Books > Health, Home & Family > Cookery / food & drink etc > General cookery
In this continuing series, the topic of vegetables embraces a wide
range of pieces from English, American and overseas scholars. Their
treatments encompass both a broader consideration of the vegetable
diet and the history of the cultivation and consumption of specific
varieties. Cookery and consumption are not highlighted at the
expense of cultivation, so there are some interesting essays on
allotments, market gardening in the Paris region, early-modern
vegetable gardening in England and the development of markets in
India. The theme has been treated with admirable latitude in
contributions on vegetables and diplomacy, vegetable carving, and
vegetables in Renaissance art. Essays include: (Don't) Eat Your
Vegetables: A Historical Semiotics of Carving Legumes (Julia
Abramson); The War of Vegetables: The Rise & Fall of the
English Allotment Movement (Lesley Acton); The First Scientific
Defense of a Vegetarian Diet (Ken Albala); Mukimono & Modoki:
Japan's Culinary Trompe l'oeil (Elizabeth Andoh); The Bitter - and
Flatulent - Aphrodisiac: Synchrony and Diachrony of the Culinary
Use of Muscari Comosum in Greece and Italy' (Anthony Buccini); Eat
Your Greens: Traditional Leafy Vegetables for Better Nutrition
(Jeremy Cherfas); 'We Talked About the Aubergines: Some Minor
Pleasures of European Diplomacy (Andrew Dalby); Akkoub ( Gundelia
Tournefortii - Tournefort's gundelia): An Edible Wild Thistle from
the Lebanese Mountains (Anissa Helou); Is There Salvation in
Sweetness? Sugar Beets in America (Cathy Kaufman); The Potato in
Irish Cuisine and Culture (Mairtin Mac Con Iomaire & Padraic Og
Gallagher); Sweet As Notes on the Kumara or New Zealand Sweet
Potato as a Taonga, or Treasure (Ray McVinnie); Wild Thing: The
Naga Morich Story (Michael & Joy Michaud); 'Per rape et porri
et per spinachi': Re-examining the Realities of Vegetable
Consumption at the Monastery of Santa Trinita in Post-Plague
Florence (Salvatore Musumeci); Les Maraichers - Market Gardeners of
the Ile de France (Lizbeth Nicol); Keeping the Home Fires Burning:
Culinary Exchanges, Sustainability and Traditional Vegetable
Markets in India (Krina Patel); The Los Angeles Vegetable Cult
(Charles Perry); From the Plate to the Palate: Visual Delights from
the Vegetable Kingdoms of Italy (Gillian Riley); But Did the
English Eat Their Vegetables? A Look at English Kitchen Gardens and
the Vegetable Cookery they Imply, 1650-1800 (William Rubel);
Renaissance Italy and the Fabulous, Flamboyant Inslata (June di
Schino); Pomtajer (Karin Vaneker); A Vegetable Zodiac from Late
Antique Alexandria (Susan Weingarten).
The Real Meal Revolution was all about taking on the global obesity epidemic with a revolutionary approach to eating; it challenged ingrained beliefs, it sold (and still sells) in record-breaking numbers throughout South Africa, and it changed people’s lives.
With Raising Superheroes, the authors have now set out to revolutionise the way we feed our children. It’s time, they believe, to challenge the kids’ food industry and our old assumptions; it’s time to give our children the best nutrition possible, and the best start in life.
Raising Superheroes is not a Banting cookbook, and it doesn’t offer no-carb eating for kids. But – in advocating low-sugar, low-refined-carb, “real” food eating – it is the Real Meal Revolution’s next step towards changing the world.
