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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
* Provides a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic response of lattice materials, covering the fundamental theory and applications in engineering practice * Offers comprehensive treatment of dynamics of lattice materials and periodic materials in general, including phononic crystals and elastic metamaterials * Provides an in depth introduction to elastostatics and elastodynamics of lattice materials * Covers advanced topics such as damping, nonlinearity, instability, impact and nanoscale systems * Introduces contemporary concepts including pentamodes, local resonance and inertial amplification * Includes chapters on fast computation and design optimization tools * Topics are introduced using simple systems and generalized to more complex structures with a focus on dispersion characteristics
The book explores the fundamental issues of robot mechanics for both the analysis and design of manipulations, manipulators and grippers, taking into account a central role of mechanics and mechanical structures in the development and use of robotic systems with mechatronic design. It examines manipulations that can be performed by robotic manipulators. The contents of the book are kept at a fairly practical level with the aim to teach how to model, simulate, and operate robotic mechanical systems. The chapters have been written and organized in a way that they can be red even separately, so that they can be used separately for different courses and purposes. The introduction illustrates motivations and historical developments of robotic mechanical systems. Chapter 2 describes the analysis and design of manipulations by automatic machinery and robots; chapter 3 deals with the mechanics of serial-chain manipulators with the aim to propose algorithms for analysis, simulation, and design purposes; chapter 4 introduces the mechanics of parallel manipulators; chapter 5 addresses the attention to mechanical grippers and related mechanics of grasping.
This book is comprised of the latest research into CSS methods, uses, and results, as presented at the 2020 annual conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas (CSSSA). Computational social science (CSS) is the science that investigates social and behavioral dynamics through social simulation, social network analysis, and social media analysis. The CSSSA is a professional society that aims to advance the field of computational social science in all areas, including basic and applied orientations, by holding conferences and workshops, promoting standards of scientific excellence in research and teaching, and publishing research findings and results. The above-mentioned conference was held virtually, October 8 - 11, 2020. What follows is a diverse representation of new results and approaches to using the tools of CSS and agent-based modeling (ABM) in exploring complex phenomena across many different domains. Readers will therefore not only have the results of these specific projects upon which to build, along with a wealth of case-study examples that can serve as meaningful exemplars for new research projects and activities, they will also gain a greater appreciation for the broad scope of CSS.
This textbook provides a guide to the fundamental principles of acoustics in a straightforward manner using a solid foundation in mathematics and physics. It is designed for those who are new to acoustics and noise control, and includes all the necessary material for a comprehensive understanding of the topic. It is written in lecture-note style and can be easily adapted to an acoustics-related one semester course at the senior undergraduate or graduate level. The book also serves as a ready reference for the practicing engineer new to the application of acoustic principles arising in product design and fabrication.
Vibration-based condition monitoring (VCM) is a well-accepted approach in industries for early detection of any defect, thereby triggering the maintenance process and ultimately reducing overheads and plant downtime. A number of vibration instruments, data analyzer and related hardware and software codes are developed to meet the industry requirements. This book aims to address issues faced by VCM professionals, such as frequency range estimation for vibration measurements, sensors, data collection and data analyzer including related parameters which are explained through step-by-step approaches. Each chapter is written in the tutorial style with experimental and/or industrial examples for clear understanding.
This book presents the latest research advances relating to machines and mechanisms. Featuring papers from the XIII International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (TMM 2020), held in Liberec, Czech Republic, on September 7-9, 2021, it includes a selection of the most important new results and developments. The book is divided into five parts, representing a well-balanced overview, and spanning the general theory of machines and mechanisms, through analysis and synthesis of planar and spatial mechanisms, linkages and cams, robots and manipulators, dynamics of machines and mechanisms, rotor dynamics, computational mechanics, vibration and noise in machines, optimization of mechanisms and machines, mechanisms of textile machines, mechatronics and control and monitoring systems of machines. This conference is traditionally held every four years under the auspices of the international organisation IFToMM and the Czech Society for Mechanics.
