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Books > Medicine > Surgery > General

Yamada's Atlas of Gastroenterology Sixth Edition (Hardcover): T.C. Wang Yamada's Atlas of Gastroenterology Sixth Edition (Hardcover)
T.C. Wang
R7,065 Discovery Miles 70 650 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Die neueste Ausgabe des Atlas of Gastroenterology enthalt umfassendes Bildmaterial, das einen besonders aussagekraftigen UEberblick uber die wichtigsten gastrointestinalen, pankreatischen und hepatobiliaren Erkrankungen vermittelt. Alle Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Trakts, von Leberabszessen uber endokrine Neoplasmen der Bauchspeicheldruse bis hin zu Motilitatsstoerungen der Speiseroehre, werden anhand von endoskopischen und transabdominalen Ultraschallbildern, Computertomographien, Magnetresonanzbildern, Radionuklidbildern, Angiogrammen und hochaufloesender Manometrie dargestellt, erganzt um Hinweise zur Histopathologie und Zytologie. Der Atlas enthalt uber 2000 aussergewoehnliche Bilder, geordnet nach Krankheitsbild und Therapieansatz, die auch histopathologische Praparate, MRT- und CT-Scans, Endoskopie, EUS und Bilder von offenchirurgischen Eingriffen umfassen. Mit einem hervorragenden Redaktionsteam und 200 Autoren fur die einzelnen Kapitel, bei denen es sich jeweils um international anerkannte Experten in ihren Fachgebieten handelt, richtet sich Yamada`s Atlas of Gastroenterology an eine breite Leserschaft, von Studierenden uber Assistenzarzte, Stipendiaten und AErzte in Ausbildung bis zu Klinikarzten, Professoren und anderen Medizinexperten. Vielbeschaftigte AErzte in Ausbildung oder Klinikarzte, die sich eine schnelle Einfuhrung in das Spektrum der gastroenterologischen Erkrankungen wunschen, finden in Yamada`s Atlas of Gastroenterology eine praktische und hilfreiche Darstellung der haufigsten Erkrankungen mit einer prazisen, umfassenden Erlauterung der wichtigsten Punkte.

Medical Theory, Surgical Practice - Studies in the History of Surgery (Paperback): Christopher Lawrence Medical Theory, Surgical Practice - Studies in the History of Surgery (Paperback)
Christopher Lawrence
R1,129 Discovery Miles 11 290 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Originally published in 1992, Medical Theory, Surgical Practice examines medical and surgical concepts of disease and their relation to the practice of surgery, in particular historical settings. It emphasises that understanding concepts of disease does not just include recounting explicit accounts of disease given by medical men. It needs an analysis of the social relations embedded in such concepts. In doing this, the contributors illustrate how surgery rose from a relatively humble place in seventeenth century life to being seen as one of the great achievements of late Victorian culture. They examine how medical theory and surgical practices relate to social contexts, how physical diagnosis entered medicine and whether anaesthesia and Lister's antiseptic techniques really did cause a revolution in surgical practice.

Surgical Ethics (Hardcover, New): Laurence B. McCullough, James W. Jones, Baruch A. Brody Surgical Ethics (Hardcover, New)
Laurence B. McCullough, James W. Jones, Baruch A. Brody
R2,368 Discovery Miles 23 680 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This is the first textbook of surgical ethics. It is a practical, clinically comprehensive, well-organized guide to ethical issues in surgical practice, research, and educatio written by leading figures in surgery and bioethics. The authors cover the surgeon-patient relationship, the full range of surgical patients, surgical education and research and surgery and managed care. Their chapters are not abstract discussions of ethical principles; rather, they connect directly with the everyday concerns of practising surgeons.

