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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
This book presents a complete framework for energy harvesting technologies based on graded elastic metamaterials. First, it provides a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art research on metamaterials for energy harvesting and then explores the theoretical wave mechanics framework, going from inhomogeneous media to graded elastic metamaterials. The framework can be used to thoroughly analyse wave propagation phenomena in beams, plates, and half-spaces and to investigate the effect of local resonance on creating bandgaps or wave mode conversions. All these concepts converge together with piezoelectric materials in the study and design of piezo-augmented arrays of resonators. The energy harvesting performances of the graded metamaterials are then compared to conventional solutions, in order to quantify their advantages for applications.
This book covers the principles and applications of vehicle handling dynamics from an advanced perspective in depth. The methods required to analyze and optimize vehicle handling dynamics are presented, including tire compound dynamics, vehicle planar dynamics, vehicle roll dynamics, full vehicle dynamics, and in-wheel motor vehicle dynamics. The provided vehicle dynamic model is capable of investigating drift, sliding, and other over-limit vehicle maneuvers. This is an ideal book for postgraduate and research students and engineers in mechanical, automotive, transportation, and ground vehicle engineering.
This book conducts effective research on data-driven Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), and accordingly presents many novel feature extraction methods by time series analysis and signal processing, to extract reliable damage sensitive features from vibration responses. In this regard, some limitations of time series modeling are dealt with. For decision-making, innovative distance-based novelty detection techniques are presented to detect, locate, and quantify different damage scenarios. The performance of the presented methods is demonstrated via laboratory and full-scale structures along with several comparative studies. The main target audience of the book includes scholars, graduate students working on SHM via statistical pattern recognition in terms of feature extraction and classification for damage diagnosis under environmental and operational variations; it would also be beneficial for practicing engineers whose work involves these topics.
The aim of this book is to provide a well-structured and coherent overview of existing mathematical modeling approaches for biochemical reaction systems, investigating relations between both the conventional models and several types of deterministic-stochastic hybrid model recombinations. Another main objective is to illustrate and compare diverse numerical simulation schemes and their computational effort. Unlike related works, this book presents a broad scope in its applications, from offering a detailed introduction to hybrid approaches for the case of multiple population scales to discussing the setting of time-scale separation resulting from widely varying firing rates of reaction channels. Additionally, it also addresses modeling approaches for non well-mixed reaction-diffusion dynamics, including deterministic and stochastic PDEs and spatiotemporal master equations. Finally, by translating and incorporating complex theory to a level accessible to non-mathematicians, this book effectively bridges the gap between mathematical research in computational biology and its practical use in biological, biochemical, and biomedical systems.
Vladimir Babitsky was born before the Second World War and migrated West after Perestroika. The theory of vibro-impact systems that he developed helped create the world's safest jackhammer and other record-breaking machines. The author has lived through a series of fascinating epochs: experiencing life under totalitarianism, witnessing the Soviet Union's collapse, and then migrating to Europe as a specialist in his field. "On the Waves of a Pulsating World" is an animated and highly engaging story about the journey of an engineer; from childhood daydreams to creating new technologies, from East to West, and from concepts to realities. It is also the story of people who outshine authoritarianism.
Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the 2019 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the first volume of six from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Experimental Mechanics, including papers on: Synchrotron Applications/Advanced Dynamic Imaging Quantitative Visualization of Dynamic Events Novel Experimental Techniques Dynamic Behavior of Geomaterials Dynamic Failure & Fragmentation Dynamic Response of Low Impedance Materials Hybrid Experimental/Computational Studies Shock and Blast Loading Advances in Material Modeling Industrial Applications
This brief presents a suite of computationally efficient methods for bounding trajectories of dynamical systems with multi-dimensional intervals, or 'boxes'. It explains the importance of bounding trajectories for evaluating the robustness of systems in the face of parametric uncertainty, and for verification or control synthesis problems with respect to safety and reachability properties. The methods presented make use of: interval analysis; monotonicity theory; contraction theory; and data-driven techniques that sample trajectories. The methods are implemented in an accompanying open-source Toolbox for Interval Reachability Analysis. This brief provides a tutorial description of each method, focusing on the requirements and trade-offs relevant to the user, requiring only basic background on dynamical systems. The second part of the brief describes applications of interval reachability analysis. This makes the brief of interest to a wide range of academic researchers, graduate students, and practising engineers in the field of control and verification.