This book (Vol. - I) presents select proceedings of the first Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM 2020) and focuses on theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of solid and fluid mechanics. Various topics covered are computational modelling of extreme events; mechanical modelling of robots; mechanics and design of cellular materials; mechanics of soft materials; mechanics of thin-film and multi-layer structures; meshfree and particle based formulations in continuum mechanics; multi-scale computations in solid mechanics, and materials; multiscale mechanics of brittle and ductile materials; topology and shape optimization techniques; acoustics including aero-acoustics and wave propagation; aerodynamics; dynamics and control in micro/nano engineering; dynamic instability and buckling; flow-induced noise and vibration; inverse problems in mechanics and system identification; measurement and analysis techniques in nonlinear dynamic systems; multibody dynamical systems and applications; nonlinear dynamics and control; stochastic mechanics; structural dynamics and earthquake engineering; structural health monitoring and damage assessment; turbomachinery noise; vibrations of continuous systems, characterization of advanced materials; damage identification and non-destructive evaluation; experimental fire mechanics and damage; experimental fluid mechanics; experimental solid mechanics; measurement in extreme environments; modal testing and dynamics; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; vibration measurement and control; bio-inspired materials; constitutive modelling of materials; fracture mechanics; mechanics of adhesion, tribology and wear; mechanics of composite materials; mechanics of multifunctional materials; multiscale modelling of materials; phase transformations in materials; plasticity and creep in materials; fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics; fluid-structure interaction; free surface, moving boundary and pipe flow; hydrodynamics; multiphase flows; propulsion; internal flow physics; turbulence modelling; wave mechanics; flow through porous media; shock-boundary layer interactions; sediment transport; wave-structure interaction; reduced-order models; turbo-machinery; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in mechanics; transport phenomena and soft computing tools in fluid mechanics. The contents of these two volumes (Volumes I and II) discusses various attributes of modern-age mechanics in various disciplines, such as aerospace, civil, mechanical, ocean engineering and naval architecture. The book will be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in solid and fluid mechanics and allied fields.
This textbook serves as an introduction to nonlinear dynamics and fractals for physiological modeling. Examples and demonstrations from current research in cardiopulmonary engineering and neuro-systems engineering are provided, as well as lab and computer exercises that encourage readers to apply the course material. This is an ideal textbook for graduate students in biomedical engineering departments, researchers who analyze physiological data, and researchers interested in physiological modeling.
This book discusses recent research on the stability of various neural networks with constrained signals. It investigates stability problems for delayed dynamical systems where the main purpose of the research is to reduce the conservativeness of the stability criteria. The book mainly focuses on the qualitative stability analysis of continuous-time as well as discrete-time neural networks with delays by presenting the theoretical development and real-life applications in these research areas. The discussed stability concept is in the sense of Lyapunov, and, naturally, the proof method is based on the Lyapunov stability theory. The present book will serve as a guide to enable the reader in pursuing the study of further topics in greater depth and is a valuable reference for young researcher and scientists.
This book is a systematic introduction to a new and exciting field of patterns in granular matter. Granular materials are collections of discrete macroscopic solid grains with a typical size large enough that thermal fluctuations are negligible. Despite this seeming simplicity, properties of granular materials are different from conventional solids, liquids and gases due to the dissipative and highly nonlinear nature of forces among grains. The last decade has seen an explosion of interest to nonequilibrium phenomena in granular matter among physicists, both on the experimental and theoretical side. Among these phenomena, one of the most interesting is the ability of granular matter upon mechanical excitation to form highly ordered patterns such as ripples, avalanches, or bands of segregated materials. This book presents a comprehensive review of experiments and novel theoretical concepts needed to understand the mechanisms of pattern formation in granular materials. This book is written for mature physicists interested in this new rapidly developing field, as well as young researchers and graduate students entering this field. We hope that both experimentalists and theorists already working in the field will find it useful.
This book discusses the dynamic analysis of rigid-flexible robots and multibody systems with serial as well as closed-loop architecture. The book presents a formulation of dynamic model of rigid-flexible robots based on the unique approach of de-coupling of natural orthogonal complements of velocity constraints. Based on this formulation, a computationally efficient and numerically stable forward dynamics algorithms for serial-chain and closed-loop robotic systems with rigid or flexible or rigid-flexible links is presented. The proposed algorithm is shown to be a numerically efficient for forward dynamics based on the investigation methodologies built on eigen value analytics. Precision and functionality of the simulation algorithms is presented/illustrated with application on different serial and closed-loop systems (both planar and spatial types). Some of the major robotic arms used to illustrate the proposed dynamic formulation and simulation algorithms are PUMA robot, Stanford robot arm, and Canadarm. It is envisaged that the book will be useful for researchers working on the development of rigid-flexible robots for use in defense, space, atomic energy, ocean exploration, and the manufacturing of biomedical equipment.