Eat Bike Cook brings together 40 delicious easy recipes created to
meet the energy demands of cyclists, with tips, hacks and food
diaries from women cyclists, both professionals and enthusiastic
amateurs. There are quick, up-and-at-'em breakfast ideas to charge
you up pre-ride, energy-boosting back pocket picnics to keep you
going strong while you're on the road and wonderfully restorative
main meals to share with friends once you've crossed the finish
line. With stunning food photography and illustrations by Kitty
Pemberton-Platt, whose drawings have lit up Instagram with their
honest visualisations of what female cyclists really eat. As well
as providing inspiration on easy and tasty ways to fuel for days on
the bike, Eat Bike Cook is a celebration of the female cycling
community: of the great chat in a cafe mid-ride, of the handful of
Haribos that gets you through the last 25km and the shared beer and
burger at the end of the day.
Enjoy a life without counting calories, without guilt, simply
Innocently Sweet. With the increasing demand for healthy food
options, Innocently Sweet is the perfect guide to treating yourself
to your favourite desserts, still keeping nutrition and health at
heart and mind. This book will be the perfect inspiration for
dinner parties, weekend treats or birthdays, allowing you to enjoy
every bite guilt free. But this is not just a cook book. Chantal,
with her coaching and nutrition experience, shares the health
benefits of using real ingredients; guidance to moderation, whilst
teaching us the danger of sugar and how the food industry works.
Chantal, a fantastic health coach and passionate cook, shares some
of her fun recipes, easy to make and healthful with every bite. A
guide to the right ingredients and what to look for Easy to follow
recipes to beautiful guilt free desserts Understand your body and
know what works for you
For the millions of home cooks who swear by the ease and
convenience of the slow cooker, this book provides a new array of
healthy, delicious recipes. And for the millions of vegetarians
looking for simple, hearty fare, this book introduces them to the
magic of slow cooking. The book proves that slow cookers can be
used for much more than just tough, inexpensive cuts of meat. They
are perfect for vegetarian and healthy cooking because slow cooking
is a foolproof way to make beans, grains, root vegetables, in
preparations such as Spicy White Bean and Sweet potato Stew with
Collards, Balsamic-Glazed Carrots and Parsnips, and Boston Brown
Bread. Stuffed vegetables such as Bell Peppers Stuffed with
Couscous and Lentils, are moist and tender, with none of the oven's
dryness. Even desserts such as Chocolate Fancy Fondue and
Brandy-Laced Pear Brown Betty, are sensational.
When first published in 1976, More-with-Less Cookbook by Doris
Janzen Longacre struck a nerve with its call for every household to
help solve the world food crisis. Now with more than 800,000 copies
around the globe. it has become the favorite cookbook of many
Whether you're just starting your very first garden, or you've been
gardening for years, you might as well incorporate what you grow
into your daily meals! Part vegetable gardening book and part
healthy eating book, this is a practical and accessible guide that
will show you how to grow a lush home garden, as well as how to
preserve, can, and cook easy, healthy recipes from the vegetables
you've cultivated all year round! No big gardening space or
gardening experience is needed. Featuring expert guidance on the
basics of vegetable gardening, as well as how to freeze, can,
dehydrate, ferment, and dry many popular fruits and vegetables. The
book also includes over 100 recipes that include vegan, vegetarian,
heart-healthy, and keto/low-carb options. From canning recipes to
appetizers, main dishes, and big salads organized by season for
year-round consumption, this complete guide has everything you need
to know to cultivate, can, and serve fresh, healthy foods from
More great advice from Charlie Papazian, homebrew master and author of the bestselling The Complete Joy of Homebrewing. "Many ask me, 'What's different about The Homebrewer's Companion?' It's a book that I might have titled The Complete Joy of Homebrewing, Volume 2. The information is 98 percent new information, including improved procedures for beginning and malt-extract brewers as well as advanced and veteran brewers. There are loads of new recipes and useful charts and data that I continually refer to in my own homebrew recipe formulation (I still homebrew about 20 batches a year). My theme throughout is 'Keep it practical. Keep it useful.' I wanted to answer 10 years' worth of questions in this one volume. I did ... and I had fun doing it." -- Charlie Papazian Get the Most from Your Malt! - Easy-to-follow techniques and trouble-shooting tips
- Answers to the most-often asked questions
- A guide to world beer styles
- Useful facts on fermenting, yeast culturing and stove-top boiling
- Charts, tables, support information and much, much more
- Over 60 exotic recipes to try -- from "You'll See" Coriander Amber Ale to Waialeale Chablis Mead
Make sure to check out the third edition of The Complete Joy of Homebrewing.