This book presents a panorama of recent developments in the theory of tilings and related dynamical systems. It contains an expanded version of courses given in 2017 at the research school associated with the Jean-Morlet chair program. Tilings have been designed, used and studied for centuries in various contexts. This field grew significantly after the discovery of aperiodic self-similar tilings in the 60s, linked to the proof of the undecidability of the Domino problem, and was driven futher by Dan Shechtman's discovery of quasicrystals in 1984. Tiling problems establish a bridge between the mutually influential fields of geometry, dynamical systems, aperiodic order, computer science, number theory, algebra and logic. The main properties of tiling dynamical systems are covered, with expositions on recent results in self-similarity (and its generalizations, fusions rules and S-adic systems), algebraic developments connected to physics, games and undecidability questions, and the spectrum of substitution tilings.
This thesis develops next-generation multi-degree-of-freedom gyroscopes and inertial measurement units (IMU) using micro-electromechanical-systems (MEMS) technology. It covers both a comprehensive study of the physics of resonator gyroscopes and novel micro/nano-fabrication solutions to key performance limits in MEMS resonator gyroscopes. Firstly, theoretical and experimental studies of physical phenomena including mode localization, nonlinear behavior, and energy dissipation provide new insights into challenges like quadrature errors and flicker noise in resonator gyroscope systems. Secondly, advanced designs and micro/nano-fabrication methods developed in this work demonstrate valuable applications to a wide range of MEMS/NEMS devices. In particular, the HARPSS+ process platform established in this thesis features a novel slanted nano-gap transducer, which enabled the first wafer-level-packaged single-chip IMU prototype with co-fabricated high-frequency resonant triaxial gyroscopes and high-bandwidth triaxial micro-gravity accelerometers. This prototype demonstrates performance amongst the highest to date, with unmatched robustness and potential for flexible substrate integration and ultra-low-power operation. This thesis shows a path toward future low-power IMU-based applications including wearable inertial sensors, health informatics, and personal inertial navigation.
This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME 2018). The book covers mechanical design areas such as computational mechanics, finite element modeling, computer aided designing, tribology, fracture mechanics, and vibration. The book brings together different aspects of engineering design, and will be useful for researchers and professionals working in this field.
This book presents up-to-date research developments and novel methodologies to solve various stability and control problems of dynamic systems with time delays. First, it provides the new introduction of integral and summation inequalities for stability analysis of nominal time-delay systems in continuous and discrete time domain, and presents corresponding stability conditions for the nominal system and an applicable nonlinear system. Next, it investigates several control problems for dynamic systems with delays including H(infinity) control problem Event-triggered control problems; Dynamic output feedback control problems; Reliable sampled-data control problems. Finally, some application topics covering filtering, state estimation, and synchronization are considered. The book will be a valuable resource and guide for graduate students, scientists, and engineers in the system sciences and control communities.
This volume collects the edited and reviewed contributions presented in the 8th iTi Conference on Turbulence, held in Bertinoro, Italy, in September 2018. In keeping with the spirit of the conference, the book was produced afterwards, so that the authors had the opportunity to incorporate comments and discussions raised during the event. The respective contributions, which address both fundamental and applied aspects of turbulence, have been structured according to the following main topics: I TheoryII Wall-bounded flowsIII Simulations and modellingIV ExperimentsV Miscellaneous topicsVI Wind energy
This book proposes, for the first time, a basic formulation for structural control that takes into account the stochastic dynamics induced by engineering excitations in the nature of non-stationary and non-Gaussian processes. Further, it establishes the theory of and methods for stochastic optimal control of randomly-excited engineering structures in the context of probability density evolution methods, such as physically-based stochastic optimal (PSO) control. By logically integrating randomness into control gain, the book helps readers design elegant control systems, mitigate risks in civil engineering structures, and avoid the dilemmas posed by the methods predominantly applied in current practice, such as deterministic control and classical linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control associated with nominal white noises.
This book introduces a stability and control methodology named AeroMech, capable of sizing the primary control effectors of fixed wing subsonic to hypersonic designs of conventional and unconventional configuration layout. Control power demands are harmonized with static-, dynamic-, and maneuver stability requirements, while taking the six-degree-of-freedom trim state into account. The stability and control analysis solves the static- and dynamic equations of motion combined with non-linear vortex lattice aerodynamics for analysis. The true complexity of addressing subsonic to hypersonic vehicle stability and control during the conceptual design phase is hidden in the objective to develop a generic (vehicle configuration independent) methodology concept. The inclusion of geometrically asymmetric aircraft layouts, in addition to the reasonably well-known symmetric aircraft types, contributes significantly to the overall technical complexity and level of abstraction. The first three chapters describe the preparatory work invested along with the research strategy devised, thereby placing strong emphasis on systematic and thorough knowledge utilization. The engineering-scientific method itself is derived throughout the second half of the book. This book offers a unique aerospace vehicle configuration independent (generic) methodology and mathematical algorithm. The approach satisfies the initial technical quest: How to develop a 'configuration stability & control' methodology module for an advanced multi-disciplinary aerospace vehicle design synthesis environment that permits consistent aerospace vehicle design evaluations?