This book focuses on how the BOXES Methodology, which is based on the work of Donald Michie, is applied to ill-defined real-time control systems with minimal a priori knowledge of the system. The method is applied to a variety of systems including the familiar pole and cart. This second edition includes a new section that covers some further observations and thoughts, problems, and evolutionary extensions that the reader will find useful in their own implementation of the method. This second edition includes a new section on how to handle jittering about a system boundary which in turn causes replicated run times to become part of the learning mechanism. It also addresses the aging of data values using a forgetfulness factor that causes wrong values of merit to be calculated. Another question that is addressed is "Should a BOXES cell ever be considered fully trained and, if so, excluded from further dynamic updates". Finally, it expands on how system boundaries may be shifted using data from many runs using an evolutionary paradigm.
This book gives an introduction to discrete-time Markov chains which evolve on a separable metric space. The focus is on the ergodic properties of such chains, i.e., on their long-term statistical behaviour. Among the main topics are existence and uniqueness of invariant probability measures, irreducibility, recurrence, regularizing properties for Markov kernels, and convergence to equilibrium. These concepts are investigated with tools such as Lyapunov functions, petite and small sets, Doeblin and accessible points, coupling, as well as key notions from classical ergodic theory. The theory is illustrated through several recurring classes of examples, e.g., random contractions, randomly switched vector fields, and stochastic differential equations, the latter providing a bridge to continuous-time Markov processes. The book can serve as the core for a semester- or year-long graduate course in probability theory with an emphasis on Markov chains or random dynamics. Some of the material is also well suited for an ergodic theory course. Readers should have taken an introductory course on probability theory, based on measure theory. While there is a chapter devoted to chains on a countable state space, a certain familiarity with Markov chains on a finite state space is also recommended.
Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing, Volume 8: Proceedings of the 39th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2021, the eighth volume of nine from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Modal Analysis, including papers on: Operational Modal & Modal Analysis Applications Experimental Techniques Modal Analysis, Measurements & Parameter Estimation Modal Vectors & Modeling Basics of Modal Analysis Additive Manufacturing & Modal Testing of Printed Parts
Owing to the increased accuracy requirements in fields such as astrometry and geodesy the general theory of relativity must be taken into account for any mission requiring highly accurate orbit information and for practically all observation and measurement techniques. This book highlights the confluence of Applied Mathematics, Physics and Space Science as seen from Einstein's general theory of relativity and aims to bridge the gap between theoretical and applied domains. The book investigates three distinct areas of general relativity: Exact solutions of the Einstein field equations of gravitation. Dynamics of near-Earth objects and solar system bodies. Relativistic orbitography. This book is an updated and expanded version of the author's PhD thesis which was awarded the International Astronomical Union PhD prize in Division A: Fundamental Astronomy. Included is a new introduction aimed at graduate students of General Relativity and extended discussions and results on topics in post-Newtonian dynamics and general relativistic spacecraft propagation.
This monograph provides a comprehensive exploration of new tools for modelling, analysis, and control of networked dynamical systems. Expanding on the authors' previous work, this volume highlights how local exchange of information and cooperation among neighboring agents can lead to emergent global behaviors in a given networked dynamical system. Divided into four sections, the first part of the book begins with some preliminaries and the general networked dynamical model that is used throughout the rest of the book. The second part focuses on synchronization of networked dynamical systems, synchronization with non-expansive dynamics, periodic solutions of networked dynamical systems, and modulus consensus of cooperative-antagonistic networks. In the third section, the authors solve control problems with input constraint, large delays, and heterogeneous dynamics. The final section of the book is devoted to applications, studying control problems of spacecraft formation flying, multi-robot rendezvous, and energy resource coordination of power networks. Modelling, Analysis, and Control of Networked Dynamical Systems will appeal to researchers and graduate students interested in control theory and its applications, particularly those working in networked control systems, multi-agent systems, and cyber-physical systems. This volume can also be used in advanced undergraduate and graduate courses on networked control systems and multi-agent systems.