Smart Guide to Healing Back Pain (Paperback): Carole Bodger Smart Guide to Healing Back Pain (Paperback)
Carole Bodger
R511 R484 Discovery Miles 4 840 Save R27 (5%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Smart Advice on the leading causes of back problems and the best ways to relieve the pain
Smart Ways to stretch, exercise, and strengthen the muscles in your back
Smart Tips on how today's leading medical techniques and therapies can make your back feel good again
An all-you-need-to-know introduction to understanding why your back hurts and how to make it feel good again
* Smart Insights into the causes of back pain and the many factors--including

Chirurgisches Forum '99 Fur Experimentelle Und Klinische Forschung - 116. Kongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur... Chirurgisches Forum '99 Fur Experimentelle Und Klinische Forschung - 116. Kongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Chirurgie, Munchen, 06.04. - 10.04.1999 (English, German, Paperback)
D. Birk, L Staib; Editorial coordination by H.G. Beger; Edited by D. Ruhland, M. Rothmund, …
R2,087 Discovery Miles 20 870 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Der Forumband erscheint jahrlich zum Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. In ihm enthalten sind die wichtigsten, streng ausgewahlten Arbeiten der deutschen chirurgischen Forschung, sowohl der klinischen als auch der Grundlagenforschung. Die Arbeiten werden durch strenggegliederte englische Abstracts eingeleitet. Dieser Band erscheint im Index Medicus und Current Contents.

A Time for All Things - The Life of Michael E. DeBakey (Hardcover): Craig A. Miller A Time for All Things - The Life of Michael E. DeBakey (Hardcover)
Craig A. Miller
R1,978 Discovery Miles 19 780 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

He has been called the greatest surgeon of the 20th century. The son of Lebanese immigrants, Michael DeBakey rose from humble beginnings in a backwater Louisiana town to dominate the landscape of modern medicine. His contributions to our understanding and treatment of cardiovascular disease, in particular, were innumerable and epoch-making. DeBakey led a life of high drama, from the streets of Jazz Age New Orleans and the operating theaters of pre-war Europe, to the battlefields of World War II and the floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina. An advisor to Presidents, a health care statesman, and a physician to royalty and commoner alike, he helped build Houston's Texas Medical Center into a jewel of the medical world. Yet DeBakey's own family paid a tremendous cost for his commitment to his fellow man. Buoyed by unique access to primary resources, A Time for All Things: The Life of Michael E. DeBakey is the first to tell the remarkable story of a driven genius who led a scientific and therapeutic revolution in all its dramatic depth.

Smart Guide to Healing Back Pain (Hardcover): Carole Bodger Smart Guide to Healing Back Pain (Hardcover)
Carole Bodger
R800 R712 Discovery Miles 7 120 Save R88 (11%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Smart Advice on the leading causes of back problems and the best ways to relieve the pain
Smart Ways to stretch, exercise, and strengthen the muscles in your back
Smart Tips on how today's leading medical techniques and therapies can make your back feel good again
An all-you-need-to-know introduction to understanding why your back hurts and how to make it feel good again
* Smart Insights into the causes of back pain and the many factors--including

Management of Vitreo-Retinal Disease - A Surgical Approach (Paperback, 1999 ed.): Anthony Chignell Management of Vitreo-Retinal Disease - A Surgical Approach (Paperback, 1999 ed.)
Anthony Chignell; Illustrated by T.R. Tarrant; David Wong
R1,585 Discovery Miles 15 850 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Management of Vitreo-Retinal Disease: A Surgical Approach provides a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis, clinical management and surgery of many retinal disorders. As such it will be invaluable to both trainee and consultant ophthalmologists but will also be very useful to optometrists and ophthalmic opticians who are becoming increasingly involved in the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic disorders. The authors' wealth of experience in the field is presented to the reader in a didactic text supported by illustrations and photographs (many in colour) which enable the reader to readily convert the knowledge presented into practice.

