen Erkenntnisse der Oralpathologie zur Verfugung stellt. Die
Autoren behandeln alle klinik- und praxisrelevanten Aspekte der
neoplastischen und nicht-neoplastischen Lasionen des Zahnapparates
und des Kieferknochens. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die haufigen
nichttumoroesen Krankheiten der Zahne und die odontogenen Tumoren.
Ihre Praxis-Vorteile: - Eine exzellente Bilddokumentation
unterstutzt Sie bei Ihren diagnostischen Entscheidungen. Die
farbigen Abbildungen geben anschaulich Krankheitsbilder und
Lasionen wieder. Sie helfen Ihnen, in der taglichen Routine eine
sichere Diagnose zu stellen. - Die Autoren behandeln ausfuhrlich
die immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen. Das bietet Ihnen
zusatzliche Orientierungshilfe bei der Differentialdiagnose und
erleichtert Ihnen das Verstandnis der Pathogenese. Die
anwendungsbezogene Darstellung, die aussagekraftigen Abbildungen
und die ausfuhrlichen Literaturverweise machen "Oralpathologie" als
Nachschlagewerk unentbehrlich. -> Sichern Sie sich jetzt das
aktuelle Fachwissen zum attraktiven Vorbestellpreis!
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