Books > Computing & IT > Computer software packages > Other software packages > Enterprise software
The topic of Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) is having an
increasingly relevant strategic impact on global business and the
world economy, and organizations are undergoing hard investments in
search of the rewarding benefits of efficiency and effectiveness
that these ranges of solutions promise. Organizational Integration
of Enterprise Systems and Resources: Advancements and Applications
show that EIS are at the same time responsible for tremendous gains
in some companies and tremendous losses in others. Therefore, their
adoption should be carefully planned and managed. This title
highlights new ways to identify opportunities and overtake trends
and challenges of EIS selection, adoption, and exploitation as it
is filled with models, solutions, tools, and case studies. The book
provides researchers, scholars, and professionals with some of the
most advanced research, solutions, and discussions of Enterprise
Information Systems design, implementation, and management.
Sektion 1: Internet als Business-Plattform.- Elektronische
Koordination interorganisatorischer Geschaftsprozesse zwischen
privaten Haushalten und Versicherungen im Rahmen von
Tele-Insuring.- Internet-Nutzung im Business-to-Business-Bereich:
Stand der Entwicklung, Typologie und Anwendungsbeispiele.- Aufbau
eines Elektronischen Handelsplatzes fur Java-Applets.-
Preisstrategien fur ein integriertes Universal-Internet.- Sektion
2: Optimierung von Geschaftsprozessen.- Value-Based Management of
Inter-Organizational Business Processes.- A Hierarchical Planning
Procedure Supporting the Selection of Service Providers in
Outtasking Decisions.- A Multiagent System-Approach for the Design
of Information Systems in Virtual Organizations.- Office-Automation
in Municipal and County Administration with an Integrated Workflow
Based Information System.- Efficiency and Cost Implications of
Capital Allocation Mechanisms: A Contribution to the
Market-versus-Hierarchy-Discussion.- Sektion 3: Groupware- und
Workflow-Strategien.- Organisatorischer Wandel bei Einfuhrung von
Groupware.- Increased Competitiveness using a Groupware based
Project Controlling System.- Architektur zur
informationstechnologischen Unterstutzung von Kooperationen.-
Enterprise Knowledge Medium (EKM) - Konzeption und Einsatz eines
computergestutzten Planungs- und Kontrollsystems im
prozessorientierten Unternehmen.- Unterstutzung der
Workflow-Entwicklung durch ein unternehmensweites Repository fur
Geschaftsprozessrealisierungen.- Sektion 4: Groupware-Anwendungen.-
New perspectives for higher education processes as a team-based
approach - Back-office information technology for higher education
and training.- Konfiguration des Informationsdienstes in
Groupware.- Sektion 5: Wirtschaftliche Programmerstellung.- Global
Production: The Case of Offshore Programming.- Metriken fur die
IV-Diagnose, Konzept und prototypische Implementierung.-
Produktinformationssysteme in Business Networks.- Sektion 6: SAP
und Client-Server-Integration.- System Migration and System
Integration: Two SAP Cases.- Unternehmensweite Datenkonsistenz
durch Integration bestehender Informationssysteme.- Client/Server
Architecture: what it promises - what it really provides.- IS
Project Risk in Polish Organizations.- Sektion 7: Organisation und
Datenmanagement.- Flexible Organizations Through Object-oriented
and Transaction-oriented Information Systems.- Determinants and
Outcomes of Electronic Data Interchange Integration.-
Referenz-Informationsmodelle fur den Handel: Begriff, Nutzen und
Empfehlungen fur die Gestaltung und unternehmensspezifische
Adaption von Referenzmodellen.- Entwicklung eines Data Warehouse
fur das Produktionscontrolling: Konzepte und Erfahrungen.- Sektion
8: Neue Chancen durch Multimedia.- Der Markt fur interaktive
elektronische Medien aus oekonomischer Sicht.- Sektion 9:
Anwendungen von Internet/Intranet.- Improving Competitiveness of
Direct Banking via IT-Enabled Incentive Schemes.- Die Nutzung von
Internet-Diensten im Rahmen des Elektronischen Datenaustauschs -