Cancer: How Worthwhile is Non-Curative Treatment? (Paperback, Edition. ed.): Maurice L. Slevin, Teresa Tate Cancer: How Worthwhile is Non-Curative Treatment? (Paperback, Edition. ed.)
Maurice L. Slevin, Teresa Tate
R2,957 Discovery Miles 29 570 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Cancer is a major issue in the provision of health care. It is estimated that one in four people in developed countries are likely to develop it at some time. As longevity steadily increases, the incidence of malignant disease is expected to rise further. Important advances in the control of cancer have taken place and curative treatment has improved, notably in some of the rarer tumours, particularly in children. Advances in the more common cancers have been less marked, although adjunctive systemic treatment and population screening are lowering mortality from the most prevalent cance- carcinoma of the breast. Despite this progress, complete control of malignant disease is still a long way off. However, our understanding of the molecular biology of cancer has increased enormously in recent years and the application of this knowledge holds considerable promise for developing new therapeutic strategies. As for prevention, the cause of most cancers is still poorly understood although it is clear that tobacco avoidance would prevent most lung cancers and several others. Cancer is studied at many different levels: molecular and cellular biology, pathology in patients (particularly clinical trials), and prevention and populations (epidemiology). The psychosocial problems caused to patients and their families are being increasingly recognized and subjected to systematic study. Workers in the field, therefore, range from basic scientists to epidemiologists, from hospital specialists to community support teams. Each needs to have at least some knowledge of the role the others play.

Unfallheilkunde - Ein Leitfaden Fur Klinik Und Praxis (German, Hardcover, 3rd 3. Vollig Uberarb. Aufl. 1999. ed.): G.H... Unfallheilkunde - Ein Leitfaden Fur Klinik Und Praxis (German, Hardcover, 3rd 3. Vollig Uberarb. Aufl. 1999. ed.)
G.H Engelhardt
R3,803 Discovery Miles 38 030 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Fachubergreifende Aspekte der Hamostaseologie II - 4. Heidelberger Symposium Uber Hamostase in der Anasthesie, 3.-4. Mai 1996... Fachubergreifende Aspekte der Hamostaseologie II - 4. Heidelberger Symposium Uber Hamostase in der Anasthesie, 3.-4. Mai 1996 (English, German, Paperback)
Eike Martin, Peter Nawroth
R1,895 Discovery Miles 18 950 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Das 4. Heidelberger Symposium uber "Hamostase in der Anasthesiologie" hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, fachubergreifend die noch ungelosten Fragen in der Hamostaseologie offenzulegen und auf der Basis einer kritischen Wertung der bekannten Studien klare Handlungsanweisungen fur den praktisch tatigen Arzt zu geben. Die angesprochenen Themen sind haufig in der Klinik auftretende Probleme wie die perioperative Einstellung von Hamophilen, die Betreuung von Patienten mit Massivtransfusion, Protein Z-Mangel, Lungenembolie, Katheterthrombose und Probleme der Gerinnungsanalyse und die Sicherheit von Praparaten mit Gerinnungsfaktoren. Das vorliegende Buch hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den Leser uber die neuen Entwicklungen zu informieren und Anleitungen zum praktischen klinischen Handeln zu geben.

Penile Disorders - International Symposium on Penile Disorders, Hamburg, Germany, January 26-27, 1996 (Paperback, illustrated... Penile Disorders - International Symposium on Penile Disorders, Hamburg, Germany, January 26-27, 1996 (Paperback, illustrated edition)
Hartmut Porst
R1,577 Discovery Miles 15 770 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book contains a compilation of papers based on pres entations made at the International Symposium on Penile Disorders held in Hamburg, Germany, 26-27 January 1996, under the Chairmanship of Hartmut Porst. This was a unique conference in that it comprehensively addressed various disorders that affect the organ situated at the "center of the male," the penis. As an important beginning, the sociocultural aspects of the erect phallus were presented by G. Wagner from Copen hagen. The anatomy of the penis and the physiological con ditions of erection were then discussed by K. -P. J Unemann from Mannheim, Germany. Previous conferences on the penis had concentrated only on specific areas of disease such as impotence. However, it became readily apparent that at this conference something new for almost every as pect of disease would be discussed, including congenital disorders such as hypospadias and epispadias, sexually transmitted and noninfectious dermatological diseases, and congenital and acquired penile curvatures and penile fractures. An excellent presentation of managing penile cancer by stage related therapeutic decision was presented by S. C. MUller from Bonn, Germany. There is no better per son to present a discussion of Peyronie' s disease in 1996 from a historical and management perspective than J. Pryor from London, UK. This same degree of expertise was also demonstrated by I. Saenz de Tejada from Madrid, Spain, re garding priapism."