This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME 2018). The book discusses different topics of industrial and production engineering such as sustainable manufacturing systems, computer-aided engineering, rapid prototyping, manufacturing management and automation, metrology, manufacturing process optimization, casting, welding, machining, and machine tools. The contents of this book will be useful for researchers as well as professionals.
Master the conceptual, theoretical and practical aspects of kinematics with this exhaustive text, which provides a rigorous analysis and description of general motion in mechanical systems, with numerous examples from spinning tops to wheel ground-vehicles. Over 400 figures illustrate the main ideas and provide a geometrical interpretation and a deeper understanding of concepts, and exercises and problems throughout the text provide additional hands-on practice. Ideal for students taking courses on rigid body kinematics, and an invaluable reference for researchers.
This book presents experimental techniques in the field of aerodynamics, a discipline that is essential in numerous areas, such as the design of aerial and ground vehicles and engines, the production of energy, and understanding the wind resistance of buildings. Aerodynamics is not only concerned with improving the performance and comfort of vehicles, but also with reducing their environmental impact. The book provides updated information on the experimental and technical methods used by aerodynamicists, engineers and researchers. It describes the various types of wind tunnels - from subsonic to hypersonic - as well as the problems posed by their design and operation. The book also focuses on metrology, which has allowed us to gain a detailed understanding of the local properties of flows, and examines current developments toward creating a methodology combining experiments and numerical simulations: the computer-assisted wind tunnel. Lastly, it offers an overview of experimental aerodynamics based on a prospective vision of the discipline, and discusses potential futures challenges. The book can be used as a textbook for graduate courses in aerodynamics, typically offered to students of aerospace and mechanical engineering programs, and as a learning tool for professionals and engineers in the fields of aerodynamics, aeronautics and astronautics automobile.
The M.I.T. Introductory Physics Series is the result of a program of careful study, planning, and development that began in 1960. The Education Research Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (formerly the Science Teaching Center) was established to study the process of instruction, aids thereto, and the learning process itself, with special reference to science teaching at the university level. Generous support from a number of foundations provided the means for assembling and maintaining an experienced staff to co-operate with members of the Institute's Physics Department in the examination, improvement, and development of physics curriculum materials for students planning careers in the sciences. After careful analysis of objectives and the problems involved, preliminary versions of textbooks were prepared, tested through classroom use at M.I.T. and other institutions, re-evaluated, rewritten, and tried again. Only then were the final manuscripts undertaken.
This book focuses on safeguarding civil structures and residents from natural hazards such as earthquakes through the use of active control. It proposes novel proportional-derivative (PD) and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, as well as discrete-time sliding mode controllers (DSMCs) for the vibration control of structures involving nonlinearities. Fuzzy logic techniques are used to compensate for nonlinearities. The first part of the book addresses modelling and feedback control in inelastic structures and presents a design for PD/PID controllers. In the second part, classical PD/PID and type-2 fuzzy control techniques are combined to compensate for uncertainties in the structures of buildings. The methodology for tuning the gains of PD/PID is obtained using Lyapunov stability theory, and the system's stability is verified. Lastly, the book puts forward a DSMC design that does not require system parameters, allowing it to be more flexibly applied. All program codes used in the paper are presented in a MATLAB (R)/Simulink (R) environment. Given its scope, the book will be of interest to mechanical and civil engineers, and to advanced undergraduate and graduate engineering students in the areas of structural engineering, structural vibration, and advanced control.
This book explores the key idea that the dynamical properties of complex systems can be determined by effectively calculating specific structural features using network science-based analysis. Furthermore, it argues that certain dynamical behaviours can stem from the existence of specific motifs in the network representation. Over the last decade, network science has become a widely applied methodology for the analysis of dynamical systems. Representing the system as a mathematical graph allows several network-based methods to be applied, and centrality and clustering measures to be calculated in order to characterise and describe the behaviours of dynamical systems. The applicability of the algorithms developed here is presented in the form of well-known benchmark examples. The algorithms are supported by more than 50 figures and more than 170 references; taken together, they provide a good overview of the current state of network science-based analysis of dynamical systems, and suggest further reading material for researchers and students alike. The files for the proposed toolbox can be downloaded from a corresponding website.