Architekturvarianten und ein Anwendungsszenario.- Sektion 10:
Organisation und Workflow.- Neue Organisationsformen und IT:
Herausforderung fur die Unternehmensgestalter.- INCOME/WF - A Petri
Net Based Approach to Workflow Management.- On the Object-Oriented
Modelling of Distributed Workflow Applications.- Sektion 11:
Reorganisation des Unternehmens.- Synthesizing Business and
Information Systems (IS): Towards a Common Business-IS Model based
on Agents.- Planungs- und Kontrollmodelle zur Steuerung
prozessorientierter Organisationen auf der Basis einer
Intranet-Anwendung.- Neue Kernprozesse fur Versicherer mit
Agenturnetz.- Sponsorenverzeichnis.- Autoren- und
Global markets and competition have forced companies to operate in
a physically distributed environment to take the advantage of
benefits of strategic alliances between partnering firms. With
global operations in place, there is a need for suitable Enterprise
Information Systems (EIS) such as Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) and E-Commerce (EC) for the integration of extended
enterprises along the supply chain with the objective of achieving
flexibility and responsiveness. Enterprise Information Systems and
Advancing Business Solutions: Emerging Models is to provide
comprehensive coverage and understanding of various enterprise
information systems (EIS) such as enterprise resource planning
(ERP) and electronic commerce (EC) and their implications on supply
chain management and organizational competitiveness. Design,
development, and implementation issues of EIS including ERP and EC
will be discussed. These include organizational, people, and
technological issues of EIS. This title will also expand the
knowledge on ERP and EC and in turn help researchers and
practitioners to develop suitable strategies, tactics, and
operational policies for EIS and for improving communication in
Auf der Grundlage aktueller Entwicklungen der Wirtschaftsinformatik
stellen die Autoren Konzepte dar, die als Richtlinie fA1/4r die
kA1/4nftige Entwicklung von einem die operationalen Systeme, Data
Warehouse-, Informations-, Experten- und Data Mining Systeme
umfassenden Anwendungssystem dienen kAnnen.
Neben notwendigen theoretischen Aspekten wird basierend auf der
umfangreichen praktischen Erfahrung der Autoren in der
Anwendungsentwicklung fA1/4r Kreditinstitute ein konkreter
Praxisbezug hergestellt. Die Autoren untermauern ihre Betrachtungen
heutiger und kA1/4nftiger Anwendungsentwicklungen sowohl mit den
theoretischen Grundlagen als auch mit dem praktischen Nutzen der
Methoden. Mit konkretem Praxisbezug werden flexible operationale
Systeme erlAutert und eine optimale Informationsversorgung der
EntscheidungstrAger aufgezeigt. AussagefAhige Grafiken machen das
Buch fA1/4r jeden Interessierten verstAndlich.
The advancement of computing and communication technologies have
profoundly accelerated the development and deployment of complex
enterprise systems, creating an importance in its implementation
across corporate and industrial organizations worldwide.""The
Handbook of Research on Enterprise Systems"" addresses the field of
enterprise systems with more breadth and depth than any other
resource, covering progressive technologies, leading theories, and
advanced applications. Comprising over 25 articles from 47 expert
authors from around the globe, this exhaustive collection of highly
developed research extends the field of enterprise systems to offer
libraries an unrivaled reference.This title features: 27
authoritative contributions by over 45 of the world's leading
experts on enterprise systems from 16 countries; comprehensive
coverage of each specific topic, highlighting recent trends and
describing the latest advances in the field; more than 800
references to existing literature and research on enterprise
systems; and, a compendium of over 200 key terms with detailed
definitions. It is organized by topic and indexed, making it a
convenient method of reference for all IT/IS scholars and
professionals. It also features cross-referencing of key terms,
figures, and information pertinent to enterprise systems.