Betriebswirtschaftliche Praxisfuhrung fur AErzte - Steigern Sie Ihren Praxis-Erfolg in wenigen Schritten (German, Hardcover,... Betriebswirtschaftliche Praxisfuhrung fur AErzte - Steigern Sie Ihren Praxis-Erfolg in wenigen Schritten (German, Hardcover, 2004 ed.)
Helmut Boerkircher; Assisted by K Ahlers, H. Cox, H -P Kortschak, P J Lehmeier, …
R2,486 Discovery Miles 24 860 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Der wirtschaftliche Druck auf Arzte nimmt standig zu. Fehlentscheidungen in der Arztpraxis kosten nicht nur Gewinn, sondern gefahrden die Selbstandigkeit.

Dieses Praxis-Buch hilft Ihnen

- die Erfolgsfaktoren Ihrer Arztpraxis zu steuern
- wirtschaftliches Handeln konkret anzuwenden
- fit in Fachausdrucken zu werden
- Gesprachskompetenz bei Steuerberatern, Anwalten, Banken und Behorden zu erlangen
- Ihren Erfolg zu planen

Steigern Sie Ihren Praxis-Erfolg in wenigen Schritten Konzentrieren Sie sich auf die wirklich wichtigen Massnahmen. Senken Sie Kosten und Steuern Mit zahlreichen Checklisten."

21st Century Miracle Medicine - Robosurgery, Wondercures and the Quest for Immortality (Paperback, Softcover Reprint Of The... 21st Century Miracle Medicine - Robosurgery, Wondercures and the Quest for Immortality (Paperback, Softcover Reprint Of The Original 1st Ed. 1997)
Alexandra Wyke
R1,569 Discovery Miles 15 690 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

}The emerging picture of medicine looks gloriously sunny for the 21st century, promising untold rewards for humanitys future health. The 20th century, in contrast, has proved disappointing in eradicating disease. Surgery today, still in the Dark Ages, relies on scalpels and other such Medieval tools. Is the end of illness within our grasp for the next century?Alexandra Wykea correspondent for The Economist and one of the worlds most experienced medical journaliststraveled the globe in search of an answer to the future of medicine. She interviewed the most celebrated and innovative doctors, researchers, and medical scientists, and visited their laboratories. What she discovered is revealed in this astonishing work through her observant eye and splendid prose. Cancer, heart disease, and devastating ailments, she predicts, will be blights of the past.One of the greatest revolutions in medicine will be created by the advances in computers and telecommunications. Surgery, we learn, will be performed from afar. After too many years, medicine is at long last poised to absorb and exploit the triumphs of the computer and the information revolution.This comprehensive, must read book not only illuminates the seemingly miraculous cures and advances that may soon prevail, but delineates how this wealth of stunning innovation will serve to shake up and streamline the entire health care industry. Wyke introduces us to the wonders that await us: } *Special cocktails will counteract heart disease and eradicate genetic ailments *Energy beams will search out and destroy malignant cells *Robots will perform surgery with speed and precision *Gizmos on our wrists will monitor our blood for trouble before it happens *Top-level expertise will be delivered worldwide..