Hierdie boek wys jou hoe om gewilde kunshandwerktegnieke in koek
versiering toe te pas en met behulp van fondantversiersel,
modelleer pasta, sjokoladedeeg, botterversiersel, ganache en harde
versiersel eetbare handwerkitems te skep. Of jy nou 'n bakker of
koekversierder is wat nuwe tegnieke wil aanleer om in jou
koekversiering te gebruik, of 'n handwerker wat graag wil leer
koekbak en -versier, hier is vir elkeen iets van waarde. Katrien
werk met plaatkoeke (reghoekige enklellaag-koeke) as basis sodat
die koekvorm eenvoudig is en jy kan fokus op die handwerktegnieke
wat vir versiering gebruik word. Die koek is die skoon skilderdoek
waarop kunswerk geskep word. Die inspirasie vir die versiering kom
van papierkuns, mosaiek, borduurwerk, lapdrukwerk, kwlit- en
appliekwerk en enige handwerk waaraan jy kan dink. Daar is 18
koekprojekte, plus minikoeke, wat van begin tot einde stap vir stap
verduidelik word sodat jy daarvolgens self kreatiewe koeke kan
skep. Laaste, maar nie die minste nie, is daar getoetste en
flatervrye resepte vir koeke, botterversiersel, ganache en
fondantversiersel, asook ontwerpe wat jy vir jou koeke kan gebruik.
The only chocolate-themed cookbook to offer recipes from all over the world in a beautiful hardback with color photographs – the perfect gift for chocaholics! Over 90 decadent chocolate recipes from around the globe.
Whether you want to bake homemade cakes or brownies, create spectacular desserts for a party or craft mini chocolate treats, you’ll find something to love here. Take a tour around the globe and learn the best chocolate recipes from the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia–Pacific and Africa.
- Perfect familiar favourites such as the American classic Chocolate Fudge Cake.
- Discover Mexico’s famous fried donut treat: Chocolate Sopapillas.
- Experiment with flavour with Japan’s Matcha & White Chocolate Blondies.
- Get a taste of Italy with the Chocolate Tiramisu or Chocolate & Pistachio Biscotti.
- Put an Irish spin on meringue with the Coffee Liqueur Meringue with Chocolate.
- Craft a gift inspired by the Middle East with Marzipan-stuffed Chocolate Dates.
A one-stop bible for chocoholics, this book offers everything you need to quench your sweet tooth cravings.
'If you were to only have one Slater cookbook in your life, this is
it' OFM, Books of the Year 'He is king among food writers' Nigella
Lawson 'Slater's best book' Diana Henry, Sunday Telegraph A Cook's
Book is the story of Nigel Slater's life in the kitchen. From the
first jam tart Nigel made with his mum standing on a chair trying
to reach the Aga, through to what he is cooking now, this is the
ultimate Nigel Slater collection brimming with over 200 recipes. He
writes about how his cooking has changed from discovering the best
way to roast a chicken to the trick to smoky, smooth aubergine
mash. He gives the tales behind the recipes and recalls the first
time he ate a baguette in Paris, his love of jewel-bright Japanese
pickled radishes and his initial slice of buttercream-topped
chocolate cake. These are the favourite recipes Nigel Slater cooks
at home every day; the heart and soul of his cooking. Chapters
include: a slice of tart, a chicken in the pot, everyday greens,
the solace of soup and the ritual of tea. This is the essential
Nigel Slater.
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