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of multibody and mechatronic systems. Topics addressed include the analysis and synthesis of mechanisms; modelling and simulation of multibody systems; railway and vehicle dynamics; mechatronic systems for energy harvesting; robot design and optimization; and mechatronic design. It gathers the second volume of the proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics (MuSMe), virtually held in Cordoba, Argentina, on October 12-15, 2021, within the framework of the FEIbIM Commission for Robotics and Mechanisms and IFToMM Technical Committees for Multibody Dynamics and for Robotics and Mechatronics.
This brief provides unified methods for the stabilization of some fractional evolution systems, nicely complementing existing literature on fractional calculus. The volume is divided into three chapters, the first of which considers the stabilization for some abstract evolution equations with a fractional damping, the second of which validates the abstract results of chapter 1 on concrete examples, and the third of which studies the stabilization of fractional evolution systems with memory.
This book provides a comprehensive guideline on dynamic analysis and vibration control of axially moving systems. First, the mathematical models of various axially moving systems describing the string, beam, belt, and plate models are developed. Accordingly, dynamical issues such as the equilibrium configuration, critical velocity, stability, bifurcation, and further chaotic dynamics are analyzed. Second, this book covers the design of the control schemes based on the hitherto control strategies for axially moving systems: feedback control using the transfer function, variable structure control, control by regulating the axial velocity, wave cancellation approach, boundary control using the Lyapunov method, adaptive control, and hybrid control methods. Finally, according to the contents discussed in the book, specific aspects are outlined for initiating future research endeavors to be undertaken concerning axially moving systems. This book is useful to graduate students and researchers in industrial sectors such as continuous manufacturing systems, transport systems, power transmission systems, and lifting systems not to mention in academia.
This book presents up-to-date concepts and design methods relating to space dynamics and control, including spacecraft attitude control, orbit control, and guidance, navigation, and control (GNC), summarizing the research advances in control theory and methods and engineering practice from Beijing Institute of Control Engineering over the years. The control schemes and systems based on these achievements have been successfully applied to remote sensing satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, new technology test satellites, Shenzhou manned spacecraft, Tianzhou freight spacecraft, Tiangong 1/2 space laboratories, Chang'e lunar explorers, and many other missions. Further, the research serves as a guide for follow-up engineering developments in manned lunar engineering, deep space exploration, and on-orbit service missions.
This book on flexible formwork for fluid architecture is a multi-faceted research that covers a broad field: from design to material and technology, and from history to future developments. It offers a pragmatic approach that can be extended with more cases, materials, techniques and methods for fluid architecture, and provides a better understanding of the main aspects of fluid architecture and to help them find the most suitable combinations of all aspects.The book is a challenging experience with many new discoveries, including two patents: one on moulding of fluid surfaces and one on 3D printing of fibre-reinforced ice. It also features two world records: the larges span (30 meters) and the highest thin shell structure (30,5 meters) in ice as well as a method for the construction of a fully laminated shell structure in insulated glass.
Hydropneumatic suspension systems combine the excellent properties of gas springs with the favourable damping properties of hydraulic fluids. The advantages of these systems are particularly appropriate for mobile applications, such as agricultural and construction equipment as well as passenger cars, trucks and busses. Based on his 20 years of experience with this technology, Dr. Bauer provides in this book an extensive overview of hydropneumatic suspension systems. Starting with a comparison of different types of suspension systems, the author subsequently describes the theoretical background associated with spring and damping characteristics of hydropneumatic systems. Furthermore, he explains the design of the most important system components and gives an overview of level control systems, various special functions, patents and design examples. Finally, an outlook for future hydropneumatic suspension systems is discussed. Compared to the first edition, this new edition puts an additional focus on damping functions as well as applications / projects and contains various additional details such as proportional valves, all-wheel suspension or dediated power supply. Furthermore, suspension testing has been added as a new chapter.
This book covers the essentials of developments in the area of plate structures and presents them so that the readers can obtain a quick understanding and overview of the subject. Several theoretical models are employed for their analysis and design starting from the classical thin plate theory to alternatives obtained by incorporation of appropriate complicating effects or by using fundamentally different assumptions. The book includes pedagogical features like end-of-chapter exercises and worked examples to help students in self-learning. The book is extremely useful for the senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering. |
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