Peritoneal Adhesions (Paperback, illustrated edition): Karl-Heinz Treutner, Volker Schumpelick Peritoneal Adhesions (Paperback, illustrated edition)
Karl-Heinz Treutner, Volker Schumpelick
R2,982 Discovery Miles 29 820 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Adhesions can cause a wide range of problems, complaints and hazards, even after simple abdominal procedures, such as appendectomy, with complications ranging from recurrent discomfort and pain to intestinal obstruction. Postsurgical adhesions increase the risk of following operations of the abdominal and thoracic cavity. They impair peritoneal dialysis and chemotherapy and play a crucial part in laparoscopic procedures. Adhesion-related problems account for a large amount of clinical work and have a significant socioeconomic impact. This book presents the current knowledge on the aetiopathogenesis of adhesion formation as well as the available methods for their prevention and control. Experts in the field contribute to clinical standards for preventive measures to control the formation of postoperative adhesions

Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (Paperback): Algirdas Kakarieka Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (Paperback)
Algirdas Kakarieka
R2,902 Discovery Miles 29 020 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In the last few decades an abundance of publications have accumu lated on the clinical implications of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) due to aneurysmal rupture. In contrast, until about 6 years ago, SAH due to traumatic head injury mainly, if not only, drew the attention of the forensic pathologist. In their analysis of the data from the American Traumatic Coma Data Bank, Eisenberg et al. concluded in 1990 that the presence of SAH on the initial computed tomographic scan (tSAH) had an un favourable effect on outcome. This conclusion has since been con firmed in other series. Dr. Kakarieka, the author of the present monograph, has been fascinated by tSAH since his participation in 1989 as International Trial Coordinator of the large European Trial on the effect of nimodipine on outcome after severe injury (HIT 2). This study re vealed a statistically significant, favourable effect in the subgroup of patients with tSAH, a result which warranted a further trial on the efficacy of nimodipine administration in patients with tSAH. This trial, the so-called German trial which was completed in 1995, not only revealed that tSAH is an important and independent factor predicting unfavourable outcome in head injury, but also showed convincingly the statistically significant, favourable effect of nimodipine adminis tration in patients with tSAH."

Tropenchirurgie / Tropical Surgery, II - 2. Tropenchirurgisches Symposium, 12. und 13. Marz 1993, Ulm (English, German,... Tropenchirurgie / Tropical Surgery, II - 2. Tropenchirurgisches Symposium, 12. und 13. Marz 1993, Ulm (English, German, Paperback)
W Strecker, Lothar Kinzl
R1,906 Discovery Miles 19 060 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Die Grundungsversammlung der "Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Tropenchirurgie e. V. (DTC)", die am 25. 9. 1992 in Homburg/Saar aus der "Vereinigung zur Forderung der Chirurgie in Entwicklungslandern e. Y. " hervorging, verlief nicht ohne Geburtswe- hen. Allein die lebhafte Diskussion um die Anerkennung des Begriffs "Tropenchirur- gie" wird noch allen Beteiligten gegenwartig sein. Mittlerweile ist die Existenz der DTC ebenso selbstverstandlich und vertraut geworden wie der BegriffTropenchirurgie. Die DTC hat sich zum Forum der operativ tatigen und praxisorientierten Tropenmediziner entwickelt. Die wachsende Beliebt- heit der tropenchirurgischen Workshops in Homburg/Saar sowie der tropenchirurgi- schen Symposien zeugen von einem lebhaften Bedurfnis nach praktischer Weiterbil- dung und fachlichem Austausch. Auch das H. Tropenchirurgische Symposium in Ulm beschrankt sich wiederum thematisch auf zwei Schwerpunkte: "Sonographie in der Tropenchirurgie" und "Neu- rologie/Neurotraumatologie". Auch wenn die tropenchirurgische Realitat von mate- riellen Engpassen gekennzeichnet ist, die haufig nur die Anwendung einfacher und kostengunstiger Mittel erlaubt, so ist damit in keiner Weise ein Verzicht auf moderne Technologien verbunden. Nicht zuletzt unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Kosten-Nutzen- Re~ation verdient die Sonographie gebuhrende Aufmerksamkeit. Durch eine recht- zeitige und prazisere Diagnostik lassen sich nicht selten operative Eingriffe besser planen, risikoarmer gestalten oder gar vermeiden. Teure Verlegungen in oft weit ent- fernte medizinische Zentren werden mitunter uberflussig, Verlaufskontrollen unter konservativer Therapie zuverlassiger. Die Frage nach der Wertigkeit der Sonographie fur Tropenmedizin und Tropenchirurgie wird von P. Langenscheidt und Mitarbeitern sowie von H. Diefenthal positiv beantwortet.