This book systematically presents the theory, numerical implementation, field experiments and practical engineering applications of the 'Vehicle-Track Coupled Dynamics'. Representing a radical departure from classic vehicle system dynamics and track dynamics, the vehicle-track coupled dynamics theory considers the vehicle and track as one interactive and integrated system coupled through wheel-rail interaction. This new theory enables a more comprehensive and accurate solution to the train-track dynamic interaction problem which is a fundamental and important research topic in railway transportation system, especially for the rapidly developed high-speed and heavy-haul railways. It has been widely applied in practical railway engineering. Dr. Wanming Zhai is a Chair Professor of Railway Engineering at Southwest Jiaotong University, where he is also chairman of the Academic Committee and Director of the Train and Track Research Institute. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and one of the leading scientists in railway system dynamics. Professor Zhai is Editor-in-Chief of both the International Journal of Rail Transportation, published by Taylor & Francis Group, and the Journal of Modern Transportation, published by Springer. In addition, he is a trustee of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and Vice President of the Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering.
This book presents research results of PowerWeb, TU Delft's consortium for interdisciplinary research on intelligent, integrated energy systems and their role in markets and institutions. In operation since 2012, it acts as a host and information platform for a growing number of projects, ranging from single PhD student projects up to large integrated and international research programs. The group acts in an inter-faculty fashion and brings together experts from electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics, mechanical engineering, technology and policy management, control engineering, civil engineering, architecture, aerospace engineering, and industrial design. The interdisciplinary projects of PowerWeb are typically associated with either of three problem domains: Grid Technology, Intelligence and Society. PowerWeb is not limited to electricity: it bridges heat, gas, and other types of energy with markets, industrial processes, transport, and the built environment, serving as a singular entry point for industry to the University's knowledge. Via its Industry Advisory Board, a steady link to business owners, manufacturers, and energy system operators is provided.
Exploiting the properties of piezoelectric materials to minimize vibration in rotor-blade actuators, this book demonstrates the potential of smart helicopter rotors to achieve the smoothness of ride associated with jet-engined, fixed-wing aircraft. Vibration control is effected using the concepts of trailing-edge flaps and active-twist. The authors' optimization-based approach shows the advantage of multiple trailing-edge flaps and algorithms for full-authority control of dual trailing-edge-flap actuators are presented. Hysteresis nonlinearity in piezoelectric stack actuators is highlighted and compensated by use of another algorithm. The idea of response surfaces provides for optimal placement of trailing-edge flaps. The concept of active twist involves the employment of piezoelectrically induced shear actuation in rotating beams. Shear is then demonstrated for a thin-walled aerofoil-section rotor blade under feedback-control vibration minimization. Active twist is shown to be significant in reducing vibration caused by dynamic stall. The exposition of ideas, materials and algorithms in this monograph is supported by extensive reporting of results from numerical simulations of smart helicopter rotors. This monograph will be a valuable source of reference for researchers and engineers with backgrounds in aerospace, mechanical and electrical engineering interested in smart materials and vibration control. Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.
This book draws together the most interesting recent results to emerge in mechanical engineering in Russia, providing a fascinating overview of the state of the art in the field in that country which will be of interest to a wide readership. A broad range of topics and issues in modern engineering are discussed, including dynamics of machines, materials engineering, structural strength and tribological behavior, transport technologies, machinery quality and innovations. The book comprises selected papers presented at the 7th conference "Modern Engineering: Science and Education", held at the Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University in May 2018 with the support of the Russian Engineering Union. The authors are experts in various fields of engineering, and all of the papers have been carefully reviewed. The book will be of interest to mechanical engineers, lecturers in engineering disciplines and engineering graduates.
This volume presents the latest academic research and industrial applications in the area of mechanisms, robotics and dynamics. Contributions cover such topics as biomedical applications, control issues of mechanical systems, dynamics of multi-body systems, experimental mechanics, haptic systems, history of mechanism science, industrial and non-industrial applications, linkages and cams, mechanical transmissions and gears, mechanics of robots and manipulators, theoretical kinematics. Resulting from the 7th European Conference on Mechanism Science, which was held at RWTH Aachen University on September 4-6, 2018, this works comprises an overview on current research activities across Europe. . |
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