Tourism is one of the leading industries worldwide. The magnitude
of growth in tourism will bring both opportunities and problems to
source and destination markets in years to come, especially in the
internal and external exchange of information in the industry.
""Information and Communication Technologies in Support of the
Tourism Industry"" examines the process of transformation as it
relates to the tourism industry, and the changes to that industry
from modern electronic communications. ""Information and
Communication Technologies in Support of the Tourism Industry""
covers not only geographically supportive technologies in
communication, but also in terms of culture, economics, marketing,
social, and regional issues. In-depth analyses range from the use
of the Internet to supply information to the emerging patterns of
tourist decision making and investments.
In today s world, most global companies face enormous challenges in
dealing with an inflexible budget climate when complex changes are
required. "Secrets to a Successful Commercial Software
Implementation" will help guide business leaders to gain
understanding of how commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) software like
SAP, Seibel, and PeopleSoft should be applied in order to
ultimately achieve significant cost savings.
Project management professional Nick Berg utilizes his strong
background in domestic and international Systems Applications and
Products to teach others the potential benefits of implementing
COTS products such as faster deployment time, enhanced quality and
reliability, reduced development risk, provided periodic upgrades
and improvements, and an already established support system. He
introduces a unique process for COTS development, presents
best-practice processes for COTS projects, and defines the
architecture procedures within the COTS environment. Finally, he
walks through each project phase of a COTS-based project by
introducing the objectives, road map, roles, activities, artifacts,
and milestone of the phase.
The cultural impact on an organization facing this decision is
profound, but if implemented with forethought, planning, and
dedicated guidance and execution, the benefits to an organization
will be long reaching and significant.
Organisationen im Wandel der Markte: A.-W. Scheer, R. Borowsky, U.
Markus: Neue Markte, neue Medien, neue Methoden - Roadmap zur
agilen Organisation; B. Anderer, K. Knue: Sichere Transaktionen in
Electronic Banking und Electronic Commerce; D. Budaus: Public
Private Partnership als innovative Organisationsform; U. Dalkmann,
F. Karbenn: Energieabrechnug im Wandel - Der Weg zum Kunden uber
leistungsfahigen 'Customer Service'; E. Frese: Von der
Planwirtschaft zur Marktwirtschaft - auch in der Unternehmung?; P.
Neef, M. Moeller: Erfolg im Netz; E. Rauch: Bankenfusionen.-
Methoden der Organisationsentwicklung: P. Hintermann, W. Hoffmann,
C.-P. Koch: Prozessorientiertes Informationssystem als
Voraussetzung fur eine erfolgreiche Unternehmensintegration; M.
Lapp: Intranet - Internes Internet; R. Minz: IT als
Managementaufgabe begreifen; A. Muller: Vom Geschaftsprozessdesign
zum prozessorientierten Managementsystem; S. Neumann, G. Fenk, B.
Fluegge, J.T. Finerty: Knowledge Management Systems - optimaler
Einsatz des 'Produktionsfaktors Wissen'; M. Pastowsky, F.
Hausen-Mabilon: Gestaltung von Kommunikationsprozessen im
Entwicklungsbereich: Rahmenbedingungen, Vorgehen und Beispiele; A.
Poscay: Mit neuen Medien zu einem effizienten Beratungsnetzwerk.-
M. Reiss Wandel im Management des Wandels; J. Hagemeyer, R. Rolles,
Y. Schmidt, J. Bachmann, A. Haas: Dynamische Prozesse durch
workflow-zentrierte Geschaftsprozessoptimierung: Herausforderungen
in der Praxis; J. Schweitzer, H. Baltes, K. Merschjahn, G.