Paediatric Surgical Diagnosis - Atlas of Disorders of Surgical Significance, Second Edition (Paperback, 2nd edition): Spencer... Paediatric Surgical Diagnosis - Atlas of Disorders of Surgical Significance, Second Edition (Paperback, 2nd edition)
Spencer Beasley, John Hutson, Mark D. Stringer, Sebastian King, Warwick Teague
R5,025 Discovery Miles 50 250 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This second edition of Pediatric Diagnosis is a colour atlas of clinical conditions in pediatric surgery. It provides an illustrated guide to the diagnosis of all common and most rare paediatric surgical conditions. Extensively used for examination preparation, the atlas comprises 1400 photographs of congenital and acquired anomalies. This book offers extensive coverage of all the common, and many of the rare conditions in paediatric surgery.

Chirurgisches Forum'96 Feur Experimentelle und Klinische Forschung - 113. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur... Chirurgisches Forum'96 Feur Experimentelle und Klinische Forschung - 113. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fur Chirurgie, Berlin, 9.-13. April 1996 (English, German, Paperback)
R. Pichlmayr, J Seifert, W Hartel, Etc; Assisted by D. Birk, …
R2,036 Discovery Miles 20 360 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Im Chirurgischen Forum werden ausgewahlte Beitrage vorab veroffentlicht, die auf dem Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie vorgetragen werden. Der Forumsausschuss achtet dabei auf hochste Qualitat der Beitrage. Der Leser findet hier die neuesten Ergebnisse aus Forschung und Klinik ubersichtlich in einem Band.

General Surgery (Paperback, 2nd ed. 1996): R.R. Claudet General Surgery (Paperback, 2nd ed. 1996)
R.R. Claudet; M. Alex Jacocks
R2,959 Discovery Miles 29 590 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Updated, revised and organized, the new Second Editions in the Clinical Sciences Series reflect the format of the USMLE Step 2. Each volume systematically presents the core information of a single segment of the medical curriculum, from Family Medicine to Psychiatry. You will also learn time-honored tricks of the trade,as well as the latest advances in clinical medicine: new diagnostic tools, new therapeutic interventions, and new pharmacologic options.

Complications of Urologic Surgery and Practice - Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management (Paperback): Kevin R. Loughlin Complications of Urologic Surgery and Practice - Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management (Paperback)
Kevin R. Loughlin
R1,955 Discovery Miles 19 550 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Divided into five sections focusing on perioperative, surgical, pediatric, endoscopic and laparoscopic, and miscellaneous complications, this guide supplies state-of-the-art strategies for the identification, prevention, and management of the myriad complications that can arise during urologic surgical treatment. With contributors from leading health centers across the United States, this source reviews the potential complications of the latest laparoscopic procedures, as well as those related to systemic conditions.

Critical Limb Ischemia - Diagnosis and Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original... Critical Limb Ischemia - Diagnosis and Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995)
Svante Horsch, Luc Claeys
R2,966 Discovery Miles 29 660 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Chronic critical limb ischemia remains one of the most frequent causes of illness and hospitalization in the western world. Interest in critical limb ischemia has increased markedly in recent years. There have been significant achievements in diagnostic pro cedures as well as in the medical, invasive, and surgical treatment of patients with critical limb ischemia. Despite a considerable research effort, the pathophysiological mechanisms of critical limb ischemia in humans remains to be established. Prominent is the increasing interest in the microcirculation, as well as in the hemorheological, hemostatic and inflammatory changes which may promote critical limb ischemia. Further research is necessary to quantify the relevance of microcirculatory in vestigations in terms of predicting the prognosis or to evaluate the effects of new therapies. Our main task is to offer the patient the best possible therapy in order to avoid limb loss and to improve quality of life. The various methods of treatment, their suc cess rates, and their complications, must be carefully evaluated and discussed. This volume presents the complex field of diagnosis and treatment of critical limb ischemia. The diagnosis and treatment involves different specialists including angio logists, interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons, plastic surgeons, diabeto logists, etc. Individual chapters have been written by Belgian and German experts in the various specialities, who present their own experience. We are very grateful that these experts have joined us to produce this book on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and rational therapy.