Schneider: Professionelle Telekooperation fur das Teammanagement in
virtuellen Unternehmen; H.-G. Servatius: Vom Reengineering zum
Wissensmanagement.- Anforderungen an das Controlling: J. Fiedler,
G. Barzel, K. Vernau: Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung als
Steuerungsinstrument - flachendeckende und zugige Einfuhrung in
einer deutschen Grossstadt; H. Frei: Mit Qualitatscontrolling auf
dem Weg zum European Quality Award (EQA); O. Froehling: Controlling
goes Multimedia; P. Hirschmann: Prozesskostenrechnerische Bewertung
von Dienstleistungen zur Verbesserung der innerbetrieblichen
Leistungsverrechnung; P. Horvath: Mit Balanced Scorecard Strategien
erfolgreich umsetzen; R. Mahnkopf: Neues Kommunales Rechnungswesen
- eine neue Methode fur ein anspruchsvolles
Verwaltungsinformationssystem; R. Moser: Neue Perspektiven durch
die Istkostenrechnung; H. Neukam: Neues Controlling durch
integrierte Standardsoftware; K. Vikas: Trends und neue
Entwicklungen im Controlling; A. Hoffmann, K. Wolf:
Wertorientiertes Management auch fur Informatik Investitionen?; J.
Zinkernagel: Prozesscontrolling im Entwicklungsprozess eines
Automobilzulieferers; W. Kraemer, F. Milius, V. Zimmermann:
Elektronische Bildungsmarkte fur ein integriertes Wissens- und
Dynamic Business Process Formation fuses practical needs with
theoretical input to present important research innovations in
supporting Instant Virtual Enterprises (IVEs). This new
organization type brings a combination of business dynamism and
explicit business process structure to domains where on-the-fly
formation of well-organized business networks is required to deal
with the complexity of new products or services under high time
pressure. This book contains the main results of the IST CrossWork
project, and, importantly, looks beyond the boundaries of this
project and sources input from related projects and general trends
in collaborative enterprises and the automotive industry. Both the
business and technical aspects of Virtual Enterprise coordination
are covered within the modular structure of the book, which enables
readers from different backgrounds to benefit from the book
according to their interests.
Adaptive Technologies and Business Integration: Social, Managerial
and Organizational Dimensions provides an authoritative review of
both intra-organizational and inter-organizational aspects in
business integration, including: managerial and organizational
integration, social integration, and technology integration, along
with the resources to accomplish this competitive advantage. This
Premier Reference Source contains the most comprehensive knowledge
on business integration. It provides an all-encompassing
perspective on the importance of business integration in the
emerging networked, extended, and collaborative organizational
models. The innovative research contained in this reference work
make it an essential addition to every library.
Confidently shepherd your organization's implementation of
Microsoft Dynamics 365 to a successful conclusion In Mastering
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementations, accomplished executive,
project manager, and author Eric Newell delivers a holistic,
step-by-step reference to implementing Microsoft's cloud-based ERP
and CRM business applications. You'll find the detailed and
concrete instructions you need to take your implementation project
all the way to the finish line, on-time, and on-budget. You'll
learn: The precise steps to take, in the correct order, to bring
your Dynamics 365 implementation to life What to do before you
begin the project, including identifying stakeholders and building
your business case How to deal with a change management throughout
the lifecycle of your project How to manage conference room pilots
(CRPs) and what to expect during the sessions Perfect for CIOs,
technology VPs, CFOs, Operations leaders, application directors,
business analysts, ERP/CRM specialists, and project managers,
Mastering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementations is an
indispensable and practical reference for guiding your real-world
Dynamics 365 implementation from planning to completion.
This book illustrates the role of software architecture and its
application in business. The author describes enterprise
architecture along with business architecture to show the role of
software architecture in both areas. The place of software
architecture in business is outlined from many perspectives in this
context. The book outlines quality attributes and how managers can
use software architecture to build high quality products. Topics
include business software architecture, dealing with qualities,
achieving quality attributes, managing business qualities, software
product line, Internet of Things (IOT), and Service Oriented
Business Architecture. The book is intended to benefit students,
researchers, software architects, and business architects. Provides
quick and easy access to all the important aspects of software
architecture in business; Highlights a wide variety of concepts of
software architecture in a straightforward manner, for students,
practitioners, or architects; Presents different applications of
software architecture in business.