Illustrated Handbook of Cardiac Surgery (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1996): Bradley J. Harlan, Albert... Illustrated Handbook of Cardiac Surgery (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1996)
Bradley J. Harlan, Albert Starr, Fredric M. Harwin
R4,245 Discovery Miles 42 450 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The Illustrated Handbook of Cardiac Surgery is adapted from the Second Edition of the color illustrated Manual of Cardiac Surgery (Springer-Verlag, 1995). The Illustrated Handbook of Cardiac Surgery communicates all the important informa tion, but eliminates the detailed explanation of judgment and technique that is relevant only to cardiac surgeons or other individuals intensely interested in these details. The chapters covering operations explain the basic concepts and fundamentals of the operations. A selection of the most important biblio graphic sources follows each chapter, but are not cited in the text. Individuals interested in more exhaustive coverage of information sources should consult the Second Edition of the Manual of Cardiac Surgery. The Illustrated Handbook of Cardiac Surgery should appeal to all individuals caring for cardiac surgical patients: cardiologists, anesthesiologists, radiolo gists, general surgery residents rotating on cardiac surgery, medical students, physician assistants, nurses, perfusionists, and all other members of the car diac surgery team. It should even appeal to laypeople who want to read about cardiac surgery in more depth than is available in lay publications. Our attempt has been to produce a book that is clearly written, clearly illustrated, and affordable. The techniques chosen are those developed over three decades of clinical practice and resident training at the Oregon Health Sciences University and St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Oregon, and Sutter Memorial Hospital, Sacra mento, California. These techniques have served us well."

Craniopharyngioma - Surgical Treatment (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995): Giovanni Broggi Craniopharyngioma - Surgical Treatment (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995)
Giovanni Broggi
R1,533 Discovery Miles 15 330 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Craniopharyngioma represents a major challenge for neurosurgeons, pediatricians, and endocrinologists. This so-called benign tumor is a real threat to quality of life and life itself. This book discusses the various therapeutic strategies and suggests multimodal treatment approaches, including microsurgery, stereotaxis, and alternative treatments. The rationale for choice of therapy is supported by biological, clinical, and neuroradiological data and therapeutic results of a large series of case studies from all over the world are reported. Finally, guidelines for further development and new topics for research and treatment are offered.

Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields - Volume 6: Cardiovascular Surgery. Thoracic Surgery (Paperback, illustrated... Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields - Volume 6: Cardiovascular Surgery. Thoracic Surgery (Paperback, illustrated edition)
Gunther Schlag, Ernst Wolner, Franz Eckersberger
R2,940 Discovery Miles 29 400 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

These eight volumes, which developed out of the international congress "Update and Future Trends in Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields" held in November 1992, present the state of the art in fibrin sealing. Initially, fibrin sealant played an important role in surgery. During the past few years, it has been increasingly applied nonsurgically and we can now say that it has become an integral component of medical treatment. The doubts which have been raised by nonusers about the efficacy of fibrin sealant are no longer valid. The correct indication and technique continue to be basic prerequisites for effective treatment. Even today - 20 years after fibrin sealant was first used - the three most prominent effects of fibrin sealant are still hemostasis, sealing of the wound, and support of wound healing. The problems posed by the transmission of viral infections have gained substantially in importance because of the potential transmission of AIDS via fibrin sealant. Fortunately, this is so unlikely today that it no longer represents a cause for concern, which does not mean, however, that research in this field can be discontinued.

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